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Republic of the Philippines

Cagayan State University

Palm Avenue, CSU Carig Compound, Carig Sur,
Tuguegarao City 3500, Cagayan Valley Philippines
Website: Telephone No.: 078-396-0569 Local No. 014

Understanding the Self

First Activity

Make/Create/Construct a theory of “SELF”

(50 points)
**If you have citation/s use the APA format


One’s self is sometimes the most is a difficult thing to understand. It is someone’s task
until their last day. We always pour so much time in understanding ourselves or one’s self and
conclude into something thinking the process of understanding one’s self is over but it is not.
Someone’s self or even ourselves goes through some changes everyday in our life. We
may understand ourselves or one’s self today but not tomorrow. And it always depends on how
someone show his/herself to you. Your understanding towards one’s self will always be different
from other’s understanding depends on how someone show his/herself to you.
Self-concept is the image that we have of ourselves. It is the one that we use to
understand ourselves and to understand one’s self. It the image of ourselves that everyone that
surrounds us uses to understand us. It consists of our behaviors or reactions on things that is
happening on us.
How exactly does this self-image forms and change overtime? This image develops in a
number of ways but is particularly influenced by our interactions with important people in our
For us the meaning of self contains the mind, the spirit and the appetite. The appetite is
likened to desires, both good and bad. This needs to be in moderation. The spirit is what drives
us to do things like courage, and the mind is what is rational like the word wisdom. And the mind
should rule over the spirit and the appetite. And the each part need to do their respective jobs.
The ideal self or individual would be one in so far that the mind rules over spirit and
appetite. First, Understanding your true self is the most difficult part of our life, but once we
overcome it, we can easily know how to survive, what is our basic needs in life, what things that
make us happy and how to make ourselves alone but not lonely. That's why as time passes by,
all of us must understand the true essence of life for us to understand the true meaning of self it
is because self must be our first priority and the one that you will love the most.
And also according to Plato, It has long been said that the “great minds think alike.” And
we questioned ourselves why? It is because for us to put it simply a great minds think alike for
the same reason passengers boarded the same train of thought inevitably end up at the same
Indeed, because logic is linear in function, if someone starts with the same premises and
logically remains true to unpacking the implicit conclusion, then he or she must ultimately arrive
at the same result. This working out in full the consequences of an argument is what Plato
called the “dialectic.”
Self is not an ordinary word for us to be easily understand that's why in the mear future
of our lives is that we must face the consequences of life and understand more the meaning of
self through our own experiences in life

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