Lopez, Magpantay, Salon - IdealSociety PDF

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Implemented LAWS
Law for Legalizing Law for Legalizing
Abortion Divorce
- Every women has a - Everyone should have
freedom to abort no the freedom to divorce
matter what the reasons and have a equal time to
are. conduct in the court.

Law for Environmental Law for Morality

Cleanup - Every day, at least 3
- Everyone in the society is good deeds should be
required to clean once a done.

A society where all beings are

taken care of
Everyone has access to free
education, as well as the best skilled
teachers and facilities available. Sex
education would also be prioritized
so the citizens and students would
be aware and reduce unwanted
pregnancies and sexually
transmitted diseases.

A country where money is

government important to acquire the
basic needs in our life that
A government that has a offers many programs in
goal and is true to its helping the society to earn
campaign projects with a money. Our use of the
knowledgeable leader and resources that are already
uncorrupt environment. It accessible has to be more
is open to all gender and effective, and we also need
no discrimination in to cut our consumption
participating the election while discovering new
campaign. The officers are methods to utilize the
ready to give up their life resources that are now
for the country and will being underutilized.
fight until the end for the
next generation.

Technology that prevents abuse or
the emergence of undesirable social
and environmental consequences.
Lastly, technology that is based on
the values of equity, well-being, and
fairness, with no one left behind.

Society regards the natural

environment as something CITIZENS
above them and also as
something that can be Citizens are free to do
sustained. They care about whatever they want and to
the environment, which is express their opinions as
why when they use trees for long as they are reasonable
their needs, they are
and do not become violent.
required to plant new ones.
Vehicles on public streets It is a classless society, and
are limited in order to everyone has their own set
reduce pollution. of skills. But everyone is
united and helps one
another because it’s a
environmental society that encourages
state equality.

Lopez, Penelope ; Magpantay, Jelaine ; Salon, Avril Zoe

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