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A case study on the Customer Requirement Specification process of construction projects in the Netherlands

Janiek Baarends
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Delft University of Technology
Delft, the Netherlands

Abstract— The Customer Requirement Specification value adding (NVA) activities. Above that, activity owners
(process) is a core part of Systems Engineering and often were idle during 62% of the time.
burdened with waste, but what are the (root) causes? In This raises the next question: what are causes and root
this paper, the results from a case study about the causes causes to such types of waste?
and root causes of waste in the Customer Requirement In literature two reasons can be distinguished:
Specification process are presented and discussed. During 1) Most processes and procedures are not designed at all. In
two preliminary studies these (root) causes have been fact, they just happen [2]. Often, Systems Engineering is not
identified. A brainstorm session revealed five causes and an incorporated into the planning as such; only particular
A3 Process method has been applied to identify its Systems Engineering activities are planned for, but lack
accompanying root causes and a case study was used to coherence. Often these ineffective ways-of-working emerge
validate these (root) causes. During the case study different “as a consequence of uncoordinated incremental change or the
root causes were observed in contrast to the pre-assumed inability to take advantage of new design enablers”. [7,
root causes. Inexperience and the lack of knowledge with pp.34)];
regard to the process contributed to a large extent to the 2) “[H]ow [Systems Engineering] processes should ideally
generation of waste during the project. This difference may
work is rarely specified clearly” [3, pp.249)]. When new
be due to the fact that each project and its context are
processes are designed in general, there is no accessible
unique. This research provides an increased understanding
documentation for employees in most cases [3].
of (root) causes for waste in the Customer Requirement
It is argued that these poorly designed processes result in
Specification process.
inefficiencies such as higher costs, wasted effort, and wasted
time, with an increased potential for errors [3]. All together
Keywords — Systems Engineering, Customer Requirement may lead to project failure.
Specification, causes, root causes, waste, case study
The Systems Engineering approach states that a project is a
success if all (relevant) customers’ requirements are met
“Systems Engineering is regarded as a technically sound within socially accepted costs. However, this objective is
process for creating complex systems but is often burdened constrained by physical boundaries, standards, time, resources,
with waste and inefficiencies” [9, pp.3)]. However, waste is and budget. From the Systems Engineering’s perspective,
present in all sorts of projects. It is evident that failed projects customer is king. Therefore the Customer Requirement
represent the most waste, but even successful projects suffer Specification, where customer demand is established by
from lots of waste [9]. collecting needs, expectations, and wishes of all stakeholders
A study in the aerospace industry observed waste in 27 with respect to the system to be realized, is a vital part of
(different) aerospace projects that were executed using the Systems Engineering.
Systems Engineering approach [11]. Said study [11] shows Up till now virtually no research has been done with
that the most contributing category of waste is waiting (is the regard to the Customer Requirement Specification process, but
time spend waiting), which is striking since the second most a large consultancy and engineering firm in the Netherlands
contributing category is over processing. This means that indicated that they experience inefficiencies when they draw
when one is waiting for some input to continue his/her job, up Customer Requirement Specifications. In their opinion, the
another is over processing output, revealing that activities are current Customer Requirement Specification process, as
not always planned properly. applied to the Dutch Civil Engineering sector and adduced by
Another study illustrated the amount of waste produced by Rijkswaterstaat, shows to be inadequate to prevent, reduce, or
people (wasted effort) and waste produced by work packages eliminate waste [4]. Therefore, an interesting question to pose
(wasted time) [8] showing that 29% of all activities were here is what causes inefficiencies or waste? Thus, the
required non-value adding (RNVA) activities and 40% non- objective of this paper is to identify reasons for inefficiencies
and/or waste and to check whether these actually occur in the

