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Sec: Sr.

IIT_N-SUPER CHAINA Date: 19-04-20

Time: 3hrs Max. Marks: 186

Name of the Student: ___________________ H.T. NO:

19-04-20_SR.N-SUPER CHAINA _Jee-Adv_GTA-11(P-2)_SYLLABUS




Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 1 – 6) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 6 18
Questions with Multiple Correct
Sec – II(Q.N : 7 – 14) 4 -2 8 32
Choice (Partial Marking +1)
Questions with ComprehensionType
Sec – III(Q.N : 15 – 18) 3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehension-2+2=4Q)
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 19 – 24) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 6 18
Questions with Multiple Correct
Sec – II(Q.N : 25 – 32) 4 -2 8 32
Choice (Partial Marking +1)
Questions with ComprehensionType
Sec – III(Q.N : 33 – 36) 3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehension-2+2=4Q)
Total 18 62

+Ve - Ve No.of Total
Section Question Type
Marks Marks Qs marks
Sec – I(Q.N : 37 – 42) Questions with Single Correct Choice 3 -1 6 18
Questions with Multiple Correct
Sec – II(Q.N : 43 – 50) 4 -2 8 32
Choice (Partial Marking +1)
Questions with ComprehensionType
Sec – III(Q.N : 51 – 54) 3 0 4 12
(2 Comprehension-2+2=4Q)
Total 18 62

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 2

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
PHYSICS Max.Marks: 62
(Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
1. In given diagram, there is a conducting sphere of radius r1 which is surrounded by
dielectric layer (with relative permittivity) r  . If conducting sphere is given charge
‘q’ then surface density of polarization charges on outer surface of dielectric layer is

r q
r 1 q D)
r 1 q
4 r22 4 r r22 4 r
4 r r22

2. A parallel plate capacitor (plate area: A) connected to battery of emf ‘V’ and
negligible internal resistance, so that one of the plate is made to oscillate and distance
between plate varies as d  d 0  a cos t  , a  d 0 . If maximum current observed in
circuit is I 0 then maximum possible amplitude of vibration (a) is

a2 I0 I 0 d0 I 0 d 02 I 0d0
A) B) C) D)
VA 0 V A 0 VA 0 VA 0

3. A slit is cut along the left bottom edge of a rectangular tank. The slit is closed by a
wooden wedge mass ‘M’ and apex angle ‘  ’ as shown in diagram. The vertical plane
surface of the wedge is in the contact with the left vertical wall of the tank. Coefficient
of static friction between these surfaces in contact is ‘  ’. To what maximum height,
can water be filled in tank without any leakage through the silt? The width of tank is
‘b’ and density of water is ‘  ’

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 3

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P

2M 4M
A) B)
 b  tan      b  tan    

2M 2 M cos 
C) D)
 b  sin    cos    b  tan    cos  

4. A small disc is attached at one end of a light inextensible string that passes through a
hole in a frictionless horizontal tabletop. Initially the disc moves on a circle of radius
R with kinetic energy K 0 . The other end of the string is slowly pulled so that the disc
finally moves on a circle of radius R /  . What is the work W done by the pulling

A) W  0 B) W   2 K 0 C) W   2  1 K 0 D) W    1 K 0

5. A parallel plate capacitor consists of square plates of edge a separated by a distance d

that is much smaller that the edge length. It is charged to a potential V and made to
move with a constant velocity  directed along one of its edges. How much magnetic
field exists inside the capacitor?
0 0V 0 0V 0 0 dV
A) B) C) D) None of these
d a a2

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 4

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
6. A closed organ pipe of length 1.2m vibrates in its first overtone mode. The pressure
variation is minimum at (neglect end correction)
A) 0.8m from the open end B) 0.4m from the open end
C) Closed end D) 1.0m from the open end
(Multiple Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
7. A narrow beam of monochromatic light of wavelength '  ' emitted by source of power
‘P’ propagating in positive x-direction gets reflected from perfectly reflecting plane
mirror having area vector A  A   i  j  . (velocity of light is c)
^ ^

