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Animal Kingdom- 01

1. Match the following list of animals with their level of organization :-

a. Organ level i. Pheritima
b. Cellular aggregate level ii. Fasciola
c. Tissue level iii. Spongilla
d. Organ system level iv. Obelia
Choose the correct match showing the division of labour with animal example.
(1) (i)–(b), (ii)–(c), (iii)–(d) and (iv)–(a)
(2) (i)–(b), (ii)–(d), (iii)–(c) and (iv)–(a)
(3) (i)–(d), (ii)–(a), (iii)–(b) and (iv)–(c)
(4) (i)–(a), (ii)–(d), (iii)–(c) and (iv)–(b)

2. Level of Organisation in which unicellular body performs all biological activities is called :-
(1) Protoplasmic level
(2) Cellular level
(3) Tissue level
(4) Tissue level

3. Level of Organisation in which cells are arranged as loose cell aggregates and division of labour occurs
among cells is called as :-
(1) Protoplasmic level
(2) Cellular level
(3) Tissue level
(4) Tissue level

4. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) In protozoans, unicellular body performs all biological activities
(2) In coelenterates and porifera, cells performing the same function are arranged into tissues
(3) In Platyhelminthes , tissues are grouped together to form organs.
(4) In higher animals, organs further organise to form organ systems.

5. Which of the following is the incorrect difference between diploblastic and triploblastic animals?

Diploblastic Animals Triploblastic Animals

(1) Number of germ layers Two Three
(2) Name of germ layers Ectoderm, Endoderm Ectoderm, Endoderm, Mesoderm
(3) Mesogloea Present Absent
(4) Examples Platyhelminthes Coelenterata

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6. When the body of an animal can be divided into equal left and right halves by one plane symmetry. It
is known as :-
(1) Bilateral
(2) Radial
(3) Biradial
(4) Asymmetric

7. Radial symmetry is shown by :-

(1) Coelenterate
(2) Platyhelminthes
(3) Adult echinodermates
(4) Both (1) and (3)

8. Triploblastic animal contains :-

(1) Ectoderm
(2) Mesoderm
(3) Endoderm
(4) All of these

9. Most of the sponges are :-

(1) Bilaterally symmetrical
(2) Radially symmetrical
(3) Biradially symmetrical
(4) Asymmetrical

10. In which of the following organism closed circulatory system is present?

(1) Annelida and Arthropoda
(2) Annelida and Chordata
(3) Arthropoda and Chordata
(4) Hemichordata and Arthropoda

11. Aschelminths are :-

(1) Eucoelomate
(2) Pseudocoelomate
(3) Acoelomate
(4) None of these

12. Which of the following is acoelomate?

(1) Porifera
(2) Coelenterates
(3) Platyhelminthes
(4) All of these

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13. Match the following columns :-

Column 'A' Column 'B'

(a) Acoelomate (i) Aschelminthes
(b) Pseudocoelomate (ii) Arthropoda
(c) Coelomate (iii) Sponges
(d) (iv) Platyhelminthes

a b c
(1) iii i, iv ii
(2) iv ii i, iii
(3) iii, iv i ii
(4) i, iii iii iv

14. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(1) Coelomic is lined by mesodesm and filled with coelomic fluid.
(2) In Aschelminthes tube within tube body plan is present.
(3) Notochord is mesodermally derived supporting rod like structure formed on ventral side during embryonic
development in some animals.
(4) Annelids are truely segmented animals.

15. Find the incorrect match :-

(1) Cell aggregate body plan - Porifera
(2) Tube within tube body plan - Annelida
(3) Notochord present - Aschelminthes
(4) Blind sac body plan - Platyhelminthes

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 3 1 2 2 4 2 4 4 4 2 2 4 3 3 3

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Animal Kingdom -DPP-2

1. DNA finger printing was invented by -

1. Body wall of sponges encloses a large central cavity called _____ with small hollow canals :-
(1) Spongocoel
(2) Coelenteron
(3) Archenteron
(4) All of the above

2. Which of the following is correct about Porifera?

(1) Animals are solitary or colonial
(2) Majority live in sea and some live-in fresh water
(3) Most of them are asymmetrical
(4) All of the above

3. Members of phylum Porifera are commonly known as :-

(1) Flatworms
(2) Roundworms
(3) Sponges
(4) Corals

4. Water path in sponges is :-

(1) Ostia → Spongocoel → Osculum
(2) Osculum → Spongocoel → Osculum
(3) Ostia → Spongocoel → Ostia
(4) Spongocoel → Ostia → Osculum

5. Canal system and choanocytes are characteristic of :-

(1) Ctenophora
(2) Coelenterates
(3) Platyhelminthes
(4) Porifera

6. Level of organisation in porifera is :-

(1) Cellular
(2) Tissue
(3) Organ
(4) Organ system

7. Digestion in porifera is:-

(1) Intercellular
(2) Extracellular
(3) Intracellular
(4) Intracellular as well as extracellular

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8. ________ is smallest sponge :-

(1) Sycon
(2) Leucosolenia
(3) Euplectella
(4) Spongilla

9. Exclusive feature of porifera is :-

(1) Water vascular system
(2) Water canal system
(3) Ostia
(4) Radial symmetry

10. Match the following :-

Column I Column II
A. Sycon – 1. Bath sponge
B. Spongilla – 2. Scypha
C. Euspongia – 3. Fresh water sponge
(1) A–2, B–3, C–1 (2) A–1, B–2, C–3 (3) A–3, B–2, C–1 (4) A–3, B–1, C–2

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 1 4 3 1 4 1 3 2 2 1

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-3

1. Which one of the following is coelenterate?

(1) Sea cow
(2) Sea cucumber
(3) Sea fan
(4) Sea horse

2. Cnidoblast is a characteristic feature of :-

(1) Porifera
(2) Coelenterata
(3) Ctenophora
(4) Arthropoda

3. The first diploblastic animal showing tissue level of organisation is :-

(1) Sycon
(2) Gorgonia
(3) Taenia
(4) Locusta

4. Cnidoblast is used for :-

(1) Anchorage
(2) Defence
(3) Capture of prey
(4) All of these

5. Some cnidarians examples corals have a skeleton composed of :-

(1) Spongin fibres
(2) Silica
(3) Calcium carbonate
(4) All of the above

6. Metagenesis is shown by :-
(1) Hydra
(2) Adamsia
(3) Aurelia
(4) Obelia

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7. Which of the following is not true fish?

