DESF-Profile Manual

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E-Service (Web Portal)

Personal Details
This section includes mandatory personal information required to submit the FOREIGN DEGREE
EQUIVALENCE SERVICE application. Carefully enter the valid data in the following mandatory fields in
the Personal Info and Contact Info section.
 Enter data for the following fields in Personal Info section
a. Profile Picture - Upload any formal picture if yours. It should not exceed the size limit of
15MB. Also, only PNG, JPG are allowed picture formats.
b. Title - Select the appropriate title from the given dropdown values.
c. First Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
d. Last Name - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
e. Gender
f. Marital Status
g. Date of Birth - As per your CNIC/POC/Passport Number
h. Father Name
 Contact Info
a. Enter relevant data for Mailing Address
i. Address
ii. Country
iii. City
iv. District
v. Postal Code
 Nationality Info
a. If you have registered yourself with CNIC/Passport, then your CNIC/Passport will be
displayed here already in read-only form
 Click Next Step button to proceed to Detail of Degree(s) tab

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