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Northern Mindanao Colleges Inc.

Atega Street, Cabadbaran City

A Detailed Lesson Plan in Teaching English 9

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:
a. Differentiate between direct and indirect speech.
b. Transform direct speech into indirect speech.
c. Appreciate the main idea of the story using situational concept.
II. Materials and References
Topic : The Crisis no.1
Author : Thomas Paine
Lesson Proper : Direct and Indirect Speech
References : Essential English 9
Materials : Instructional Materials
III. Teaching Strategy

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Good morning Class!

Good morning ma’am.
How’s your day?
It’s good ma’am.
Okay let’s pray first, April can you lead the

Let’s check your attendance, say present if your

name is called.

So everyone is present, very good.

These are my classroom rules:

1. Seat properly.
2. Arrange your chairs properly.
3. Cooperate.
4. Raise your hand if you have questions or
5. No cellphones allow during my

Are we clear class?

Yes ma’am
Very good.
A. Drill
I have prepared here a sound drill for us
to practice our pronunciation.

sh ch
shoes choose
share chair
cash catch
she’s cheese
wish which
Participating …
Very good everyone.

B. Review
Okay class, do you remember our last lesson?

So what was our last topic all about? Yes ma’am

It’s all about the poem entitled “Verses
Upon the Burning of our House” by
Anne Bradstreet.
What was the poem all about?
The poem narrates a tragic incident that
destroyed her home. When the house
turned into ashes.

C. New Lesson
C.1 Motivation
I have here a picture and identify it.
So what have you observe I the picture? In the first picture, I think there’s a war
ma’am, because there are soldiers.
While in the second picture. I think it’s
all about freedom, because those chains
are broken.

Very Good! So all of your answers are correct.

C.2 Presentation of New Lesson

Do you know this person class? No ma’am.

Okay so this is Thomas Paine, he was an English-

American writer and political activist born on
January 29, 1737 in Thetford, Norfolk. He is
recognized as one of the Founding Fathers of
United States most significantly for writing the
pamphlet entitled Common Sense (1776) which
played a significant role in America’s Declaration
of Independence. His other works include Age of
Reason (1974) and Rights of Man (1791).

Elements of Essay:
1. Theme- the main idea, moral or message of an
essay which may be life, society or human
2. Style- the manner in which the writer presents
his ideas in a composition.
3. Organization- the combination or
arrangement of distinct artistic parts to form a
unified essay.
4. Point of view- the perspective used by the
writer or of the narrative voice, the ronoun used
in narration.
5. Diction- the choice of words used in the

C.3 Unlocking of Difficulties

Now class in order for us to further understand
the essay. Let’s unlock those difficult words that
we may encounter while reading the essay.

Instruction: Find the synonyms of the underlined

words. Choose the correct answer inside the
box. Read the sentence carefully.

A. Upset E. Fear

B. Cruelty F. Unregretted

C. Weakness G. Determination

D. Comfort H. Hard

1. He was dedicated to ending the tyranny of

2. She found great consolation in all the cards
and letters she received.
3. Its a blast from a late and unlamented past.
4. Cowardice prevented me from doing what I
know I should do.
5. He had perseverance in his job.

C.4 Spring Board

These are the times that try men’s souls. The

summer soldier and the sunshine patriot
will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of
their country; but he that stands it now,
deserves the love and thanks of man and
woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily
conquered; yet we have this consolation
with us, that the harder the conflict, the
most glorious the triumph. What we obtain
too cheap, we esteem too lightly: it is
dearness only that gives everything its value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price
upon its goods; and it would be strange
indeed if so celestial an article as freedom
should not be highly rated. Britain, with an
army to enforce her tyranny, had declared
that she has a right not only to tax, but
Thomas Paine said “to bind us in all cases
whatsoever ;” and if being bound in that
manner is not slavery, then is there not such
a thing as slavery upon earth. . . . In turn . . .
to those who have nobly stood, and are yet
determined to stand the matter out: I call
not upon a few, but upon all: not in this state
or that state, but on every state. Up and help
us; . . . throw not the burden of the day upon
Providence, but Thomas said “show your
faith by your works,” that God may bless
you. It matters not where you live, or what
rank of life you hold, the evil or the blessing
will reach you all. . . . The heart that feels not
now is dead; the blood of his children will
curse his cowardice who shrinks back at a
time when a little might have saved the
whole . . . but he whose heart is firm, and
whose conscience approves his conduct, will
pursue his principles unto death. . . . There
are cases which cannot be overdone by
language, and this is one. There are persons,
too, who see not the full extent of the evil
which threatens them; they solace
themselves with hopes that the enemy, if
succeed, will be merciful. It is the madness
of folly to expect mercy from those who
have refused justice. . . . By perseverance
and fortitude we have the prospect of a
glorious issue; by cowardice and submission,
the sad choice of a variety of evils—a
ravaged country—a depopulated city—
habitations without safety and slavery
without hope. . . . Look on this picture and
weep over it! And if there yet remains one
thoughtless wretch who believes it not, let
him suffer it unlamented.

