Las Melc 3 QTR 3 English 8 Odbulaong 1

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Name of Learner: Section:

Grade Level: Date:

As you go through this lesson, you are expected to:

 distinguish among each other social, moral, and economic issues;

 determine statements or items whether they express social, moral, or economic issues; and
 read /listen to articles containing social, moral, or economic issues and answer questions that

Identify each item below if it expresses a social, moral, or economic issue. Write S for social, M for
moral and E for economic.
_____ 1. Drug Abuse _____ 6. Judgmental
_____ 2. Dishonesty _____ 7. Poverty
_____ 3. Hunger _____ 8. Bullying
_____ 4. Inflation _____ 9. Recession
_____ 5. Unemployment _____10. Cheating

Determining Various Social, Moral, and Economic Issues Discussed in the Text Listened to

Background Information for Learners

An ISSUE is an important topic or problem for debate or discussion.

Examples: 1. "the issue of racial discrimination”

2. “the issue of abortion”
3. “the issue of peso devaluation”


Social issues are problems that influence many citizens within a society.
They influence people within a society, and people strive to find solutions to them. Often, they
are the consequences of factors extending beyond an individual’s control. Social issues are the
source of a conflicting opinion on the ground of what is perceived as morally correct or incorrect personal

Current social issues refer to the numerous modern-day problems that have hit conventional media as well
as social media headlines. They include the following:

1. Abortion 5. The frequent power advertisement

2. Gay marriage 6. Obesity
3. Marital rape 7. Poverty
4. Government mandates 8. Materialism

9. Social media propagating bad vices especially 15. Drug abuse
among the youths 16. Prostitution
10. Cyber bullying 17. Racial discrimination
11. Social stratification 18. Alcohol abuse
12. Sex work also referred to as paid rape. 19. Economic Deprivation
13. Beauty standards 20. Political Corruption
14. Anti-social behavior

Moral issues can be understood as issues to be resolved by keeping moral values in mind. Moral

issues occur in disputes when individuals or groups have differences in deeply held moral orders that do
not permit direct translation or comparison to one another. Moral orders include the knowledge, beliefs,
and values people use to make judgements about the experiences and perspectives of others. They
involve a difference of belief and not a matter of preference.

Examples of Moral Issues

1.Pornography 6.Married men and women having an affair
2.Crime 7.Death Penalty
3.Abortion 8.Piracy
4.Sactedness of Life 9. Environment Destruction
5.Sex between an unmarried man and woman 10.Cloning Humans

Economic issues or problems assert that an economy's finite resources are insufficient to satisfy
all human wants and needs.  Economics is the study of how people allocate scarce resources for
production, distribution, and consumption, both individually and collectively.

 Two major types of economics are microeconomics, which focuses on the behavior of individual
consumers and producers, and macroeconomics, which examine overall economies on a regional,
national, or international scale.
 The fundamental economic problem is the issue of scarcity but unlimited wants. Scarcity implies
there is only a limited quantity of resources, e.g., finite fossil fuels. Because of scarcity, there is a
constant opportunity cost – if you use resources to consume one good, you cannot consume
another. Therefore, an underlying feature of economics is concerned with dealing how to allocate
resources in society to make the most efficient and fair use of resources. The main issues are:
What to produce? How to produce? And for whom to produce?

! Literature has always been one effective way to explore and address social issues, moral
issues, and economic issues in human culture. Stories, plays, and other types of fiction or
nonfiction often have these issues embedded in the thematic background of a narrative or

 It is important to remember that as you read, new issues will be revealed. It is important to
make notes while reading or listening to a text.
 Ask yourself how the plot line is affected by aspects of the world depicted in the story.

 Determine which aspects of social, moral, or economic issues or problems in the text world
change the actions of the characters and the outcome of the narrative.  Learning
Competency with Code:

Directions/ Instructions:
 Distinguish among each other social, moral, and economic issues.
 Determine statements or items whether they express social, moral, or economic issues.
 Read articles containing social, moral, or economic issues and answer questions that follow.

Exercises / Activities:
Activity 1
Match the statements in column A with the items in column B. Write the letter of the correct
answer in column C.


