Evaluation of Iron and Manganese Removal Effectiveness by Treatment Plant Modules Based On Water Pollution Index A Comprehensive Approach

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Journal of Environmental Health Science and Engineering (2021) 19:1005–1013



Evaluation of iron and manganese removal effectiveness

by treatment plant modules based on water pollution index;
a comprehensive approach
Nima Kalvani 1 & Alireza Mesdaghinia 1,2 & Kamyar Yaghmaeian 1,3 & Samaneh Abolli 1,4 & Sommayeh Saadi 1 &
Abdollah Rashidi Mehrabadi 1,2,5 & Mahmood Alimohammadi 6

Received: 6 February 2021 / Accepted: 5 April 2021 / Published online: 2 May 2021
# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021

Groundwater is a viable alternative when access to surface water resources is limited. Iron and manganese are known
ions in soil and naturally in groundwater sources. However, human activities also are responsible. To identifying the best
module for removing manganese and iron in the water treatment plant (WTP) of Mazandaran, 516 samples were taken
from raw and treated water. The concentration of manganese, iron, was measured by atomic absorption spectrophotom-
etry, and turbidity was used with the nephelometry method. The water pollution index (WPI) was applied for catego-
rizing the status of pollution in treated water. The effect of seasonal temperature and backwashing (At flow rates of 3.5,
9.2, and 15.3 m h-1) on the sand filter efficiency was also investigated. The highest concentrations of manganese, iron,
and turbidity in raw water were 0.744, 6.70 mg L-1, and 41.8 NTU, and in treated water were 0.67, 1.09 mg L-1, and
5.58 NTU, respectively. The mean concentration of manganese and iron in raw and treated water were 0.24 ± 0.1, 0.93 ±
0.91, 0.105 ± 0.06 and 0.18 ± 0.14 mg L-1 respectively. The WPI statuses in drinking water were excellent for manga-
nese and iron in 95.74 and 53.88 % of the samples and very poor in 1.16 and 12.01 % of the samples, respectively, and
its classification for drinking water for manganese and iron was excellent ˃ good ˃ extremely polluted ˃ polluted and
the concentration of iron was more than manganese in treated water. The study of temperature’s effect on sand filters
showed that the removal efficiency in warm seasons was higher than in cold seasons. Also, the turbulence in the
backwash with the 9.2 m h− 1 rates, is lesser than other speeds, and in this flow, after 270 s, the turbidity decreases
to less than 10 NTU. Spearman correlation comparison showed that the parameters amounts after filtration decreased
significantly (p ≤ 0.0001) in comparison to raw water. The results showed that module #1 that used open-aeration and
chlorine as oxidations, was most effective in removing iron and manganese. In the end, the WTP couldn’t diminish the
parameters completely and need subsidiary units.

Keywords Water . Manganese . Iron . WPI . Mazandaran

* Abdollah Rashidi Mehrabadi 3

Centre for Solid Waste Management (CSWM), Institute for
a_rashidi@sbu.ac.ir Environmental Research (IER), Tehran University of Medical
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
* Mahmood Alimohammadi
m_alimohammadi@tums.ac.ir Health Center of Garmsar, Semnan University of Medical Sciences,
Semnan, Iran
Department of Environmental Health Engineering, School of Public 5
Health Equity Research Center (HERC) Tehran University of
Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
Center for Water Quality Research (CWQR), Institute for 6
Civil, Water and Environmental Engineering Faculty, Shahid
Environmental Research (IER), Tehran University of Medical Beheshti University, 19839-69411, Tehran, Iran
Sciences, Tehran, Iran
1006 J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013

