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Intelligent Reflecting Surfaces for

Free Space Optical Communications

Marzieh Najafi and Robert Schober
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

Abstract—In this paper, we investigate the use of intelligent metasurfaces [11], [12]. In this paper, we consider the former
reflecting surfaces (IRSs) (i.e., smart mirrors) to relax the line- case.
of-sight requirement of free space optical (FSO) systems. We
Employing reflecting surfaces (RSs) (mirrors) in FSO sys-
characterize the impact of the physical parameters of the IRS,
such as its size, position, and orientation, on the quality of the tems has been widely considered in the literature [13]–[15].
end-to-end FSO channel. In addition, we develop a statistical Mostly, RSs are used in the transceiver architecture in order
channel model for the geometric and the misalignment losses to guide the optical beam in a desired direction [13]. Another
which accounts for the random movements of the IRS, transmitter, example of optical RSs is the passive retro-reflector which
and receiver due to building sway. This model can be used for
reflects the incoming laser beam back to its source and the
performance analysis of IRS-based FSO systems. Our analytical
results shows that depending on the angle between the beam reflected beam is modulated to carry data, see [14] for an
direction and the IRS plane, building sway for the IRS has experimental demonstration of a retro-reflector. Furthermore, in
either a smaller or larger impact on the quality of the end-to-end [15], the concept of using IRSs in FSO links was presented
FSO channel than building sway for the transmitter and receiver. as a cost-effective solution for backhauling of cellular systems.
Furthermore, our simulation results validate the accuracy of the
However, the focus of [15] was on network planning and the
developed channel model and offer insight for system design.
impact of IRSs on the FSO channel model was not studied.
I. I NTRODUCTION In this paper, we characterize the FSO channel between a
transmitter (Tx), an IRS, and a receiver (Rx) as a function
Intelligent reflecting surfaces (IRSs) have drawn considerable of the area, position, and orientation of the IRS. In particular,
attention recently since they can be used to alter the radio we derive the geometric and misalignment losses (GML) of
frequency (RF) wireless channel for improved communication the end-to-end link, i.e., the Tx-to-IRS-to-Rx link. Moreover,
performance [1]–[4]. For example, IRSs have been used to since, in addition to the Tx and Rx, the IRS is also affected
extend the coverage of wireless communication systems to by random movements due to building sway, we develop a
blind spots [1], [5] and to increase their security by improving statistical channel model which accounts for the impact of
the channel quality of the legitimate link and deteriorating building sway for all three nodes. This model can be used
the channel quality of the eavesdropper link [4]. Furthermore, to analyze the performance of IRS-based FSO systems. Our
IRSs are energy- and cost-efficient since they are composed of simulation results validate the proposed channel model and offer
passive elements and can be installed on existing infrastructure, insight for system design.
e.g., building walls.
Optical wireless systems, e.g., free space optical (FSO) II. P RELIMINARIES
systems, are a promising candidate to meet the high data
A. System Model
rate requirements of the next generation of wireless systems
and beyond [6]–[9]. FSO systems offer the large bandwidth We consider an FSO communication system, where a Tx
needed for applications such as wireless backhauling, while wishes to communicate with an Rx via an FSO link. We assume
their transceivers are relatively cheap compared to their RF that there is no LOS between Tx and Rx. Hence, communication
counterparts and easy to implement. However, the main re- is enabled with the help of an IRS which has a LOS to both the
quirement for establishing an FSO link is the existence of a Tx and the Rx. In other words, we assume that the Tx has an
line-of-sight (LOS) between the transceivers [6]. To relax this aperture directed towards the IRS; the IRS reflects the optical
restrictive requirement, in this paper, we propose to use IRSs beam that it receives to the Rx; and the Rx collects the optical
(smart mirrors) in FSO systems. Similar to RF-based IRSs, the energy with a photo detector (PD).
IRSs in FSO systems can be installed on the walls of buildings.
In RF systems, IRSs have to be equipped with a large number B. Channel Model
of passive phase shifters in order to create a narrow beam and
We assume an intensity modulation/direct detection (IM/DD)
to adaptively change the direction of the reflected beam to track
FSO system, where the PD responds to changes in the received
mobile users [1], [3]–[5]. In FSO systems, simple mirrors can be
optical signal power [6]. Moreover, we assume that background
used to efficiently redirect the beam with negligible scattering
noise is the dominant noise source at the PD and therefore the
[10]. Moreover, intelligent mirrors (i.e., optical IRSs) are able
noise is independent from the signal [6]. The received signal at
to control the direction of the reflected beam. This can be
the Rx, denoted by ys , is given by
accomplished either by mechanically rotating the IRS or by
electronically changing the wavefront using advanced optical ys = hxs + n, (1)