 

A) Magnitude of change in momentum of photon from mirror depends only on ‘  ’

B) Magnitude of change in momentum of photon after reflection from mirror is

depends on ‘  ’

C) Magnitude of force exerted by light beam on mirror depends only on ‘P’ & ‘c’

D) Force exerted by light beam on mirror is independent of ‘P’

8. If electric force  F  on a point charge ‘q’ due to another ‘Q’ obeys following law

 Qq 1   r r

 
where  : positive constant, r is position vector of charge ‘q’ relative
4 0 r 3

to ‘Q’

A) Electric field to point charge Q is E 

  
Q 1  r 
4 0 r 3
 
B)  E.dl Over a closed path will be equal to zero

  qenctosed
C) Gauss’s law  E.ds  0
holds true

D) All statements are correct

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
9. A uniform magnetic field is confined within a cylindrical region as shown. If  -
particles with different speeds enter the region radially, then

A) Faster the particle, lesser is the time spent in region

B) Slower the particle, lesser is the time spent in region
C) Slower the particle, greater is the time spent in region
D) Time will be same for all particles
10. A disc of radius R rolls on a horizontal surface with linear velocity V and angular
velocity  . There is a point P on circumference of disc at angle  with upward vertical
diameter measured in anticlockwise sense as shown in the figure, which has only
vertical component of velocity. Here  is equal to

 V  V V V
A)  sin 1 B)  sin 1 C)   cos 1 D)   cos 1
2 R 2 R R R
11. If wedge is moving with acceleration a as shown in the figure then value of net force
on m is

mg 2m 2 g
A) ma B) 2 ma C) 2 D)
2m  M 2m  M

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 6

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
12. Two loud speakers M and N are located 20m apart and emit sound at frequencies
118Hz and 121Hz respectively. A car is initially at point P, 1800m away from the
midpoint Q of the line MN and moves towards Q constantly at 60km/hr along the
perpendicular bisector of MN. It crosses Q and eventually reaches a point R, 1800m
away from Q. Let v  t  represent the beat frequency measured by a person sitting on the
car at time t. Let vP , vQ and vR be the beat frequency measured at locations P,Q, and R
respectively. The speed of sound in air is 330ms 1 . Which of the following statements
are true regarding the sound heard by the person?

A) The plot below represents schematically the variation of beat frequency with time

B) The rate of change in beat frequency is maximum where the car passes through Q
C) vP  vR  2vQ

D) The plot below represents schematically the variation of beat frequency with time

13. A ball of mass m falls vertically from a height h and collides with a block of equal
mass m moving horizontally with a velocity v on surface. The coefficient of kinetic
friction between the block and the surface is k  0.2, while the coefficient of
restitution (e) between the ball and the block is 0.5. There is no friction acting between
the ball and the block. Then

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 7

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P

A) Frictional impulse on block is 0.1m 2 gh

B) Frictional impulse on block is 0.3m 2 gh

C) Velocity of the block after the collision decreases by 0.1 2gh

D) Velocity of the block after the collision decreases by 0.3 2gh

14. A uniform rod of length ‘ l ’ is pivoted at point ‘A’. it is struck by a horizontal force

which delivers an impulse ‘J’ at a distance ‘x’ from point ‘A’ as shown in figure,

impulse delivered by pivot is zero if ‘x’ is equal to

  2 3
A) B) C) D)
2 3 3 4

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 8

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 2 groups of question. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choice (A), (B),(C) AND (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph for Questions 15 and 16
A horizontal conveyor belt is running at a constant speedb  3.0m / s . A small disc
enters the belt moving horizontally with a velocity 0  4.0m / s that is perpendicular to
the velocity of the belt. Coefficient friction between the disc and the belt is 0.50

