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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University



1. Who is the winner of the GAME?

F2 5 R1 3 D1

> Red wins because he/she had higher score that the blue.

2. Who is the winner of the ROUND? Will there be a third round? Why?

D1 F2 2 R2 5 F3

 Red wins and there will be no third round because he also won the first round.

3. Who is the Winner of the Round? What will the Judges/Referee do in case of this score?

F1 5 R3 5 D1

 It is a tie. The winner will be determined by a 1-minute extension round.

4. I am an Individual player using one stick, am I allowed to compete with players using a replica? Why?
> No. Because even if a replica is also considered as a single weapon in Likha Anyo Competition, a solo
player cannot compete in synchronized single weapon category.

5. My Team mates and I are using 2 different replicas with complicated movements. What specific
category in Likha anyo do we belong? Why?

 (synchronized) Sword y Daga Non-Traditional Woman’s Division. Because you and your team
mates mean you have 2 team mates more which makes your performance a synchronized one
and using 2 replicas means using sword and a dagger. Using complicated moves also falls to non-
traditional performace and a woman is not allowed to team up with men in likha anyo that is
why you are in woman’s division.
6. Am I allowed to compete with players even if we are not using the same weapon? Why?
> yes, as long as you compete in the same category. For example, you are both competing for single
baston competition and you are using a replica while your opponent is using a rattan stick. You can still
compete with each other.

7. I suddenly broke my sword while performing my routine. What are the possible Fouls/Paglabag will I

8. What is the correct sequence of categories in playing Likha Anyo? Give an example and explain the

9-10. Compute and get the average of the players. Declare the winner

Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3 Judge 4 Judge 5 Judge 6 Judge 7

Sanchez 9.5 9.3 9.1 8.9 9.2 9.6 9.1

Andrews 9.0 9.2 9.2 9.3 9.2 9.3 9.2

Lallo 9.3 8.9 9.3 9.1 9.4 9.4 9.4

Carig 9.7 9.0 9.2 9.1 8.9 9.5 9.3

Gonzaga 9.2 9.1 9.1 8.9 9.1 9.5 9.2



11. How will the Judges/management break a tie?

> In case of a tie, the first option to settle the tie break is to review the scores and average the original 5
scores by including the lowest and highest scores previously removed. The new scores will be used to
break the tie.

Declare the winner and identify what kind of Judgement

Judge 1 Judge 2 Judge 3

Round 1

10-9 10-9 9-10

Round 2

9-10 9-10 9-10

Round 3

10-9 9-10 10-9

12. Who is the winner? Why?

> Red is the winner because he won the first and third round via split decision.

13. What will be the judge’s decision in declaring the winner? Why?

> Split decision, because the red one won on the two rounds but lost once.
14-15. What will happen in case of:

a. Tie

> the winner will be determined by the judges having a 1-minute extension while in likha anyo, the
scores will be determined by adding the lowest and highest scores previously removed in the

b. is Identity

> incase the 1-minute extension still concluded in a draw on all the scores including fouls and disarms,
the winner will be determined by the superiority of their techniques.

c. grave injured?

> the referee can request a medical personel to assess the situation of the player. If the medical
personel requests that the player should not play, the referee will decide to stop the match and declare
the opponent as the winner.






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