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Research Methodology

This research study seeks to explore the current information management systems of
Infosys, for purposes of exploring its limitations, in view of the activities of the
organisation. Further, the study also wishes to explore how the department, for which this
researcher works, manages to liaise with the larger organisation. Ultimately, it is the
intention of the research study to identify areas of improvement of the systems to an ideal
one. In this case, a qualitative method of research has been adopted for this particular
research study, with the use of a secondary source of data being adapted to aid in the
obtaining of the required information.

Information management
Definition and scope
Information systems management has been described as “a subset of the overall internal
controls of a business covering the application of people, documents, technologies, and
procedures by management accountants to business problems such as costing a product,
service or a business-wide strategy” . It is important to appreciate that there is a distinct

difference between, on the one hand, information systems management and, on the other
hand, regular information systems. In this case, information systems management
application when it comes to the issue of assessing the other types of information systems
that find use in the operational activities of the organisation .

From an academic point of view, the terms find to use while describing the various
techniques of handling information management, and which are often linked with support
or the automation of the decisions making process by the human resource (for example,
expert systems, decision support systems, as well as the executive information systems).
An ‘MIS’ system has also be defined as a planned structure that aims to help in gathering,
processing, then storing and finally, disseminating information that is necessary for
purposes of ensuring that the various roles of management to an organisation are

In terms of scope, information systems management integrates computer resources with

human-based ones so as to gather, store, and later on retrieve data in the form of
information and utilise it to manage the different operations of an organisation efficiently.
In this case, information systems management may be seen to be mainly concerned with
internal as well as the external delivery of information to the various members of an
organisation, either down an organisation structure/hierarchy or upwards.

Therefore, it is the intention of information systems management to assist in the running of

a given business entity in a smooth manner by way of ensuring that the needed
information is availed to the parties that are in need of it in a timely manner. The
evaluation of such information shall then assist in the activity of a timely and calculated
decision-making process .4

The information revolution in business and

Information management is increasingly turning into a vital activity, as we see more and
more organisations executives who are forward-thinking and intelligent waking to the
realisation that the evolution of information is extremely dynamic and for the
organisations to maintain a competitive edge in the market, it is important for the
management to ensure that keep abreast of the information revolution . 5

The revolution of information within a business setting now transcends the floors of the
factors and channels of distribution. Computer modelling, for instance, has to a large
extent reduced the cost and time necessary for the designing of items that could include
skyscrapers, motor vehicles and even commercial airlines. Yet, the information revolution
has not just been limited to the production and manufacturing sectors. Even in the medical
fraternity, it is now possible to accomplish through diagnoses of patients, in both a fast and
accurate manner, thanks to the advances that we have in ICT.

Instant access to information has meant that treatment can now be hastened, in addition to
the fact that it now becomes quite possible to eliminate, to a large extent, hours of
procedures . What is more, there had been an enhanced potential when it comes to the

issue of discovering a treatment that is more effective, courtesy of the paralleled revolution
that has been witnessed in the medical fraternity, such as in the area of biotechnology, like
the efforts that are still underway, to entirely map-our the whole human genome.

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