Introduction Mazandaran province has been studied. These water supply

systems direct the raw water from the underground wells to
Without exaggeration, after air, water is the most significant the treatment plant and ultimately provide the drinking water
need of all creatures, especially humans, and it is necessary to needed by 116,000 residents.
perform all the vital functions of the body [1, 2]. & Identify the best water treatment layout to reduce the
Groundwater is one of the best resources available to concentration of iron and manganese and the turbidity
humans, and on the other hand, the reduction of desir- in drinking water
able surface water resources or sometimes the contami- & Measuring water quality with the help of water pollution
nation of these resources is a strong reason to increase index (WPI)
the tendency to extract groundwater [3–5]. & Investigation the effect of temperature and backwashing
A group of mineral ions such as iron and manganese, in on the efficiency of sand filters in water treatment plant
specified doses, are essential and useful for human survival. (WTP)
But when their rate increases significantly, adverse effects
occur. For example, too much manganese intake affects the
central nervous system [6, 7]. Also excessive iron intake can
lead to health problems such as affecting the digestive system Materials and methods
(anorexia or diarrhea), disrupting other organs such as the
spleen and nervous system, and in more severe cases, death Study area
[8, 9].
Contamination of groundwater with iron and manga- Mazandaran province had ~ 23,756 km2 area and, it had
nese ions can be of natural or anthropogenic origin. As 1.46 % of the total space of the Islamic Republic of Iran.
a result of human activities such as mining or improper This province is located in the northern part of Iran in the form
disposal of wastewater, water sources become contaminat- of a green strip. According to the latest census of the Statistical
ed with these mineral metals [10, 11]. These ions are Organization of Iran, this province has a population of
divalent in the absence of oxygen. After the necessary 3,283,582 and has a common border with the Caspian Sea.
conditions for oxidation and the presence of sufficient The average annual rainfall in this province is 977 mm. re-
oxygen, these ions increase to their higher capacities garding the temperature parameter, due to the high relative
[12, 13]. humidity and a large number of cloudy days, the air temper-
Problems such as increased turbidity, discoloration, ature is moderate and, the temperature range is limited. This
taste, and odor in water can be related to the presence of situation leads to hot and humid summers and mild winters
iron and manganese ions. They can also cause acute dis- with occasional frosts [15]. Due to the high groundwater level
ruptions in various parts of the treatment plant or distri- in this province, the tendency to extract water from wells and
bution network. For example; Due to the growth of bac- use it for drinking is high. Out of 42 water supply systems in
teria, the quality of distribution network pipes decreases Mazandaran province, 19 systems were selected that had al-
and gradually wears out. On the other hand, the chlorine most identical modules to reduce the amount of manganese,
depletion and the absence of sufficient free chlorine to the iron, and turbidity and supplied water to ten cities out of 3
point of consumption are side effects of these ions pres- cities in this region. The first, second, and third cities in this
ence that cause secondary contamination. Also, if water study had 11, 5, and 3 water supply systems, respectively,
with a high concentration of mineral elements is used in which were sampled from their treated water. On average,
industries with boilers, it will lead to dangerous accidents the centers of these cities have 15 km distant from each other.
[14]. These WTPs used groundwater wells to supply drinking
What has been said is only part of these ions conse- water to 10 cities and ~ 760,000 people through 4 modules
quences and problems in groundwater. Due to the wide- of treating and, the water treatment method is conventional in
spread use of groundwater as a reliable source, increasing the studied WTPs.
water use in human service and industrial activities, the After water extraction from the well, groundwater enters
lack of a proper and uniform understanding of the protec- the reservoir, and depending on the layout, pre-chlorination,
tion of groundwater aquifers, and the permanent depen- aeration, filtration with sand filters (Rapid Sand Gravity Filter)
dence of the planet Earth on water, the study of these ions and, final disinfection can be used.
in groundwater in Mazandaran province is beneficial. The main lever to reduce the amount of iron and manga-
Considering the geographical and study conditions of this nese in raw water in these WTPs are the use of oxidation and
region, the aims of this study were; filtration (pressurized sand filter). The sand substrate used in
In this study, the quality of drinking water that outs of these filters had three layers and its specifications are shown in
treatment plants related to 10 cities out of 21 cities in Table 1.
J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013 1007

Table 1 Specifications of sand

filter layers in WTP Parameter First layer Second layer Third layer

D10 (mm) 0.8 1.08 2.8

D60 (mm) 2 2.08 4.5
D90(mm) 2.28 2.6 4.9
UC* 2.5 1.93 1.6
Specific gravity [g cm-3] 2.3 2.3 2.3
Height of filtration medium (mm) 250 250 250

