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Assessment Nursing Planning Intervention Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Ineffective Short Term: Independent: 1. Generate good Short Term:
“ breathing was airway After 4 hours of 1. Build or establish rapport and connection, trust and Goal met,
challenging, and I clearance nursing collaboration. participation with the following a 4-hour
felt as if I were related to intervention the patient. nursing
being suffocated, increased patient will 2. Monitor respiratory rate, intervention, the
with my chest sputum demonstrate depth, and breath sounds at 2. Basic indicators of patient managed
tightening” as production as improve least every 4 hours. respiratory effort. to improve
verbalized by the evidenced by behaviors to behaviors
patient. abnormal achieve airway 3. Maintain appropriate 3. Basic safety precautions. to achieve airway
breath sounds, clearance. emergency equipment as clearance.
tachypnea, dictated by the situation.
Objective: and purulent Long Term: Long Term:
 Wheezing and sputum. After 2 days of 4. Assist the patient into a 4. Provides comfort and Goal met, after
crackles upon nursing position of comfort, usually promotes better lung two days of
auscultation intervention the semi-Fowler’s position. expansion. nursing
 Shallow, rapid patient will intervention the
maintain a 5. Help the client deep breath 5. Controlled coughing patient
patent airway and perform controlled uses the diaphragmatic maintained a
 Thick and
with clear breath coughing. Have the client muscles, making the patent airway
sounds, inhale deeply, hold breath for cough more forceful and with clear breath
expectorate several seconds, and cough effective. sounds,
RR- 28 bpm
BP- 130/80 mmHg clear secretions, two or three times with mouth expectorated
Temp- 37.4 and improve open while tightening the clear secretions,
oxygen upper abdominal muscles. and had
exchange. 6. Helps mobilize improved oxygen
6. Encourage activity and exchange.
ambulation as tolerated. If the secretions and reduces
client cannot be ambulated, atelectasis.
turn the client from side to
side at least every 2 hours. 7. Fluids help minimize
7. Maintain adequate hydration drying and maximize
by forcing fluids to at least ciliary action to move
3000 mL/day unless secretions.
contraindicated. Offer warm,
rather than cold, fluids.

8. Teach the client/family the 8. Taking the entire course

importance of taking of antibiotics helps
antibiotics as prescribed, eradicate bacterial
consuming all tablets until the infection, which
prescription has run out decreases lingering,
chronic infection.
9. Anticipate the need for 9. These measures are
supplemental oxygen or needed to correct the
intubation if the patient’s hypoxemia.
condition deteriorates.
10. Recognize that
10. If indicated, encourage the controlled coughing and
client to use an incentive deep breathing may be
spirometer. just as effective as
incentive spirometry
11. Administer medications
(bronchodilators or inhaled 11. Bronchodilators
steroids) as ordered. Watch decrease airway
for side effects. resistance, improve the
efficiency of
respiratory movements.
12. Assist with bronchoscopy and 12. Occasionally needed to
thoracentesis, if indicated. remove mucous plugs

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