978-1-7281-0962-6/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE

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where xs ∈ R+ is the transmitted optical symbol (intensity), y
n ∈ R is the zero-mean real-valued additive white Gaussian shot
noise with variance σn2 caused by ambient light at the Rx, and Virtual LS yvs
h ∈ R+ denotes the FSO channel gain. Moreover, we assume 2a r IRS
an average power constraint {xs } ≤ P . yr θrs
The FSO channel coefficient, h, is affected by several phe- 2ap
yp PD
nomena and can be modeled as [7] θp
h = ηhp ha hg , (2) θb x
xvs LS xr xp
where η is the responsivity of the PD and hp , ha , and hg
represent the atmospheric loss, atmospheric turbulence induced
Fig. 1. 2D schematic illustration of the considered IRS-based optical wireless
fading, and GML, respectively. In particular, the atmospheric system.
loss, hp , represents the power loss over a propagation path
due to absorption and scattering of the light by particles in
the atmosphere. The atmospheric turbulence, ha , is induced
observed in a 2D system model. We generalize our model to
by inhomogeneities in the temperature and the pressure of the
a three dimensional (3D) system model in Section V based on
atmosphere [6]. The GML, hg , is caused by the divergence
the insights gained from analyzing the 2D system model.
of the optical beam along the propagation distance and the
misalignment of the laser beam line1 and the PD center due
to building sway [6], [16]. In this paper, our goal is to
mathematically determine the impact of the IRS on the quality III. O PTICAL P OWER C OLLECTED BY PD
of the FSO channel.
C. Problem Statement A. Geometry of the Considered System
The impact of IRS on the end-to-end FSO channel is reflected
in hp and hg which will be discussed in the following: We first define the position and orientation of the laser source
i) Quality of reflection: In addition to reflection, practical (LS), the IRS, and the PD in the considered 2D system model,
IRSs may also absorb or scatter some fraction of the beam which is schematically illustrated in Fig. 1. Without loss of
power. Let ζ denote the reflection efficiency, i.e., the fraction generality, we assume that the LS is located in the origin of
of power reflected by the IRS. For practical IRSs, ζ usually the coordinate system, i.e., pls = (0, 0). The center of the IRS
assumes values in the range [0.95, 1] [10]. The absorption at and the PD are located at crs = (xr , yr ) and cpd = (xp , yp ),
the IRS can be regarded as a part of the atmospheric loss hp . respectively. The lengths of the IRS and the PD are denoted by
ii) Relative position, orientation, and size of IRS: The relative 2ar and 2ap , respectively. The direction of the laser beam is
position and orientation of the IRS with respect to (w.r.t.) the determined by the angle between the laser beam line and the x
laser beam determines the distribution of the reflected optical axis denoted by θb . The IRS and the PD have angles θrs and
power in space. The relative position and orientation of the PD θp w.r.t. the x axis, respectively. For convenience, the LS can
w.r.t. the IRS determines the fraction of this power collected by be mirrored at the line defined by the IRS, cf. Fig. 1, and the
the PD. Moreover, the size of the IRS determines which part resulting virtual LS can be used in the subsequent analysis [18].
of the PD is covered by the reflected beam. These parameters The virtual laser beam has an angle of 2θrs − θb with the x
affect the mean of the GML hg . axis and the position of the virtual LS is given by
!" #
iii) Building Sway: The IRS is affected by the random
pvs = (xvs , yvs ) = 1 − cos(2θrs ) xr − sin(2θrs )yr ,
movements of the building that it is installed on. This further $
" #
increases the beam misalignment and affects the statistics of the 1 + cos(2θrs ) yr − sin(2θrs )xr . (3)
GML hg . In other words, the building sway of the buildings on
which the Tx, Rx, and IRS are installed creates randomness in B. Spatial Distribution of the Reflected Power Density
hg .
Based on the above discussion, quantifying the impact of the Next, we derive the power density of the reflected beam
IRS on the end-to-end FSO channel reduces to characterizing across space. We assume a Gaussian beam which dictates that
the corresponding GML hg . To do so, we develop both a the power density distribution across any line perpendicular
conditional model that accounts for the position, orientation, to the direction of the wave propagation follows a Gaussian
and size of the IRS and a statistical model that accounts for the profile [6], [7]. Let us consider a line that is perpendicular to
random fluctuations of the IRS position due to building sway. the beam direction and the distance between the center of the
As is customary for the analysis of optical systems [17], we first beam footprint on the line and the LS is denoted by d. Then,
consider a two dimensional (2D) system model. The impact of the power density for any point on this perpendicular line with
the position, orientation, and building sway on hg can also be distance r from the center of the beam footprint is given by [7]
% &
1 The beam line is the line that connects the laser source with the center of 2r2
the beam footprint. I orth (r; d) = I max (d) exp − 2 , (4)
w (d)

