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On the space provided, supply the word/group of words/phrase being

described/defined:1._______________ Refers to a progression by which the world is unified into a
single society andfunction.2._______________ The economic, legal, ethical and discretionary
expectations that the society has of organizations at a given point in time.3._______________ Series of
rules and regulation designed to express the needs of the people.4._______________ Association of
businesses with common interest to protect.5._______________ Refers to groups which work to protect
and advance the interest of specific socialgroups in a certain society.6._______________ One of the
contemporary social issues which talks about pollution, global warming,fossil fuel, depletion of natural
resources and the likes.7._______________ These are pressure groups that represent a cluster of the
public on certain issues.8._______________ It is something that drives what we do when no one is
looking.9._______________ The act of adhering to the moral code in daily decision
making.10.______________ Refers to a set of rules that describes what is acceptable conduct in society.


Causes of economic inequality1.

Foundation from which ethical business can be built6. of pressure groups11.

True or False

1.The primary sources of managerial “cluelessness” are personality disorders and IQ.2.The explosive
technological and social changes of recent years have simplified our lives and our understanding of the
world.3. Modern organizations rely too much on an artistic approach to management and too little on
anengineering approach.4.Customers are so used to misleading advertising that it does not infuriate
them.5.Sponsors of advertisements aimed at children must be especially careful to avoid
misleadingmessages.6.An individual’s moral values and central, value-related attitudes clearly influence
one’s business behavior.7.A personnel manager of a large company would probably agree that the more
ethical thecompany, the easier it is to attract good people.8.Costumers can’t find out which firms are
acting responsibly, and which are not.9.During the early twentieth century, working conditions were
deplorable by today’s standards.10.Awareness of business’ social responsibilities has increased along
with government involvement.11.There are many more socially responsible businesses today than there
were ten years ago.12.In support of their position, proponents of the socioeconomic model argue that
the businessesshould be allowed to ignore social issues.13.One of the major reasons for improving
product safety is the costumer’s demand for safe productsMultiple Choice

1.As a manager, you encountered and important problem that seems almost impossible to solve.Top
management would likely suggest that youa.Hire a consultant who brings the right knowledge and
expertise to the problem. b.Stand out of the way and let someone else work with the issue.c.Try using
different lenses to analyze the problem and develop strategies.d.Call a meeting of everyone who knows
about the issue and make a group decision about whatto do.2.It is argued that even the smartest
managers take foolish actions in decision-making because theya.Are too clever for their own good.
b.Have a parochial and distorted view of the problem at hand.c.Are driven by self-love and ego, which
stifle their ability to understand a situation correctlyd.Fall into the trap of personality foibles such as
pride, haughtiness and unconscious need toerr.3.As described, the actions of the successful manager as
similar to a skilled carpenter using theright tools for the job. Thus, a successful manager musta.Make
sure their organizations are “level” (i.e. balanced) b.Possess a “diverse collection of high-quality
implements (i.e. frames)” along with theknowledge of when and how to use them.c.“Measure twice but
cut once” (i.e. not make hasty decisions).d.Have the right wood (i.e. employees for the job.4.The world
that we perceive is for the most parta.Constructed objectively. b.Existing independent of
us.c.Constructed internally on the basis of individuals’ belief and perceptual filters.d.Dependent upon
the quality of our sight.5.When defining an organization’s structure, the key consideration should
involvea.Allocation of responsibilities across different units and members as well as the integration of
these efforts in pursuit of common goals. b.The number of organizational levels and their breadth.c.The
level of centralization versus decentralization of responsibilities.d.Ways on how to effectively motivate
organizational members to maximize their performance.6.An organization’ structure should not be
dependent upona.Its workplace b.Goalsc.Emotional liabilityd.Technology7.Patriarchal organizations are
characterized by aa.Fixed division of labor b.Hierarchy of officesc.Set of rules governing
performanced.Dominant father figure or a ruler with almost unlimited authority and power 8.When
designing the structure of an organization, creating roles and units yields the benefits of specialization
but creates problem of a.Pay scales for the various roles. b.How to motivate the employees in each
unit.c.Coordination and control.d.Where to locate the different units.9.Forecasting and measuring
organizational performance is accomplished througha.Planning and control systems b.Rules and
regulationsc.Formal authorityd.Standard operating procedure10. Lateral coordination is often achieved
througha.Rules and regulations b.Authority and delegationc.Meetings and task forcesd.A clear chain of
command11.________________ are becoming more prevalent is fast moving fields like biotechnology,
whereknowledge is so complex and widely dispersed that organizations finds it impractical to
exerciseinitiatives alone.a.Inter-organizational networks b.Matrix structuresc.Task forcesd.Rules and
regulations12.When deciding how to coordinate work roles and units in an organization it is best
toa.Use either vertical or horizontal coordination but not both. b.Base the choice on the workers’
preference.c.Base the choice on the leader’s preference.d.Base the choice on the organization’s
environment.13.If employees are unclear about what they are supposed to do, they often tailor their
roles arounda.The most professional standards b.Personal preferencesc.Industry
standardsd.Organizational goals14.The contribution of Henry Mintzberg’s conception of structural
possibilities isa.A detailed prescription of how to structure an organization in response to different
missionsand external challenges to envision organizations as webs of inclusion. b.Clustering various
functions into groupings and showing their relative size and clout inresponse to different missions and
external challenges.c.To envision organizations as organic, circular architectural forms.d.None of the
above15.When a process is reengineered,a.Employees begin to make choices and decisions on their
own. b.Managers finally begin to act like bosses.c.Workers become more willing to follow orders.d.Jobs
get narrower and more routine

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