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Task 2

Consumer Buying Decision Process for a Television

Consumer buying decision process involves five steps which any of prospect of any product or
service going through. This task will go through these five steps to make a decision of
purchasing a TV from Sinhagiri Pvt Ltd (Definition and Examples of the Consumer Decision-
Making Process, 2022)
This seems to be a complex process and the complexity increase when the product is expensive.
When the need arise people always search for information in about the product that they need to
buy and then they compare the it with the available options in consumers limits and after made
the purchase always wonder if you get the right call this is called cognitive dissonance.

1. Problem Recognition
1.1 Accesses for information
In Sri Lankan context we are passing a highly unstable political and economic environment at
the moment and the people always search for information of these arenas from various sources
so that we can identify that one need is to buy a TV is easy access for current descriptive
Apart from that various education programmes been telecasted during the COVID 19 period
which enable student to carry out their studies.
1.2 Entertainment
Sri Lankan people always love for having fun and watching emotional tele dramas via television
and watching reality shows telecasted by each TV channels. So the second need is entertainment
they expect from TV.
Further the Sri Lankan people are cricket lovers they watch each of cricket matches from a
television and watches in group and they expect a quality screen in watching matches.
1.3 Social Status
In Sri Lankan culture having a big TV with a modern technology is a showing the class of the
TV owner to the society.

So that the there are three basic needs been identified

Accesses for information
Social Status
2. Information Search
After the identifying the need ( Problem) people start research about the product as a brand
Sihnagari needs to exposes the positive information about their TV range and other related
information to consumers to persuade them to purchase.This step can be divided into two main
1. Internal
This is what consumer has previous experience about the brand or the product
2. External
Recommendation about the product by friends’ neighbors. Products reviews etc

Sources (Information Search and Decision Making, 2022)

3. Alternative Solutions
At this point prospective buyer is comparing the selected product with available alternatives in
this TV buying process consumer compare the other ways to full fill the needs identified in the
first step
Accesses for information
Social Status
Needs Identified Alternative Solutions
Accesses to information Newspapers/ Internet connection/Smart Phone
Entertainment Stero set up
Social Status not receiving from the above two alternatives

Also this comparing process can be done among several brands depending on the cost the lates
technology available durability of the products and etc

4. Purchase Decision
From the sellers point of view this is the most important point in our case this is where consumer
buy the TV. After identifying the need collected information compared with alternatives finally
the he decide to purchase.
In this case if Sinhagiri had done the basics well a TV of Sinhagiri will purchase by the
consumer but the process is not over yet after buying there customer has post purchase

5. Post Purchase Evaluation

This is the stage that consumer do the evaluation whether the need met from the product in this
case if the consumer can meet the access the information via TV and the and full fill the
entertainment need full fill by purchasing a TV and if this branded high tec TV helps to promote
the owners social class.
The need can be meets the consumers expectations and over satisfy consumers need if that so
consumer has taken the right decision on purchasing.
From sinhagiri point of view they should ensure a positive experience with the product by way of
giving after sales services and this will create repeat customers and positive word of mouth
which is free adverting

Task 3
Sinhagiri retail presence expand to all corners of Sri Lanka with 100+ showrooms and aart from
that 110+ company owned outlets. The task three will have a discussion about the marketing mix
of TV range of Sihangiri and critical analysis of the same.
Marketing mix
Marketing mix consist of set of strategies actions which an organization use to promote its
products among the target market. Four main elements of the marketing mix is product, price,
place, promotion.

The main products that Sinhagiri deals is SAMSUNG and HISNSE they offered different sizes
from these brands with latest technologies

The pricing policy of Sinhagiri includes cost plus fixed mark up which means that pricing covers
the cost of the product and the reasonable net profit. A particular team is been allocated to collect
competitors information related to prices. Each factors is considered before setting the price of
the products. The privce reage of the TVs are average compared to other competitors such as LG
and SONY.
However it is noted that the prices been increased recently may be due to the band of imorts for
the government.

Sinhagiri retail expands all over Sri Lanka with 100 retail showrooms and 12 flagship plaza
showrooms.Apart from these 110+ company owned outlets also present 200+ dealer points
islandwide further the they have presented in BIA duty free terminal with operatioin of owned
and several dealer points

Been authozized dealer for SMSUNG in Sri Lanka Sinhagiri do its own promotion via hoardings
and TV advertising aprt from that sponsorship plays a vital role in sinhagiri promotions.

Task 4
Relationship marketing enable to retain customers over a time in a profitable manner which
result in customer loyalty. Further it helps to identify the differences of the needs and want over
a period of time.
Importance of relationship marketing
For any organization marketing is important because it generate new business and help to retain
customers who have been already engaged with the business.
Relationship marketing is important to retain the customer with the business because the ultimate
objective of the relationship marketing is to satisfy the needs and get the feedback in order to
keep them coming back this is the biggest benefit that a business can expect from relationship

Benefits of Relationship Marketing

1. Enhance customer experience
When the organization focus on customer service and relationship customer become more
concrete with the brand as they realize that this organization is continuously work towards the
happiness of the customers.
As an example if Sinhagiri is providing a free transport service to the residence of the person
who purchase the TV and a small guidance to the consumer how to install with safety that will
create delighted customer.
Customer loyalty will grow if the organization can guarantee that its products meet or exceed the
customer expectation. To do this you should have a better understanding of the customer’s
demand thinking pattern and need the quick and accurate feedback.
Aslo actively responding to the feedback and the demand of the customer can improve the
loyalty and the retention of the customer.

2. Better Feed back

In addition to using social media as a form of customer support, businesses can obtain valuable
customer feedback through similar channels. Feedback can determine the future outcomes of a
business because it may provide reviews of a product, elaborate on the performance of an
employee or product, or describe the quality of service received by a customer. Companies
committed to relationship marketing and customer retention should talk and listen to their
customers to improve existing products or create more effective products. Replying to media
messages gives customers a sense of being heard and valued, further driving their retention
towards future business ventures.
When a customer is not reluctant to give an accurate feedback the Sinhagiri limited get the very
tru information about the product where they can develop themselves in the long run of the
business as an example if the picture quality or the sound quality is not up to expected level and
without customer telling this to Sinhagiri he is spreading the news among the his friends so that
Sinhagiri is not getting accurate feedback neither the brand name also get hammered by bad
word of mouth and the buying decisions of potential customers get bad review about the
Sinhagiri that may decrease the sale of them.
So that when you have a loyal base of customers and in a issue with the products first contact
point is the organization and the organization can very proactive and solved the problem by
providing an additional TV until the repair done or replace the product etc.
3. Increase the sales volume
Loyal customers mean that they experiencing and enjoy of the product and spread the positive
news where persuade other potential buyers to purchase Sinhagiri TVs. This directly impact in
the second step of information search of the consumers buying decision process.
In turn loyal customers will provide spread positive word of mouth where it increase the sales of
Sinhagiri TVs.
4. 2022. Definition and Examples of the Consumer Decision-Making Process.
[online] Available at: <
%20basic%20steps.,decision%20and%20post%2Dpurchase%20evaluation.> [Accessed 11
September 2022]. 2022. Information Search and Decision Making. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 11 September 2022].

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