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where I max (d) = √πw(d)
. Moreover, w(d) is the beam width where ψ = θb + θp − 2θrs is the angle between the PD and the
at distance d and is given by beam line and P is the set of points on the PD, i.e.,
! , -
" #" #2
2w2 λd P = (x, y)|y = tan(θp )(x − xp ) + yp , x ∈ xp − cos(θp )ap ,
w(d) = w0 1 + 1 + 2 0 . (5) . - ./
ρ (d) πw02
xp + cos(θp )ap , y ∈ yp − sin(θp )ap , yp + sin(θp )ap .
Here, w0 denotes the beam waist radius, ρ(d) = (10)
(0.55Cn2 k 2 d)−3/5 is referred to as the coherence length,
The term sin(ψ) ∈ [0, 1] in (9) accounts for the non-
k = 2πλ is the wave$ number,
% λ denotes the optical wavelength,
and Cn2 ≈ C0 exp − 100 h
is the index of refraction structure orthogonality of the PD. Let Lc denote the distance between
parameter, where C0 = 1.7 × 10−14 m 3 is the nominal value of the center of the PD and the beam line, i.e., Lc = %cpd − pc %
the refractive index at the ground and h is the operating height for d = de2e . The following proposition provides a closed-form
of the FSO transceivers [6]. The following lemma provides the expression for the GML hg . For future reference, a ≤ b indi-
power density of the beam reflected by the IRS. cates that all elements of a are smaller than the corresponding
elements in b.
Lemma 1: Assuming a transmitted Gaussian beam, the power
density of the reflected beam on a perpendicular line w.r.t. the Proposition 1: Under the mild condition ap , Lc ' de2e , the
beam direction at point p̃ = (x̃, ỹ) is given by total fraction of power that is captured by the PD is given by
& √ ' (
√ 2 2r 2 1
orth exp − w (d) , p̃ ∈ R
2 hg = × (11)
Irfl (p̃) = πw(d) (6)  "2√
0, otherwise, # "√ #