*UC is uniformity coefficient which is calculated from the ratio of D60/D10

Module of facilities treatment was 258 samples. The samples were transported in
polyethylene bottles with a volume of 250 ml and maintained
There are four modules for the removal of iron and manganese by the appropriate temperature conditions (0–4 °C) by the
from raw water in Mazandaran’s WTP: cold box to the reference laboratory. The method of atomic
First module; steps of this module include; extracting absorption spectrophotometry for manganese and iron detec-
water from the well, storing it in the reservoir. This layout tion was used. The model of the device was Hitachi U3900-
has both open aeration and pre-chlorination. In the next 3900 H. The nephelometric method and the turbidity meter
stage, to reduce the concentration of iron and manganese model PCE - TUM 20 were used for turbidity measurement
ions, water enters the sand filters and in the last step, final [15, 16].
disinfection is performed. For regulating the necessary
pressure in the distribution network, water enters the el-
evated tanks and is transferred to the distribution net- Water pollution index (WPI)
work. It is also noted that in this modules, chlorine is
injected into the water as the final disinfectant. When a (or some) contaminant exists in drinking water, we
In the second module; after being extracted water from should examine its pollution status. There are many perfor-
the well, it enters multi-story platter aerators. In the next mances to indicate water quality [17] but one of them is a
step, water is stored in the reservoir. After the residence flexible approach that can use for measuring physical, chem-
time, the water enters the sand filter, and finally, the post ical, and biological parameters. This approach is recognized as
chlorination is done. Pre chlorination is removed in this the WPI. Also, this method is most useful for water with
method. domestic and drinking aims. For calculating this approach
The third module; the only difference between this meth- for treated water in this study, the concentration of parameters
od and the first module is putting aside the aeration step. (Ci) has been estimated. The standard or highest permissible
Fourth module; this module includes; extracting water limit (Si) of manganese and iron are available (0.4 and 0.3 mg
from the well, storage in the reservoir tank, and after the L− 1) and, the number of samples (n) after treatment was 258
residence period, (depending on the volume of the reser- cases. Finally, Eq. 1 and Eq. 2 was used.
voir), water enters the sand filter and, post disinfection is
performed. The only source of oxygen in this is in contact 1 X1
WPI ¼ PLi ð1Þ
with the air in the water reservoir. Pre-chlorination is not n n
performed in this module either.
Where pollution load (PLi) is;
It is important to note that galvanized coatings are used to  
Ci  Si
protect the treatment plant equipment from moisture. Sand PLi ¼ 1 þ ð2Þ
filters are also placed inside uncovered concrete containers.
Figure 1 shows an illustration of the four modules de- Groundwater quality analysis based on the water pollution
scribed. All available modules have the backwashing effluent. index is done by classifying sampling results into four differ-
ent classes;
Sampling and analysis The water is excellent when WPI is ˂ 0.5; the quality of
water is good if 0.5˂ WPI ≤ 0.75; when index value varied
Water quality was assessed by sampling raw groundwater at from 0.75 ˂WPI ≤ 1, water is moderately polluted and it is
the entrance to the treatment plant and output flow from sand extremely polluted when WPI is greater than 1. The functions
filters at a different season in 2016–2017. The number of and instructions in this research extracted from study by
samples taken before treatment was 258 samples and after Hossain et al. [18].
1008 J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013

Water quality based on sand filters efficiency examined by Smirnov-Kolmogorov statistical test, and finally,
the correlation of the data before and after treatment was an-
In this study, to investigate the effect of temperature on the alyzed. Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS –
sand filter efficiency, the principle of identically distributed IBM version 20) and Excel 2016 software was used to calcu-
samples in different seasons was considered. In the warm late the descriptive statistics and for extracting the necessary
seasons (20th Mar. − 21th Sep.), 129 samples of raw water tables or graphs.
and 129 samples of treated water were taken. This cycle was
repeated for the cold seasons of the year (22th Sep. − 19th
Mar.) [15]. Result
Also, the effect of the backwash on sand filters in reducing
turbidity was investigated by the sampling of sand filter Lab results & efficiency of modules
effluent after backwashing at three speeds of 3.5, 9.2, and
15.3 m h− 1 . According to the latest guidelines of the World Health
Organization (WHO) and the standards of Iran, the permissible
Statistical analysis limit of iron in water is 0.3 mg L− 1, the maximum permissible
limit and, the maximum contaminant level of manganese are
First, the data of this study were examined for kurtosis and 0.4, 0.1 mg L− 1, respectively and, the turbidity in drinking
skewness, and in the next stage, the normality of the data was water should be 1 NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Unit).

