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⮚ Place your name in the center circle of the structure above.

⮚ Write in each of the satellite circles an identifier or descriptor that you feel is important in
defining you. This can include anything – Book reader, artist, K-Pop lover, female, athlete,
future educator, introvert – or any descriptor with which you identify.
1. Share a story about a time you were especially proud to identify yourself with one of the
descriptors you used above.
Always making a total effort, even when the odds are against me. At one instance I was proud of myself being an
athlete. As far back as I can remember, sports have been a part of my life. Any time I hold and swung a bat I found
happiness and joy. Being an athlete taught me about hard work and dedication. I’ve learn that to be good at what you
do, you can’t just sit there around and expect things to always go your way. I was never blessed with physical gifts,
but I did put in extra effort to be part of the Kiblawan Vipers and be the best player I could be. I was genuinely happy
every time we engage in sports tournament or softball league. I was proud at myself because of my hard work, effort,
and dedication I was able to represent my locality which is Kiblawan in the National game held at Tacurong, City
Sultan Kudarat, and I was proud of myself also for representing my institution which is the Davao Del Sur State
College (DSSC) as was one of the MASTS participants. As an athlete my life has never been easy, it was a roller coaster
ride for I have many sacrifices to make in order for me to continue playing. It was really hard to balance my time
between my practices in my sports and my education. But, I learned first-hand that student athletes must work harder
than those casual students. All in all, it is very overwhelming because my athlete life taught me how to be a person
with character. Hard work, perseverance, balance, and teamwork are just few of the characteristics that made me a
woman that I’m proud to be. I am grateful that I was given the opportunity to participate in sports which made me
the individual I am today.

2. Share a story about a time it was especially painful to be identified with one of your identifiers or
Don’t be fooled by my happy-go-lucky exterior, it hides a wild mind and a vulnerable heart. For most of my life I
taught being an introvert sometimes is a bad thing. Growing up with an extremely extroverted family, and me
suddenly turns a quiet one was never easy. I’m good being alone sometimes, and avoid any kind of confrontation. It
was just felt right that giving myself a time to recharge quietly has provided me enough energy. But, it was so painful
and scary. I just felt like I have battling my own struggles, overcoming my fears, and breakdowns alone when everyone
wants to be there for me ready to help me, lean their shoulders, and become my source of strength but I rather isolate
myself. I don’t want anybody sees me as a weak one, I want them to only see me as a happy person, as a strong and
independent one. It was so painful when I’m hurt and want to scream, nobody sees me or hear because I just kept it all
within me. It was so painful to avoid people and losing my confidence to face them. It was so painful to be by myself

3. Name a stereotype associated with one of the groups with which you identify that is not
consistent with who you are.


4. Fill in the following sentence:

I am (a/an) athlete playing with passion, acceptance and dedication but I am NOT (a/an)
athlete who wants only to win the game and be a champion.

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