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The secret to conducting safe and efficient mooring operations is to prepare ahead and make sure the

proper steps are taken. Always do a risk analysis of mooring operations. To reduce the risks highlighted
for this activity, appropriate controls and procedures should be in place. To assist decrease accidents,
tollbox discussions are a useful tool for discussing the operation and the risks associated. Given that
anchoring is a common duty that most crew members are well-versed in, it could appear pointless to
take on the task. This is a risk too, as comfort and familiarity can result in an error or an accident.

The first to do when you have an mooring safety operation is to use PPE so to start that don’t allow any
extra crew member on the deck, check the weather condition like anchoring weather is the basis of the
operation we when it have bad weather the operation will not continue, have knowledge of snap back
zone and Be aware of snap back zones and potential pinch points. The use of deck markings can greatly
assist in the identification of these zones. Try to use common sense during mooring operations and if
you can see a dangeorus situation developing make sure that the stop signal is given. It is better to be
safe than to ignore a dangerous situation. Do not forget that your view of the mooring operation may be
different to that of others and you may be the only person who sees the development of a dangerous
situation. Ensure all crew that carry out mooring operations are trained in the identification and
understanding of snap back zones. Always check mooring lines for damage on a regular basis, and keep
records. Make sure a qualified individual inspects a mooring line if you are unsure of its condition.
Particular care should be given to corrosion, deterioration, and fraying indicators when handling
mooring lines. Check the tail of the mooring lines to ensure that is tie in the bollard of the ship, tend one
like in a time, Only one line should be tended at a time during mooring operation. If this is not done, it
may increase the load in the other tended lines. If two lines are tended together it may lead to
overloading and breakage. Keep a Check on the Mooring Line Load: Ensure that the allowable breaking
load in any of the mooring lines does not increase 55% of its Maximum Breaking Load (MBL). This is to
prevent the line from breaking. It is always preferred to avoid mixed moorings due to variable loads and
elasticity of various kinds of ropes and wires which lead to different strains or weights on the lines. This
can result in excessive loads on some lines than others and eventually part them putting the vessel in
danger. Keep a continuous check so we can know if it have a problem the last is All mooring line must be
arranged as symmetrical as possible with the breast line. The breast line should be perpendicular to the
longitudinal centre line of the ship and the spring line should be parallel to the longitudinal centre line.

Mooring operation is like anchoring but the difference is the mooring operation is your vessel will tie in
the port to held the ship for cargo operation like tying your cow in their cage.

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