1. It is an important topic or problem for debate or discussion. A. Economic 1.
2. This issue involves the rightness or wrongness of the action. B. Issue 2.
3. It endeavors to answer three basic questions – What to C. Literature 3.
produce? How to produce? And, for whom to produce?

4.. It is a problem that affects a group of people. It is a D. Moral 4.

common problem that is happening in the world.
5. It has always been one effective way to explore and address E. Social 5.
social issues, moral issues and economic issues in human

Activity 2
Below are some of the teachings from “The Analects of Confucius”.
Read and analyze carefully what type of issue is expressed in each statement. Then, classify if the
issue is: A. Economic, B. Moral or C. Social. Write the letter of the correct answer on the blank
before each number.
_____1. 1:6 Confucius said: "A young man should serve his parents at home and be respectful to elders
outside his home. He should be earnest and truthful, loving all, but become intimate with jen. After doing
this, if he has energy to spare, he can study literature and the arts."

_____ 2. The Master said, "The superior man in everything considers righteousness to be essential. He
performs it according to the rules of propriety. He brings it forth in humility. He completes it with
sincerity. This is indeed a superior man.”
_____ 3. The Master said, "To rule a country of a thousand chariots, there must be reverent attention to
business, and sincerity; economy in expenditure, and love for men; and the employment of the people at
the proper seasons."
_____ 4. Tsze-kung asked, saying, "Is there one word which may serve as a rule of practice for all one's
life?' The Master said, "Is not RECIPROCITY such a word? What you do not want done to yourself, do
not do to others."
____ 5. Sze-chang asked about government. The Master said, "The art of governing is to keep its affairs
before the mind without weariness, and to practice them with undeviating consistency." 
Activity 3
Carefully read and understand the literary text below and answer the questions that follow.
Poverty is a serious problem to deal with.  If you are poor, your future is not secured.  You must
pay first to have a security of your future, which is not present to the poor ones.  Your education seems to
be endangered when you are poor.  There are instances that you must be absent because your money is
not enough.  And of course, your grade will be affected.  When a student is poor, he or she seems to be
miserable.  He cannot pay the obliged school fees for his money is only enough for personal necessities,
but sometimes, it is not even enough.  One cannot avail the required projects. Even a single peso is very
important. Every single peso is one’s future. That is what a typical poor student is experiencing.

Poverty is a big problem of the society but even how big its effect to us, let us not focus too
much on that problem.  Yes, poverty acts as an obstacle to our education, but it will not last forever. Let
us just make an action to beat it. Find a solution. Don't rely too much on others. Work hard. It is important
to develop ourselves holistically. Study well and focus on your spiritual life. There must be a balance of
everything. Love what you do, motivate yourself to keep working hard. Then it's up to you to make your
own choices and live by these choices. After all, your future is still in your hands. Don't take problems
very seriously.  Follow what was written and you will see. Time will come and you cannot even notice
that you had already escaped from poverty.
1. What is the paragraph all about?
2. What kind of issue is expressed in the paragraph? Why?
3. How can a student like you help the country fight poverty in your own little ways?
4. If you were the president, what would be your priority to solve poverty in the Philippines? Why?
Explain your answer further.
Identify each item below if it expresses a social, moral, or economic issue. Write S for social, M for
moral and E for economic.
_____ 1. Racial Discrimination _____ 6. Poverty
_____ 2. Dishonesty _____ 7. Piracy
_____ 3. Pornography _____ 8. Bullying
_____ 4. Inflation _____ 9. Recession
_____ 5. Unemployment _____10. Cheating

Guide Questions:
What are the 3 types of issues discussed in this lesson? Give one example for each type of issue and
explain how you can solve them in your own little ways.
Complete the sentence below.
In this lesson, I have learned that________________________________________________________

References for Learners:



Teacher I

Checked: Approved:


Master Teacher I Head Teacher VI

Key to Corrections

1. S
2. M
3. S
4. E
5. E
6. M
7. S
8. S
9. E
10. M

Activity 1
1. B
2. D
3. A
4. E
5. C

Activity 2 .
1. B
2. B
3. A
4. B
5. C

Activity 3 Answers will vary. (5 points)

1. S
2. M
3. M
4. E
5. E
6. S
7. M
8. S
9. E
10. M


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