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Jesus in the quran and hadith

The Quran and Hadith both mention Jesus (known as

'Isa in Arabic) as a prophet of God and a messenger to
the Children of Israel. He is considered to be one of the
greatest prophets in Islam, and his message is seen as a
continuation of the message of previous prophets,
including Moses and Abraham.

In the Quran, Jesus is mentioned by name several times

and is referred to as the "son of Mary" (Quran 19:34).
The Quran teaches that Jesus was born of a virgin, Mary,
and that he was given the ability to perform miracles,
such as healing the sick and giving life to the dead, by
the will of God. The Quran also speaks of his ascension
to heaven, and states that he will return to Earth before
the end of time to bring justice and restore peace.

The Hadith, which are the sayings and actions of the

Prophet Muhammad, also mention Jesus and provide
further details about his life and teachings. For example,
they describe how Jesus will return to Earth in the end
times and how he will judge people according to their
deeds. They also mention his miracles, such as his ability
to bring the dead back to life, and emphasize the
importance of his message of monotheism and devotion
to God.

In Islam, Jesus is considered to be a prophet sent by God

to guide and teach the Children of Israel. He is revered
for his devotion to God and his message of peace and
justice, and is held in high esteem by Muslims.

The Quran and Hadith also speak of the respect and

honor that Jesus deserves as a prophet of God. He is
considered to be one of the most honored and
respected figures in Islam, and his teachings and
message continue to be relevant and important to
Muslims today.

In Islamic tradition, Jesus is also considered to be a

symbol of compassion and mercy, and many Muslims
strive to emulate his example in their own lives. The
Hadith include numerous sayings of the Prophet
Muhammad that emphasize the importance of following
Jesus's teachings and striving to live a life that is
pleasing to God.

It's also worth mentioning that in Islam, the belief in the

miracles of Jesus and other prophets is considered to be
an essential aspect of faith. The miracles are seen as
signs of God's power and are used to confirm the truth
of the message that the prophets brought to their

Finally, it's important to note that while the Quran and

Hadith speak highly of Jesus and his message, they also
emphasize that he was a human being and not divine. In
Islam, belief in the oneness of God and the rejection of
the idea of a trinity are central to the faith, and Jesus is
considered to be a prophet and messenger of God, not
the son of God or part of a triune deity.

In Islam, Jesus is also seen as a model of piety and

devotion to God. The Quran and Hadith describe his
unwavering commitment to the message that he was
sent to deliver, and his unwavering faith in the face of
adversity and opposition. This devotion and
commitment to the message of God is considered to be
a characteristic that all believers should strive to

In Islamic eschatology, Jesus is also seen as a key figure

in the end times. The Hadith describe how he will return
to Earth and help to establish justice and defeat the
forces of evil. This belief in Jesus's return is seen as a
source of hope and comfort for many Muslims, and is an
important aspect of their faith.

It's also worth mentioning that the relationship between

Jesus and the Prophet Muhammad is considered to be
one of close friendship and brotherhood in Islam. The
Quran speaks of their relationship as one of mutual
respect and understanding, and describes how they
worked together to bring the message of God to the

Finally, it's important to note that the respect and

reverence for Jesus in Islam extends beyond the
boundaries of the religion. Muslim scholars and leaders
have consistently emphasized the importance of
interfaith dialogue and cooperation, and many have
spoken out against the misuse of religious teachings to
justify violence or discrimination against Christians or
other religious communities. In Islam, Jesus is seen as a
prophet of peace and a figure of unity, and his message
is considered to be relevant to all people, regardless of
their religion.

The respect and honor given to Jesus in Islam is also

reflected in the way that he is depicted in Islamic art and
architecture. Throughout the Islamic world, there are
many beautiful and elaborate depictions of Jesus, Mary,
and other biblical figures in mosques, madrasas, and
other religious buildings. These works of art serve as a
testament to the deep reverence and respect that
Muslims have for Jesus and the other prophets of God.

In addition to these artistic depictions, there are also

many religious texts, poems, and songs that focus on
the life and teachings of Jesus in Islam. These works
serve to reinforce the importance of his message and
the respect that Muslims have for him as a prophet of

It's also worth mentioning that there are many

similarities between the teachings of Jesus and the
teachings of Islam. Both emphasize the importance of
love, compassion, and service to others, and both stress
the importance of following God's commandments and
living a life that is pleasing to Him. These similarities
have often served as a basis for dialogue and
cooperation between the two religions, and have helped
to foster mutual respect and understanding.