(1) Exocoetus
(2) Betta
(3) Saw fish
(4) Jelly fish

Sexual reproduction
8. :- Medusa Polyp
Asexual reproduction

The above cycle is shown by

(1) Meandrina
(2) Aurelia
(3) Obelia
(4) Hydra

9. Which of the following is incorrect statement about the members of phylum coelenterate?
(1) Coelenterates are also known as Cnidarians due to presence of stinging cells called Cnidoblast
or Cnidocytes
(2) Animals are exclusively marine
(3) Animals are radially symmetrical
(4) Cnidarians exhibit tissue level of organisation

10. How many of the following properties belong to diagram given below?
Tissue level of organisation, coelenteron, two primary germ layers, only
intracellular digestion, excretory matter is urea :-
(1) Three
(2) Four
(3) Five
(4) Six

11. Sea fan is the common name of :-

(1) Physalia
(2) Gorgonia
(3) Adamsia
(4) Meandrina

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12. Match the following columns :–

Column I Column II
A Brain coral 1. Hydra

B Sea fur 2. Aurelia

C Sea anemone 3. Adamsia
D Jelly fish 4. Obelia
E Fresh water polyp 5. Meandrina

(1) 5 4 3 1 2
(2) 5 4 1 3 2
(3) 5 4 3 2 1
(4) 5 3 2 1 4

13. Which of the following is the exclusive feature of members of phylum coelenterata?
(1) Water vascular system
(2) Coelenteron
(3) Water canal system
(4) Tissue level of organisation

14. Cnidarians exhibit ____A____level of organisation and are ____B_____ :-

(1) A-tissue, B-diploblastic
(2) A-cellular, B-triploblastic
(3) A-organ, B-diploblastic
(4) A- tissue, B-triploblastic

15. Which of the following is incorrect about the different forms of Coelenterata?
(1) Polyp reproduces by asexual mode
(2) Medusa is cylindrical and sessile form
(3) Polyp is sessile and cylindrical form
(4) Medusa reproduces by sexual mode

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 2 2 4 3 4 4 3 2 1
Question 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 2 3 2 1 2

Explanations :-

1. (1) Sea cow - mammal

(2) Sea cucumber - echinodermata
(3) Sea fan - coelenterata
(4) Sea horse – fish

2. In coelenterate, Cnidoblast or Cnidocyte (contains stinging capsule as Nematocyst) present on the tentacles
and body, which are used for anchorage (Attachment), defence and for the capture of Prey (Offence).

3. (1) Sycon – porifera, no germ layers, cellular level of organisation

(2) Gorgonia – coelenterate, diploblastic, tissue level of organisation
(3) Taenia – platyhelminthes, triploblastic, organ level of organisation
(4) Locusta - arthropoda, triploblastic, organ system level of organisation

4. In coelenterate, Cnidoblast or Cnidocyte (contains stinging capsule as Nematocyst) present on the tentacles
and body, which are used for anchorage (Attachment), defence and for the capture of Prey (Offence).

5. Body of some coelenterates may be covered by exoskeleton of calcium carbonate. e.g. Corals.

6. Alternation of generation (Metagenesis) is the phenomenon shown by some cnidarians in which polyps
produce medusae asexually and medusae form the polyps sexually. e.g. – Obelia , Physalia

7. (1) Exocoetus - fish

(2) Betta - fish
(3) Saw fish - fish
(4) Jelly fish - coelenterata

8. Alternation of generation (Metagenesis) is the phenomenon shown by some cnidarians in which polyps
produce medusae asexually and medusae form the polyps sexually. e.g. – Obelia , Physalia

9. (1) Coelenterates are also known as Cnidarians due to presence of stinging cells called Cnidoblast
or Cnidocytes - true
(2) Animals are exclusively marine - false (True statement is that - animals are mostly marine, few fresh-water
(Hydra) carnivorous, sessile, or free swimming)
(3) Animals are radially symmetrical - true
(4) Cnidarians exhibit tissue level of organisation - true

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10. Tissue level of organisation – true

Coelenteron - true
Two primary germ layers - true
Only intracellular digestion - false (Correct is - digestion is extracellular as well as Intracellular i.e. takes place in
Coelenteron as well as in food vacuole)
Excretory matter is urea – false (Correct is - Excretory matter is Ammonia)

11. (1) Physalia – Portuguese man of war

(2) Gorgonia – Sea fan
(3) Adamsia – Sea anemone
(4) Meandrina – Brain coral

12. (1) Water vascular system – feature of echinodermata

(2) Coelenteron – feature of coelenterata
(3) Water canal system – feature of porifera
(4) Tissue level of organisation - feature of coelenterate and ctenophora

14. Coelenterates have tissue level of organisation. They develop from two germinal layers - Outer ectoderm and
inner endoderm. Animals are Diploblastic (mesoglea between two layers).

15. Coelenterates have two basic body forms (Dimorphic)

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Animal Kingdom DPP-4

1. Ctenophores are commonly called :-

(1) Sea walnuts
(2) Comb jellies
(3) Sea gooseberries
(4) All of the above

2. Which of the following is not a feature of ctenophores?

(1) Radial symmetry
(2) Two primary germ layers
(3) Exclusively fresh water
(4) Bioluminescence

3. Exclusive feature of ctenoplana is :-

(1) Radial symmetry
(2) 8 external rows of ciliated comb plates
(3) Intracellular and extracellular digestion
(4) Tissue level of organisation

4. In Pleurobrachia fertilisation is ____a___ with ___b___ development :-

a b
(1) Internal Indirect
(2) External Direct
(3) Internal Direct
(4) External Indirect

5. The property of a living organism to emit light is called :-

(1) Metagenesis
(2) Bioluminescence
(3) Metamorphosis
(4) Evolution

6. Which of the following is not a feature of Ctenoplana and Pleurobrachia ?

(1) 8 internal rows of ciliated comb plates
(2) Tissue level of organisation
(3) Only sexual reproduction
(4) Indirect development

7. Ciliated comb plates in ctenophora helps in :-

(1) Respiration
(2) Digestion
(3) Excretion
(4) Locomotion

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8. Animal which is diploblastic, tissue level is :-

