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Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

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A new estimation method and an anisotropy index for the deformation

modulus of jointed rock masses
Bohu Zhang a, b, Junyan Mu a, b, Jun Zheng c, d, *, Qing Lv c, Jianhui Deng e
State Key Laboratory of Oil and Gas Reservoir Geology and Exploitation, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China
School of Geoscience and Technology, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, 610500, China
Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310058, China
Center for Balance Architecture, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, 310007, China
State Key Laboratory of Hydraulics and Mountain River Engineering, College of Water Resource and Hydropower, Sichuan University, Chengdu, 610065, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The deformation modulus of a rock mass is an important parameter to describe its mechanical behavior.
Received 15 January 2021 In this study, an analytical method is developed to determine the deformation modulus of jointed rock
Received in revised form masses, which considers the mechanical properties of intact rocks and joints based on the superposition
9 April 2021
principle. Due to incorporating the variations in the orientations and sizes of joint sets, the proposed
Accepted 10 June 2021
method is applicable to the rock mass with persistent and parallel joints as well as that with non-
Available online 22 July 2021
persistent and nonparallel joints. In addition, an anisotropy index AIdm for the deformation modulus is
defined to quantitatively describe the anisotropy of rock masses. The range of AIdm is from 0 to 1, and the
Deformation modulus
more anisotropic the rock mass is, the larger the value of AIdm will be. To evaluate the proposed method,
Analytical method 20 groups of numerical experiments are conducted with the universal distinct element code (UDEC). For
Anisotropy index each experimental group, the deformation modulus in 24 directions are obtained by UDEC (numerical
Jointed rock masses value) and the proposed method (predicted value), and then the mean error rates are calculated. Note
Mechanical behavior that the mean error rate is the mean value of the error rates of the deformation modulus in 24 directions,
Discrete fracture network (DFN) where for each direction, the error rate is equal to the ratio of numerical value minus predicted value to
the numerical value. The results show that (i) for different experimental groups, the mean error rates
vary between 5.06% and 22.03%; (ii) the error rates for the discrete fracture networks (DFNs) with two
sets of joints are at the same level as those with one set of joints; and (iii) therefore, the proposed
method for estimating the deformation modulus of jointed rock masses is valid.
Ó 2022 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by
Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Introduction deformation modulus as an input parameter (Palmström and Singh,

2001; Panthee et al., 2016; Alnedawi et al., 2019). In addition, the
The mechanical behavior of jointed rock masses should be deformation modulus is a parameter that best represents the pre-
appropriately assessed when designing foundations, slopes, un- failure mechanical behavior of a rock mass (Kayabasi et al., 2003).
derground openings, and anchoring systems (Zheng et al., 2014a; In nature, a rock mass is a discontinuous medium with natural
Asadizadeh and Hossaini, 2016; Bahaaddini and Hosseinpour, 2019; fissures, fractures, joints, bedding planes, and faults (Zheng et al.,
Hoek and Brown, 2019; Lai et al., 2020; Mo et al., 2020). The 2014b, 2017; Mohammad et al., 2015), which makes it much
deformation modulus is an important parameter of rock masses. more difficult to determine the deformation modulus of a rock
Numerous numerical methods for studying the stress and mass than that of an intact rock. Therefore, many scholars have
displacement of rock masses are performed by using the conducted in-depth studies on how to estimate the deformation
modulus of a rock mass. These estimation methods can be cate-
gorized into two main types: in situ test methods and indirect test
* Corresponding author. Department of Civil Engineering, Zhejiang University,
Hangzhou, 310058, China. The in situ test methods for determining the deformation
E-mail address: (J. Zheng). modulus of a rock mass mainly include plate loading tests (PLTs),
Peer review under responsibility of Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chi- plate jacking tests (PJTs), dilatometer tests, and Goodman jack tests.
nese Academy of Sciences.
1674-7755 Ó 2022 Institute of Rock and Soil Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-
NC-ND license (
154 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

