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In recent year, global warming and environmental pollution has always been

one of the most pressing issues, which is necessary to solve, of the 21st century.
And It is universally accepted that government must be reponsible for protecting
our environmet, others think defending our enviroment from pollution is shared
responsibilty. Despite both of above view, I belive that each of individual
responsibility in preseving environment has played an important role.

On the one hand, the people who argue that it is the government's
responsibility to protect the environment believe that the government has the
resources and power to enforce policies and regulations that protect the
environment. They can pass laws and regulations to limit pollution, protect natural
resources, and promote sustainable development. They can also provide funding
for research and development of environmentally friendly technologies. In
addition, the government can lead by example by implementing sustainable
practices in their own operations, such as using renewable energy sources in
government buildings.

On the other hand, the contribution from citizens have play an important of
role in safeguarding our environment. The keyrationale behind environmental
pollution is from the unawareness of each person in a society. Such as: through the
little on the path or illegal timber exploitation. These actions would make a
deteroration of the planet like making it warmer or ozone depletion. Moreover,
these problem could be easy solve by handlin each awareness of each citizen. For
example, People can make choices to reduce their carbon footprint, such as
reducing energy consumption, recycling, and using public transportation or biking
instead of driving. They can also support businesses that are environmentally
friendly and advocate for policies that promote sustainability. So by taking
personal responsibility for their actions, individuals can make a positive impact on
the environment.

In conclusion, the responsibility of protecting the environment should be

shared between the government and individuals. By working together, we can
create a sustainable future for ourselves and future generations.

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