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Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

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Geotextiles and Geomembranes

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A preliminary study of the application of the strain-self-sensing smart

geogrid rib in expansive soils
Gang Bi, Shaohua Yang, You Wu, Yijie Sun, Hongzhong Xu *, Bingkun Zhu, Chunxia Huang,
Suqian Cao
College of Transportation Engineering, Nanjing Tech University, Nanjing, Jiangsu, 211816, China


Keywords: Flexible conductive materials are widely used in structural health monitoring; it is also known in geotechnical
Smart geogrid rib engineering. In this preliminary study, a strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib was proposed to monitor the
Strain-self-sensing induced strain by wetting-drying cycles of the expansive soil. After the calibration, a physical modeling test was
Flexible conductive film
conducted with the smart geogrid rib reinforced in expansive soils under three wetting-drying cycles. Results
Expansive soil
demonstrated: that the smart geogrid rib was capable of self-sensing its strain; the strain self-sensed by the smart
geogrid rib was in good agreement with that measured by FBG strain sensors before cracks were generated; it
could capture the crack propagation of expansive soils during wetting-drying cycles by the discrepancy compared
to FBG sensors. Further study will be continued for the mechanism of the geogrid instead of the geogrid rib and
the application to real-time monitoring of the performance of the geosynthetic expansive soil slopes.

1. Introduction the significant strain in expansive soil slopes or slopes at the initial
accelerating stage of the failure (Chaduvula et al., 2022; Hong et al.,
As geosynthetics become widespread globally, it becomes increas­ 2021; Wang et al., 2021).
ingly vital to ensure that geosynthetics offer a satisfactory level of A new approach was taken in this study to adopt the flexible
serviceability through health monitoring and timely measures to pre­ conductive material (Hatami and Grady, 2011, 2016; Smith et al.,
vent catastrophic failures and costly repairs due to inadequate perfor­ 2015). Carbon materials (Yazdani et al., 2014, 2019) have superior
mance arising from uncertainties in construction practice, material qualities such as good electrical conductivity, structural flexibility, high
properties, environmental effects, site conditions, and loading condi­ chemical and thermal stability, lightweight, and potential mass pro­
tions (Hatami et al., 2009). A series of monitoring methods were pro­ duction, enabling them to be promising candidate materials. Excluding
posed for this purpose, such as X-rays, digital imagery, and tomographic in the field of geotechnical engineering (Hatami et al., 2014; Yazdani
techniques (Vangla and Gali, 2014); however, these methods were not and Hatami, 2016; Yazdani et al., 2016a, 2016b, 2016c, 2016d), in the
efficiently applied in the field on a large scale due to the limitation of the past decade, flexible conductive materials were attracting wide atten­
monitoring scope or accuracy (Cui et al., 2019a). tion due to their potential applications in monitoring, for example,
Over the years, due to advantages over traditional transducers (e.g., flexible wearable electronics for human health care systems (Wang
strain gauges, inclinometers), including high precision and online et al., 2019), structural health monitoring (Azhari and Banthia, 2012;
monitoring, fiber optic sensing technology has been developed for Ding et al., 2013, 2019; Dong et al., 2020; Han et al., 2015; Yoo et al.,
monitoring internal deformation in geo-structures (Zhang et al., 2020). 2018).
In recent years, a new geosynthetic material called sensor-enabled In contrast, flexible conductive materials were mixed into the con­
geogrid was developed by integrating the fiber Bragg grating (FBG) crete to continuously monitor the crack, which may not work efficiently
sensors into the geogrid for real-time monitoring (Cui et al., 2019b; due to the uneven mixture. In this study, the geogrid rib was coated with
Kongkitkul et al., 2008; Sun et al., 2014, 2016, 2017, 2020; Wang et al., the flexible conductive material, which made it capable of sensing its
2019; Zhang et al., 2016). However, the FBG sensor was limited due to strain and then evaluating the state of geosynthetic reinforced slopes.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: gbi@njtech.edu.cn (G. Bi), 2011607881@qq.com (S. Yang), 1067018083@qq.com (Y. Wu), sunnju@njtech.edu.cn (Y. Sun), hzhxu@njtech.edu.
cn (H. Xu), 2572940667@qq.com (B. Zhu), chunxiahuang@njtech.edu.cn (C. Huang), 18114707326@163.com (S. Cao).