Fig. 1 Overview of the four layouts in Mazandaran ‘s WTP

J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013 1009

Fig. 1 (continued)

Table 2 summarized the comparison of water samples, before 0.67 and 1.09 mg L− 1, respectively, and the turbidity was 5.58
and after treatment (regardless of modules layout). According to NTU. It is also important to note that none of the layouts were
this table, 250 (96.89 %), 211 (81.78 %) and, 257 (99.61 %) able to reduce the turbidity of all samples to the standard range,
samples related to raw water, in compare with standards, had and 135 samples of treated water had turbidity above 1 NTU.
higher amounts of manganese, iron, and turbidity. Different layouts of water supply systems showed; module
The highest concentrations of manganese and iron ions in #1 which used both open-aeration and chlorine oxidations
raw water were 0.744, 6.70 mg L− 1, and turbidity was 41.8 were most effective in removing iron and manganese. The
NTU, respectively. Also, in raw water samples, the mean con- removal efficiencies of this method were 62.5 and 77.7 %
centration of iron ion (0.93 ± 0.91 mg L− 1) was higher than for manganese and iron ions, respectively.
the standard range and, the mean concentration of manganese The second rank of the removal percentage belonged to
ion (0.24 ± 0.1 mg L− 1) at these samples was higher than the module #3. In this method, chlorine, as the only oxidizing
maximum contaminant level. The mean of turbidity in raw agent, reduces manganese and iron ions by 58 and 67.7 %
water and treated water samples 5.92 ± 8.07 and 1.25 ± 0.82, and as a result, turbidity is reduced by decreasing the amount
respectively. of these ions.
While the results of treated water samples show that the The module #2 has no chemical oxidants and, only tray
highest amount of manganese and iron ions after treatment were aerators (Physical oxidation) have been used to reduce
1010 J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013

Table 2 The comparison between understudy parameters in raw and treated water, 2016–2017

Parameter Raw water Treated water

Manganese Iron Turbidity Manganese Iron Turbidity

Min. 0.036 0.12 0.94 0.01 0.01 0.31

Max. 0.74 6.70 41.8 0.67 1.09 5.58
Mean±SD 0.24±0.1 0.93±0.91 5.92±8.07 0.105±0.06 0.18±0.14 1.25±0.82
Higher than standard level (%) 97.67* 81.78 99.61 12.79 12.01 49.22

* The maximum contaminant level is considered for manganese

manganese and iron ions. However, a relatively good removal Graph 1 also shows the effect of backwashing of sand
percentage was obtained for iron ions (57 %). This method filters at three speeds of 3.5, 9.2, and 15.3 m h− 1 on the
had 48.7 % efficiency for manganese removal. turbidity of the water outlet.
In the fourth module, neither air is used as an oxidizer nor According to this figure, with increasing backwashing
chemical substances such as chlorine. In this method, water speed, the time to reach the proper turbidity in the effluent is
enters the sand filters after entering the storage tank and stays reduced and the maximum turbidity point is considerably
for a specific time. The removal efficiency of manganese and higher at the backwashing rate of 15.3 m h− 1 than turbidity
iron ions by this method was 38.9 and 42.6 %, respectively. at the same point in the velocity of 3.5 m h− 1.
There was no significant difference in the turbidity of
The status of WPI the effluent at 3.5 and 9.2 m h− 1. Only at the beginning of
the flow at the rate of 3.5 m h− 1, the turbidity increased to
The result of groundwater WPI in Mazandaran province 4000 NTU, which gradually decreases over time. But at
showed that more than 53.87 and 95.73 % of samples had 9.2 m h− 1 compared to other speeds, the current calm
WPI ≤ 0.5 for manganese and iron elements. But some sam- down sooner and, after 270 s, the turbidity decreases to
ples had the pollution index above 1. This index varied from less than 10 NTU.
0.04 to 1.67 and 0.03–3.63 for manganese and iron respec-
tively. On the next (Table 3), the number of samples catego-
rized based on WPI. Evaluation of WTP efficiency with statistical tests

The amount of kurtosis and skewness of the data showed that

Filters performance monitoring
the amount of data scatter was outside the range of -2 to + 2.
Smirnov-Kolmogorov test was used for more detailed exam-
The effect of temperature in the sand filter efficiency showed
ination and the significance of the recent test was < 0.05. As a
that the removal of manganese and iron ions in the warm
result, non-parametric tests such as Spearman correlation were
seasons was higher than in cold seasons. Turbidity has also
used to evaluate the efficiency of the filters and the reduction
benefited from a concentration reduction of these ions and on
of the studied parameters.
average, the efficiency of filters in removing manganese and
The results of the Spearman correlation study for raw water
iron parameters in thermal seasons was higher than 50 %. In
and treated water parameters showed that manganese, iron,
these seasons, the efficiency of filters to remove turbidity was
and turbidity were significantly reduced after treatment and
56.9 % and as result was better than the cold seasons of the
Sig. (2-tailed) in this correlation for each parameters were
year. Table 4 shows the effect of temperature on sand filters
and the removal efficiency of the examined parameters.