Among these methods, the most common in situ tests are PLTs and the deformation modulus of a rock mass with random persistent
PJTs. Both PLTs and PJTs are often referred to as plate bearing tests joints based on a simple geometric averaging method. However,
(Kavur et al., 2014). PLTs measure displacements only on the rock the stiffness of the joints in the study was set to a constant value.
surface; conversely, PJTs, which use a central instrumentation hole Amadei and Savage (1993) obtained a general solution of the
and multipoint borehole extensometers (MPBXs), measure dis- deformability of rock masses with regular joints and noted that
placements at different depths within rock masses (Vrkljan et al., the deformation modulus of jointed rock masses is anisotropic.
1995). In dilatometer tests, the volume of the tested area is too Zhang (2010) regarded a heavily jointed rock mass as isotropic
small and the tensile stresses are involved in the borehole; hence, and developed a method to estimate the deformation modulus of
the deformation modulus values calculated through dilatometer heavily jointed rock masses. However, Zhang (2010) assumed
tests are usually 2e3 times lower than those calculated through that all normal stiffness and shear stiffness values were equal,
PLTs and PJTs (Rocha, 1974; Bieniawski, 1978). The deformation which may deviate from the actual conditions. Li (2001) devel-
modulus values calculated through Goodman jack tests are also oped a method to estimate the deformation modulus of jointed
lower than those calculated through PLTs and PJTs due to the rock masses in three-dimensional (3D) space and presented it in
deformation of the loading platens in hard rock. Bieniawski (1989) a hemispherical projection. This method reflected the anisotropy
noted that few previous projects featured a sufficient number of of the deformation modulus of jointed rock masses, and different
different tests to allow a meaningful comparison of in situ test data values of stiffness were considered for different sets of joints.
types. In situ test results may be highly variable depending on However, the joints in the study were assumed to be infinite,
different test methods. Hence, it is not reliable to accept the results which limited the applicability of the method. Generally, previ-
from any in situ method, i.e. two or more methods are desirable to ous research on analytical methods of estimating the deforma-
be used to crosscheck the test results. Therefore, the in situ tests for tion modulus of jointed rock masses does not fully reflect the
determining the deformation modulus of a rock mass can be randomness of joints, and the assumptions of joints are idealized.
considered to be expensive, time-consuming, and difficult to In summary, although determining the deformation modulus of
conduct. rock masses is a classic issue, there are still some defects in existing
The indirect test methods mainly include empirical methods solutions. This study aims to propose a new way to estimate the
and analytical methods. In contrast to in situ measurements, due deformation modulus of jointed rock masses. This new method has
to the advantages of simplicity, rapidity and low cost, empirical the following advantages: (i) the deformation modulus of rock
methods have gradually become highly popular. Empirical masses with non-persistent and nonparallel joint networks can be
methods mainly use existing field data to establish a relationship quickly estimated; (ii) the approach can be applied to jointed rock
between deformation modulus and rock classifications, such as masses at the engineering scale, which is different from the rele-
the rock mass rating (RMR), tunneling quality index (Q), rock vant research achievements obtained by laboratory tests and nu-
quality designation (RQD), and geological strength index (GSI). merical methods for indoor test-scale rock samples with regular
Bieniawski (1978) first proposed an empirical equation of the joints (Singh et al., 2002; Wong and Einstein, 2009; Zhou et al.,
deformation modulus that used RMR as the parameter. However, 2018); and (iii) the deformation modulus can be obtained in any
this empirical equation can be applied only if the value of RMR is direction. Therefore, this method can be used to characterize the
greater than 50. Serafim and Pereira (1983) suggested another anisotropy of the deformation modulus of jointed rock masses.
equation that can be used when RMR is less than or equal to 50. Hence, an anisotropy index for the deformation modulus is defined
Following these works, many scholars have studied the defor- to describe the anisotropy of the deformation modulus of jointed
mation modulus and developed some empirical formulae rock masses.
(Nicholson and Bieniawski, 1990; Hoek and Brown, 1997; Zhang
and Einstein, 2004; Hoek and Diederichs 2006; Sonmez et al.,
2006; Chun et al., 2009; Martins and Miranda 2012; Khabbazi 2. Analytical solution of the deformation modulus of a rock
et al., 2013; Alemdag et al., 2015). In recent years, in addition to mass with persistent joints
using traditional methods to obtain empirical formulae, fuzzy
mathematics, artificial intelligence, multiple and polynomial 2.1. The case with a single persistent joint set
regression analyses, and neural networks have also been used to
predict the deformation modulus (Ali Bashari et al., 2011; First, a square rock mass is taken as the research object (Fig. 1).
Alemdag et al., 2015; Mohammad Rezaei et al., 2015; Asadizadeh Morland (1974) proposed that the deformation of a rock mass is the
and Hossaini, 2016; Bahaaddini and Hosseinpour, 2019; Adeyemi superposition of deformation of the joints and rock matrix, which
and Wang, 2019). For the aforementioned indirect estimation can be expressed as
methods, a range of differences in deformation moduli of the rock
mass Em obtained from different equations were observed for the ε ¼ εr þ εa (1)
same rock mass (Hoek and Diederichs, 2006; Ajalloeian and
Mohammadi, 2014; Panthee et al., 2016). Moreover, neither in where ε, εr and εa are the strains of the rock mass, the rock matrix
situ tests nor empirical equations can reflect the anisotropy of the and the joints, respectively. Note that in this study, “εa”, not “εj”, is
deformation modulus of a rock mass. It is of great significance to used to represent the strain of the joints in order to avoid the
evaluate the anisotropy of the deformation modulus of a rock confusion with the joint set number j which is used in the later
mass for engineering design and construction. sections. For simplicity, the rock matrix is considered to be a line-
The deformation modulus of a jointed rock mass can also be arly elastic material, thus εr can be expressed as
estimated by analytical methods. Gerrard (1982) studied the s
deformation modulus of a rock mass with several sets of joints εr ¼ (2)
based on orthorhombic layer theory. Unfortunately, the joints in
the same set were assumed to be planar and approximately where Er is the deformation modulus of the rock matrix and s is the
equally spaced. Fossum (1985) deduced a formula for estimating normal stress acting on the upper and lower boundaries of the rock
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 155

Fig. 1. Decomposition of rock mass deformation. L is the side length of the square rock mass, l is the trace length of the joint, and q is the trace angle.

Fig. 2. Decomposition of joint deformation.

mass. Thus, the key to calculating the strain of the rock mass is to and shear stresses acting on the joint can be expressed as
calculate the strain of the joints. As shown in Fig. 2, the deformation (Goodman, 1989):
of joints can be decomposed into shear deformation and normal
deformation (Morland, 1974). For a single joint, the shear defor-
mation and normal deformation can be represented by the sn ¼ scos 2 q (7)
constitutive model proposed by Goodman (1968), wherein these
components are expressed as
ss ¼ s sinð2qÞ (8)
sn 2
dn ¼ (3)
kn Therefore, the deformation of a persistent joint under normal
stress is calculated by combining Eqs. (3)e(5) and (7) and (8), and
ss this deformation can be expressed as (Li, 2001):
ds ¼ (4)
scos 3 q s sin q sinð2qÞ
where dn and ds are the normal and shear deformation of the joint, ua ¼ þ (9)
kn 2ks
respectively; sn and ss are the normal and shear stresses acting on
the joint, respectively; and kn and ks are the normal and shear Note that Eq. (9) is only applicable to persistent joints (Fig. 1)
stiffnesses of the joint, respectively. that do not intersect the upper and lower boundaries. However,
Note that the final deformation modulus of a rock mass is not some persistent joints intersect the upper or lower boundaries, as
affected by the whole deformation of the joints; only the defor- shown in Fig. 3. For those joints, the deformation can be obtained
mation of the joints in the loading direction contributes to the final by modifying Eq. (9), and this modified form can be expressed as
deformation modulus. Hence, the deformation of joints that can (Yang et al., 2011):
contribute to the deformation modulus can be expressed as
scos 3 q s sin q sinð2qÞ 
ua ¼ ds sin q þ dn cos q (5) ua ¼ þ l cos q L (10)
kn 2ks
where ua is the deformation of the joints that can contribute to the Therefore, as shown in Fig. 4, the deformation of the joint rep-
deformation modulus. The strain corresponding to this component resented by the black line in the loading direction can be calculated
of joint deformation can be expressed as by Eq. (9), while the joint represented by the red line can be
calculated by Eq. (10). However, for persistent joints that do not
εa ¼ ðds sin q þ dn cos qÞ = L (6) intersect the upper and lower boundaries (represented by black
line), lcosq/L ¼ 1, and Eq. (10) reduces to Eq. (9). Hence, Eq. (10) can
When the normal stress acts on the upper and lower boundaries of be applied to all types of persistent joints, regardless of whether
the rock mass, based on a force equilibrium analysis, the normal they intersect the upper and lower boundaries.
156 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