(1) Tapeworm
(2) Pleurobrachia
(3) Euplectella
(4) Sycon

9. How many of the following characters are of ctenophora?

(a) Sexual reproduction only
(b) Organ level of organisation
(c) Bioluminescence
(d) 8-external rows of flagellated comb plates
(1) Only one
(2) Only two
(3) Only three
(4) All

10. In which of the following organisms, digestion is both intercellular and extracellular?
(1) Hydra, Pleurobrachia, Euspongia
(2) Pleurobrachia, Ctenoplana, Spongilla
(3) Ctenoplana, Pennatula, Scyphya
(4) Pleurobrachia, Ctenophora, Gorgonia

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 4 3 2 4 2 1 4 2 2 4

Explanations :
2. Animals of phylum Ctenophora are exclusively marine.
3. (1) Radial symmetry (also found in some poriferans, coelenterates and adult echinoderms)
(2) 8 external rows of ciliated comb plates (only found in Ctenophora)
(3) Intracellular and extracellular digestion (found in Ctenophora and coelenterate)
(4) Tissue level of organisation (found in Ctenophora and coelenterate)
6. (1) 8 internal rows of ciliated comb plates (correct statement is that 8 external rows of ciliated comb plates)

9. (a) Sexual reproduction only (correct)

(b) Organ level of organisation (incorrect-correct statement is that tissue level of organisation)
(c) Bioluminescence (correct)
(d) 8-external rows of flagellated comb plates (incorrect-correct statement is that 8-external rows of ciliary
comb plates)

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Animal Kingdom – DPP- 5

1. Platyhelminthes are called flat worms because: -

(1) They are triploblastic
(2) They are without coelom
(3) They have organ level of organization
(4) Their body is dorsoventrally flattened

2. Flame cells helps in excretion and osmoregulation in: -

(1) Earthworm
(2) Hookworm
(3) Roundworm
(4) Tapeworm

3. Phylum whose organism are mostly endoparasites is: -

(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Annelida
(3) Arthropoda
(4) Mollusca

4. Which one of the following has mesoderm but no coelom?

(1) Flatworm
(2) Earthworm
(3) Roundworm
(4) Leech

5. Function of sucker’s cell in liver fluke: -

(1) Defence
(2) Reproduction
(3) Locomotion
(4) Absorb nutrients

6. Which types of nervous system found in Platyhelminthes?

(1) Ladder like
(2) Rectangular
(3) Triangular
(4) Circular

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7. Which of the following statement is incorrect about Platyhelminthes?

(1) Animals are triploblastic
(2) Animals have tissue level of organisation
(3) Animals are dorsoventrally flattened
(4) These are mostly endoparasites found in animals including human being but some are free living (aquatic).

8. Label the A, B and C in the diagram given below :-

1 Food Waste Muscular pharynx
2 Food Waste Intestine
3 Food Waste Non-Muscular pharynx
4 Food Waste Stomach

9. Blind sac body plan is found in: -

(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Aschelminthes
(3) Annelida
(4) Chordata

10. Find the incorrect match: -

1 Schistosoma (Blood fluke) → Found in veins of human brain and intestine

2 Taenia solium (Pork tapeworm) → Attached to intestinal wall by hooks & suckers.
Anaerobic respiration, Hermaphrodite, Self-fertilization
3 Fasciola hepatica (Liver fluke) → Adult fluke is found in the bile ducts and liver of
Sheep and causes Liver-rot or Cirrhosis disease
4 Planaria (Dugesia) → Pharynx can be everted

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 4 4 1 1 4 1 2 1 1 1

Explanations :-

7. (1) Animals are triploblastic - true

(2) Animals have tissue level of organisation – false (These animals have organ level of organisation)
(3) Animals are dorsoventrally flattened - true
(4) These are mostly endoparasites found in animals including human being but some are free living (aquatic)
– true
1 Schistosoma (Blood fluke) → Found in veins of human brain and intestine – This
statement is false because it is found in veins of human bladder and intestine
2 Taenia solium (Pork tapeworm) → Attached to intestinal wall by hooks & suckers.
Anaerobic respiration, Hermaphrodite, Self-fertilization – true
3 Fasciola hepatica (Liver fluke) → Adult fluke is found in the bile ducts and liver of
Sheep and causes Liver-rot or Cirrhosis disease – true
4 Planaria (Dugesia) → Pharynx can be everted - true

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-6

1. Which of the following are pseudocoelomate?

(1) Roundworm
(2) Hookworm
(3) Filarial worm
(4) All of these

2. The body of the aschelminthes is circular in cross section. Hence, it is named as :-

(1) Tapeworm
(2) Earthworm
(3) Hookworm
(4) Roundworm

3. Roundworms/Nematodes are :-
(1) Free living
(2) Aquatic or terrestrial
(3) Parasitic on animals and plants
(4) All of these

4. Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic animals, pseudocoelomate animals, organ system level of

organisation These characters are found in :-
(1) Male Taenia
(2) Female Taenia
(3) Ancylostoma
(4) Nereis

5. Fertilisation in Aschelminthes is ________and development is ______:-

(1) Internal, direct
(2) Internal, may be direct or indirect
(3) External, may be direct or indirect
(4) External, indirect

6. Which of the following is not the feature of the members or Phylum aschelminthes?
(1) Pseudocoel
(2) Parapodia
(3) Females are longer than males
(4) Bilateral symmetry

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7. Complete the fill ups about Hookworm :-

(a) ____________________symmetry
(b) ____________________fertilisation
(c) ____________________animals
(1) (a) Radial (b) External (c) Dioecious
(2) (a) Bilateral (b) Internal (c) Dioecious
(3) (a) Bilateral (b) Internal (c) Monoecious
(4) (a) Bilateral (b) External (c) Dioecious

8. Match the following columns and choose the correct answer form the options given below :-
Column A Column B
(Common name) (Scientific name)
(a) Round worm (i) Ascaris
(b) Filarial worm (ii) Wuchereria
(c) Hook worm (iii) Ancylostoma

a b c
(1) i ii iii
(2) i iii ii
(3) ii i iii
(4) iii ii i

9. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the members or Phylum Aschelminthes?
(1) The body of members is circular in cross section and tapering at both ends, without segmentation.