Finally, it's important to note that the respect for Jesus in

Islam is not limited to the religious realm. In many
Muslim-majority countries, Jesus is also honored and
revered in the cultural and social spheres. He is often
mentioned in folktales, songs, and other cultural
expressions, and is seen as a figure of compassion,
wisdom, and strength. In this way, his legacy and
message continue to have a profound impact on the
lives of millions of people around the world.

The Hadith, which are the sayings and actions of the

Prophet Muhammad, include numerous references to
Jesus and his life. In general, the Hadith paint a picture
of Jesus as a highly respected and honored prophet of
God, who brought a message of peace, justice, and
compassion to the people.

One of the most famous Hadith about Jesus is the

description of his second coming, which is seen as a key
event in the end times. The Hadith describe how Jesus
will return to Earth and help to establish justice, defeat
the forces of evil, and bring an end to the age of
darkness and oppression. This belief in Jesus's return is
seen as a source of hope and comfort for many Muslims,
and is an important aspect of their faith.

The Hadith also speak of Jesus's miracles, such as his

ability to bring the dead back to life and to heal the sick.
These miracles are seen as signs of God's power and are
used to confirm the truth of the message that Jesus
brought to the people.

In addition to these references to Jesus's life and

teachings, the Hadith also emphasize the importance of
following his example and striving to live a life that is
pleasing to God. The Hadith include numerous sayings
of the Prophet Muhammad that stress the importance of
compassion, kindness, and service to others, and
encourage Muslims to follow Jesus's example in their
own lives.

Overall, the Hadith provide a rich and detailed picture of

Jesus's life and teachings, and serve to reinforce the
respect and reverence that Muslims have for him as a
prophet of God.

In Islamic eschatology, Jesus is considered to be one of

the most important figures of the end times. According
to Islamic tradition, he will return to Earth before the Day
of Judgment to defeat the forces of evil, establish justice,
and help to prepare the world for the final judgment.
The belief in Jesus's second coming is seen as a source
of hope and comfort for many Muslims, who look
forward to his return as a time of peace, justice, and
spiritual renewal. According to Islamic tradition, Jesus
will arrive in Jerusalem and will lead the faithful in
prayer, after which he will break the cross, kill the pig (an
animal considered impure in Islam), and abolish the jizya
(a tax levied on non-Muslim subjects). These actions are
seen as symbols of his triumph over evil and oppression,
and as evidence of his commitment to establishing
justice and righteousness on Earth.

In Islamic eschatology, the second coming of Jesus is

seen as a key event that will precede the Day of
Judgment. According to Islamic tradition, after Jesus has
fulfilled his mission on Earth, the world will be swept by
a series of great trials and tribulations, after which the
final judgment will take place.

It's worth noting that the beliefs about Jesus's second

coming in Islamic eschatology are not unique to Islam,
but are also found in other religious traditions, including
Christianity and Judaism. In each of these traditions,
Jesus's return is seen as a time of great importance and
is associated with the end of the world and the final

In conclusion, the belief in Jesus's second coming is a

central aspect of Islamic eschatology, and is seen as a
source of hope and comfort for many Muslims. This
belief serves to reinforce the respect and reverence that
Muslims have for Jesus as a prophet of God, and
emphasizes the importance of living a life that is
pleasing to Him.

In Islam, the birth of Jesus is considered to be a

miraculous event and is seen as a sign of God's power
and mercy. According to Islamic tradition, Jesus was
born to the Virgin Mary, and his birth was made possible
through the intervention of God.

The story of Jesus's birth in Islam is similar to the

account found in the New Testament, although there are
some differences in interpretation and detail. According
to Islamic tradition, Mary was a young, chaste, and
devoted woman who lived in Nazareth. She was visited
by the angel Gabriel, who informed her that she would
give birth to a son who would be a prophet and a
messenger of God.

Despite her initial fears and doubts, Mary accepted

God's plan and gave birth to Jesus, who is known in
Islam as 'Isa. According to Islamic tradition, Jesus was
born without the need for a father, and his birth was
seen as a miraculous event that confirmed the truth of
his message and the power of God.
The birth of Jesus is considered to be a source of great
joy and celebration in Islam, and is seen as a symbol of
God's mercy and compassion.

In conclusion, the birth of Jesus is seen as a central event

in Islamic history, and is considered to be a sign of God's
power, mercy, and compassion. This belief reinforces the
respect and reverence that Muslims have for Jesus as a
prophet of God, and serves to emphasize the
importance of his message and teachings in the Islamic

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