Fig. 3. Persistent joints intersecting adjacent boundaries or upper and lower boundaries.

of the joints from the same set are constant. Therefore, Eq. (12) can
be rewritten as
("  # )
cos3 qj sinqj sin 2qj  s
uaj ¼ Nj E þ q
cos j E lj (13)
kn 2ks L

For simplicity, Eq. (13) can be rewritten as

uaj ¼ Nj E f qj E lj (14)
"  #
  cos 3 qj sin qj sin 2qj
f qj ¼ þ cos qj (15)
kn 2ks

Fig. 4. Models with (a) persistent parallel and (b) nonparallel joints. Note that the
Moreover, according to the definition of the expectation, Eq. (14)
black lines represent the joints that do not intersect the upper and lower boundaries, can be rewritten as
whereas the red lines represent the joints that intersect the upper or lower boundaries.
uaj ¼ Nj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj (16)
2.2. The case with multiple persistent joint sets wj 0

For simplicity, first, a set of persistent joints is considered where gqj(qj) is the probability density function of qj, glj(lj) is the
(Fig. 4), which is labeled j. The linear frequency is denoted as probability density function of the trace length lj, and wj is the
lmj in the mean normal direction of joints, and the acute angle range of values for qj. Then, substituting Eq. (11) into Eq. (16) can
between the loading direction and the mean normal direction give
of the joints is denoted qmj. According to Fig. 4, the number of
joints in the model is equal to the number of joints intersecting Z ZþN
left and lower boundaries or right and upper boundaries uaj ¼ s lmj cos qmj þ lmj sin qmj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj
(Fig. 5). Therefore, the number of joints in the model can be wj 0
expressed as
Furthermore, if there are J sets of persistent joints in the area,
Nj ¼ Llmj cos qmj þ Llmj sin qmj (11) according to Eq. (17), the total deformation ua of J sets of joints can
be written as
where Nj is the number of joints from set j, lmjcosqmj is the linear
frequency in the direction of the left or right boundary, and " Z ZþN #
lmjsinqmj is the linear frequency in the direction of the lower or top ua ¼ s lmj cos qmj þlmj sin qmj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj
boundary. j¼1 wj 0
The deformation uaj of all persistent joints from set j in the
loading direction can be expressed as (18)
The strain of all joints in the loading direction can be given by
("  # )
  scos 3 qj s sin qj sin 2qj  εa ¼ ua =L (19)
uaj ¼ Nj E uaj ¼ Nj E þ lj cos qj L
knj 2ksj
Then, the deformation modulus of the rock mass can be
(12) expressed as

where Xj represents the X value of a joint from set j, wherein X ¼ kn, 

Em ¼ s ε (20)
ks, q, or l; and E($) or E{,} is the expected value of the function. We
assume that the distributions of qj and the trace length lj of the Therefore, the deformation modulus of the rock mass can be
joints are independent from each other, and the values of knj and ksj calculated by combining Eqs. (1), (2) and (18)e(20) as
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 157

Em ¼ 2 3 (21)
Z Z þN
J         1
1 4 lmj cos qmj þ lmj sin qmj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj 5 þ
L Er
j¼1 0

According to the definition of the expectation, Eq. (21) can be normal and shear directions, respectively. However, there is an
rewritten as essential difference between the two mechanical parameters.
When the stress is divided by the stiffness, the deformation is ob-
1 tained, whereas when the stress is divided by the modulus, the
Em ¼ (22)
result is strain. Therefore, further processing is needed in order to
1 lmj cos qmj þ lmj sin qmj E f qj E lj þ E1r
L use the deformation and shear moduli to describe the deformation
capacity of the rock bridge. Kulatilake et al. (1992) proposed the
In practice, we can easily estimate the deformation modulus of a concept of fictitious joints to represent the rock bridges for
rock mass with multiple persistent joint sets according to Eq. (22) modeling a rock mass containing non-persistent joints using
based on the geometric and mechanical parameters of joints and discrete element method. As stated by Kulatilake et al. (1992), it is
intact rocks. necessary to generate fictitious joints when they are combined
with the non-persistent joints and discretize the problem domain
into polygons in 2D space or into polyhedra in 3D space. The pro-
3. Analytical solution of the deformation modulus of a rock
posed fictitious joint (Fig. 6) is a kind of joint, whose mechanical
mass with non-persistent joints
properties are identical to those of intact rock. Kulatilake et al.
(1992) also suggested a method for estimating the normal and
3.1. The case with a single non-persistent joint
shear stiffnesses for the fictitious joint, which is expressed as

It is well known that there are a very limited number of actual 

cases where the joints are persistent, i.e. joints are usually non- Gr kfs ¼ 0:008 to 0:012 (23)
persistent. Therefore, this section will discuss a method for esti-
mating the deformation modulus of rock masses that contain non-
persistent joints.
There is no doubt that if the method for calculating the defor-
mation modulus of rock masses with persistent joints is applied to
rock masses with non-persistent joints, the obtained deformation
modulus will be smaller than the actual value. This underestima-
tion occurs because, for a rock mass with persistent joints, all
deformation along the plane of a given joint is due to the contri-
bution from the persistent joints, whereas for a rock mass with
non-persistent joints, the deformation is a combination of contri-
butions from the non-persistent joints and the rock bridges.
Furthermore, rock bridges are stiffer than joints under the same
load. Hence, the existence of a rock bridge can constrain the
deformation of non-persistent joints and result in a negative
contribution to the deformation of non-persistent joints.
It is obvious that the normal and shear stiffnesses can describe
the deformation capacity of joints in the normal and shear di-
rections, respectively. Similarly, the deformation and shear moduli Fig. 6. Adding fictitious joints to represent a non-persistent joint. lb is the length of the
can also describe the deformation capacity of a rock bridge in the rock bridge.

