4 - Thoughts On Genre and Subject

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There are so many differences between literary genres which makes every genre unique

to people. For instance, drama can only be written to perform while non-fiction can be in
movies, series, short films, and books. The difference is not only about how they are
given to the viewers but also about the purpose, style, subject, tone and the structure of
the genre plays a big role in differentiating a genre from the other. It is important to really
understand which genre is being shown so that we won’t be confused as to what we are
viewing and what information we are taking in and telling others about it.

According to Wikipedia, “A literary genre is a category of literature. Genres may be

determined by literary technique, tone, content, or length (especially for fiction).
They generally move from more abstract, encompassing classes, which are then
further sub-divided into more concrete distinctions.The distinctions between genres
and categories are flexible and loosely defined, and even the rules designating genres
change over time and are fairly unstable.” https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Literary_genre

Literature brings us into a whole new world of different understandings and feelings. I
believe that literature plays a big role in everyone’s life, but we fail to show it the
appreciation it deserves. Literature is something that we need in life because, through its
unique works, we can learn something new that we can apply to our daily lives, careers,
relationships, and other things that can help us shape who and what we are. Having a
subject that can help us students replenish our love for literature is truly what we need in
order to shape ourselves into the adults that society needs.

21st century literature from the Philippines and the world is a subject that allows us to
reconnect with our past and learn how to appreciate the things that brought us all the way
to where we are today. It is a wonderful opportunity to learn about Philippine literature
and other literature that we will soon learn about and discuss. Many individuals, believe it
or not, dislike literature, however having it as a subject might transform your perspective
on it.

I would like to express my gratitude to all of the teachers who are teaching this subject, as
they have brought us into the world of literature, a world that consists of different
emotions, feelings, thoughts, and lessons that can utterly change how we view our lives
and how we can apply them to our lives.

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