Customer Requirement Specification processes of In detail, the activities consist of the following steps:
construction projects in the Netherlands. In order to achieve A1. At the beginning of each project, the problem is defined
this objective, two preliminary studies have been performed to first. Consequently, a problem definition document is
identify causes and root causes, subsequently a case has been drafted. When there is a clear understanding of the
studied to validate these causes and root causes. The results problem, project objectives are set, which subsequently
are reported in this paper. are incorporated into a project plan.
The structure of this paper is as follows: section two A2. The stakeholder analysis starts with identifying all
presents the background of the case that has been studied and stakeholders. Next, their interests, power, and resources
the Customer Requirement Specification process as applied to are determined. Finally, a stakeholder overview is
the drawbridge to be designed in the case. Section three established.
describes the research methodology. Section four presents the A3. First, the needs, requirements, and constraints are
results of this study. Section five gives an interpretation of the identified. After drawing up a preliminary list of customer
results and a discussion. Finally, section six concludes this requirements, these requirements are assessed based on
paper by providing a conclusion and suggestions for future usefulness (i.e. are the requirements clear and is it
research. possible to assess them during a granting session?). If
requirements are useful, they are assessed and the
II. THE CASE problem owner will be advised accordingly – to either
All results of this research are based on empirical data grant them or not (i.e. decided to incorporate a specific
from infrastructure projects at a large consultancy and requirement of a stakeholder into the design). Ultimately,
engineering firm in the Netherlands. The company has over a the problem owner decides whether to grant these
thousand employees and offers consultancy and designs for requirements or not.
water, infrastructure, spatial development, environment, and A4. This activity consists of two steps: making agreements
construction projects [13]. about how requirements will be validated and specifying
The case that has been analysed during this study was the those (agreed) validation steps.
renovation of a drawbridge in the Netherlands. This project is A5. The fifth activity is drafting the actual Customer
executed using Systems Engineering and uses an adapted Requirement Specification document.
approach as stated by the problem owner. This study focuses A6. Finally, the requirements from the Customer Requirement
on a specific phase of said approach; the Customer Specification are validated using the validation strategy as
Requirement Specification process. The Customer specified in A4. The validated customer requirements and
Requirement Specification process as applied to the how it is translated into system requirements are reported
renovation project consists of the following activities as to the relevant stakeholder(s). If the stakeholder does not
depicted by figure 1: analysing the problem and defining agree with the translation, requirements need to be
project objectives (A1), performing a stakeholder analysis reformulated and checked with the stakeholder yet again.
(A2), gathering and assessing customer requirements (A3),
defining a validation strategy for those requirements (A4), III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
drawing up a Customer Requirement Specification (A5), and The research was conducted using a three-phase research
validating this Customer Requirement Specification (A6). approach. During the first phase, the current situation is
These activities are performed by the project team, which analysed within the company and a set of hypotheses have
consists of different people: been derived that describe the causes for waste when using the
• The project leader who leads, checks work done, and Systems Engineering approach. In the second phase,
organizes meetings with the problem owner; hypotheses for root causes are identified for the causes defined
• Team members of the CRS who perform all activities in the previous phase. The third and final phase consists of a
as described in the preceding; case study. The hypotheses are validated in this case study.
• Designers who design the new drawbridge.

