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Discuss three types of leadership approaches by providing relevant examples from the chosen
organization - done

2. Analyse whether leadership approaches change in uncertain conditions (such as the

pandemic) in the chosen organization

3. Suggest ways to increase the effectiveness of strategic leadership in the chosen organisation
during pandemic.

What are the main leadership approaches?

The 5 leadership styles you can use
 Authoritarian Leadership.
 Participative Leadership.
 Delegative Leadership.
 Transactional Leadership.
 Transformational Leadership.
The third leadership approach from this organisation is interactive approach. Interactive
approach is divided into 4 models such as situational model, Fiedler’s contingency model, path
goal model and leader behavior model. This chosen organisation have path goal theory. This
theory states that a leader can increase the satisfaction and performance of the subordinates by
explaining and setting up the path towards behavioural goals by increasing the number and forms
of rewards towards the achievement of goals. This theory includes four types of behaviour for a
leader. Those are directive behaviour, supportive behaviour, participative behaviour and
achievement behaviour. The most relatable types of behaviour from these four types are
supportive behaviour and participative behaviour.

The best match with one of the leaders from chosen organisation is participative
behaviour. Participative behaviour is a style of leadership in which all members of the
organization work together to make decisions. Participative leadership is also known as
democratic leadership, as everyone is encouraged to participate (Indeed Editorial Team, 2020).
As an example, there was a situation where one of the teammate had adherence issue which
cause the whole team to suffer. To make a good decision, the leader creates a discussion in a
meeting room to discuss with the team members. Then, the leader shares all information related
to the discussion. This group of teammates shares ideas to the whole team to solve the problem.
Once the ideas have been shared to the team, the leader summarizes the ideas shared in the
discussion. By depending on the summarized information, the team then makes the best decision
and implements the decision.

Another type of behaviour that matches with the leaders in this organisation is supportive
behaviour. Supportive behaviour allows employees to be close to the leader. The leader exhibits
feelings of concern, care for the employees welfare and treats them fairly and equally, forming a
happy and friendly environment. Recently there was a an issue within employees where the
confirmed employees able to enjoy the insurance benefit provided but the employees under
probation did not able to receive the benefit. To be fair to all employees, the leaders took a step
forward to offer the benefit to those employees under probation too. This helped a lot in
maintaining the health of employees and lowered the medical expense burden.

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