Fig. 5. Intersection situations of joints and boundaries: (a) All joints; (b) Joints intersecting the left and lower boundaries; and (c) Joints intersecting the right and upper boundaries.
The numbers of joints in (a), (b) and (c) are the same.
158 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

  For persistent joints, k ¼ 1 and Eq. (30) reduces to Eq. (10).

kfn kfs ¼ Er Gr (24) Therefore, Eq. (30) is applicable to any type of joint, including
persistent and non-persistent joints.
where kfs and kfn are the shear and normal stiffnesses of the ficti-
tious joint, respectively; and Gr and Er are the shear and deforma-
tion moduli of the rock matrix, respectively. Fortunately, because
3.2. The case with multiple non-persistent joint sets
the rock bridge is a part of the rock, the normal and shear stiff-
nesses of the fictitious joint can be applied to quantitatively
For simplicity, first, a set of non-persistent joints is considered,
describing the deformation capacity of the rock bridge. After this
which is labeled j. Then, a scanline along the mean normal direction
process, the mechanical parameters that quantitatively describe
of joint set j is set, and the linear frequency along the scanline and
the deformation capacity of joint and rock bridge are unified.
the joint plane density are denoted lmj and lpj, respectively.
Similar to Eq. (10), the deformation of the rock bridge can be
Moreover, the relationship between lmj and lpj can be expressed as
given by
(Zheng et al., 2020):
" #
scos 3 q s sin q sinð2qÞ 
ub ¼ þ lb cos q L (25) l
kfn 2kfs lpj ¼    mj  (31)
E lj E lmj $nj

where ub is the rock bridge deformation that can contribute to the where nj is the unit normal vector of the joints and lmj is the unit
deformation modulus. vector of the scanline, which is in the mean normal direction of
Jennings (1970) computed the weighted mean for the shear joint set j. Therefore, the number of joints from set j can be
strength parameters of joint and rock bridge by regarding the expressed as
connectivity rate as the weight, and then the weighted mean was
taken as the shear strength of the rock masses. The detailed pro- l
cesses in this computation can be expressed as Nj ¼ L2     (32)
E lj E lmj $nj
c ¼ kca þ ð1  kÞcb (26) Similar to Eq. (12), based on Eq. (30), the deformation of all non-
persistent joints from set j in the loading direction can be expressed
tan4 ¼ k tan4a þ ð1  kÞtan4b (27) as
h   s   s i
s ¼ c þ sn tan4 (28) unpaj ¼ Nj E f qj lj kj þ F qj lbj 1  kj (33)
where ca and cb are the cohesions of the joint and rock bridge, "  #
respectively; 4a and 4b are the friction angles of the joint and rock   cos3 qj sin qj sin 2qj
bridge, respectively; and k is the connectivity rate of a non- F qj ¼ þ cos qj (34)
kfnj 2kfsj
persistent joint. Eqs. (26)e(28) are called the Jennings strength
criteria, which are widely used due to their simplicity and accuracy. where kj is the connectivity rate of one non-persistent joint from
Similarly, the weighted mean can also be applied to calculating the set j. We assume that the distributions of qj and the trace length lj of
deformation of non-persistent joints. More specifically, this process the joints are independent from each other, and the values of knj
can be described in three steps. For simplicity, a single non- and ksj of the joints from the same set are constant. Then, Eqs. (33)
persistent joint is considered. First, the connectivity rate should and (34) can be written as
be calculated. Subsequently, the deformation of the non-persistent
joint without constraints and the deformation of the rock bridge s n           o
corresponding to the non-persistent joint in the loading direction unpaj ¼ Nj E f qj E lj kj þ E F qj E lbj 1  kj (35)
should be represented by Eqs. (10) and (25), respectively. Finally,
the weighted mean of the two deformation components is calcu- "  #
  cos3 qj sin qj sin 2qj
lated using the connectivity rate as the weight, which is taken as F qj ¼ þ cos qj (36)
the deformation of the non-persistent joint in the loading direction kfn 2kfs
and can be expressed as
Moreover, according to the definition of expectation, substitut-
unpa ¼ kua þ ð1  kÞub (29) ing Eq. (32) into Eq. (35) can give

" Z ZþN
where unpa is the deformation in the loading direction of the non- mj l      
unpaj ¼ Ls     kj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj þ
persistent joint. Substituting Eqs. (10) and (25) into Eq. (29) results E lj E lmj $nj
in an equation of the deformation of the non-persistent joint in the wj 0
loading direction, which is expressed as
  Z ZþN #
scos3 q s sin q sinð2qÞ 1  kj F qj gqj qj dqj lb glb j lbj dlbj (37)
unpa ¼ þ l cos q L kþ
kn 2ks
wj 0
(" # )
scos3 q s sin q sinð2qÞ  where glb ðlb Þ is the probability density function of the rock bridge.
þ lb cos q L ð1  kÞ (30) Furthermore, if there are J sets of non-persistent joints in the area,
kfn 2kfs
Eq. (37) can be written as
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 159

Table 1
" Z ZþN Geometric parameters of the persistent joints for generating the DFN models.
mj l      
ua ¼ Ls     kj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj þ
E lj E lmj $nj Group Number of joint Set Intersection angle Joint position lmj
j¼1 wj No. sets No. ( ) distribution
1 1 1-1 - Uniform 2
2 2 2-1 0 2
Z ZþN # 2-2 0 2
3 2 3-1 15 2
1  kj F qj gqj qj dqj lb glb j lbj dlbj (38)
3-2 15 2
wj 0 4 2 4-1 30 2
4-2 30 2
In summary, the deformation modulus of rock masses with 5 2 5-1 45 2
joints can be estimated by combining Eqs. (1), (2), (19), (20) and 5-2 45 2
(38), the result of which can be expressed as 6 2 6-1 60 2
6-2 60 2
8 " Z 7 2 7-1 75 2
lmj       7-2 75 2
Em ¼     kj f qj gqj qj dqj lj glj lj dlj þ 8 2 8-1 90 2
E lj E lmj $nj
8-2 90 2
wj 0
Note: Group 2 has two joint sets with an intersection angle of 0 , which is a case that
is nearly nonexistent in natural rock masses. Here, this group is used to illustrate the

Z ZþN # )1 relation between the deformation modulus and the intersection angle of two
        1 persistent joint sets.
1  kj F qj gqj qj dqj lbj glb j lbj dlbj þ (39)
wj 0