15. What should the minimum width of the belt be so that the disc always remains on the
A) 0.9 m B) 1.6 m C) 2.0 m D) 2.5 m
16. What is the minimum speed of the disc relative to the ground?
A) 0.0 m / s B) 1.8 m / s C) 2.4 m / s D) 3.0 m / s
Paragraph for Questions 17 and 18
A hollow cylinder made of a thermally insulating material is equipped with a horizontal
piston P of mass m and area A . The piston is also made of a thermally insulating
material. There is no friction between inner surface of the cylinder and the piston.
Above the piston, a liquid of density  is filled up to brim of the cylinder. The piston is
supported at the position shown due to pressure of an ideal gas filled in the lower
portion of the cylinder. Number of moles of the gas is n , atmospheric pressure is p0
and initial temperature of the gas is T0 . The heater H is switched on till the liquid
completely spills out (assume Quasi static process)

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 9

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P

17. Work done by the gas on the piston in the entire process is
A)  gh 2 A  mgh B) p0 hA   gh 2 A  mgh
C) p0 hA  0.5 gh 2 A  mgh D) 0.5  p0 hA   gh 2 A   mgh
18. Final temperature of the gas is
 p0   gh   p0 
A) 2T0   B) 2T0  
 p0   p0   gh 
 p0 A   ghA  mg   p A  mg 
C) 2T0   D) 2T0  0

 p0 A  mg   p0 A   ghA  mg 
CHEMISTRY Max.Marks: 62
(Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
19. The overall formation constant of Co  NH 3 6  in aqueous solution is 105 at 298 K and
the standard potential for reduction of Co3 (aq) and Co  NH 3 6  (aq) as follows
 Co 2 (aq); E 0  1.90V
Co3 (aq) e  
3 2
Co  NH 3 6   aq   e  
 Co  NH 3   (aq) ; E 0  0.1V
 6

If the overall formation constant of the Co  NH 3 6  ion is 10 x at 298 K. Then the
value of x would be (Given :  0.06 )
A) 35.0 B) 31.2 C) 39.6 D) 29.3

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 10

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
20. When fluorine reacts with 2-methyl propane in presence of light gives 14% tert-butyl
fluoride and 86% isobutylfluoride. What will be the ratio of relative reactivity of a
tertiary hydrogen to primary in fiuorination?
A) 1.46 B) 3.8 C) 5.1 D) 2.3
21. An orbital is formed to contain total nodes = 3 & radial nodes = 1. Orbital angular
momentum for the electron present in this orbital is
h h h
A) 0 B) 6 C) 2 D) 6
2 2 4
22. 3L of a mixture of O2 and O3 having pressure of 8.21 atm at 270 C is treated with 800 ml
of 2 M KI solution, buffered with a borate buffer of pH 9.2, the iodine so liberated is
titrated with 200 ml of 2M hypo solution. The mole % of ozone in the mixture
(Assume ideal behaviour of gaseous mixture) [Given: R = 0.0821 L atm mol 1K 1 ]
A) 40 B) 30 C) 20 D) 10
23. Atomic orbitals of two elements combine to form molecular orbitals. The axis which
connect the nucleus of two atoms is y axis then match each sets of atomic orbitals of
List – I with List – II showing shape of molecular orbital
P) pz  pz 1 Shape of bonding molecular orbital is

Q) py  py 2 Shape of bonding molecular orbital is

R) px  py 3 Shape of antibonding molecular orbital


S) s  py 4 Don't from any molecular orbital

5 Shape of antibonding molecular orbital

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 11

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
The correct option is
A) P  1,5 : Q  3 ; R  2, 5 ; S  4
B) P  5 ; Q  1, 2 ; R  4; S  5
C) P 3; Q  1, 5 ; R  4; S  2
D) P  2, 5 ; Q  3 ; R  1,2 ; S  4
24. Which of the of the following is a incorrect reaction with respect to product(s) ?
A) XeF6  NaF  Na   XeF7 

