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Dinh Thai Hoang, UEH

Ø Research Method

Ø Research Methodology
Research = Re + Search

Observes Collection of data

Person Phenomena Conclusions
Again and again Analysis of data

(Singh, Y. K., Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics, 2006)


Research is a scientific understanding of existing

knowledge and deriving new knowledge that may be
applied for the betterment of mankind

(Bairagi & Mousami V. Munot, Research Methodology - A Practical and Scientific

Approach, 2019)

... research as a process that is undertaken in a

systematic way with a clear purpose, to find things
(Saunders et al., Research Methods for Business Students, 8th edition, 2019)

Research is a type of systematic investigation that

is empirical in nature and is designed to contribute
to public knowledge.
(Trochim W. M. et al., Research Methods - The essential knowledge base, 2016)

Research, a somewhat intimidating term for some,

is simply the process of finding solutions to a
problem after a thorough study and analysis of the
situational factors.

(Sekaran & Bougie, Research Methods for Business, 7th edition, 2016)
Bussiness Research

Business research is a truth-seeking function responsible

for gathering, analyzing, interpreting, and reporting
information so that business decision makers become
more effective.
Business research seeks to predict and explain
phenomena that, taken together, constitute the ever
changing business environment. Thus, business research
is a truth-seeking, fact-finding function that gathers,
analyzes, interprets, and reports information so that
business decision makers become more effective.
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
Bussiness Research
Business research is defined as a systematic inquiry
that provides information to guide a specified
managerial decision.
...a set of processes that include planning, acquiring,
analyzing, and reporting relevant data, information,
and insights to decision makers in ways that
mobilize the organization to take appropriate
actions. These actions are designed to maximize
performance and help accomplish organizational
(Schindler, Business Research Methods, 13th edition, 2019)
Bussiness Research

Business research can be described as a systematic

and organized effort to investigate a specific
problem encountered in the work setting, which
needs a solution. It comprises a series of steps that
are designed and executed with the goal of finding
answers to the issues that are of concern to the
manager in the work environment.

(Sekaran & Bougie, Research Methods for Business, 7th edition, 2016)
Why do Business Research?
Elements of Business Research

1. Business research involves the study of a wide range of

phenomena, such as:
a. People, including employees, customers, supervisors, managers,
policy makers, and stakeholders,
b. Systems or groups of people, including strategic business units,
offices, factory labor, management groups, boards of directors,
managing directors, market segments, cultures, subcultures,
corporate cultures, communities, companies, and industries,
c. The interaction of people with systems, including accounting or
audit systems, legal systems, management practices, compensation
systems, supply chain processes, manufacturing systems, customer
acquisition approaches, production processes, and financial systems.
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
Elements of Business Research

2. Business research can be formal. Researchers may undertake

systematic and sometimes exhaustive projects aimed at answering
very specific questions.
3. Business research can be informal.
4. Good research is replicable. A goal of scientific research is to be
as objective as possible. When research is objective, it is generally
replicable, meaning that another researcher can produce the same
results using the identical procedures employed by the original
5. Good research should provide more benefit than it costs.
Ultimately, this
is of primary importance in determining whether the research was
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
Applied & Basic Business Research

Ø Applied business research is motivated by an attempt to

solve a particular problem faced by a particular organization.
Applied business research helps decision makers make
specific decisions bound by time and an organization.

Ø Basic business research is motivated by a desire to better

understand some business phenomenon as it applies to an
entire industry or to business in general.
Basic research helps develop theory that attempts to
describe and predict business events so that all business
decision makers can benefit.

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

Applied & Basic Business Research

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 4th edition, 2020)

Quantitative research & Qualitative research

“... quantitative research uses numbers and statistics in

the collection and analysis of data, while qualitative
research relies mainly on words and other non-
numerical symbols”

(Bryman & Bell, Social Research Methods, 5th edition, 2019)

Quantitative research & Qualtitative research

(Bryman & Bell, Social Research Methods, 5th edition, 2019)

(Hair et al., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
The Business Research Process

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 4th edition, 2020)

The Sientific Method and Business Research

The Scientific
Contributes to
Business Decision
Making Through

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

The Sientific Method

The rigor of science >< The pragmatics of business

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

The Sientific Method

Ø A research question poses an issue of interest to

the researcher and is related to the specific
decision faced by the company.

Ø A hypothesis is a formal statement of some

unproven supposition that tentatively explains
certain facts or phenomena.