(2) Nematodes are found everywhere; they may be free living (aquatic and terrestrial) or parasite in plants and
(3) They have long, cylindrical body with tapering ends and without segmentation.
(4) Animals are radially symmetrical.

10. Find the correct match about the body wall of Aschelminthes :-
(i) Cuticle - Non-living, thick, and resistant to digestive enzymes of host.
(ii) Epidermis - Syncytial i.e. a continuous layer of cytoplasm having scattered nuclei.
(iii) Muscle layer - Only Longitudinal muscle fibres present
(1) Only (i)
(2) Only (ii)
(3) Only (i) and (ii)
(4) (i), (ii), (iii) All
Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 4 4 4 3 2 2 2 1 4 4

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-7

1. Blood sucking animal is :-

(1) Nereis
(2) Earthworm
(3) Nereis & Earthworm
(4) Leech

2. Nephridia helps in the excretion and osmoregulation in :-

(1) Nereis
(2) Pheretima
(3) Hirudinaria
(4) All of these

3. Animals having cylindrical body having an organ system level of organisation showing metamerism
belongs to phylum :-
(1) Platyhelminthes
(2) Mollusca
(3) Annelida
(4) Platyhelminthes

4. Annelids may be :-
(1) Aquatic (marine and fresh water), terrestrial
(2) Free living
(3) Parasite
(4) All of the above

5. The neural system consists of paired ganglia connected by lateral nerve to a double ventral nerve cord
present in :-
(1) Fasciola
(2) Ancylostoma
(3) Nereis
(4) Taenia

6. The first true coelomates belong to phylum :-

(1) Annelida
(2) Arthropoda
(3) Mollusca
(4) Aschelminthes

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7. Which of the following phylum are metamerically segment?

(1) Annelida
(2) Arthropoda
(3) Chordata
(4) All of the above

8. Which of the following is correct about parapodia?

(1) They are longitudinal muscles which help in locomotion.
(2) They are circular muscles which help in locomotion.
(3) Parapodia helps in swimming.
(4) Parapodia are dorsal appendages of Nereis.

9. Find the incorrect match :-

(1) Pheretima - Earthworm
(2) Hirudinaria - Blood sucking Leech
(3) Nereis - Silkworm
(4) Aphrodite - Sea mouse

10. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the members of phylum annelida?
(1) Animals are bilaterally symmetrical
(2) Animals are triploblastic
(3) No animal is metamerically segmented
(4) Digestive glands appear first time in annelids

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 4 4 3 4 3 1 4 3 3 3


8. (1) They are longitudinal muscles which help in locomotion – False (consist of longitudinal as well as circular
(2) They are circular muscles which help in locomotion - False (consist of longitudinal as well as circular
(3) Parapodia helps in swimming - true
(4) Parapodia are dorsal appendages of Nereis. – false (Parapodia are lateral appendages of Nereis)

9. (1) Pheretima - Earthworm (correct)

(2) Hirudinaria - Blood sucking Leech (correct)
(3) Nereis - Silkworm (Incorrect) (Nereis - Sandworm)
(4) Aphrodite - Sea mouse (correct)

10. (1) Animals are bilaterally symmetrical - (correct)

(2) Animals are triploblastic - (correct)
(3) No animal is metamerically segmented - (Incorrect) (all animals are metamerically segmented)
(4) Digestive glands appear first time in annelids - (correct)

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1. In which of the following phylum the body is generally divided into head, thorax and abdomen?
(1) Mollusca
(2) Echinodermata
(3) Arthropoda
(4) Annelida

2. Which of the following phylum shows segmentation?

(1) Annelida
(2) Arthropoda
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Platyhelminthes

3. The following features are seen in which of the below options?

(a) Exoskeleton of chitin
(b) Malpighian tubules as excretory organ
(c) Tracheal system for respiration
(d) Three pair of legs in thoracic region
(1) Limulus
(2) Prawn
(3) Spider
(4) Cockroach

4. Respiration occurs through organs like gills, book gills, book lungs or tracheal system found in phylum.
(1) Mollusca
(2) Annelida
(3) Arthropoda
(4) Echinodermata

5. Which of the following are sensory organs in phylum Arthropoda?

(a) Simple or compound eye
(b) Statocyst or balance organ
(c) Malpighian tubules
(d) Antennae
(1) All except (d)
(2) All except (a)
(3) All except (c)
(4) All except (b)

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6. Which of the following is correct about reproduction in Arthropods?

(1) Usually dioecious, mostly oviparous
(2) Internal fertilization
(3) Some exhibit parthenogenesis
(4) All of these

7. The presence of joint appendages is the speciality of phylum _____:-

(1) Mollusca
(2) Echinodermata
(3) Arthropoda
(4) Annelidia

8. Bilaterally symmetrical, triploblastic, segmented, coelomate and covered by chitinous exoskeleton are
features of
(1) Anneldia
(2) Chordata
(3) Amphibia
(4) Arthropoda

9. Which of the following is true for Arthropoda?

(1) Development may be direct or indirect.
(2) Open circulatory system.
(3) Excretion takes place by green gland, coxal gland and Malpighian tubules.
(4) All of these

10. The phylum Arthropoda is characterised by: -

(1) Chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation, and radula
(2) Chitinous exoskeleton and antennae
(3) Chitinous exoskeleton, antennae and compound eye
(4) Chitinous exoskeleton, external segmentation and paired jointed appendages

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 4

1. In Arthropoda animal body is divided into three segments – head, thorax and abdomen.
2. Annelids, arthropods, and chordates are metamerically segmented animals.

3. (a) Exoskeleton of chitin

(b) Malpighian tubules as excretory organ
(c) Tracheal system for respiration
(d) Three pair of legs in thoracic region
Above given characters are the characters of insects and cockroach is an insect.