Table 3 The status of WPI of manganese and iron in treated water

WPI Number of samples Percent (%) Table 4 The effect of temperature on the sand filters efficiency 2016–
Category Status Mn Fe Mn Fe
Sampling period Efficiency of sand filters (%)
≤0.5 Excellent 247 139 95.74 53.88
Manganese Iron Turbidity
0.5–0.75 Good 6 60 2.33 23.26
0.75-1 Moderately polluted 2 28 0.77 10.85 20th Mar. −21th Sep. 56.8 69.7 56.9
˃1 Extremely Polluted 3 31 1.16 12.01 22th Sep. −19th Mar. 48.2 61.7 50.8
J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013 1011

Graph 1 Comparing the turbidity

of the backwashing outlet in
different flow rates

Discussion modules. This module can be one of the best choices to reduce
the concentration of manganese and iron and, by its nature, the
Iron and manganese are common contaminants in drinking turbidity of drinking water.
water sources but are more likely to be present in groundwater As mentioned, WTP uses physical methods to reduce inor-
aquifers. These elements are normally found in water sources ganic elements in the study area. While to increase the remov-
up to a concentration of 1 mg L− 1. However, in some regions al efficiency, more acceptable means, such as biological oxi-
such as Mazandaran, iron has been observed in concentrations dation and efficiency of bacteria, activated carbon powder,
greater than 6 mg L− 1 [19, 20, 21]. and granules, oxidation with ozone can be used [24]. For
Consumption of water that contains high concentrations of example, the mean concentration of manganese and iron in
these elements causes a wide range of problems. These prob- groundwater in some parts of China was 1.58 and 1.12 mg L-
lems start with the malfunction of the facilities, such as clog- 1, and the use of inactivated filters containing penicillin and
ging of the filters and decreasing pipes diameter in the WTP, sodium chloride (NaCl) had a removal efficiency of 98 %.
and continue until the clothes become stained and create an Also, in other region, the chemical oxidation had 81 % remov-
unpleasant taste at the point of use. It is also important to al efficiency [25]. Another study showed that the biological
emphasize that long-term exposure to these elements with bed of filters plays a significant role in reducing manganese
high doses can also pose health risks [22, 23]. and iron. In other words, the formation of a suitable substrate
The spectrophotometric atomic absorption experiments re- in the filters to remove these elements can depend on the
sults showed that the raw groundwater samples had higher quality of the raw water. So identifying effective microorgan-
mean concentrations of iron and manganese than standards isms is a significant step in the removal process [26–28].
of drinking water. The highest levels of iron and manganese In this study, to find one or more basic solutions that are
in Mazandaran groundwater were 6.7 and 0.744 mg L− 1. cost-effective and can have acceptable results to reduce the
After treatment, the amount of manganese in 225 and 136 amount of manganese and iron in drinking water and reduce
samples was higher than the maximum permissible limit the side effects of their additional presence in the distribution
(0.4 mg L− 1) and maximum contaminant level (0.1 mg L− network, the water pollution index (WPI) was used [29]. The
). Also, turbidity in 135 samples couldn’t pass the provisions. WPI is based on the maximum permissible limit and its ben-
Because the water treatment method in this region was con- eficial approach suggested by WHO. In this study the water
ventional and just had units such as; screening, aeration, sed- quality categorized by concentrations of manganese and iron
imentation, filtration, disinfection. In these WTPs defined in treated water. The water pollution listed as excellent, good,
chemical material was not used for manganese/iron coagulat- moderately polluted and extremely polluted. In this study, this
ing and removing and, the principal is open aeration or pre index proved that the quality of drinking water in most of the
chlorination. Therefore, WTPs were not efficient in reducing samples was acceptable. However, 11.62 % of total samples
iron, manganese, and turbidity [9, 25]. The existing layouts were moderately polluted and about 12.01 % of samples were
can utilize other useful methods such as zeolite Y to soften extremely polluted, chiefly in iron samples. These results
groundwater from manganese and iron [19]. reflected that the quality of drinking water, especially outlet
The comparison between the types of layouts in diminishing of module #2 and #4, request to extra or advanced treatment.
iron and manganese elements is shown in Graph 2. According The result of one WPI study in Indonesia for river site samples
to this graph, when a disinfectant is used as an oxidizer at the was consistent with our research. Its study expressed the WPI
beginning of the flow and aeration is performed at the same range was from 0.72 to 0.89 and, the quality of water was
time in module #1, the removal efficiency is higher than other good [30]. Another study in India revealed that 63 % of total
1012 J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013