 2 sin(ψ)ρ1 2 sin(ψ)ρ2
erf + erf , if ρ12 = 2ap
where r = %p̃ − pc % and d = %pvs − pc % are the distances w(d
4 " √ e2e ) # " √w(de2e ) #4
between the beam footprint center and point p̃ and the LS, 
 4 2 sin(ψ)ρ1 2 sin(ψ)ρ2 44
44erf − erf 4, otherwise,
respectively. Region R is defined as R = {(x, y)|s1 (x − xvs ) + w(de2e ) w(de2e )
−sin(θrs )ar −yvs
yvs ≤ y ≤ s2 (x − xvs ) + yvs }, where s1 = xyrr−cos(θ rs )ar −xvs where ρ1 = %p0 − p̂1 %, ρ2 = %p0 − p̂2 %, and ρ12 = %p0 −
+sin(θrs )ar −yvs
and s2 = xyrr+cos(θ rs )ar −xvs
and pc is given by p1 % + %p0 − p2 %. Moreover, p0 , p1 , p̂1 , p2 , and p̂2 are given
) *−1 ) * in (12) at the top of the next page.
tan(θb − 2θrs ) 1 tan(θb − 2θrs )xvs + yvs
pTc = − cot(θ − 2θ ) 1 . Proof: Please refer to Appendix B.
b rs − cot(θb − 2θrs )x̃ + ỹ
(7) Note that the conditions under which (11) in Proposition 1
holds are met in practice since 1) the physical size of the PD
Proof: Please refer to Appendix A. is much smaller than the transmission distance, i.e., ap ' de2e
Lemma 1 provides several insights regarding the impact of holds, and 2) Lc corresponds to the beam misalignment and for
the IRS on the reflected power distribution. In particular, the a properly designed system, the misalignment is much smaller
reflected beam is a truncated Gaussian beam which originates than the end-to-end transmission distance, i.e., Lc ' de2e
from the virtual LS and is confined to area R. Moreover, the size holds. The impact of the size of the IRS is reflected in the
of R depends on the size of the IRS as well as on its relative values of ρ1 and ρ2 . In fact, if the IRS is sufficiently large such
orientation w.r.t. the laser beam. Furthermore, for a given d, that the PD is located in region R defined in Lemma 1, we
Irfl (p̃) attains its maximum, i.e., I max (d), at r = 0, i.e., at obtain ρ1 = %p0 − p1 %, ρ2 = %p0 − p2 %.
the center of its footprint pc , cf. (6). Note that pc depends on Corollary 1: For the special case where p̂i = pi , i = 1, 2,
θrs and the value of point p̃. Therefore, for p̃ on the PD, for i.e., the IRS is sufficiently large, and the reflected beam strikes
an efficient design, we should choose θrs such that pc lies in the center of the PD and its direction is perpendicular to the
the center of the PD cpd = (xp , yp ) and distance d is the end- PD, the total fraction of power that is captured by the PD is
to-end distance between the LS and the PD, d = dsr + drp ! obtained as
de2e , where dsr and drp denote the distances between the LS 5 √ 6
to the IRS and the IRS to the PD, respectively. This leads to 2ap
hg = erf . (13)
the optimal θrs ∗
which is found as the unique solution of the w(de2e )
following equation
∗ ∗ Proof: Eq. (13) is obtained by substituting ψ = π2 and
∗ (1 + cos(2θrs ))yr − sin(2θrs )xr − yp
tan(2θrs − θb ) = ∗ ))x − sin(2θ ∗ )y − x
. (8) ρ1 = ρ2 = %p0 − p1 % = %p0 − p1 % = ap into (11). This
(1 − cos(2θrs r rs r p
completes the proof.
C. Conditional GML Model For a given end-to-end distance de2e and a given PD area ap ,
the maximum fraction of power collected by the PD is given
In order to compute the GML, we have to integrate the by (13). To attain this maximum, three conditions have to hold,
reflected power density over the PD, i.e., namely the IRS is sufficiently large, the misalignment is zero,
orth i.e., θrs = θrs∗
, cf. (8), and the PD is orthogonal to the beam
hg = sin(ψ)Irfl (p̃)dp̃, (9) line, i.e., θp = π2 + 2θrs − θb .

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! "−1 ! " ! " ! "−1
tan(θb − 2θrs ) 1 tan(θb − 2θrs )xvs + yvs xp + ap cos(θp ) −s2 1
0 = , pT
1 = , #
p T
1 = ×
− tan(θp ) 1 − tan(θp )xp + yp yp + ap sin(θp ) − tan(θp ) 1
! " ! " ! "−1 ! "
−s2 xvs + yvs xp − ap cos(θp ) −s1 1 −s1 xvs + yvs
, pT 2 = y − a sin(θ ) , #T
p 2 = − tan(θ ) 1 ,
− tan(θp )xp + yp p p p p − tan(θp )xp + yp
 

p #2, p1 < p #2 
p#2, p2 < p #2
p̂1 = p1 , # 2 ≤ p1 ≤ p
p # 1 , p̂2 = p2 , # 2 ≤ p2 ≤ p
p #1 (12)

 

p p1 > p #1 #1,
p p2 > p #1.