9. Statement 1, 2 and 3 are correct therefore answer is option number 4.

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1. Mollusca is the ………….. phylum of animal kingdom :-

(1) Largest
(2) Smallest
(3) Second largest
(4) Second smallest

2. Which of the following is not a character of members of PHYLUM - MOLLUSCA?

(1) Second largest phylum of animal kingdom
(2) Mollusca are terrestrial or aquatic
(3) Body is covered by calcareous shell and is segmented
(4) Gills have respiratory and excretory functions

3. Molluscs body is covered by ……….(a)………… shell and is……….(b)…….. :-

(a) (b)
(1) Chitinous Segmented
(2) Calcareous Segmented
(3) Calcareous Unsegmented
(4) Magneceous Unsegmented

4. Body divisions of molluscs are :-

(1) Head, Visceral hump, Tail
(2) Head, Neck, Trunk, Tail
(3) Head, Visceral hump, Muscular foot
(4) Visceral hump, Tail, Trunk

5. Level of organisation in Pila and Octopus :-

(1) Cellular
(2) Tissue
(3) Organ
(4) Organ system

6. Gills in molluscs helps in :-

(1) Respiration and circulation
(2) Digestion and excretion
(3) Respiration and excretion
(4) Digestion and circulation

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7. Scientific name of Tusk shell is :-

(1) Dentalium
(2) Pinctada
(3) Aplysia
(4) Pila

8. Which of the following is true about reproduction in mollusca?

(a) Mostly dioecious
(b) Mostly oviparous
(c) Mainly indirect development
(d) Fertilization is external or internal
(1) All except (d)
(2) All except (c)
(3) All except (b)
(4) All of these

9. Find the incorrect match :-

(1) Aplysia - Sea hare
(2) Pinctada - Pearl oyster
(3) Sepia - Devil fish
(4) Chaetopleura - Chiton

10. Which of the following is not the feature of mollusca?

(1) Three parts of body-head, visceral hump and muscular foot
(2) Soft and spongy layer of skin form a mantle over the visceral hump
(3) Radially symmetrical animals
(4) Radula in buccal cavity

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer 3 3 3 3 4 3 1 4 3 3

Explanation :
1. Arthropoda is the largest phylum of animal kingdom whereas mollusca is the second largest phylum of animal

2. (1) Second largest phylum of animal kingdom - Correct

(2) Mollusca are terrestrial or aquatic - Correct
(3) Body is covered by calcareous shell and is segmented - Incorrect (Correct statement is that Body is
covered by calcareous shell and is unsegmented)
(4) Gills have respiratory and excretory functions - Correct

7. (1) Dentalium - Tusk shell

(2) Pinctada - Pearl oyster
(3) Aplysia - sea hare
(4) Pila – apple snail

8. (a) Mostly dioecious - correct

(b) Mostly oviparous - correct
(c) Mainly indirect development - correct
(d) Fertilization is external or internal - correct

9. (1) Aplysia - Sea hare

(2) Pinctada - Pearl oyster
(3) Sepia - Devil fish (Sepia – cuttle fish) (Octopus - Devil fish)
(4) Chaetopleura - Chiton

10. (1) Three parts of body-head, visceral hump and muscular foot - correct
(2) Soft and spongy layer of skin form a mantle over the visceral hump - correct
(3) Radially symmetrical animals – incorrect (Correct statement is that bilaterally symmetrical animals)
(4) Radula in buccal cavity - correct.

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1. Which one is not an example of Echinodermata?

(1) Prawn
(2) Sea cucumber
(3) Asterias
(4) Sea lily

2. Common name of Ophiura is :-

(1) Star fish
(2) Sea cucumber
(3) Brittle star
(4) Sea lily

3. How many of the following belongs to the phylum Echinodermata?

Asterias, Ophiura, Prawn, Ascidia, Salpa, Doliolum, Branchiostoma, Echinus
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 9

4. Type of fertilization and development in Echinodermata is :-

(1) External and direct
(2) External and indirect
(3) Internal and indirect
(4) Internal and direct

5. Match the following:

Column I Column II

A Asterias 1 Sea lily

B Echinus 2 Star fish

C Antedon 3 Sea cucumber

(1) A–2, B–1, C–4, D–3
D Holothuria 4 Sea urchin
(2) A–2, B–4, C–1, D–3
(3) A–4, B–2, C–3, D–1
(4) A–4, B–3, C–2, D–1

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6. Term Echinodermata means :-

(1) Animals live at the bottom of the sea
(2) Star like animals
(3) Slow moving animals
(4) Spiny skinned animals

7. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the members of phylum Echinodermata?
(1) Animals live at the bottom of the sea
(2) Body shape is star like, cylindrical, melon-like or disc-like
(3) The larvae of Echinoderms are radially symmetrical but adults are bilaterally symmetrical
(4) Animals are triploblastic with three primary germ layers

8. Find the incorrect statement about the diagram given below :-

(1) This animal is triploblastic animal

(2) Circulatory system is reduced and open type
(3) Reproduction is sexual
(4) Fertilization is usually internal

9. Which of the following statement is correct about the nervous system of Echinodermata?
(1) Nervous system is simple and less developed
(2) Nervous system is includes a nerve ring and radial nerves with simple sense organ
(3) They don't have head and brain
(4) All of the above

10. Which of the following statement is correct about the members of Echinodermata?
(1) Reproduction is sexual
(2) Sexes are separate (unisexual)
(3) Fertilization is usually external and development is indirect
(4) All of the above

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Answer 1 3 1 2 3 4 3 4 4 4

Explanations :
1. Prawn - arthropoda

2. (1) Star fish - Asterias

(2) Sea cucumber - Cucumeria
(3) Brittle star - Ophiura
(4) Sea lily - Antedon

3. Asterias, Ophiura, Echinus – these three are echinoderms

7. (1) Animals live at the bottom of the sea - True

(2) Body shape is star like, cylindrical, melon-like or disc-like - True
(3) The larvae of Echinoderms are radially symmetrical but adults are bilaterally symmetrical – False (Correct
statement is that The adults Echinoderms are radially symmetrical but larvae are bilaterally symmetrical )
(4) Animals are triploblastic with three primary germ layers - True

8. (1) This animal is triploblastic animal - Correct

(2) Circulatory system is reduced and open type - Correct
(3) Reproduction is sexual - Correct
(4) Fertilization is usually internal - Incorrect (Correct statement is that Fertilization is usually external)

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1. Which of the following is correct about reproduction in hemichordata?