Received 3 April 2022; Received in revised form 29 September 2022; Accepted 10 October 2022
Available online 21 October 2022
0266-1144/© 2022 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Bi et al. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

This article was organized in the following order: firstly, the prin­ ( )2
ciple of the strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib was introduced; then, Ṙ = παεW
− 1
2 ∗ [1 + ε(1 − 2υ)] + ε(1 − 2υ) (6)
the mechanical behavior of the smart geogrid rib coated with the flexible e0
conductive film was calibrated in the laboratory; furtherly, a physical
model was built to apply the strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib in the when the strain is small, the high order of ε2 is ignored,
expansive soil, three wetting-drying cycles were conducted, and the ( )2
|e| /
normalized change in resistance and the strain for the reinforced Ṙ = παεW − 1 2 + ε(1 − 2υ) (7)
expansive soil and the strain of the Unreinforced expansive soil were e0
measured and compared; in the last section results and findings based on
Eq. (7) can be simplified to
this study were concluded. It should be noted only one geogrid rib was
adopted in this study; thus, it is a preliminary study. Further investiga­ Ṙ = ε/K (8)
tion will continue for the geogrid and the final application of monitoring
the performance of the geosynthetic expansive soil slopes. Or

K Ṙ = ε (9)
2. Principle
The flexible conductive film (FCF) is fabricated with the carbon black K is named the calibration factor of the smart geogrid rib that rep­
particle (diameter 15 μm) embedded into the polymer resin. Initially, it resents the conversion from the normalized change in resistance of the
is conductive, and its resistance increases if stressed (Fathi et al., 2012). FCF to the strain of the geogrid rib.
If the geogrid rib is coated with the FCF, it becomes capable of
self-sensing its strain. 3. Calibration
In general, the resistance of the smart geogrid rib coated with the FCF
is expressed in the following equation: The smart geogrid rib coated with the FCF was calibrated before the
ρL application in expansive soils. A model with the dimension 100 cm (L)
R= (1) *20 cm (W)*8 cm (H) was built for the calibration (Fig. 1). The
dimension of the geogrid rib was 60 cm (L)*1.8 cm (W)*0.3 cm (H). The
where R is the resistance, ρ is the resistivity, L is the length coated with calibration was conducted in an incubator with a temperature of 35 ±
the FCF, and A is the cross-section area of the geogrid rib. 1 ◦ C. Two wetting-drying cycles were performed. Drying was first per­
Given, formed in each cycle.
The flexible conductive material was mixed with the coagulant at the
=1 + ε (2) ratio of 10:1, and then it was brushed on the top surface of the geogrid
rib. Because the average change of the resistance of the coated length
And, was measured, the coated FCF was divided into several segments to
increase the precision, which was done at some locations by fixing it to
A 1
= (3) the geogrid rib with the sliver conductive adhesive. In this case, the
A0 (1 − υε)2
average change of the resistance of the segment instead of the whole
coated length was measured. Fiber Bragg grating (FBG) strain sensors
were attached to the bottom surface of the geogrid rib. The expansive
ε is the strain of the geogrid rib corresponding to the pullout direc­
soil adopted for this study was located in Nanjing, China. The expansive
tion, υ is the Poisson’s Ratio, L0 is the initial length, and A0 is the initial
soil obtained from the field was crushed and dried, and the part passing
the sieve #5 (less than 4 mm) was adopted for the study. Physical
Then, by ignoring the high order of ε2 and ε3, the normalized change
properties or parameters were shown in Tables 1–3.
in resistance Ṙ will be,
Results of the calibration were plotted in Fig. 2. It showed the linear

R − R0 ρ ρ ρ − ρ0
Ṙ = = (1 + ε)(1 − υε)2 − 1 ≈ [1 + ε(1 − 2υ)] − 1 = [1 + ε(1 − 2υ)] + ε(1 − 2υ) (4)
R0 ρ0 ρ0 ρ0

trending, which demonstrated that the FCF could measure the strain of
where R0 is the initial resistance and ρ0 is the initial resistivity. the geogrid rib. A slight discrepancy at the 2nd wetting was due to the
According to the quantum-mechanical tunnel effect theory, mechanism of the FBG sensor and the smart geogrid rib. It should be
( )2 noted the FBG sensor measured the change of strain only at one point
ρ − ρ0 /
≈ παεW
− 1 2 (5) instead of the average change of the resistance. The calibration was
ρ0 e0 repeated under two different temperatures to investigate the impact, as
plotted in Fig. 3. It seemed the influence due to the limited temperature
variation was minimal.
According to the calibration in Fig. 2, the calibration factor of the
e is the voltage, α and e0 are the material parameters of the geogrid
smart geogrid rib K in Eq. (9) was 15 for the swelling behavior and 11 for
rib, and W is the width between graphite particles in the FCF.
the shrinking behavior. The value of K during the 1st wetting-drying
cycle was suggested; after cracks were generated during wetting-
Substitute Eq. (5) to Eq. (4); it will yield,
drying cycles, it would change because the proposed method
measured the average strain, possibly including one or more cracks.