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

The Sientific Method

1. It is empirical, meaning that it is compared against reality.

2. It is replicable or objective, meaning that the researcher’s
opinion is independent of the results; other researchers
conducting the study would obtain the same results.
3. It is analytical, in that empirical facts are chosen, specified,
and measured in a way that will address research questions.
4. It is theory driven; it relies on an existing body of
5. It is logical, meaning conclusions are drawn from the results
based on logic.
6. It is rigorous; every effort is made to minimize error.
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

A theory is a set of interrelated concepts, definitions,

and propositions that present a systematic view of
specifying relations among variables with the purpose
of explaining and predicting phenomena.
(Ghauri et al., Research methods in buniness studies, 2020)

The term theory is used to refer to ‘a systematic body of

knowledge grounded in empirical evidence which can
be used for explanatory or predictive purposes.
(Saunders et al., Research Methods for Business Students, 8th edition, 2019)

Theory refers to a set of systematically related

statements including some lawlike generalizations that
can be tested empirically.

Ø The fuel for research.

Ø The practicality of theory.
Ø Theory seeks to explain and predict.

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

Deductive reasoning

(Trochim W. M. et al., Research Methods - The essential knowledge base, 2016)

Inductive reasoning

(Trochim W. M. et al., Research Methods - The essential knowledge base, 2016)


Concepts are the building blocks of theory and

represent the points around which business
research is conducted.
(Bell et al., Business research methods, 5th edition, 2019)

A concept is an abstraction representing an object,

a property of an object, or a certain phenomenon.

(Ghauri et al., Research methods in buniness studies, 2020)


Important functions:
Ø Concepts are the foundation ofcommunication.
Without a set of agreed concepts, meaningful
communication is impossible.
Ø Concepts introduce a perspective – a way of
looking at the empirical world.
Ø Concepts are means of classification and
Ø Concepts serve as components of theories (models)
and thus of explanations and predictions.
(Ghauri et al., Research methods in buniness studies, 2020)
What is good research?

Ø Purpose clearly defined

Ø Research process detailed
Ø Research design thoroughly planned
Ø High ethical standards applied
Ø Limitations frankly revealed
Ø Adequate analysis for decision maker’s needs
Ø Findings presented unambiguously
Ø Conclusions justified
Ø Researcher’s experience reflected
(Coope&Schindler, Business Research Methods, 12th edition, 2014)
Ethics & Business Research

Ethics are moral principles and values that influence

the way researchers conduct their research activities.

(Ghauri et al., Research methods in buniness studies, 2020)

Ethics in business research refers to a code of

conduct or expected societal norms of behavior
while conducting research.
(Sekaran & Bougie, Research Methods for Business, 7th edition, 2016)
Ethics & Business Research

Ethical obligations of the researcher

Ø Before the research
§ What information do I need that is now
§ How could I use that information?
§ What will it cost to get this information, and how
long will it take?
§ Does the potential benefit exceed the cost?
§ Do my competitors have the information? If so,
how is this affecting their performance?
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
Ethics & Business Research

§ What aspects of my current business situation do

I not understand?

Ø During and after the research.

§ Researcher–Decision Maker Relationship.
§ Researcher Obligations to Participants

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

Ethics & Business Research

Ethical obligations of the client

Ø Before the research
§ should participate fully and openly with the
researcher ----> come to a consensus on research
objectives, research proposal, time frame and
§ has an obligation to develop an understanding of
the researcher and the research project.

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

Ethics & Business Research

Ø During and after the research

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

Ethics & Business Research

Ethical obligations of research participants

Ø Voluntary participation.
Ø Faithful participation
Ø Honesty
Ø Privacy

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

Research Proposal

A research proposal is a formal document summarizing

what the problem is, how it will be investigated, how
much the investigation will cost, and how long the
research will take to complete.

Research proposal:
Ø defines the problem,
Ø outlines the researcher’s approach and methods,
Ø specifies the project’s deliverables, and
Ø includes a budget and time frame for completion.
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
Research Proposal

1. A working title.
2. Background of the study. TẦM QUAN TRỌNG CỦA NGHIÊN CỨU

3. The problem statement:

a. The purpose of the study
b. Research questions.
4. The scope of the study.
5. The relevance of the study.
6. The research design, offering details on:
a. Type of study – exploratory and descriptive
b. Data collection methods
Research Proposal

c. The sampling design

d. Data analysis.
7. Time frame of the study, including information
on when the written report will be handed over to
the sponsors.
8. The budget, detailing the costs with reference to
specific items of expenditure.
9. Selected bibliography. TÀI LIỆU THAM KHẢO

(Sekaran & Bougie, Research Methods for Business, 7th edition, 2016)
Research Proposal

(Saunders et al., Research Methods for Business Students, 8th edition, 2019)
Case study

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)
(Hair, J. F., Essentials of Business Research Methods, 2020)

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