IV. S TATISTICAL M ODEL - 2D S YSTEM of the IRS onto the perpendicular misalignment depends on
angle θb − θrs as given in (14). This completes the proof.
In this section, we study the effect that building sway has on
Note that ("os , "or , "op ) are random variables (RVs). A widely-
the quality of the considered FSO channel.
accepted model for building sway assumes independent zero-
A. Building Sway Model mean Gaussian fluctuations [7], [9], i.e., "os ∼ N (0, σs2 ), "or ∼
N (0, σr2 ), and "op ∼ N (0, σp2 ), where σi2 denotes the variance
We assume that the positions of the LS, IRS, and PD fluctuate of "oi , i ∈ {s, r, p}. Therefore, the misalignment (also follows
because of building sway in both the x and y directions. In a zero-mean Gaussian distribution, i.e., u ∼ N 0, σ 2 with
the following, we show that for the LS, IRS, and PD only the variance σ 2 = sin21(ψ) (σs2 + 4 cos2 (θb − θrs )σr2 + σp2 ).
fluctuations in a certain direction have a considerably impact
on the FSO channel, respectively. This observation substantially B. PDF of Power Collected by the PD
simplifies the derivation of a statistical channel model. In order to derive the statistical channel model for the GML
LS: The fluctuations of the position of the LS can be hg , first the power collected by the PD has to be derived as a
projected in the beam direction and the direction orthogonal function of u. To do so, we can use the exact expressions in
to it. Let "bs and "os denote the fluctuations of the LS position (11) and replace (ρ1 , ρ2 ) with (|u − ap |, u + ap ), assuming that
for the former and latter cases, respectively. Hereby, since the the IRS is sufficiently large such that the PD is located in region
fluctuations of the LS in the beam direction are much smaller R defined in Lemma 1. However, the resulting expressions are
than the distance between the LS and the IRS, the impact of "bs rather complicated and do not provide useful insights. Thus, to
on hg can be safely neglected. get some insights, we approximate hg as a function of u as
IRS: The fluctuations of the position of the IRS can be follows
projected in the direction along the IRS line and the orthogonal * −2u2 +
direction denoted by "rr and "or , respectively. Assuming that the hg ≈ A0 exp , (15)
tw2 (de2e )
beam line is aligned to pass through the IRS (not necessarily √
its center) and that the size of the IRS is large, the impact of "rr where A0 = erf (ν), t = 2ν exp(−ν 2 ) sin2 (ψ)
, and ν =

on hg is negligible. Nevertheless, "or may considerably change 2 sin(ψ)ap
w(de2e ) .
The derivation of (15) is provided in Appendix C.
the position of the beam footprint center at the PD. We verify the accuracy of (15) in Section VI. Using this approx-
PD: Similar to the LS, let "bp and "op denote the fluctuations imation, the PDF of hg is given in the following proposition.
of the position of the PD in the direction of the reflected beam Proposition 2: Based on (14) and (15) and assuming Gaussian
and perpendicular to it, respectively. Since the distance between fluctuations, hg follows a distribution with the following PDF
the IRS and the PD is much larger than the fluctuations in the
! * +"− 12 , -$−1
reflected beam direction, we can safely neglect the impact of ' A0 hg
"bp on hg . fhg (hg ) = √ ln ,
2A0 π hg A0
Let u denote misalignment between the center of the beam 0 ≤ h g ≤ A0 . (16)
footprint and the center of the PD. u is given in the following 2
lemma. where ' = tw 4σ (de2e )
2 .
Lemma 2: The misalignment u as a function of ("os , "or , "op ) is Proof: Eq. (16) can be obtained by exploiting the relation
obtained as between the PDF of u and hg in (15) and the fact that u follows
1 a zero-mean Gaussian distribution.
u= ("o + 2 cos(θb − θrs )"or + "op ). (14) Proposition 2 reveals the impact of system parameters such
sin(ψ) s
as de2e and σ 2 on the PDF of the GML.
Proof: In (14), the term "os +2 cos(θb −θrs )"or +"op captures
the misalignment on a plane perpendicular to the direction V. E XTENSION TO 3D S YSTEM M ODEL
of the reflected beam and the term sin(ψ) 1
accounts for the For the 2D system model, we needed two position variables
non-orthogonality of the PD. Moreover, the fluctuations of the and one angular variable to characterize the positions and
LS and PD are projected onto the perpendicular misalignment orientations of the LS, IRS, and PD, respectively, i.e., in total 9
without any change, whereas the projection of the fluctuations parameters. In contrast, for a 3D system model, we require three

