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Q Skills 2 Unit 3 Vocabulary Score  


1. F iends can have a/an _____ over you.

A controls

B control

C influence

D idea

2. The ______ is in charge of the school.

A pupils

B students

C p incipal

D cleaner

3. People should _______ each other.

A look

B respect

C talk

D speak

4. Show ___________to your classmates. This is the best way to make f iends.
A handshake

B impolite

C cou tesy

D greeting

5. In England, it is good table __________ to use a napkin to wipe your mouth, not your hand!
A etiquette

B cloths

C knives

D equipment
6. The student opened the door for the teacher and this was a ve y _____________ thing to do.
A polite

B lonely

C helpless

D appreciate

7. It's ___________ to talk while eating food.

A ne vous

B ude

C wo ied

D high

8. Parents are always __________ to their children's needs.

A conce ned

B helping

C good

D attentive

9. Although the manager disagreed with the employee, he was ve y __________.

A equal

B instant

C cou teous

D separate

10. In her new book the author t ied to _________ with the problems many people had du ing
A hold

B grow

C deal

D get

11. Our health will ________ so much when we sta t this new diet.
A improve

B retu n

C good

D get
12. The lecture about the enviroment was ve y ________. I lea ned a lot about climate change.
A valuable

B proud

C quality

D cooperative

13. Ineffective leaders __________ at their staff. I think it is because they are always ne vous.
A challenge

B scream

C f ighten

D inte upt

14. As a child, she __________ inte upted her teachers, but as a teenager, she only spoke when
A many

B frequently

C extremely

D a lot

15. David was being ude to his classmates, so the teacher asked him to explain his __________
A talking

B discuss

C actions

D speaking

16. At first, Imran denied being impolite, but later he was able to ___________ his mistake.
A admit

B produce

C belong

D remove

17. He didn't see me. It was like I was __________.

A dark

B tall

C visible

D invisible
18. It was __________ to hear my teacher saying he liked my work because he never likes anything I
A approp iate

B typical

C peaceful

D unusual

19. when an adult behaves like a child, he is __________ .

A immature

B impo tant

C usual

D common

20. It would be ________ for me to sit at your table to eat my lunch uninvited.
A additional

B impolite

C chee ful

D respectful

21. I wouldn't like to _________, but, could I have a moment of your time?
A consider

B inte upt

C affect

D represent

22. My employer told me ve y ______ that I must be on time for the new job.
A rarely

B always

C fi mly

D sometimes

23. Shaking hands when you meet someone is a common ________ in the United States.
A manners

B custom

C advice

D behavior
24. Raising your hands in class is a ________ that shows you wish to speak.
A custom

B advice

C manners

D gesture

25. John's _________ in class was ve y shocking today.

A behavior

B respect

C custom

D gesture

26. Sarah had to ________ the traffic to get to her meeting on time.
A avoid

B hu y

C lose

D get

27. Covid 19 has ce tainly __________ the life of so many people around the world.
A suppo ted

B inte upted

C defeated

D repo ted

28. Some people find it _______ to eat with chopsticks.

A possible

B dangerous

C mature

D awkward

29. His clothes were __________ for the inte view. He looked unprofessional.
A approp iate

B immature

C inapprop iate

D behavior
30. The students were advised not to use ________ language in their essay.
A fo mal

B approp iate

C info mal

D gesture

31. The kimono is a _____________ fo m of dress in Japan.

A immature

B approptiate

C gesture

D traditional

32. A _______ UK lunch includes sandwiches.

A local

B typical

C roast

D chicken

33. She was _______ to visit her f iends today because she had a docto 's appointment.
A unable

B disable

C able

D disabled

34. In some cultures, it's proper _______________ to se ve your elders before eating.
A nice

B behaviour

C ettiquette

D ude

35. I don't like it when staff _______________ comments in meetings. It's ude!
A shout out

B put down

C deal with

D improve on
36. The thief ____________ to the police that he stole the car.
A raged

B yelled

C admitted

D hit

37. It's not good to _______________ people when they are speaking.
A inte upt

B whisper

C repeat

D awkward

38. He was dressed _________________ for the inte view.

A politely

B greatly

C fi mly

D approp iately

39. The kids' _______________ was unacceptable. I had to call their parents.
A respect

B behaviour

C ettiquette

D impression

40. My mother gave me some good ____________ about sta ting a business.
A idea

B respect

C advice

D think

41. I always like to take ________________ in fun activities at weekends.

A place

B pa t

C site

D join

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