Figure 2: Research methodology

Figure 1: Customer Requirement Specification

A. Phase one – identifying causes for waste B. Phase two – identifying possible root causes
A brainstorm session was used to identify waste in the The A3 Process method was used to reveal root causes of
Customer Requirement Specification process. Hypotheses are the previous identified causes for waste. Most companies try to
identified and presented below. This served as an input for solve their problems in superficial ways, but do not solve the
phase three where these will be validated using a case study. root causes. By not addressing these causes, the same problems
The possible causes that were identified during the brainstorm will appear again and again. Based on the results from the A3
session are the following: Process method, the hypothesis is that the five causes have the
1) The process of granting requirements (C1). During the following root causes:
process of granting requirements multiple people are needed
to assess the requirements, time is lost because of mandatory 1) The process of granting requirements (C1)
steps in the process and accountability, requirements also go a) The company demarcates what should be documented,
through the process multiple times when they cannot be but the problem owner wants full accountability (RC1.1)
assessed due to indecisiveness of the problem owner or the b) The Customer Requirement Specification team and
ambiguity of those requirements. area management intermingle without having any agreements
2) Irrelevant requirements are included in the Customer with respect to who will be preforming which tasks (RC1.2)
Requirement Specification (C2). During the Customer c) There is a lack of managerial understanding by too
Requirement Specification process a lot of irrelevant many people (in particular area manager and problem owner)
requirements are included, which are those that are too (RC1.3)
detailed for a specific design phase, requirements that are
outside the scope of the project, and those that are unrealistic. 2) Irrelevant requirements are included in the Customer
Including these types of requirements asks for a lot of extra Requirement Specification (C2)
work since they have to go trough the whole Customer a) The Customer Requirement Specification team talks
Requirement Specification process as well. with the wrong interlocutors to retrieve requirements (RC2.1)
3) Continuous inflow of requirements (C3). At the start of a
b) The Customer Requirement Specification team uses
project, a large amount of requirements come in, however
the wrong framing/ introduction of the problem when they talk
during the project (i.e. when the new system is designed) and to stakeholders (RC2.2)
at the end of the project, the same amount of requirements
c) The strategic behaviour of stakeholders (sometimes
come in. This asks for changes to the initial design (additional
stakeholders use the Customer Requirement Specification
work and rework) and it jeopardises completing the project on
process as a means to accomplish other goals outside the
schedule. project scope) (RC2.3)
4) The Customer Requirements Specification is highly
underestimated (C4). Often project teams delve into the
3) Continuous inflow of requirements (C3)
design stage of a project right away, without considering the
customer’s needs and requirements. Underestimation can a) Project control: time and budget (RC3.1)
cause a lot of rework when the project team recognizes that b) Problem owner with changing insights with regard to
the customer wanted something different. the problem and accompanying requirements (RC3.2)
5) There is a constant aim for SMART requirements (C5). c) The Customer Requirement Specification is never
Very often there is a tension between the design team and the complete; changes keep coming (RC3.3)
problem owner with regard to the desired level of
SMARTness of requirements. The problem owner rather does 4) The Customer Requirement Specification is
not have SMART requirements, so he retains room for underestimated (C4)
negotiation. Designers prefer SMART requirements in the a) Planning of the Customer Requirements Specification
process since that makes it easier to design a system. is imposed by the problem owner (RC4.1)
Therefore requirements need to be reformulated over and over b) Project team lacks the knowledge with respect to the
again. Customer Requirement Specification (RC4.2)
c) The focus is too introvert regarding the problem owner
The top 5 causes for waste are based on how many people (RC4.3)
recognized it in their daily way-of-working and whether they
thought it was impressionable.
5) There is a constant aim for SMART requirements
It should be noted that the problem owner does not
necessarily recognize these causes for waste as well. Some
contribute to creating stakeholder support and are therefore a) Area manager initiates the interview to retrieve
not considered waste by the problem owner. requirements, but does not involve the technical manager,
which results in too little time to match the required level of
SMARTness (RC5.1)

b) Often the stakeholder’s background is not fathomed His top priority is to stay within budget and therefore he
when an interview is prepared (RC5.2) doesn't want to spend more on the CRS-process even though it
might result in more efficiency and a (more) satisfied problem
C. Phase three – testing hypotheses using a case study
owner. In addition, they already started designing the
Considering the preceding two phases, the causes and root drawbridge without considering any customer requirements.
causes are validated using a case study. During this study This might lead to a frustrated problem owner, who isn’t
participant observation was applied. In order to keep track of satisfied. Rework seems inevitable if they continue without
the requirements and possible waste, a requirement monitor considering the customer requirements.
was developed (see figure 1 and 2). This monitor is able to
identify patterns that indicate waste and categories of C5: There is a constant aim for SMART requirements.
requirements that are wasteful, which can confirm the When the team members of the CRS drafted a preliminary
identified causes and root causes. Customer Requirement Specification the project leader wanted
to review the document. The project leader assessed all
requirements and argued that 14 out of the 93 requirements
The brainstorm session in phase one revealed that there were not SMART enough, which is 15% (see figure 2). This is
could be five main causes for waste in a consultancy and a fairly large amount of rework since these requirements need
engineering firm. The A3 Process method identified possible to be reformulated and checked with the relevant stakeholder
underlying root causes. who brought it in. This observation is a confirmation of this
While analysing the results, it was confirmed that 4 out of 5 cause for waste.
causes were present. On the other hand, not a single root cause
was confirmed, however some have been confirmed indirectly. B. Root causes to the causes as seen in the case study
Below the results are elaborated on. In order to provide a deeper understanding of the causes,
employees and team members were asked to describe the
A. Confirmation of assumed causes for waste (C1-C5)
accompanying root causes presented above. Based on these
All pre-assumed causes are addressed separately in this interviews, the assumed root causes could either be confirmed
paragraph. or rejected.

