Explanation of Diagnostics PDF

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As part of French Law, all tenants must initial each page of several Diagnostic documents.
There are for information only.

▪ DPE (Diagnostic de Performance Energétique)

Energy Performance Diagnostic

Each property has its own “carbon footprint”. The first paragraph shows how much
energy the property uses on average, and the second, its emissions.

▪ Etat de l’Installation Intérieure d’Electricité

Electricity Installation Diagnostic

If the property has an interior electricity installation that has been in place for more
than fifteen years, this diagnostic must be made.
Its objective is to inform the tenant of the state of the electrical installation of the
property he is renting.

▪ ERNMT (Diagnostic de l’Etat des Risques Naturels, Miniers et Technologiques)

Diagnostics of the State of Natural, Mining and Industrial Risks in the area

This states that there MAY be a risk of the movement of the ground, earthquakes,
forest fires, flooding, and depending on your area, the transport of dangerous

▪ CREP (Constat de Risque d’Exposition au Plomb, si le logement a été construit avant

Lead Diagnostic (if the property was constructed before 1949)

If the building or house was constructed before 1949, by law, a survey must be done
to determine if there is any Lead in the property. Normally, with renovation, all lead
will have been removed:
« Il n’a pas été repéré de matériaux et produits contenant du plomb »

In some cases, there may be some residual paint left containing lead:
« Le constat des risques d’exposition au plomb a révélé la présence de revêtements
dégradés contenant du plomb »

The following pages will then detail where the lead will be found.

▪ Amiante (Construction antérieure au 1er juillet 1997)

Asbestos Diagnostic (if the property was constructed before July 1st, 1997)

If the building or house was constructed before 1997, by law, a survey must be done
to determine if there is any asbestos in the property. It is extremely rare and is
completely safe unless it is cut into or broken. If there is, you will the following phrase,
followed by a detailed description of where it can be found.
« Le constat des risques d’exposition à l’amiante a révélé la présence de revêtements
dégradés contenant de l’amiante. »

If no asbestos is present, it will state:

« Il n’a pas été repéré de matériaux et produits contenant de l’amiante. »


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