(1) Internal fertilization
(2) Usually direct development
(3) Larva is tornaria
(4) Reproduction is asexual

2. Which of the following is not a body part of Balanoglossus?

(1) Proboscis
(2) Collar
(3) Trunk
(4) Neck

3. How many of the following belongs to the phylum hemichordata?

Asterias, Ophiura, Ophiothrix, Balanoglossus, Saccoglossus
(1) 3
(2) 4
(3) 5
(4) 2

4. Which type of fertilization and development found in Balanoglossus?

(1) External and direct
(2) External and indirect
(3) Internal and indirect
(4) Internal and direct

5. Identify the correct match for the following diagram :-

(a) (b) (c)

(1) Proboscis Collar Trunk

(2) Trunk Proboscis Collar

(3) Proboscis Trunk Collar

(4) Collar Trunk Proboscis

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5

Answer 3 4 4 2 1

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1. Which of the following different is incorrect?

S.No. Chordates Non-chordates

(1) Notochord present. Notochord absent.

(2) Central nervous system is Central nervous system is ventral, solid

dorsal, hollow and single. and double.

(3) Pharynx perforated by gill slits. Gill slits are absent.

(4) Heart is dorsal. Heart is ventral (if present)

2. Central nervous system in chordates is :-

(1) Dorsal, solid and single
(2) Ventral, hollow and single
(3) Dorsal, hollow and single
(4) Dorsal, hollow and double


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Identify A, B, C and D in the above given chart :-


(1) Gnathostomata Agnatha Bear limbs Bear fins

(2) Gnathostomata Agnatha Bear fins Bear limbs

(3) Agnatha Gnathostomata Bear fins Bear limbs

(4) Agnatha Gnathostomata Bear limbs Bear fins

4. Which of the following statement is incorrect?
(1) The members of subphylum Vertebrata possess notochord during the embryonic period.
(2) All vertebrates are chordates but all chordates are not vertebrates
(3) All chordates are vertebrates but all chordates are not vertebrates
(4) The notochord in chordates is replaced by a cartilaginous or bony vertebral column in the adult

5. Which of the following about Cephalochordata?

(1) Notochord extends from head to tail region and is persistent throughout their life.
(2) Excretion through protonephredia or flame cell or solenocytes.
(3) Excretory matter is ammonia.
(4) All of the above

Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5

Answer 4 3 3 3 4

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1. Which of the following is incorrect about cyclostomes?

(1) All living members of the class Cyclostomata are ectoparasites on some fishes.
(2) They have an elongated body bearing 4 pairs of gill slits for respiration.
(3) Cyclostomes have a sucking and circular mouth without jaws.
(4) Their body is devoid of scales and paired fins.

2. Cyclostomes have an elongated body bearing ______ pairs of gill slits for respiration.
(1) 4
(2) 5-7
(3) 6-15
(4) 20

3. Which of the following statements is correct about the cranium and vertebral of Cyclostomata?
(1) Cranium and vertebral column are cartilaginous.
(2) Cranium is bony and vertebral column are cartilaginous.
(3) Cranium and vertebral column are bony.
(4) Cranium is cartilaginous and vertebral column is bony.

4. How many statements are incorrect about circulatory system of Cyclostomata?

(A) Circulation is of closed type.
(B) Heart is three chambered.
(C) Circulation is of open type.
(D) Heart is two chambered.
(1) One
(2) Two
(3) Three
(4) Four

5. Cyclostomata have :-
(1) Circular mouth
(2) Triangular mouth
(3) Rectangular mouth
(4) Mouth absent
Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5

Answer 2 3 1 2 1

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-14

1. Which one of the following is a cartilaginous fish?

(1) Silver fish
(2) Dog fish
(3) Cray fish
(4) Star fish

2. A fish is characterised by the presence of :-

(1) Dermal scales
(2) Paired fins
(3) Pharyngeal gills
(4) All the above

3. Which is a true fish?

(1) Cat fish
(2) Jelly fish
(3) Cuttle fish
(4) Silver fish

4. What would you call the study of fishes

(1) Ichthyology
(2) Herpetology
(3) Saurology
(4) Ornithology

5. Swim bladder or air bladder is present :-

(1) Fish
(2) Amphibia
(3) Aquatic reptillia
(4) Aquatic mammals

6. Cartilaginous fishes are characterised by the presence of :-

(A) Terminal mouth
(B) Ventral mouth
(C) A homocercal tail
(D) A heterocercal tail
(1) A & B
(2) B & C
(3) A & D
(4) B & D

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7. Heart of fishes is :-
(1) One chambered
(2) Two chambered
(3) Three chambered
(4) Four chambered

8. Which of the following is characteristic feature of fishes?

(1) Tail and venous heart
(2) Venous heart and gills
(3) Epidermal scales and tail
(4) Epidermal scales and gills

9. Cartilaginous fishes do not have :-

(1) Operculum
(2) Scales
(3) Gill slits
(4) Pelvic fins

10. A fish differs from whale in having :-

(1) Blubber
(2) Lungs
(3) Teeth
(4) Gills

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 2 4 1 1 1 3 2 2 1 4

Explanation :
1. (1) Silver fish – Arthropoda
(2) Dog fish – Cartilaginous fish
(3) Cray fish - Arthropoda
(4) Star fish - Echinodermata

3. (1) Cat fish - Fish

(2) Jelly fish - Coelenterata
(3) Cuttle fish - Mollusca
(4) Silver fish - Arthropoda

4. (1) Ichthyology – Study of fishes

(2) Herpetology – study of reptiles
(3) Saurology – Study of lizards
(4) Ornithology – Study of birds

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-15

1. The name ‘amphibian’ indicates that they can live in

(1) Aquatic habitat
(2) Terrestrial habitat
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Aerial habitat

2. Amphibian belong to super class

(1) Pisces
(2) Agnatha
(3) Gnathostomata
(4) Tetrapoda

3. The following features belong to which class?

(A) Body is divisible into head and trunk, tail may be present in some.
(B) Skin is moist and act as respiratory organ.
(C) External skeleton is absent.
(D) Eye have eyelids.
(1) Cyclostomata
(2) Amphibia
(3) Reptilia
(4) Osteichthyes

4. Respiration in adult frog is by

(1) Buccopharyngeal cavity
(2) Skin
(3) Lungs
(4) All of these

5. Respiration in tadpole larva is by

(1) Gills
(2) Lungs
(3) Skin
(4) All of these

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6. Which of the following tract open into a common chamber cloaca in amphibians?
(1) Alimentary canal
(2) Urinary tract
(3) Reproductive tract
(4) All of these