C1: The process of granting requirements. This part of the Root causes of the process of granting requirements (C1) in
Customer Requirement Specification process was new to all case study:
involved, even the project leader. This lack of knowledge a) Lack of knowledge at both the problem owner as the
resulted in a process of granting requirements that is not contractor with regard to the process of granting requirements
managed properly. The project leader lacks the knowledge and (RC6.1)
is not able to control the process. He suggested assessing the
b) Underestimation of added value of the process of
requirements based on three criteria instead of seven in order
granting requirements (RC6.2)
to save time, but problems arise when looking at criteria that
were not considered. Since those are neglected, problems will
become visible when they already started the design and Root causes of including irrelevant requirements (C2) in case
rework will be unavoidable at that point. study:
a) The project team lacks the experience with respect to
C2: Irrelevant requirements are included in the Customer retrieving customer requirements and drawing those out
Requirement Specification. In the preliminary Customer (RC7.1)
Requirement Specification, already eight requirements are b) Scope of the project is unclear [6] (RC7.2)
included that are outside the scope of the project. This is c) A large amount of the customer requirements is
almost 9%, which can be seen in figure 1. Since it takes at unclear and ambiguous, which could include irrelevant
least two hours per requirement from the start of the process requirements [12] (RC7.3)
till the end [5], and when the project team does not eliminate
these requirements, theoretically16 hours could be wasted.  
Root causes of a continuous inflow of requirements (C3) in
case study:
C3: Continuous inflow of requirements. This cause could
not be identified during the case study. During the process, Not applicable since this cause was not confirmed.
none of the stakeholders filed in their requirements. The team
members of the Customer Requirement Specification had to Root causes of underestimating the Customer Requirement
retrieve the requirements actively. In fact the opposite of a Specification process (C4) in case study:
continuous inflow of requirements had taken place. a) The design process is considered more important than
the Customer Requirement Specification process [4] (RC8.1)
C4: The Customer Requirements Specification is highly b) Fundamental choices in the design are not based on
underestimated. First of all the Customer Requirement the customer requirements [10] (RC8.2)
Specification process is underestimated by the project leader.

Root causes of aiming for SMART requirements (C5) in case B. Discussion of the limitations
study: As every research experiences limitations, this research did
a) The project leader is a Civil Engineer and prefers to as well. These will be addressed in the remainder of this
have SMART requirements that can be easily translated into a paragraph.
design (RC9.1) During this study, a possible cause for unreliability is
b) Lack of experience of the project team with respect to related to observer biases. It could happen that results from the
retrieving customer requirements and drawing those out brainstorm session and/or the A3 Process method have been
(RC9.2) unconsciously biased by the observer’s knowledge with respect
to the people, processes, and the experienced waste. This treat
V. INTERPRETATION AND DISCUSSION to validity was addressed using reviews. During these reviews
In this section, the achieved results are interpreted and the findings were discussed with the project director and other
discussed. Above that, the limitations of this research are experts within the company.
discussed. Another aspect was the possibility to generalize the results
In general, the Customer Requirement Specification from the case study. Both internal and external generalizability
process is considered to be a challenge to the case company. should be kept in mind. Sampling participants from different
This research showed that the focus of the process is mainly parts of the company for the pre-studies ensured internal
from a technological point of view instead of a social point of generalizability. The external validity may be questioned due
view. It seems a challenge to unite the two points of view. to the fact that only one company was involved in the research.
When looking at the causes identified during the brainstorm However, one can generalize from one case study [1] and the
session, four out of five causes were confirmed by the case main focus of this research is not to provide a full theory on
study. Only the continuous inflow of requirements was not causes and root causes for waste in the Customer Requirements
recognized. Specification process. In addition, it may not even be possible
to replicate the results from this study because no project is the
same. Despite these limitations, this research still contributes to
A. Interpretation and comparison of the results the understanding of causes and root causes for waste in the
Now, the following question arises whether these causes Customer Requirements Specification process.
have the same root causes as identified during the A3 Process
When comparing the two lists, it can be seen that the root A. Conclusion
causes do not completely match for the process of granting
The objective of this paper was to identify reasons for
requirements. However, the lack of managerial understanding
inefficiencies and/or waste and to check whether these actually
may be interpreted as the lack of knowledge regarding the
occur in the Customer Requirement Specification processes of
process. Either way, both result in a project leader who lacks
construction projects in the Netherlands.
Therefore, this paper reports on a case study that tries to
When considering the root causes to including irrelevant
understand and validate the causes and root causes for waste in
requirements, it can be concluded that the different root causes
the Customer Requirements Specification process. The case
do not match, however RC2.1 and RC2.2 can be a result of the
study has been preceded by two pre-studies at the case
lack of experience (RC7.1).
company: a brainstorm session and an A3 Process method. The
Cause 3, the continuous inflow of requirements, was not
findings from these pre-studies were discussed and validated
recognized, thus no root causes could be compared.
during a case study.
Looking at the root causes for cause 4, underestimation of
The case study confirmed that the process of granting
the Customer Requirement Specification process, again no
requirements is wasteful. In addition, one of its assumed root
match is found, but the lack of knowledge with respect to the
causes, the lack of managerial understanding, was validated as
Customer Requirements Specification (RC4.2) might be the
well. The case study also confirmed that irrelevant
reason that the design process is considered more important
requirements were included. However, none of its root causes
(RC8.1) and that fundamental choices are not based on
could be confirmed. During the case study, the Customer
customer requirements (RC8.2). However, this is not
Requirement Specification process was also highly
underestimated by the project team, but the underlying root
Lastly, the root causes for cause 5 are compared, but no
causes could not be confirmed. The same goes for the fifth
match was found. Not even an indirect match.
cause, the constant aim for SMART requirements; the cause
It can be concluded from the above that the identified root
itself was confirmed, but the root causes were not.
causes for the A3 Process method cannot be confirmed in
The only cause that was not validated by the case study is a
practice. This may be due to the fact that the participants of the
continuous inflow of requirements. Therefore, its root causes
A3 Process method experience the waste and its causes in
could not be confirmed as well.
different ways. In addition, no project is the same and therefore
root causes can differ from project to project.
During the case study different root causes were observed
in contrast to the pre-assumed root causes. Inexperience and