G. Bi et al. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

Fig. 1. Model for the calibration of the smart geogrid (unit: cm).

Table 1
Physical properties of the expansive soil.
Montmorillonite Illite % Kaolinite % Plastic Limit Liquid Limit
% % %

87.4 4.3 8.5 22.9 55.5

Specific Gravity Optimum Maximum Dry Free Natural

Moisture Density g/cm3 Expansion Moisture
Content % Rate % Content %

2.7 17.5 1.45 80 13.3

Table 2
Parameters of FBG strain sensors.
Wave Range Precision Dynamic Range Frequency Channels

1510–1590 nm 1pm 50 dB 1 Hz 8 Fig. 3. The impact of temperature on the smart geogrid coated with the FCF.

4. Smart geogrid rib reinforced in expansive soils

Table 3
Physical properties of the geogrid (before coating). The physical modeling test was performed to verify the strain-self-
Density kg/m3 Tensile Strength MPa Elongation at break % sensing smart geogrid rib mechanism. The dimension was 60 cm (L)
*8 cm (W)*8 cm (H), and it was divided into two equal zones (Fig. 4).
0.95 125 2.5
The left zone was the strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib reinforced in
expansive soils, while the right zone was the unreinforced expansive
soil. The dimension of the smart geogrid rib with 30 cm (L)*1.8 cm (W)
*0.3 cm (H). FBG sensors were located every 5 cm from the left edge of
the model (e.g. 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55). The six locations for
the sliver conductive adhesive on the smart geogrid rib were 2.5, 7.5,
12.5, 17.5, 22.5, and 27.5; thus, the measured segment of the average
resistance change corresponds to the location of FBG sensors. Three
wetting-drying cycles were performed. Drying was first performed in
each cycle. The wetting cycle sustained 2 h, and the drying cycle sus­
tained 18 h. The expansive soil was the same as that for the calibration.
The soil was remolded and passed the No. 5 sieve (4 mm).
Results were plotted in Fig. 5 and Fig. 6. In both figures, the result
under the 1st drying/wetting cycle, the 2nd drying/wetting cycle, and
the 3rd drying/wetting cycle corresponded to the upper row, the middle
row, and the bottom row, respectively; the normalized change in resis­
tance, the strain of the geogrid rib reinforced expansive soil, and the
strain of unreinforced expansive soil corresponded to the left column,
Fig. 2. Strain versus the rate of change of the resistance. the middle column, and the right column, respectively. To be consistent,

G. Bi et al. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

Fig. 4. Physical modeling test for smart geogrid reinforced in expansive soils (unit: cm).

Fig. 5. Strain of the reinforced expansive soil versus that of the unreinforced expansive soil during three times drying.

the middle and right columns adopted the same y-scale. In addition, the and the middle column of Fig. 5. Regarding the unreinforced expansive
strain for the geogrid rib reinforced expansive soil under the latter two soil, a crack should be generated near the location of 45 cm, as shown in
cycles was magnified to identify. the upper row and the right column of Fig. 5.
To note, the drying was conducted first in each cycle. During the 1st Further, during the 1st wetting, where cracks were generated in the
drying, the expansive soil started to shrink; however, due to the het­ 1st drying, compression strains were induced by the adjacent soil’s
erogeneity, the soil’s shrinking rate at some locations was faster, and it swelling, and the compression strain was quite small. This was the same
would induce the tension strain (positive) in the adjacent soil. For for the geogrid rib reinforced expansive soil and the unreinforced
example, there was a tension strain (crack) at the segment from 17.5 cm expansive soil. New cracks were generated at other locations due to the
to 22.5 cm in the reinforced expansive soil, as shown in the upper row swelling behavior. It was located at the segment from 7.5 cm to 12.5 cm

G. Bi et al. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

Fig. 6. Strain of the reinforced expansive soil versus that of the unreinforced expansive soil during three times wetting.