According to the definition of the expectation, Eq. (39) can be 5. Numerical validation of proposed method
rewritten as
5.1. A rock mass with persistent joint sets
Em ¼    mj  kj E f qj E lj þ 5.1.1. Procedure for the numerical experiments
: E l E l
j¼1 j mj $nj To evaluate the effectiveness of the proposed method for rock
masses with persistent joint sets, some experiments were con-
      o 1 1
1  kj E F qj E lbj þ (40) ducted with the universal distinct element code (UDEC) (Itasca,
Er 2015). UDEC was originally formulated for evaluating fluid flow
In practice, we can easily estimate the deformation modulus of a paths through fractured rock masses and is currently used in nu-
rock mass with multiple non-persistent joint sets according to Eq. merical experiments for determining the mechanical properties of
(40) based on the geometric and mechanical parameters of joints fractured rocks (Min et al., 2004). Several material behavior models
and intact rocks. have been built in UDEC for both the intact blocks and joints, which
permit the simulation of response representative of jointed
geologic (or similar) materials. Based on a “Lagrangian” calculation
scheme, UDEC is well-suited to model the large movements and
4. Anisotropy index for the deformation modulus of rock
deformations of a rock mass system. The joints in this study are
assigned to joint area contact model, which provides a linear rep-
resentation of joint stiffness and yield limit.
Generally, it is not easy to quantitatively represent the anisot-
Eight 10 m  10 m discrete fracture network (DFN) models (i.e.
ropy of the deformation modulus of a rock mass, since it is difficult
eight groups in Table 1) were generated by Monte Carlo simulations
to obtain the values of the deformation modulus of a rock mass in
in MATLAB and the coordinate data of fractures were saved. In
different directions. As described above, this study provides a
UDEC, it is not easy to mesh complex networks including many
method to estimate the deformation modulus of a rock mass in any
nonparallel joints. Thus, in the simulations, the trace angles of the
direction, which makes it possible to quantitatively represent the
joints from the same set were assigned constant values, i.e. parallel
aforementioned anisotropy. Consequently, an anisotropy index for
joint sets were used in the simulations. Since the purpose of this
the deformation modulus is defined as
study is to investigate the deformation modulus in all directions, a
5 m  5 m block in the 10 m  10 m generated model rotates 15
Emmax  Emmin
AIdm ¼ (41) around the center of the zone in every rotation, from 0 to 345 , for
each DFN model (Fig. 8). Therefore, there are 24 blocks of 5 m  5 m
where Emmax and Emmin are the maximum and minimum values of from each 10 m  10 m model (i.e. a group in Table 1) to be im-
the deformation modulus of the rock mass in different directions, ported to UDEC. Since the coordinate data of original joints were
respectively; and AIdm is the anisotropy index of the deformation saved before, the joint coordinate data within the range of
modulus. The following conclusions can be drawn from Eq. (41): (i) 5 m  5 m after a certain angle of rotation can be obtained through
if Emmax ¼ Emmin, all the values of the deformation modulus in the coordinate transformation. The related code for clipping and co-
different directions are equal, thus AIdm ¼ 0; (ii) if Emmax [ Emmin ordinate transformation was developed in MATLAB. By applying a
or Emmin ¼ 0, then AIdm ¼ 1; and (iii) the range of AIdm is from 0 to 1, unidirectional load on the upper and lower boundaries and
and the more anisotropic the rock mass is, the larger the value of recording the corresponding stress and strain data, the stress-strain
AIdm will be. Note that a similar index was defined by Zheng et al. curve of each 5 m  5 m DFN model can be obtained. It should be
(2020) to quantitatively represent the anisotropy of the perme- noted that the value of the deformation modulus obtained by UDEC
ability of rock masses. is the slope (secant modulus) from the origin point to the point on
160 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

Table 2
Mechanical parameters of joints and intact rock.

Group Number of joint Set Joints Intact rock

No. sets No.
kn (GPa/ ks (GPa/ Er Gr cr 4r
m) m) (GPa) (GPa) (MPa) ( )

1 1 1-1 20 15 50 20 20 40
2 2 2-1 20 15
2-2 20 5
3 2 3-1 20 15
3-2 20 5
4 2 4-1 20 15
4-2 20 5
5 2 5-1 20 15
5-2 20 5
6 2 6-1 20 15
6-2 20 5
7 2 7-1 20 15
7-2 20 5
8 2 8-1 20 15
8-2 20 5

Fig. 7. Calculation of deformation modulus based on the stress-strain curve from UDEC Note: cr and 4r are the cohesion and friction angle of the intact rock, respectively.
(a schematic diagram).

5 m  5 m block in the 10 m  10 m generated model rotates 15

the stress-strain curve where the stress is equal to half of the uni- around the center of the zone in every rotation, from 0 to 345 , for
axial compressive strength, sc (Fig. 7). Some mechanical parame- each DFN model (Fig. 8), and so for each DFN model, there are 24
ters needed in this study are listed in Table 2. values of the deformation modulus in 24 directions.
The results in Fig. 9 show that the predicted values of the
deformation modulus in different directions are close to the nu-
5.1.2. Results and analysis merical values, and their change trends in different directions are
For Group 1, which has a set of persistent joints, the predicted similar. To quantitatively compare the predicted and numerical
and numerical values of directional deformation modulus are values of the directional deformation modulus, the mean error
shown in Fig. 9. Note that (i) the directional deformation modulus rates are calculated for the 24 predicted values for this DFN model
represents the deformation modulus in different directions; (ii) the and the mean value is 6.41%. Note that the mean error rate is the
predicted values are obtained according to Eq. (22); (iii) the values mean value of the error rates in 24 directions, where for each di-
of the directional deformation modulus obtained from UDEC are rection the error rate is equal to the ratio of numerical value minus
denoted as the numerical values; and (iv) as described above, the predicted value to the numerical value. In addition, the predicted
and numerical values of AIdm for Group 1 are calculated according
to Eq. (41) and the values are both equal to 0.85. By the above
analysis, it seems that the method for estimating the deformation
modulus of a rock mass with one persistent joint set is valid.