Authorized licensed use limited to: University of Glasgow. Downloaded on January 29,2023 at 16:02:33 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
position variables and two angular variables to characterize we need to consider only the fluctuations orthogonal to the IRS
the positions and orientations of the nodes, i.e., in total 15 plane, denoted by $or ∼ N (0, σr2 ).
parameters. This severely complicates the analysis of the 3D PD: Similar to the LS, the fluctuations along the reflected
system. To cope with this issue, we exploit the insights gained beam direction can be neglected. Hence, we need two variables
from analyzing the 2D system and characterize the 3D system in two orthogonal directions to describe the fluctuations in the
only w.r.t. those parameters that affect the GML hg . From plane perpendicular to the reflected beam, denoted by $op1 , $op2 ∼
Sections II-IV, we offer the following observations: N (0, σp2 ).
• Lemma 1 reveals that in 2D systems, the impact of the It is interesting to note that the GML is affected by the IRS
IRS can be modeled via a virtual LS where the reflected only via variable $or . This implies that variations of $or lead
beam follows a truncated Gaussian profile. The position to variations of u along only one dimension. Without loss of
of the virtual LS depends on the relative position and generality and to simplify our notation, we choose the basis
orientation of the IRS w.r.t. the beam line. Nevertheless, for variables ($os1 , $os2 ) and ($op1 , $op2 ) such that the variations of
the distance between the virtual LS and the PD is the sum u due to $os and $op are in the same direction as those due to
of the distances between the actual LS to the IRS and the $or . Based on this convention, the following lemma presents the
IRS to the PD, i.e., de2e . Moreover, the truncation can be misalignment vector u.
ignored if the IRS is sufficiently large such that the PD is Lemma 3: The misalignment vector u as a function of
completely inside region R defined in Lemma 1. ($os1 , $os2 ), $or , and ($op1 , $op2 ) is obtained as
• The conditional model in (15) reveals that the overall 1 $ o1 %
impact of the position and orientation parameters of the u= $ + 2 cos(ψr )$or + $op1 , $os2 + $op2 , (18)
sin(ψp ) s
IRS and the PD on the GML hg manifests itself in three
variables, namely misalignment u, end-to-end distance where ψr is the angle between the laser beam and the IRS
de2e , and angle ψ. Due to building sway, the misalignment plane.
u is an RV; however, by a proper system design, i.e., by Proof: The proof is similar to that given for Lemma 2 for
choosing θrs = θrs ∗
according to (8), one can make the 2D systems. The convention for the definition of the bases for
average misalignment u vanish, i.e., {u} = 0. ($os1 , $os2 ) and ($op1 , $op2 ) facilitates the derivation of u since $or
affects only one of the dimensions of u.
In the following, we exploit the two above observations for Assuming u = (u1 , u2 ), u1 and u2 follow Gaussian distri-
analyzing a 3D system. First, we note that the power density butions with zero mean and variances σu2 1 = sin21(ψp ) (σs2 +
for 3D systems is similar to that given in (4) for 2D systems
4 cos2 (ψr )σr2 + σp2 ) and σu2 2 = sin21(ψp ) (σs2 + σp2 ), respectively.
with I max (d) = πw22 (d) [7]. Let ψp denote the angle between
Therefore, #u# follows a Hoyt distribution which is given by
the reflected beam and the PD plane. Assuming a circular PD
of radius ap , the following approximate expression was recently ! " ! "
obtained in [9] for the GML of a 3D system 1 + q2 (1 + q 2 )2 2 1 − q4 2
! " f$u$ (u) = u exp − u I 0 u ,
2#u#2 qΩ 4q 2 Ω 4q 2 Ω
hg (u) ≈ A0 exp − 2 , (17) (19)
tw (de2e )
√ √ √ where q = σuu2 , Ω = σu2 1 + σu2 2 , and I0 (·) is the zero-order
where t = t1 t2 , t1 = 2ν1 πerf(ν 1) πerf(ν2 )
, t2 = 2ν2 exp(−ν , 1

