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Dear manager

re: complain about dirty room.

I always stay at your hotel when I go on a holiday. As well as last week, I was staying at your hotel. But
your room had disappointing me and I don't know if I would visit at your hotel again if this problem
wouldn't be solved.

First, your room were so dirty and had a bad smell that I wondered if there were any mice died there.
Second, not only was a dirty room but the lamp on the nightstand were also broken too. And the last
one was that there was no towel. Forgetting to bring towel, I was having a very hard time so I had to use
a blanket instead of towel.

I hope you agree with me that this problem need to be solved quickly. Although I complained about your
room but I love your hotel too. I hope that I could visit your hotel again without any grievance again.


Sirapob Chanpara

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