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From: "Serena Maria TORCASIO" <>

Date: 10/10/2022 11:00:48 AM
Subject: Use of DSM extruders

Dear all,

in the last period we had some problems with the correct use of DSM extruders in A37.
This is a little reminder, in case you have doubts during the use of the machines, and you want to check rapidly.

1. Don't force pistons (or other parts of the equipment as round caps, wrenches or others) in the machine. Each machine has
its own screws, pistons, and round caps. On the screw there is a number as for example 487, 496, 685, 958, etc. They go
together within the first digit.
2. So for example, is ok to put 487 and 496 together, but NOT 685 and 958.


2. Don't force pistons inside the head of the extruder!!! NEVER EVER!!! When you feel the screws are 'pushing' you back you
stop the screws, take back the piston and report to the responsible. Before using the pistons, pay attention that the inner
part doesn't go out from the metallic tube. If the piston is blocked in the tube DON'T HIT IT!!! Use the heat gun to melt
again the polymer and unblock it with circular movements (as when you unscrew a bolt for example). The feeding has to
be performed always at 30 rpm. After use, piston should be cleaned with brass brushes and clothes.

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5. In the bottom of the extruder there is a handle (small one with round end) that is used to switch closed and open the
extruder. THIS SHOULDN'T BE FORCED!!! If it doesn't slide well you should warm up the temperature (for example at 100°C)
and only at this point you can try again to turn it. It is better to turn it always at high temperatures. Please, clean it with
attention and care, because this part is a mobile one, and dirty stuffs can stick inside that.


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5. There are some sensitive points on the extruder, such as the thermocouple (the small circle at the bottom of the extrusion
chamber with a point inside). This part SHOULDN'T BE BRUSHED but cleaned ONLY with clothes. The brushes to clean the
screw lodging are the 'gold ones' that are made of brass. Don't forget to clean, especially the bottom part of the extruder,
the polymer die and the lateral feeding arm, with Polyplast and brushes.

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5. The extrusion chamber has always to be closed fixing the opposed screws, as showed in the picture:

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7. It is better to use the extruders in the correct time. That means, it isn't time saving to run and do 10 extrusion in a day
(with the risk to forget something and destroy the machine) if then you have to trash 5 of them because your product is
burned/impure/not reproducible. Take your time and work properly: your efficiency and time use will increase! The
polymers used to clean the extruders are Polyplast (140°C) and Asaclean (180°C-200°C) with preference for Polyplast.
Normally, you should use 10-12g of those polymers and extrude for some minutes (we would say 2-3) before to let it go out.
To be clean is to be white: the polymer has to come out without impurities. Normally 2-3 passages are ok.

7. Use the vacuum cleaner to clean your work station and all the pieces of film and granulate that are all around while you
work, and write your name on the users book. There is a software for DSM1 & DSM2 on share, that will help you to follow
the melting profile inside your extruder.

This is how you should find/leave the extruder machine before/after use:

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If I've forgotten something, please @Jérémy ODENT and @Samira BENALI and every heavy user has something to add, feel
free to add your comments.

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Thanks for your collaboration, I wish you a good day.


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