ap # exp(−ν12 ) 2 2
2 ) sin (ψp ) modified Bessel function of the first kind. For the special case
ν1 = w(de2e ) 2 , and ν2 = ν1 | sin(ψp )|. Moreover, u denotes
where σr = 0, #u# is Rayleigh distributed, similar to the
the vector of misalignment on the PD plane, and A0 denotes pointing error caused by building sway for point-to-point FSO
the maximum fraction of optical power captured by the PD at systems without IRS [7], [8]. Exploiting (17) and (18), the PDF
#u# = 0 and is given by A0 = erf(ν1 )erf(ν2 ). Note that the of hg can be obtained as
exact expression for hg can be obtained in a similar manner as
that obtained in Proposition 1 for 2D systems but is much more ! " (1+q2q2 )! −1
& hg
involved. In the following, we derive a statistical model based fhg (hg ) = ×
A0 A0
on (17) incorporating the impact of the IRS. ! ! ""
(1 − q 2 )& hg
Similar to the statistical analysis for 2D systems given in I0 − ln , 0 < hg ≤ A0 , (20)
Section IV, we assume Gaussian fluctuations due to building 2q A0
sway for the LS, IRS, and PD as described in the following. where & = (1+q )tw
2 2
(de2e )
is a constant and ln(·) denotes the
LS: In general, the fluctuations of the position of a point natural logarithm.
in a 3D system can be modeled by three variables in three
orthogonal directions. For the LS, fluctuations along the di- VI. S IMULATION R ESULTS
rection of the beam have negligible impact on hg ; hence, Unless stated otherwise, the default values of the parameter
we need only two variables in two orthogonal directions on values used for 2D simulation are θb = π4 , θrs = 10 π
, θp =
the plane perpendicular to the beam direction, denoted by π
3 , a p = 10 cm, a r = 50 cm, (x ,
r ry ) = (400, 400) m, and
$os1 , $os2 ∼ N (0, σs2 ). (xp , yp ) = (700, 350) m. For 3D simulation, we use parameter
IRS: Since we assume a sufficiently large IRS, the fluctua- values that are in-line√with those for 2D,√ i.e., ψr = 4 − 10 ,
π π

tions of the IRS along its plane can be neglected. Therefore, ψp = 3 , dsr = 400 2 m, drp = 50 37 m, ap = 10 cm,

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Histogram (11) and (17)
Prop. Model (16) and (19) 3D
10−1 101





(σs , σr , σp ) = (5, 5, 5) cm
−5 Exact (11), ar = 50 cm
(σs , σr , σp ) = (5, 5, 10) cm
Exact (11), ar = 100 cm
(σs , σr , σp ) = (5, 10, 5) cm A0
Prop. Approx. (15)
10−6 10−2
−100 −80 −60 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 100 10−3 10−2 10−1
Misalignment [cm] hg

Fig. 2. Conditional GML vs. misalignment u for different sizes of IRS. Fig. 3. PDF of the GML for 2D and 3D scenarios.

