Nat Reviewer For English

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Test l. Subject-Verb Agreement: Ring the correct verb that will make the sentence correct and complete.

1. Each of us (try, tries) to be good students.

2. None of the salesmen (want, wants) to help me.

3. Several of these books (look, looks) brand new.

4. My passport and ticket (lie, lies) on the desk.

5. The Perezes or the Reyeses (plan, plans) to move this month.

6. Neither the pen nor the book (was, were) returned.

7. The number of errors (is, are) small.

8. A number of the power lines (is, are) down because of the typhoon.

9. The Board of Directors (is, are) in favor of buying the rival company.

10. One of the children who (play, plays) soccer very well is sitting on the sidelines.

11. The group of school administrators (is, are) meeting in the conference room.

12. Mathematics (is, are) difficult for some students who have been out of school for a few

13. Neither the rain nor the dropping temperatures (suggest, suggests) good weather over the


14. M. J Cruz is the one who (do, does) paintings.

15. Five percent of the profits (is, are) to be distributed to the stockholders.

16. All coworkers but Dave (is, are) to be hired for the weekend shift.

17. Our CEO, together with board members, (hire, hires) all employees.

18. (Is, Are) either of the web sites working?

19. The team (has, have) not won a single game this season.

20. Neither the assistant nor the supervisor (know, knows) where the manager is.
Test Il. Ways to Achieve Sentence Unity

A. Connectives: What connectives make the sentences correct and complete? Ring the letters of the best

1. ______he is only 12, John is already taller than his mother.

d. Nevertheless

a. However c. Although

b. Because d. Nevertheless

2. I am very good at Math.______ I like English the most

a. Therefore c. Consequently

b. However d. Subsequently

3. You have other people doing your homework for you, _____ you Will never learn how to do it yourself.

a. unless c. not only

b. otherwise d. therefore

4. Sheila is not talking to me ____ I made here cry the other day.

a. because c. not only

b. but also d. therefore

5. Christopher needs to learn how to play with others ______ he wil end up lonely for most of his

a. unless c. or

b. otherwise d. and

6. Thelma is the smartest person in our class _____, she was Class Valedictorian in high school.

a. In fact c. Not only

b. But also d. Nevertheless

7. Tommy wanted Jim to steal the video game for him ____ Jim refused.

a. and c. thankfully

b. still d. but

8. I have no money at the moment _____ I still plan to watch a movie later.

a. Still c. Although

b. Nevertheless d. Consequently
9. The book is based _____ on his own life, _______ on the lives of his family members.

a. even tough, still c. not only, but also

b. subsequently. Consequently d. in fact. And

10. I get nervous ______ I get left alone in my grandmother’s old house.

a. whenever c. when.

b. as soon as d. that

Test Ill. unity Of Mood, Consistent Point Of View and Unity of Tense: Identify the clause that would
complete the given sentences. Write the letters of the correct answers on the blanks.

_______1. First practice riding a tricycle.

a. then second practice riding a two-wheeled bike.

b. then practice riding a two-wheeled bike.
c. then you Will practice riding a two-wheeled bike.

______2. I Wish

a that I Will get a high score in this exam.

b. that I Will get a high score in this exam. Don’t you?
c. that I Will get a high score in this exam. And for you, too.

______3. They say that babies are natural-born swimmers because

a. he spent g months in his mother's womb.

b. she is born With a swimmer's instincts.
c. they spent nine months in their mothers' wombs surrounded by amniotic fluid.

______4. Sarah is a diligent student.

a. She would like to graduate with honors and they will be able to get a good job afterwards.
b. She would like to graduate with honors and get a good job afterwards.
c. She would like to graduate with honors because he wants his parents to be proud of him.

______5. Timothy loves to read books.

a. He enjoyed playing videogames in his spare time.

b. He also enjoys playing videogames.
c. He is enjoying playing videogames.
IV.CircIe the letter Of the correct meaning Of the underlined expression in the sentence.

1. He told me in good faith that he would help me and I believe he will.

a. sincerely and honesty

b. willingly and properly

c. faithfully and

2. He is in-deep-water His payments are due tomorrow and he doesn't have any money.

a. drowning

b. in serious trouble

c. swimming

3. We have a good housemaid. We can leave the children in her hands.

a. in her embrace

b. in her house

c. in her care

4. If you want to see the best player on the team, keep-an-eye on him.

a. observe

b. open your eyes

c. use eyeglasses

5. If you want to know more about me, ask my parents. They know me like book.

a. is a good reader

b. is unusual

c. is familiar With

6. Why is the long face? Has something bad happened to you?

a. sad look

b. big face

c. angry feeling

7. When we saw the fireman enter the blazing building, we remarked that he had the heart of a lion.

a. kindhearted b. courageous c. huge

8. After he finishes college, he hopes to make-a-name for himself as an engineer.

a. to become well- known b. to announce his name c. to build a house in his

9. She shed crocodile tears when her cruel stepmother died.

a. sincere grief

b. pretended sorrow

c. short lived

10. The irresponsible members made the project die a natural death.

a. have untimely death

b. succeed

c. fail

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