Graph 2 The efficiency

comparison between different
modules in WTP

samples was drinkable and other samples needed to treatment Numerous studies have shown that slow sand filtration
processes [31]. reduces a wide range of pollutants, especially turbidity. As
Iron and manganese are minerals found in the soil in the these filters are an acceptable option for wastewater treatment,
form of oxides. Ferric (Fe3+) and manganese (Mn4+) oxides they are suitable for treating groundwater has less pollution
are very insoluble, but when water contains carbon dioxide or variability [34, 35].
acidic conditions, these ions reduce to their lower capacities.
As a result, divalent iron and manganese are dissolved in
water. The levels of these ions in surface water are usually Conclusion
negligible, but in groundwater sources, they can cause prob-
lems for industries, distribution networks, and ultimately con- About a third of the world’s population uses groundwater
sumers. Due to the high amount of these ions in the drinking for various purposes. Due to the high water level in
water samples of the study area, the maximum values of 0.74 groundwater aquifers in Mazandaran province, one of
and 6.7 mg / l for manganese and iron, from various removal the ablest choices is to extract groundwater for drinking.
methods such as (1) oxidation, (2) leaching and filtration (3) In summary, the results of this study in Mazandaran prov-
Ion exchange (4) Stabilization with separating agents and (5) ince showed that the concentrations of manganese and
Softening with lime used [32, 33]. iron in groundwater are higher than national and interna-
The effect of temperature on the removal efficiency of the tional standards. The use of different WTP modules indi-
desired metals in this study showed that air temperature and cated that Module #1, which uses aeration and chemicals
warm seasons have contributed to the efficiency of sand fil- for pre-disinfection, was more efficient than other layouts
ters. Most likely, the bacteriological colony was formed in the and it was the best suitable module for diminishing man-
filter bed. The study of Kwakye-Awuah et al. [19] also ganese and iron from groundwater. The WPI for manga-
showed that the efficiency of the sand filter column in summer nese and iron contaminants in drinkable water for 95.74
was higher than the control column, which was in line with and 53.88 % of samples were excellent but in 1.16 %
our results. (Mn2+) and 12.02 % (Fe2+) of samples, WPI was extreme-
On the other hand, the viscosity of the flow in hot air is ly polluted. The index shows that existing modules only
lower than in the cold seasons of the year, which leads to cannot lead to a significant reduction in pollutants and
better fluid flow through the filter bed. should to use other chemicals and equipment to reach
This study showed outlet water from filters that are cleaned by the standard limits and requirements for drinking water.
slow backwash can be of higher quality than other cleaning Also, the air temperature affected these modules and, in
methods. Also, if the biological tissue is formed randomly, slow the warm season, the removal of manganese and iron has
backwashing does not destroy the biological mass-produced. been higher than in the cold season. Backwashing of sand
This study showed that backwashing of WTPs filters in two filters showed that the use of a constant surface velocity
flow rates, at 3.5 and 9.2 m h− 1, there was less turbulence and (in this research; 9.2 m h−1) can reduce turbidity in the
turbidity than 15.3 m h− 1 flow rate. But in the first flow at a output stream.
speed of 3.5 m h− 1, in the first 60 s of backwashing, turbidity In this study, distorting inputs such as sampling on days of
increased to 4000 NTU. Proper washing of the filters seems to prolonged and disturbing rains, the service life of the filters,
require a specific surface velocity, which was seen at a flow and their off-line time were eliminated, which is suggested to
rate with a 9.2 m h− 1 speed [27]. be considered as effective variables in future studies.
J Environ Health Sci Engineer (2021) 19:1005–1013 1013

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