B) XeF2  SbF5   XeF   SbF6 

 

C) XeF4  H 2O  XeO3  O2  HF
D) XeF2  2 NO  Xe  2 NOF

(Multiple Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
25. Select the incorrect option(s) amongst the following.
A) Gold sol is a positive charged sol.
B) Lyophobic sols can act as protective colloid for Lyophilic sols.
C) When FeCl3 is hydrolysed with hot water, then ferric hydroxide sol (positively
charged) will be obtained.
D) Colour of colloidal solution depends on size & shape of dispersed phase.
26. For a real gas obeying van der waals equation, which of the following is/are true?
A) Internal energy of gas is dependent on temperature only.
B) If Z > 1, then forces of repulsion are dominant.

C) At very high pressure for most of the gases, Z  1   Pb

RT  

D) The second virial coefficient (B) depends on the nature of gas and temperature.

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 12

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
27. Scheme 1 and 2 describe the conversion of P to Q and R to S respectively, scheme 3
describes the synthesis of T form Q and S. the total number of Br atoms in a molecule
of T is

NO 2

1) Fe, HCl
2) Ac 2O
3) Br 2, CS 2
4) (aq) NaOH
5) NaNO 2, HCl, 273 K
6) H 2O, Boil
7) Br 2 (excess), H 2O

1) Mg, THF
2) CO 2
3) H , H 2O major
4) SOCl 2, Pyridine
5) Br 2, FeBr 3

1) NaOH
[Q] [T]
2) S

A) 5 B) 4 C) 6 D) 7

28. Which of the following order is/are incorrect?

A) H 3 PO4  H 3 PO3  H 3 PO2 (reducing character)
B) N 2O  NO  N 2O3  N 2O5 (oxidation state of nitrogen atom)
C) NH 3  PH 3  AsH 3  SbH 3 (basic)
D) SbH 3  NH 3  AsH 3  PH 3 (reducing character)

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 13

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
29. Scheme 1 and 2 includes starting materials, reagents of selected chemical reactions
and conversion of P to Q and R to S respectively.
scheme-3 describe the synthesis of S from Q.
CH2 1) O 3
2) Zn, H 2O
3) NaBH 4
4) conc. H 2SO 4
5) LiAlH 4
6) H 2O


2) NaBH 4
3) dil HCl


NaBH 4
[S] [Q]


Q is S is

Q is S is
C) D)
30. The reactions leading to the formation of benzene is/are

(i) hot KMnO 4, OH
(ii) H 3O
(iii) HI / Red P
Cr 2O 3 or V 2O 5
n - hexane
A) 773 K, 10 - 20 atm B) H3C CH3

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 14

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P

(i) Mg, dry ether

(i) Br 2, NaOH
+ (ii) O 2
O O (ii) H 3O +
(iii) H 3O
(iii) Sodalime, 

C) CH3 CH3
D) (iv) Zn, 

31. Decomposition of 3 A  g   2 B  g   2C  g  follows 1st order kinetics. Initially only A is

present in the container. Pressure developed after 20 min and infinite time are 3.5 and
4 atm respectively. Which of the given option(s) is/are correct?

A) t50%  20 min B) t75%  40 min C) t99%  64 / 3min D) t87.5%  60 min

32. Among the following pair of compounds, identify the pairs which can be differentiated
by Fehling as well as Tollen’s regent?