and ar = 50 cm. Moreover, the simulation results reported in the impact of beam truncation is negligible as it occurs with
Fig. 3 were obtained based on Monte Carlo simulation and 106 small probability for the adopted system parameters. Moreover,
realizations of RVs !ji , i ∈ {s, r, p}, j ∈ {o, o1 , o2 }. we can observe from Fig. 3 that the building sway for the IRS
First, in Fig. 2, we study the impact of the size of the IRS has a larger impact than that for the PD (and LS). This is due to
on the conditional GML in (11). In this figure, we show hg vs. the factor 2 cos(ψr ) = 1.782 in (14) and (18) which enhances
misalignment u for ar = 50, 100 cm. As expected, we observe the variance of the corresponding building sway.
from Fig. 2 that by increasing the misalignment magnitude (|u|),
the channel gain hp decreases. Beam truncation occurs if the VII. C ONCLUSIONS
misalignment exceeds a certain critical value, i.e., when part In this paper, we proposed IRS-based FSO systems in order
of the PD is outside region R, cf. (6). In Fig. 2, we use dot- to relax the LOS requirement of conventional FSO systems.
dashed (dashed) lines to denote this critical misalignment for We developed corresponding conditional and statistical channel
ar = 50 cm (ar = 100 cm). Fig. 2 shows that the proposed models which characterize the impact of the physical parameters
approximation in (15) is accurate when beam truncation does of the IRS, such as its size, position, and orientation, on the
not occur. However, since the approximation neglects beam quality of the end-to-end FSO channel. These channel models
truncation, it overestimates hg when beam truncation does can be used for performance analysis of IRS-based FSO sys-
occur. Moreover, we observe that, for ar = 100 cm, the tems. Simulation results confirmed the validity of the developed
impact of beam truncation manifests itself at larger values channel models for typical IRS sizes (i.e., ar > 50 cm) where
of |u| compared to ar = 50 cm. Furthermore, Fig. 2 shows beam truncation is negligible. Furthermore, our results showed
that for a reasonable size of the IRS, i.e., ar > 50 cm, the that depending on the angle between the beam direction and the
proposed approximation is accurate even for large misalignment IRS plane, building sway for the IRS could have a larger impact
magnitudes, e.g. |u| > 35 cm. Finally, we note that the PD on the quality of the end-to-end FSO channel than building sway
receives no optical power, i.e., hg = 0, when none of the points for the Tx and Rx for angles smaller than π/3.
on the PD surface belongs to R, cf. Lemma 1.
Next, we study the accuracy of the proposed statistical A PPENDIX A
models for 2D and 3D systems in (16) and (20), respectively. The ray that originates at the virtual LS, i.e., at point
For the simulation results, we plot the histogram of hg given pvs , and intersects with the upper corner of the IRS,
by (11) and (17) for 2D and 3D systems, respectively. Fig. 3 i.e., (xr + cos(θrs )ar , yr + sin(θrs )ar ), is given by y =
shows the PDF of hg for three fluctuation scenarios, namely yr +sin(θrs )ar −yvs
xr +cos(θrs )ar −xvs (x − xvs ) + yvs . Similarly, the ray that orig-
Scenario 1: (σs , σp , σr ) = (5, 5, 5) cm where the building inates at pvs and intersects the lower corner of the IRS,
sways for the LS, IRS, and PD are similar; Scenario 2: i.e., (xr − cos(θrs )ar , yr − sin(θrs )ar ), is given by y =
(σs , σp , σr ) = (5, 5, 10) cm where the building sway for yr −sin(θrs )ar −yvs
PD is larger than that for the LS and IRS2 ; Scenario 3: xr −cos(θrs )ar −xvs (x − xvs ) + yvs . Within these two lines the
power density is non-zero and the corresponding region is
(σs , σp , σr ) = (5, 10, 5) cm where the building sway for the
defined by R. Now, we find the beam footprint center on line
IRS is larger than that for the LS and PD. Fig. 3 shows an
L1 which is perpendicular to the beam line and passes through
excellent agreement between the proposed analytical statistical
point p̃ = (x̃, ỹ), i.e., y = cot(θb − 2θrs )(x − x̃) + ỹ. To
models and the simulation results. This is due to the fact that
do so, we calculate the intersection of the beam line with line
2 Scenario 2 yields the same results as scenario (σ , σ , σ ) = (10, 5, 5) cm
s p r
L1 denoted by pc . Next, we calculate the distances r and d.
due to the symmetry of the problem, see (14) and (18). In particular, the distance between pc and p̃ determines r and

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√ 0 2
sin(ψ) 2 2 sin (ψ)
the distance between pvs and pc yields d, cf. Lemma 1. This ∞
/ √
πw(de2e )
−w 2 (d
e2e ) $ %
completes the proof. = (ap − u)2n+1 + (ap + u)2n+1
n!(2n + 1)
-√ .2k
/ 2 sin(ψ)u
The total fraction of power collected by the PD can be = A2k , (25)
obtained by integrating over the power density on the PD line. w(de2e )
For ease of notation, we define variable ρ as the distance 2∞ 2(−1)n (2n+1 0√ 12n+1−2k
2k ) 2 sin(ψ)ap
between any point p on the PD line and the beam footprint where A2k = n=k

πn!(2n+1) w(de 2e) . By
center. In addition, let Irfl (ρ)dρ denote the fraction of power equating the first two terms of (25) to the same terms in
collected on the infinitesimally small line dρ, i.e., dρ → 0, on the Taylor
0 series1 expansion of a Gaussian pulse of form
the PD. Next, we relate Irfl (ρ) to the power density expression c exp tw−2u
2 (d , we obtain (15). This completes the proof.
e2e )
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