Fig. 8. The 5 m  5 m DFN models with two sets of persistent joints with an inter- Fig. 9. Predicted and numerical values of the directional deformation modulus of the
section angle of 30 (Group 4 in Table 1). Dimensions are in m. Note that there are DFN models with one set of persistent joints (Group 1). The values of the directional
twenty four 5 m  5 m blocks for each 10 m  10 m model, but eight models are shown deformation modulus from UDEC are regarded as the numerical values. The numbers
in this figure due to limited space. around the circle are in degree.
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 161

Fig. 10. Predicted and numerical values of directional deformation modulus of the DFN models containing two sets of persistent joints: (a) Group 2, (b) Group 3, (c) Group 4, (d)
Group 5, (e) Group 6, (f) Group 7, and (g) Group 8. The numbers around the circle are in degree.
162 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

Fig. 10 shows the results of the directional deformation modulus modulus of rock masses with two persistent joint sets and
for the DFN models containing two sets of persistent joints with can be the basis for studying the method of estimating rock
different intersection angles (Groups 2e8). The results also indicate masses with non-persistent joints.
that the predicted values are close to the numerical values, and
their change trends in different directions are similar. The mean
error rates are also calculated for 24 predicted values in each DFN
model, and the results are shown in Fig. 11. The following conclu- 5.2. A rock mass with non-persistent joint sets
sions can be drawn:
5.2.1. Procedure for the numerical experiments
(1) When the intersection angle of the two persistent joint sets To evaluate the method developed for a rock mass with non-
varies between 0 and 90 , the mean error rate of the pre- persistent joint sets in this study, some experiments were also
dicted values of the deformation modulus varies between conducted with the UDEC (Table 3). Although it is easy to model
5.06% and 7.12%, all of which are at satisfactory levels. rock masses with persistent joints in UDEC, it is difficult to model
(2) As the intersection angle of the two persistent joint sets in- rock masses with non-persistent joints in UDEC. Fortunately, a
creases, the mean error rate of the predicted values of the fictitious joint is introduced to solve this problem. The fictitious
deformation modulus fluctuates by approximately 5.9%, i.e. joint as proposed by Kulatilake et al. (1992) is a kind of joint whose
the error rate seems to have no relation with the intersection mechanical properties are identical to those of intact rock (Fig. 6).
angle of two joints. Therefore, it is necessary to add fictitious joints for each non-
(3) The error rates for the DFN models with two sets of persis- persistent joint. To improve efficiency, a MATLAB code is devel-
tent joints are at the same levels as those with one persistent oped to add fictitious joints for each non-persistent joint in this
set of joints; therefore, the error rate does not increase as the study. The coordinates of the non-persistent joints are input into
number of joint sets increases. the code, and the resulting output can be input to UDEC. DFN
models with non-persistent joints (Fig. 13) were generated ac-
The predicted and numerical values of AIdm for Groups 2e8 are cording to Table 3. Then, through the above code and the same
also calculated with Eq. (41), and the results are shown in Fig. 12. process as described in Section 5.1.1, the deformation modulus of
The following conclusions can be drawn: each 5 m  5 m DFN model can be obtained.
Note that the value of Gr/kfs in Eq. (23) is assigned as 0.01 while
(1) For different groups, the predicted values of AIdm are very using Eq. (40) to calculate the value of deformation modulus, which
close to the numerical values, and all the error rates are less is the middle of the range of values. Huang and Huang (1998)
than 12.71%. derived a formula to estimate the connectivity rate based on the
(2) As the intersection angle of the two joint sets increases, the measuring window method, and this formula can be expressed as
values of AIdm decrease, i.e. the larger the intersection angle
of the two joint sets is, the less anisotropic the rock mass is, n1j þ 2n0j
kj ¼ (42)
which is sensible for a rock mass containing two sets of 2Nj þ n2j
(3) When the intersection angle of the two joint sets is 75 , AIdm where n1j is the number of joints that are visible at one end from set
reaches the smallest value, i.e. the rock mass has the weakest j, n2j is the number of joints that are visible at both ends from set j,
anisotropy. This is because the anisotropy of the deformation and n0j is the number of joints that are not visible at both ends from
modulus of a rock mass is related to the normal and shear set j. The connectivity rate of a rock mass can be estimated by Eq.
stiffnesses of joint sets in addition to the intersection angle of (40) through the application of a measuring window. Hence, Eq.
the two joint sets. Fig. 12 further indicates that the proposed (42) was used to calculate the connectivity rate of a rock mass
method has a good capacity to estimate the deformation found in Eq. (40).

Fig. 12. Comparison between the predicted and numerical values of AIdm for Groups
Fig. 11. Mean error rates of the predicted and numerical values for Groups 2e8. 2e8.
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 163

Table 3
Geometric parameters of the non-persistent joints for generating the DFN models.

Group No. Number of joint sets Set No. Trace length Intersection angle ( ) Joint position distribution lmj
Expected value (m) Standard deviation (m) Distribution

9 1 9-1 1 0.1 Normal - Uniform 2

10 1 10-1 2 0.2 - 4
11 1 11-1 3 0.3 - 6
12 1 12-1 4 0.4 - 8
13 1 13-1 5 0.5 - 10
14 2 14-1 1 0.1 0 2
14-2 1 0.1 0 2
15 2 15-1 1 0.1 15 2
15-2 1 0.1 15 2
16 2 16-1 1 0.1 30 2
16-2 1 0.1 30 2
17 2 17-1 1 0.1 45 2
17-2 1 0.1 45 2
18 2 18-1 1 0.1 60 2
18-2 1 0.1 60 2
19 2 19-1 1 0.1 75 2
19-2 1 0.1 75 2
20 2 20-1 1 0.1 90 2
20-2 1 0.1 90 2

Note: Group 14 has two non-persistent joint sets with an intersection angle of 0 , which is a case that is nearly nonexistent in natural rock masses. Here, this group is used to
illustrate the relation between the deformation modulus and the intersection angle of two non-persistent joint sets.

(1) When the expected value of the trace length of the joint set
varies from 1 m to 5 m, the mean error rate of the predicted
deformation modulus varies between 12.16% and 20.75%.
(2) As the expected value of the trace length increases, the mean
error rate of the predicted deformation modulus first in-
creases and then remains relatively stable. This is likely
caused by the boundary effect of the joints (Zheng et al.,
2015), which increases as the size of the joints increases.
This boundary effect indicates that some of the joints that
intersect the 5 m  5 m block have center points outside of
the 5 m  5 m block.
(3) In addition, the reason that the results of Groups 11e13 have
relatively large mean error rates than those of Groups 9 and
10 (Fig. 15) is that most of the deformation moduli in
different directions of Groups 11e13 are relatively smaller
than those of Groups 9 and 10 (Fig. 14), and a same absolute
error will bring a larger relative error rate. Actually, the ab-
solute errors of Groups 11e13 seem to be smaller than those
of Groups 9 and 10 (Fig. 14).