A) H H B)

C) D) O

(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 2 groups of question. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choice (A), (B),(C) AND (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 33 and 34
In the following reaction sequence, the compound [J] is an intermediate product.
(CH 3CO) 2O 1) NaOH, Cao, 
CH 3COONa 2) Br 2 / CCl 4
3) 2NaNH 2, 
4) HgSO 4, H 2SO 4, H 2O
5) Br 2 , FeBr 3

J(C9 H8O 2 ) gives effervescence on treatment with NaHCO3 and a positive Baeyer's
SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 15

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
33. The compound [I] is


A) B) C) D)
34. The compound K is


A) Br B) Br C) D)

Paragraph For Questions 35 and 36

When three parts of concentrated HCl and one part of conc. HNO3 are mixed, aquaregia
is formed which is used for dissolving noble metals

35. Which of the following complexes are formed when Pt and Au dissolved in aquaregia

A) H 4  Pt Cl6  , H  AuCl4  B) H 2  Pt Cl6  , H3  AuCl4 

C) H 4  Pt Cl6  , H3  AuCl4  D) H 2  Pt Cl6  , H  AuCl4 

36. The magnetic nature of the complexes of gold and platinum formed in aquaregia
respectively, is

A) Diamagnetic, Diamagnetic B) Diamagnetic, Paramagnetic

C) Paramagnetic, Diamagnetic D) Paramagnetic, Paramagnetic

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 16

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P

(Single Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 6 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) out of which
ONLY ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and -1 in all other cases.
37. An ellipse intersects the hyperbola 2 x 2  2 y 2  1 orthogonally at point P. The
eccentricity of the ellipse is reciprocal to that of the hyperbola. If the axes of the
ellipse are along the co – ordinate axes and product of focal distance of P is x then
2x is
A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 5
38. If x1 , x2 and x3 are the positive roots of the equation x3  6 x 2  3 px  2 p  0, p  R, then the
1 1 1 1 1 1
value of sin 1     cos 1     tan 1    is equal to
 x1 x2   x2 x3   x3 x1 
  3
A) B) C) D) 
4 2 4
x3 x 6 x9 x 4 x 7 x10 x 2 x 5 x8 x11
39. If a  1     ...., b  x     .... and c      .... then the value
3! 6! 9! 4! 7! 10! 2! 5! 8! 11!
of a  b  c  3abc is equal to (given ‘x’ is a three digit positive number)
3 3 3

A) 0 B) -1 C) 2 D) None
   
40. Let A  iˆ  3 ˆj  4kˆ, B  6iˆ  4 ˆj  8kˆ, C  5iˆ  2 ˆj  5kˆ and a vector R satisfies

      B
R  B  C  B, R. A  0 , then the value of   is
R C

A) 1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4
a b 1 ca c  b ab ca cb c2
41. If b c 1  2010 and a  b a  c bc  a  b a  c a 2  P then sum of all digits in the
c a 1 b  c b  a ca b  c b  a b2
number P is
A) 7 B) 8 C) 9 D) None
42. If c  a  b  d , then roots of the equation bx 2  1  b  c  d   x  bcd  a  0
A) Are real and one lies between c and a
B) Are real and distinct in which one lies between a and b
C) Are real and distinct in which one lies between c and d
D) Are not real
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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
(Multiple Correct Answer Type)
This section contains 8 multiple choice questions. Each question has 4 options (A), (B), (C) and (D) for its answer,
out of which ONE OR MORE than ONE option can be correct.
Marking scheme: +4 for all correct options & +1 partial marks, 0 if not attempted and -2 in all wrong cases.
43. A circle having centre as O and radius r  touches the incircle of ABC externally at
F , where F is on BC and also touches its circumcircle internally at G. If O is the
circumcentre of ABC and ‘I’ is its incentre, then
A) OO  R  r 
B) Perpendicular distance from O to line joining IO is

C) Projection of OO on line joining IO  r   R cos A

D) r   tan 2 A

44. Let A   aij  be a third order square matrix and B  bij  be a matrix of order 3 1, X is an

unknown matrix such that AX  B . Then which of the following statements are true?

