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Welcome to St. Francis Institute.

St. Francis Institute is a public vocational training institute under the Ministry of Education and
sports.The institute was established in 2004 by Mr/miss xxxx as a vocational center through bilateral
cooperation by the Government of Uganda.

To bring together students from different societies to study hand zone courses in Western region
and Uganda at Large . St. Francis is Located in xxxxx ,Fort portal city , Western region in Uganda. It
was and is still built on fear and respect of God . It is a religious and a social entity to everyone.
Today , St. Francis is the leading independent organization for vocational courses in Uganda and it
embraces its students right from when they start ,as they progress as young professionals and then
as they mature into senior practitioners.

Our core objectives

 To provide vocational training to workers in industries to upgrade their skills so as to enable
them address the job challenges arising from changing technology in enterprises.
 To support infrastructural development in Uganda through training the young blood and
equip them with the skills.
 To train our own Ugandan instructors and eliminate the job seeking problem in Uganda
 To upgrade the graduates of institutions from craft level to technician level
 To provide vocational skills for employment entry , career growth and development.

Join the Professionals.

All vocational professionals can join St. Francis . Reasons as follows; Students that study from St.
Francis in Fort portal stand high chances to be retained as our own professional trainers and
teachers. There high chances of getting jobs with St. Francis institute because it’s the leading
vocational institute in Uganda and all there students are examined by DIT to fully verify their
capacity in their fields of study.

The organization also helps its displined and highly performing students get jobs around the globe.
As if that’s not enough, we also follow up on our old students whether what we taught them is
implemented and if not help them get back to track.

Why we chose vocational courses.

St. Francis is one of the leading vocational institutes in western region. Our main aim is skill
acquisition through use of tools and equipments that will boost your competence and can be
employable in the world

Gone are the days when we used to embrace civil servants and worshiped every family that
managed to make their children attain degree in law, engineering, medicine , etc. Now the world
changed it the other way round. Only those with high level of skills are embraced and worshiped
with lots of sums of money. Not that civil workers are stupid, but many people and families have
been pushing there children to study what they don’t want and what they cant manage to pursue ,
and in the end the world has got a lot of lawyers, teachers, engineers , doctors in that become one
of the above categories you will definitely not make news.

St Francis institute aims at making the young generation as the leading generation. We want to
prove you that you are still the best even when you don’t have a degree because after all what
makes you different from others, you create jobs rather than seeking for the jobs.

Join Our Membership programs

The institution consists of the following classes of membership: Each of the class has its own set of
requirements which an applicant must meet before admission.

Brick laying welding&metal fab


Plumbing ICT


Target Audience

 We target school drop outs

 Pre employed youths
 The university students that want an added skill on the academic credentials
 Women
 Students in vacation e.g p7, f4, f6.

Our vision
To provide vocational training and research mainly for career growth.

Management structure
The principal is the head of the institute and is assisted by two Deputy principals i.e the
Deputy principal Training & the deputy principal Administration. There five(5) departments
directly involved in the execution of the training programs. The include; tailoring, plumbing,
welding&metal fabrication , brick laying/ building and construction. The institute gets short
term experts from time to time to train our students.

Working time

Day Time
Monday—Friday 8:Am—5Pm

Contact us Today

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