In order to evaluate the error caused by this method in esti-

mating the deformation modulus of rock mass, the results ob-
tained by the proposed method and some empirical and test
methods are compared. As for in situ tests, Bieniawski (1989)
Fig. 13. The 5 m  5 m DFN models with two sets of joints with an intersection angle of
30 (Group 16). Dimensions are in m. Note that there are twenty four 5 m  5 m blocks
stated that ‘very different in situ results may be obtained depend-
for each 10 m  10 m model, but eight models are shown in this figure due to limited ing on the test method. Even in an extensive in situ test program in
space. fairly uniform and good quality rock mass conditions, deformability
data may feature a deviation of 25%, or as much as 10 GPa’. For
laboratory tests, Farmer and Kemeny (1992) found that the re-
sults from laboratory tests are 5e20 times higher than those of
5.2.2. Results and analysis the in situ test, which may due to the failure of the specimen size
The results in Fig. 14 show that the predicted values of the to reach the representative elementary volume (REV) of the rock
deformation modulus in different directions are very close to the mass. Even for empirical methods, the error is inevitable. With
numerical values, and their change trends in different directions respect to a rock mass with GSI ¼ 70, disturbance factor D ¼ 0,
are similar. To quantitatively compare the predicted and numerical and intact rock deformation modulus Er ¼ 50 GPa, Shen et al.
values of the directional deformation modulus, the mean error (2012) applied three empirical equations proposed by Carvalho
rates are also calculated for the 24 predicted values for each DFN (2004), Sonmez et al. (2004), and Hoek and Diederichs (2006)
model, and the results are shown in Fig. 15. The following conclu- to calculate the deformation modulus of the rock mass, and the
sions can be drawn: results are equal to 21.7 GPa, 25.6 GPa, and 36.6 GPa, respectively.
164 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

Fig. 14. Predicted and numerical values of the directional deformation modulus of the DFN models with one set of joints: (a) Group 9, (b) Group 10, (c) Group 11, (d) Group 12, and
(e) Group 13. The numbers around the circle are in degree.

The difference between the maximum and minimum values is up the predicted values of AIdm are very close to the numerical
to (36.6e21.7)/21.7 ¼ 69%. Besides, some scholars (Aksoy et al., values, and all the error rates are less than 17%. Moreover, with
2012; Karaman et al., 2015) have also studied the differences an increase in the expected value of the trace length of the joints,
between different empirical methods, which can even reach the values of AIdm increase, i.e. the larger the joint sizes are, the
several times. Therefore, the mean error rate of approximately more anisotropic the rock mass is, which is sensible for a rock
16% for all cases with one set of joints indicates that the proposed mass containing one set of joints. Fig. 16 presents a comparison
method for estimating the deformation modulus is valid. between the predicted and real anisotropies, which further in-
In addition, the predicted and numerical values of AIdm for dicates that the developed method has a good capacity to esti-
Groups 9e13 are calculated according to Eq. (41), and the results mate the deformation modulus of jointed rock masses with one
are shown in Fig. 16. This figure shows that for different groups, set of joints.
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 165

The predicted and real values of AIdm for Groups 14e20 are also
calculated using Eq. (41), and the results are shown in Fig. 19. The
following conclusions can be drawn:

(1) For different groups, the predicted values of AIdm are very
close to the numerical values, and the mean errors rates are
less than 12.71%.
(2) Overall, as the intersection angle of the two joint sets increases,
the values of AIdm decrease, i.e. the larger the intersection angle
of the two joint sets is, the less anisotropic the rock mass is,
which is sensible for a rock mass containing two sets of joints.
(3) When the intersection angle of the two joint sets is 75 , AIdm
reaches the smallest value, i.e. the rock mass has the weakest
anisotropy. This is because the anisotropy of the deformation
modulus of a rock mass is related to the normal and shear
stiffnesses of joint sets in addition to the intersection angle of
the two joint sets.
(4) The anisotropy variation laws with the intersection angle
for deformation modulus of rock mass with non-
Fig. 15. Mean error rates of the predicted and numerical values for Groups 9e13.
persistent joints are similar to that of the rock mass
with persistent joints. Fig. 19 further indicates that the
developed method has a good capacity to estimate the
deformation modulus of jointed rock masses with two
non-persistent joint sets.

In conclusion, the above error analysis shows that the

analytical method for estimating deformation modulus proposed
in this study is validated, but for parts of the cases, the error
rates reach 20%. Therefore, to obtain reliable results of defor-
mation modulus of rock masses, we recommend combining the
multiple methods.

6. Discussion

The proposed method can only be applied to a rock mass

having a REV. Because if a REV does not exist, the equivalent
continuum model cannot be used to analyze the deformation
behaviors of the rock mass. Therefore, the size of the analyzed
rock mass should not be less than its REV when using the
developed method.
The proposed method requires the values of the normal and
Fig. 16. Comparison between the predicted and numerical values of AIdm for Groups
shear stiffnesses, which can be obtained from uniaxial
compression tests and shear tests. These test methods are
relatively cheap and easy to perform, which increases the
Fig. 17 shows the results of the directional deformation modulus practicality of the method proposed in this study. In addition,
for the DFN models containing two sets of non-persistent joints the developed formula incorporates the variations in the ori-
with different intersection angles (Groups 14e20). The results also entations and sizes of joint sets. Note that in the numerical
indicate that the predicted values are close to the numerical values, validation experiments, parallel joints are used for the same
and their change trends in different directions are similar. The sets, because when a complicated nonparallel and non-
mean error rates are calculated for 24 predicted values in each DFN persistent joint network is input to UDEC, it requires fine
model, and the results are plotted in Fig. 18. The following con- meshing, and the computation process is likely to fail. Hence,
clusions can be drawn: UDEC does not have sufficient capacity to deal with a compli-
cated nonparallel and non-persistent joint network. However, it
(1) When the intersection angle of the two joint sets varies be- is very convenient to use the proposed method to deal with the
tween 0 and 90 , the mean error rate of the predicted values aforementioned complicated networks. For example, when the
of the deformation modulus varies between 12.98% and trace angle in Group 9 is normally distributed with a standard
22.03%, all of which are at satisfactory levels. deviation of 5 , the predicted values of the directional defor-
(2) As the intersection angle of the two joint sets increases, the mean mation modulus of this case are plotted in Fig. 20. Moreover, the
error rate of the predicted values of the deformation modulus proposed method can reflect the directional deformation
fluctuates by approximately 17%, i.e. the error rate seems to have modulus and quantitatively describe the degree of anisotropy of
no relation with the intersection angle of two joints. rock masses.
(3) A comparison of Figs. 15 and 18 shows that the error rates for Considering that it is not easy to perform a validation procedure
the DFN models with two sets of joints are at the same level for 3D complicated joint networks, the proposed method is
as those with one set of joints. Hence, the error rate does not developed in 2D space. However, actual rock masses exist in 3D
increase as the number of joint sets increases. space, and their deformation behaviors usually have obvious 3D
166 B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168