A) If A is a singular matrix then the equation AX  B possesses infinitely many


B) If A is a singular matrix then the equation AX  B does not have a solution

C) If A is a singular matrix and B is a null matrix then equation AX  B possesses

infinitely many solutions

D) If A  0 and adj A  0 then the equation AX  B possesses infinitely many solutions

x2  2x  d
45. If f : R   a, 6 defined by f  x   is an onto function, then
x 2  3x  d

A) a is equal to B) d is equal to 4

C) a is equal to 1 D) d – 7a is equal to – 3

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
46. Which among the following is incorrect?

 10  x  x  2  
A) If f  x   log   , then f  x  is odd function
 10  x  x  2  

B) Determinant of skew – symmetric matrix of any order is zero

C) It is possible to have 17, 19, 23 as any three terms of an arthemetric progression

D) There are exactly two distinct linear functions, which map  1,1 onto  0,3

47. Which of the following are the solutions of equation 2sin11x  cos 3x  3 sin 3 x  0?
n  n 7
A) x   ,nZ B) x   ,nZ
7 84 4 48
n  n 
C) x   ,nZ D) x   ,nZ
7 63 4 24
x 1
48. If  f  t  dt  e x  ae 2 x  f  t  e  t dt , then
0 0

A) a  B) f  x   e x  2e2 x
3  2e
C) a  D) f  x   e x  e x

 x  7  y  3
2 2

49. Consider a hyperbola: 2

  1 . Then line 3 x  2 y  25  0 , which is not a
a b2

tangent, intersect the hyperbola at H  , 7  only. A variable point

3 
P   7,  2  4    R exists in the plane of the given hyperbola

A) The eccentricity of the hyperbola is

B) The eccentricity of the hyperbola is 2

C) The eccentricity of the hyperbola is
D) The complete values of  for which two tangents can be drawn one to each branch
of the given hyperbola is    , 2    1,1   2,  
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 
50. Let first and second row vectors of matrix A be r1  1 1 3 and r2   2 1 1 let the third
   
row vector r3 be in the plane of r1 and r2 perpendicular to r2 with magnitude 5, then
which of the following can be true?

A) Tr.  A  3
   
B) Volume of parallelepiped formed by r2 , r3 and r2  r3 equals 30

C) Row vectors are linearly dependent

     
D)  r1  r2 r2  r3 r3  r1   0

(Paragraph Type)
This section contains 2 groups of question. Each group has 2 multiple choice questions based on a paragraph.
Each question has 4 choice (A), (B),(C) AND (D) for its answer, out of which ONLY ONE is correct.
Marking scheme: +3 for correct answer, 0 if not attempted and 0 in all other cases.
Paragraph For Questions 51 and 52:
A function f  x  having the following properties

i) f  x  is continuous except at x  3

ii) f  x  is differentiable except at x  2 and x  3

iii) f  0   0, lim
x 3 f  x   , x  f  x   3, x  f  x   0
lim lim

iv) f   x   0x   , 2    3,   and f   x   0x   2,3

v) f   x   0x   , 2    2, 0  and f   x   0x   0,3   3,  

then answer the following questions
51. Maximum possible number of solutions of f  x   x is

A) 2 B) 1 C) 3 D) 4
52. f  x   3 x  0 has five solutions if

A) f  2   6 B) f   0   3 and f  2   6

C) f   0   3 D) f   0   3 and f  2   6

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The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

Narayana IIT Academy 19-04-20_Sr.IIT_N-SC/N-C_JEE-Adv_GTA-11_P-2 Q’P
Paragraph For Questions 53 and 54:
An unbiased dice with faces numbered 1,2,3,4,5,6 is thrown five times and list of five
numbers showing up is noted then
53. The probability that among the numbers 1,2,3,4,5 and 6 only four numbers appear in
the list is
883 3600 483 883
A) B) C) D)
7776 7776 1296 1296
54. The probability that the sum of five numbers on the list is 25 is
256 358 126 728
A) B) C) D)
7776 7776 7776 7776

SR.IIT_N-SC/ N-C Page. No. 21

The roots of education are bitter, but the fruit is sweet.

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