7. Skin is moist and a tympanum representing ear is found in

(1) Hyla
(2) Frog
(3) Ichthyophis
(4) All of these

8. Limbless amphibian is
(1) Frog
(2) Tree frog
(3) Lchthyophis
(4) Bufo

9. Salamander belongs to the class

(1) Reptilia
(2) Amphibia
(3) Aves
(4) Mammalia

10. In amphibians, heart is ________ chambered.

(1) Two
(2) Three
(3) Four
(4) None of these

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 3 4 2 4 1 4 4 3 2 2

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-16

1. Chelone belongs to :-
(1) Amphibia
(2) Reptilia
(3) Protochordates
(4) Fishes

2. Eggs are covered by leathery shell in :-

(1) Birds
(2) Amphibians
(3) Snakes
(4) Mammals

3. First class of vertebrate, which are fully adopted for terrestrial life is :-
(1) Amphibia
(2) Reptilia
(3) Aves
(4) Mammals

4. Which of the following statement is incorrect about reptilia?

(1) Body is covered by dry and cornified skin, epidermal scales or scutes.
(2) Body is divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail.
(3) Heart is usually three chambered.
(4) Respiration occur through lungs and skin.

5. Four chambered heart is present in all except :-

(1) Crocodilus
(2) Alligator
(3) Corvus
(4) Calotes

6. Which of the following shed their scales as skin cast?

(1) Snakes
(2) Lizards
(3) Both (1) and (2)
(4) Testudo

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7. Select the incorrect matching :-

(1) Naja – Cobra
(2) Krait – Bungarus
(3) Vipera – Viper
(4) Hemidactylus – Garden lizard

8. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the members of class reptilia?
(1) Reptiles are first successful terrestrial animals
(2) These are Cold blooded/Poikilothermal animals
(3) Skin is dry, cornified, rough and non-glandular
(4) Limbs, when present are two pairs and each limb has four digits

9. Respiratory organs in reptiles are :-

(1) Gills
(2) Lungs
(3) Skin
(4) All of the above

10. Which of the following pair of animals is uricotelic?

(1) Snakes and Lizards
(2) Snakes and earthworm
(3) Lizards and earthworm
(4) Crocodile and human

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 2 3 2 4 4 3 4 4 2 1

Explanations :
4. (1) Body is covered by dry and cornified skin, epidermal scales or scutes. - correct
(2) Body is divisible into head, neck, trunk and tail. - correct
(3) Heart is usually three chambered. - correct
(4) Respiration occur through lungs and skin. – incorrect (Correct statement is that Respiration occur through
lungs though out the life)

7. (1) Naja – Cobra

(2) Krait – Bangarus
(3) Vipera – Viper
(4) Hemidactylus – Garden lizard (Hemidactylus – Wall lizard )

8. (1) Reptiles are first successful terrestrial animals - correct

(2) These are Cold blooded/Poikilothermal animals -correct
(3) Skin is dry, cornified, rough and nonglandular - correct
(4) Limbs, when present are two pairs and each limb has four digits – incorrect (Correct statement is that
Limbs, when present are two pairs and each limb has five digits)

10. (1) Snakes and Lizards Both are uricotelic)

(2) Snakes and earthworm (Snake is uricotelic but earthworm is ureotelic and ammonotelic)
(3) Lizards and earthworm (Lizard excrete uric acid but earthworm excrete urea and ammonia)
(4) Crocodile and human (crocodile is uricotelic but human excrete urea)

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Animal Kingdom – DPP-17

1. Pneumatic bones are found in :-

(1) Domestic lizard
(2) Tadpole of frog
(3) Flying lizard
(4) Pigeon

2. Birds are :-
(1) Cold blooded
(2) Homoiothermal
(3) Poikilothermal
(4) Homeopoiesis

3. Characteristic feature of aves is :-

(1) Presence of beak and features
(2) Ability to lay eggs
(3) Air spaces in lungs
(4) All the above

4. Birds differ from reptiles in which one of the following character :-

(1) Skin has scales
(2) They lay eggs
(3) They are vertebrates
(4) There is regulation of body temperature

5. The first vertebrate which are warm-blooded :-

(1) Reptilia
(2) Amphibian
(3) Birds
(4) Mammals

6. The aves have additional chamber in digestive tract and of which ____ is for food storage and ____ for
food grinding ;-
(1) Crop, gizzard
(2) Gizzard, crop
(3) Crop, pharynx
(4) Pharynx, gizzard

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7. Pneumatic bones are present in :-

(1) Corvus
(2) Neophron (vulture)
(3) Pavo (peacock)
(4) All of these

8. Which of the following is incorrect about birds?

(1) Air sacs is connected to lungs which help in respiration.
(2) Hind limb possess scales and are modified for walking, swimming or clasping.
(3) Separate sexes, internal fertilization, oviparous and direct development.
(4) Endoskeleton consists of feathers, scales, beak and claws.

9. Which of the following characteristics is not shared by birds and reptiles :-

(1) Lay eggs
(2) Breathing using lungs
(3) Warm blooded nature
(4) 12 pairs of cranial nerves

10. Scientific name of peacock is :-

(1) Corvus
(2) Neophron
(3) Pavo
(4) Aptenodytes

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Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 4 2 4 4 3 1 4 4 3 3

Explanations :

1. Pigeon is a bird and is birds bones are pneumatic

4. Reptiles are cold blooded animals where as birds are warm blooded animals.

8. (1) Air sacs is connected to lungs which help in respiration. - correct

(2) Hind limb possess scales and are modified for walking, swimming or clasping. - correct
(3) Separate sexes, internal fertilization, oviparous and direct development. - correct
(4) Endoskeleton consists of feathers, scales, beak and claws. – Incorrect (Correct statement is that Exoskeleton
consists of feathers, scales, beak and claws)

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Animal Kingdom – DPP 18

1. Which of the following is not the characteristic feature of mammals?

(1) Heterodont, diphyodont teeth
(1) Presence of feathers
(2) Seven cervical vertebrae
(3) Presence of three ear ossicles in middle ear

2. Find the incorrect match

(1) Panthera tigris – Tiger
(2) Panthera leo – Lion
(3) Balaenoptera – Dolphin
(4) Camelus – Camel