Fig. 17. Predicted and numerical values of directional deformation modulus of the DFN models containing two sets of joints: (a) Group 14, (b) Group 15, (c) Group 16, (d) Group 17,
(e) Group 18, (f) Group 19, and (g) Group 20. The numbers around the circle are in degree.
B. Zhang et al. / Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering 14 (2022) 153e168 167

effects. Therefore, the proposed method will be extended to 3D

space in future research.
Finally, since it is extremely difficult to carry out a verification
test of this method in practice, the proposed method was only
evaluated by numerical modeling herein. Therefore, the proposed
method must still be tested in practical applications.

7. Conclusions

A new method for estimating the deformation modulus of

jointed rock masses is proposed. The developed formula (Eq. (39) or
(40)) incorporates the variations in the orientations and sizes of the
joint sets and can accordingly be used to study the directional
deformation modulus of jointed rock masses. Moreover, an
anisotropy index for the deformation modulus AIdm is defined to
quantitatively describe the deformation modulus anisotropy.
Moreover, some numerical experiments were conducted with
UDEC to evaluate the method proposed in this study. The results
show that the predicted values of the deformation modulus are
Fig. 18. Mean error rates of the predicted and numerical values for Groups 14e20. close to the numerical values, and the specific results are summa-
rized as follows:

(1) For a rock mass with a set of persistent joints, the mean error
rate of the deformation modulus in 24 directions is 6.41%.
When the intersection angle of the two persistent joint sets
varies between 0 and 90 , the error rate of the predicted
values of the deformation modulus varies between 5.06% and
(2) For a rock mass with one non-persistent joint set, when the
expected value of the trace length of the joint set varies from
1 m to 5 m, the mean error rate of the predicted values of the
deformation modulus varies between 12.16% and 20.75%, all
of which are at satisfactory levels. Moreover, the larger the
joint sizes are, the more anisotropic the rock mass is.
(3) For a rock mass containing two non-persistent joint sets,
when the intersection angle of the two joint sets varies be-
tween 0 and 90 , the mean error rate of the predicted values
of the deformation modulus varies between 12.98% and
22.03%, all of which are at satisfactory levels. Moreover, the
larger the intersection angle of the two joint sets is, the less
anisotropic the rock mass is.
Fig. 19. Comparison between the predicted and numerical values of AIdm for Groups
Therefore, the proposed method for estimating the deformation
modulus is valid. In addition, this method lays a foundation for
future studies on estimating the deformation modulus in 3D space.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing

financial interests or personal relationships that could have
appeared to influence the work reported in this paper.


This study was funded by the National Key R&D Program of

China (Grant Nos. 2017YFE0119500 and 2018YFC1505005), and the
National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.


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Khabbazi, A., Ghafoori, M., Lashkaripour, G.R., Cheshomi, A., 2013. Estimation of the Jun Zheng is an Associate Professor and a doctoral su-
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mechanics Geoengin. 8, 46e52. Zhejiang University, China. He obtained his Joint PhD in
Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Ucpirti, H., Radberg, G., Stephansson, O., 1992. Use of the geotechnical engineering from Sichuan University (China)
distinct element method to perform stress analysis in rock with non-persistent and the University of Arizona (USA) in 2014. He was a
joints and to study the effect of joint geometry parameters on the strength and Visiting Scholar at Delft University of Technology in 2016.
deformability of rock masses. Rock Mech. Rock Eng. 25 (4), 253e274. His research interests are in rock mechanics and geohazard
Lai, H., Zheng, H., Chen, R., Kang, Z., Liu, Y., 2020. Settlement behaviors of existing prevention and mitigation, particularly including (1) geo-
tunnel caused by obliquely under-crossing shield tunneling in close proximity metric model and computer simulation of rock mass
with small intersection angle. Tunn. Undergr. Space Technol. 97, 103258. structures; (2) relationship between geometric model and
Li, C., 2001. A method for graphically presenting the deformation modulus of mechanical behaviors of rock masses; (3) application of
jointed rock masses. Rock Mech. Rock Eng. 34 (1), 67e75. artificial intelligence in rapid acquisition of geometric pa-
Martins, F.F., Miranda, T.F.S., 2012. Estimation of the rock deformation Modulus and rameters of rock discontinuities; and (4) probabilistic sta-
RMR based on data mining techniques. Geotech. Geol. Eng. 30, 787e801. bility analysis of rock masses. He is responsible for two
Min, K.B., Jing, L., Stephansson, O., 2004. Determining the equivalent permeability projects sponsored by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and has
tensor for fractured rock masses using a stochastic REV approach: method and published over 60 scientific papers. Dr. Zheng has won several awards including
application to the field data from Sellafield, UK. Hydrogeol. J. 12 (5), 497e510. Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Award of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics and
Mo, P., Fang, Y., Yu, H.S., 2020. Benchmark solutions of large-strain cavity contrac- Engineering (CSRME) in 2016 and Natural Science Award of CSRME in 2018. He was
tion for deep tunnel convergence in geomaterials. J. Rock Mech. Geotech. Eng. selected in Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by China Association for Sci-
12 (3), 596e607. ence and Technology (CAST) in 2018. He is serving as a young editorial board member
Mohammad, R., Mostafa, A., Abbas, M., Mohammad, F.H., 2015. Prediction of of an international journal and a specially invited editorial board member of a do-
representative deformation modulus of longwall panel roof rock strata using mestic journal, and has served as a reviewer for about 28 rock mechanics/geotechnical/
Mamdani fuzzy system. Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. 25, 23e30. engineering geology journals.

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