Fig. 7. Crack propagation during wetting-drying cycles.

in the reinforced expansive soil, and it was close to 55 cm in the unre­ sensors was not working during the 3rd wetting-drying cycle.
inforced expansive soil, as shown in the upper row of Fig. 6. In general, the shrink-swelling deformation of the expansive soil was
During the 2nd drying, a third crack was generated for the geogrid reduced by the smart geogrid rib based on the comparison shown in
rib reinforced expansive soil. No more cracks were generated for the Figs. 5 and 6. It was also supported by the crack width shown in Fig. 7.
unreinforced expansive soil because the previous cracks were very large. To furtherly interpret the reinforcement provided by the smart
These were all cracks generated during the study. This was demon­ geogrid rib, the amplitude of the strain was derived:
strated by the same pattern in the 2nd wetting-drying cycle and the 3rd
Δε = εmax − εmin (10)
wetting-drying cycle in Fig. 6. The expansive soil was free to shrink and
swell due to the previously generated cracks; thus, no more cracks were
Where Δε was the amplitude of the strain, εmax was the maximum strain,
generated. The propagation of the crack during wetting-drying cycles
εmin and was the minimum strain.
was plotted in Fig. 7. It should be noted that the smart geogrid rib self-
Because one of the FBG sensors was broken in the 3rd wetting-drying
sensed the average change of the resistance of each 5 cm, while the FBG
cycle, only the first two cycles were included in Fig. 8. Nevertheless, it
sensor measured the strain change at one point. To note, one of the FBG

G. Bi et al. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

methods as long as more cracks were generated by more wetting-drying

cycles. If no more cracks were generated by increasing wetting-drying
cycles, the difference would not continue to grow.
Conversely, the difference of strains measured between the two
methods increased with wetting-drying cycles, which indicated there
were (new) cracks generated. Thus, the proposed strain-self-sensing
smart geogrid rib could detect crack propagation.

5. Conclusions

As geosynthetics became widespread globally, it became increas­

ingly vital to ensure that geosynthetics offered a satisfactory level of
serviceability through health monitoring. Flexible conductive materials
were widely used in structural health monitoring; however, it was rarely
known in geotechnical engineering. In this preliminary study, a new
Fig. 8. The amplitude of the strain versus time. strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib was proposed. It was fabricated
with the coating of flexible conductive films. The principle of the smart
demonstrated that the smart geogrid rib restricted the shrink-swelling geogrid rib was introduced. The strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib was
deformation. calibrated before applying to reinforce the expansive soil. A physical
As plotted in Fig. 4, FBG sensors were also installed in the reinforced modeling test was conducted with three wetting-drying cycles to verify
expansive soil; the average strain along the geogrid rib was compared the strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib application. Several important
between two measurements (e.g., FBG sensors and self-sensing smart findings were below:
geogrid rib). Again, they were in good agreement, as plotted in Fig. 9.
A comparison of the strain measured by two methods was by the a) The strain due to the shrink-swelling behavior of expansive soils was
equation below: linear with the normalized change in resistance measured by the
⃒ ⃒ smart geogrid rib;
⃒εS − εF ⃒
δ = ⃒⃒ ⃒ ∗ 100% (11) b) The strain self-sensed by the smart geogrid rib was in good agree­
εF ⃒ ment with that measured by FBG strain sensors before cracks were
where δ was the relative difference, εS was the strain based on the strain- c) After cracks were generated, there was a discrepancy between the
self-sensing smart geogrid rib, and εF was the strain based on FBG smart geogrid rib and FBG strain sensors, which indicated the smart
sensors. geogrid rib well sensed the crack propagation of expansive soils
The result is attached in Table 4—data from the two methods during wetting-drying cycles;
matched each other. The relative difference increased a little bit with
cycles. To note, FBG sensors measured the strain at one point, while the
strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib measured the average strain every
5 cm long. Thus, before the 1st crack was generated during wetting- Table 4
Comparison of the strain measured by both methods.
drying cycles, the difference between the two methods was relatively
small. After the 1st crack and more and more cracks were generated, Relative 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 3rd 3rd
FBG sensors very likely measured the strain at the point without cracks, Difference % drying wetting drying wetting drying wetting

while the strain-self-sensing smart geogrid rib possibly measured the Maximum 7.12 12.17 11.56 13.28 13.55 14.12
average strain every 5 cm long, including one or more cracks. This Minimum 0.29 0.45 2.27 0.69 4.61 3.26
Average 3.45 7.75 7.27 9.54 10.13 12.68
discrepancy would result in an increasing difference between the two

Fig. 9. Average strain along with the geogrid comparison between FBG sensors and smart geogrid.

G. Bi et al. Geotextiles and Geomembranes 51 (2023) 275–281

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