C.5 Intellectual Discussion

What is Thomas Paine’s theme in the crisis

The colonists must fight England’s
oppression. Paine’s essay addresses the
crisis of loyalty threatening the ranks of
American soldiers during the dark days
of the Revolutionary war.
How about the style? The manner in which the
writer presents his ideas in a composition? His sentence structure and his
vocabulary choice. Many of Paine’s
sentences were lengthy and contained
plenty of subordinates clause. It was
written in common, everyday language.
He understood that an easily readable
circular would be accepted.

Very good!

How the writer organize the essay, or the

arrangement of the distinct artistic parts to form
a unified essay? They use a logic reason, social contract,
and legal document for most dominant
in Revolutionary Literature. The type of
writing that is use in this speech is
persuasive and propaganda.

Very good!

What is the point of view of the writer towards

the essay? Paine wrote this essay for the American
people to persuade them to believe that
freedom is worth fighting for. The writer
wanted to give the feeling that the
British were not the only unjust in their
acts on the colonies. Rather it as
personally against the colonists. Paine
Promoted the American cause not
necessarily a war.

Very Good!

How about the author’s choice of words used in

the essay? The author uses a words that is very
understandable to the readers in order
for them to understand better what the
author’s wants to imply in his essay.

Very good!

C.6 Aesthetic Discussion

What have you observe in the photocopy? There are sentences that being
highlighted ma’am.

Very Good Class!

So what are those? Can you read the sentences

that being highlighted? Thomas Paine said “to bind us in all
cases whatsoever”

Thomas said “show your faith by your


Okay very good class!

So what do you call them? What do you think are

those sentences? I think it is an examples of direct speech

How? Because of the quotation marks.

Very good!

So let’s talk about direct speech and indirect


A direct speech is often used to achieve a more

vivid and dramatic effect. A direct speech is a
sentence in which the exact words spoken are
reproduced in speech marks (also know as
quotation marks). in the direct speech, the
speaker’s exact words are enclosed in quotation

1. Thomas Paine said “These are the times that
try men’s souls.”
2. The TV show host asked me, “are you excited
to meet our special guest?”
3. My teacher told us,”pass your papers.”

In indirect speech we do not use quotation

marks. Instead we us the conjunction “that” and
state the sentence by changing its tense.

1. Thomas Paine said that those were the times
that try men’s souls.
2. The TV show host asked the audience if they
are excited to meet their special guest.
3. My teacher told us to pass our papers.

In short, Direct Speech is from the speaker’s

standpoint, whereas the Indirect Speech is from
the listener’s standpoint.

Understand class? Yes ma’am.

C.7 Generalization

How can you write an essay more effectively by

using direct speech? Using direct speech can be a powerful to
create an emotional impact in your
writing. It can also help to create a more
intimate connection between the
characters and the readers.

Very Good!

C.8 Application

Instruction: Write the correct transformation of

the following sentences to indirect speech.
She asks what they are making.
1. “What are they making?” she asks. My English teacher told us to review
2. My English teacher told us, “Review very well very well for the test.
for the test.” The principal asked why I am roaming
3. The principal asked,”Why are you roaming around the campus.
around the campus?” The costumer said that he would order
4. The costumer said,”I will order set A with set A with extra rice.
extra rice.” The teacher says that the Earth revolves
5. The teacher said,”The Earth revolves around around the sun.
the sun.”

C.9 Valuing

Was there a time In your life when you had a

lack of freedom? Cite a situation.


Encircle the correct answer.

1. What is the title of the essay?

A. The crisis no.1
B. Crisis no.1
C. The no.1 crisis
2. Who is the author of the essay?
A. Charles Darwin
B. Thomas Paine
C. Robert Frost
3. In what year does crisis no.1 published?
A. 1840
B. 1776
C. 1760
4. When was Thomas Paine born?
A. January 29, 1737
B. September 16, 1730
C. October 14, 1980
5. Is Thomas Paine an English-American writer?
A. Yes
B. No
C. None of the above
6-10 Give at least 5 examples of a direct speech.

IV. Agreement : Read in advance the story entitled “The Happy Prince” by Oscar Wilde.

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