the lack of knowledge with regard to the process contributed to [2] M. Hammer, 'Reengineering work: don't automate,
a large extent to the generation of waste during the project. obliterate', Harvard business review, vol. 71, no. 6, pp.
These were the main root causes, but these did not match the 119-131, 1990.
pre-assumed ones. This may be due to the fact that each project [3] C. Jimmerson, D. Weber and D. Sobek, 'Reducing waste
and its context are different and unique. and errors: piloting lean principles at Intermountain
B. Future research Healthcare', Joint Commission Journal on Quality and
Patient Safety, vol. 31, no. 5, pp. 249-257, 2005.
Of course this is not the end of the research with respect to
the topic, future research is needed. It should be investigated [4] L. Kalwij and E. G. Molier, private communication, May
whether there could be more and/or different causes and root 2015
causes present. In addition, it could be very interesting to [5] V. Kramer, private communication, May 2015
investigate how the different causes are interconnected. The [6] M. Lagemaat, private communication, May 2015
same goes for the root causes. Future research also includes the [7] M. Laguna and J. Marklund, Business Process Modeling,
search for methods and tools that could prevent, reduce, or Simulation and Design, Second Edition. Hoboken: CRC
completely eliminate the causes and root causes for waste in Press, 2013.
the Customer Requirements Specification process.
[8] H.L. McManus, Product development value stream
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT mapping manual, LAI Release Beta, Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, Lean Advancement Initiative,
I would like to thank all participants who participated in the
Cambridge, MA, April 2004.
brainstorm session and the A3 Process method for their
contribution to this research. On top of that I would like to [9] B. Oppenheim, Lean for systems engineering with lean
thank the project team for giving me the opportunity to validate enablers for systems engineering. Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley,
the results from the pre-studies. This paper is part of a bigger 2011.
research; a graduation project as part of the Master Systems [10] M. Pot, private communication, May 2015
Engineering, Policy Analysis and Management at the Delft [11] R. Slack, 'Slack, Application of Lean principles to the
University of Technology. military aerospace product development process', M.S.,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1998.
REFERENCES [12] H. de Waardt, private communication, May 2015
[13], 'Mission and vision -
Ingenieursbureau Witteveen+Bos', 2015. [Online].
[1] B. Flyvbjerg, 'Five Misunderstandings About Case-Study
Research', Qualitative Inquiry, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 219-
vision. [Accessed: 13- May- 2015].
245, 2006.

Figure 3: Requirement Monitor

Figure 4: Clarification waste categories requirement monitor

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