3. Which of the following is not the exoskeleton found in mammals?

(1) Nails
(2) Hair
(3) Horns
(4) Scales

4. Which of the following is incorrect statement about the mammals?

(1) Mammals are unisexual
(2) Fertilisation is external
(3) A distinct penis is present in males for copulation.
(4) Ovaries are found in females

5. Body of mammals is divided into

(1) Head, trunk and tail
(2) Head and tail only
(3) Neck and tail only
(4) Head, neck, trunk and tail

6. Which of the following is not a mammal?

(1) Corvus
(2) Delphinus
(3) Canis
(4) Felis

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7. Muscular structure in mammals which separate the thoracic cavity from abdominal cavity is called :-
(1) Pinna
(2) Diaphragm
(3) Placenta
(4) Cochlea

8. Skin of mammals is _____ and ______ :-

(1) Thick, glandular
(2) Thick, nonglandular
(3) Thin, nonglandular
(4) Thick, nonglandular

9. Match the column I, II and III and choose the correct combination from the options given :-
a. 1. Ornithorynchus P. Platypus

b. 2. Macropus Q. Kangaroo

c. 3. Pteropus R. Flying fox

d. 4. Balaenoptera S. Blue whale

(1) a-1-P, b-2-Q, c-3-R, d-4-S

(2) a-2-R, b-3-S, c-4-P, d-1-Q
(3) a-1-P, b-2-R, c-3-Q, d-4-S
(4) a-1-P, b-2-Q, c-3-S, d-4-R
10. Identify the aquatic mammals from following :-
(i) Balaenoptera
(ii) Equus
(iii) Delphinus
(iv) Pteropus
(v) Felis
(1) (i) and (iii) only
(2) (v) only
(3) (ii) and (iv) only
(4) (iv) and (v) only

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11. All mammals, without any exception, are characterised by :-

(1) Viviparity and biconcave red blood cells
(2) Extra-abdominal testes and a four chambered heart
(3) Heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial nerves
(4) A muscular diaphragm and milk producing glands.

12. Identify the group, which includes animals all of which given birth to young ones directly :-
(1) Dolphin, kangaroo, bat, cat
(2) Platypus, penguin, bat, hippopotamus
(3) Shrew, bat, kiwi, cat
(4) Lion, whale, ostrich, bat

13. Which of the following statement is incorrect about the members of class mammalia?
(1) Body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail
(2) The most unique mammalian character is the presence of milk producing glands (mammary glands by
which the young ones are nourished.
(3) A horizontal, non muscular diaphragm is present in between thorax and abdomen of all the members
without any exception.
(4) RBCs small, circular and enucleated.

14. Find the incorrect match :-

(1) Panthera tigris- Tiger
(2) Panthera leo - Lion
(3) Delphinus - Dolphin
(4) Felis - Whale

15. Corpus callosum is not found in :-

(1) Balaenoptera
(2) Macropus
(3) Canis
(4) Camelus

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Answer Key
Question 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Answer 2 3 4 2 4 1 2 1 1 1
Question 11 12 13 14 15
Answer 4 1 3 4 2
(1) Presence of feathers is the characteristic feature of birds
(2) Balaenoptera – Blue whale
(3) Scales are found on the body of fishes and reptiles
(4) In mammals fertilisation is internal , takes place in fallopian tubes

(6) Corvus – Crow – Aves (Bird)

(8) Skin of mammals is thick and glandular
(10) (i) Balaenoptera-Whale
(ii) Equus-Horse
(iii) Delphinus-Dolphin
(iv) Pteropus-Flying fox (bat)
(v) Felis-Cat
Balaenoptera-Whale, Delphinus-Dolphin→ these two mammals are aquatic mammals

(11) (1) Viviparity and biconcave red blood cells (duck billed platypus is oviparous mammals)
(2) Extra-abdominal testes and a four chambered heart (in elephant testis are abdominal)
(3) Heterodont teeth and 12 pairs of cranial nerves (teeth are absent in duck billed platypus)
(4) A muscular diaphragm and milk producing glands (these features are found in all mammals without any

(12) (1) Dolphin, kangaroo, bat, cat

(2) Platypus, penguin, bat, hippopotamus (Platypus is a egg laying mammal) (penguin is a bird)
(3) Shrew, bat, kiwi, cat (Kiwi is a bird)
(4) Lion, whale, ostrich, bat (Ostrich is a bird)

(13) (1) Body is divided into head, neck, trunk and tail (Correct)
(2) The most unique mammalian character is the presence of milk producing glands (mammary glands by
which the young ones are nourished. (Correct)
(3) A horizontal, non-muscular diaphragm is present in between thorax and abdomen of all the members
without any exception. (Incorrect-correct statement is that- A horizontal, muscular diaphragm is present in
between thorax and abdomen of all the members without any exception)
(4) RBCs small, circular and enucleated. (Correct)

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Animal Kingdom – DPP 19

1. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

(4) Protozoa is 3rd largest phylum.
(5) Protozoa includes unicellular eukaryotes
(6) Protozoans have one celled body performs all the biological activities like multicellular animals.
(7) Protozoans have varying body shapes and are mostly radially symmetrical.

2. Find the incorrect match :-

(1) Simple Binary Fission – Amoeba
(2) Longitudinal Binary Fission – Paramoecium
(3) Multiple Fission – Plasmodium
(4) Budding - Ephelota

3. Match the following columns :-

Locomotory structures Organism

A Finger-like Pseudopodia (i) Plasmodium

B Whip-like Flagella (ii) Paramoecium

C Hairy Cilia (iii) Trypanosoma

D Locomotory structures absent (iv) Amoeba


(1) (i) (ii) (iii) (iv)

(2) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)

(3) (iv) (iii) (i) (ii)

(4) (iii) (ii) (i) (iv)

4. Find the correct sequence of holozoic nutrition in Amoeba :-

(1) Ingestion → Digestion → Absorption → Assimilation → Egestion
(2) Digestion → Ingestion → Absorption → Egestion → Assimilation
(3) Ingestion → Absorption → Egestion → Assimilation → Digestion
(4) Digestion → Ingestion → Egestion → Assimilation → Absorption

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5. Nitrogenous waste in Protozoa is :-

(1) Urea
(2) Ammonia
(3) Uric acid
(4) Amino acid

Answer Key

Question 1 2 3 4 5
Answer 4 2 2 1 2

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