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Rcoublic et the Puitigaines Department of Cducatian CARAGA REGION SCHOOLS DIVISION OFFICE OF DINAGAT ISLANDS June 11, 2021 DIVISION MEMORANDUM no, AS| 8. 2028 SUBMISSION OF SBM VALIDATION E-TOOL SY 2020-2021 TO: Public Schools District Supervisors Schoo! Heads Elementary /Secondary School SUM Coardinators Division SBN Coordinator M&E This vision 1. In line with the conduct of Document Analysis, Observation and Discussion (DOD) and Validation of School-Based Management Practices, the field is hereby required to submit a soft copy of duly signed seanned copy of SBM Validation e- ‘Too! SY 2020-2021 in which it was already uploaded to M&E fb group chat. 2. Schools Division Superintendent signature of the Validation Tool will be after the submission and printing facilitated by the M&E section, 3. Division SBM Coordinator and Division Planning Officer arc requested to properly review the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) af the aforesaid tool. 4, Submitied SEM Validation e-Tool will be consolidated by the M&E section and submitted to Regional Office FTAD, 5. Since we are affected by the pandemic, Ube following adjustments shall be observed: a, On Access Enrollment ~ SY 2018-2019, SY 2019-2020 & SY 2020-2021 Dropout - S¥ 2017-2018, S¥ 2018-2019 & SY 2019-2020 b, On Quality Cohort Survival, Completion & MPS SY 2017-2018, SY 2018-2019 & SY 2019-2020 G. The deadline of submission will be on Monday June 14, 2021 and email to wr Vagmail.cotn or upload to M&E fb group chat respectively. 7. Any queries and clarifications on the ton! feel free to contact MBE section. 8. For information, guidance and compliance. ih FELISA G. iJO, PhD, CESO VI OIC = Schools Division Superintendent, nate: NONE Referees NOE, “To be intuted fe PERPETUAL INDEX, andor the Flowing nye SBM VALIDATION E-TOOL, Aeros Write Bone, Diag inal ais, nell Arne: degen

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