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5 Short Stories on Leadership

by Francesca Egay

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to be a leader?

Leadership is a skill that can be learned, practiced, and improved upon that’s
why inspiring stories of great leaders are good to read.

In this post, you’ll read success and failure leadership anecdotes that will

give you an idea of what life is like as someone who leads others; and maybe
by the end of this blog post, you’ll have found your new favorite story or

Hopefully, these leadership stories examples will help you to better

understand your own style of leading for better goal-setting and what type of
leader best suits you.

5 Leadership Stories
Table of Contents
 The Soldiers and The Trench
o Moral of the Story:
 The Phone Call
o Moral of the Story:
 The Belly and The Members
o Moral of the Story:
 It’s Not my Problem
o Moral of the Story:
 The Stone Soup Effect
o Moral of the Story:
 BONUS: Additional Resources About Leadership
 Make Everyday Count – Stay Motivated!

The Soldiers and The Trench

There was a man on horseback who saw a group of exhausted soldiers
digging a trench. On the side is their section leader who was barking orders.

The passerby asked the leader why he isn’t helping his team. The leader just
said that he is in charge and tells his people what to do.

The man decided to pitch in and help the soldiers dig until the trench was
finished. After that, he approached the commander on foot and told him that
the next time if their rank prevents them from supporting his men, he should
notify the top command – and that he will give a permanent solution to it.

The section leader then realized that the person he was talking to was none
other than the historical figure, General Washington.

Moral of the Story:

The best leaders are eager to help and give aid to their followers. In the
context of work, this might mean reaching out to their employees to check in
and do actual work.

They also adopt a progressive mindset instead of being attached to being in


The Phone Call

One day, a manager was meeting privately with a staff member. The
manager’s phone rang while they were discussing something important.

The manager ignored the call, not only once but thrice.

The staff member asked the manager if he wouldn’t take the call.

To that question, the manager only answered no because the phone call can
wait while the issues they are discussing cannot.

Feeling valued, the two continued their conversation.

Moral of the Story:

When you meet with your people, don’t let push notifications, texts, or calls
constantly distract you. If they see that these things are more important than
them, they won’t trust you and bring issues to attention unless it’s urgent.
This will make the team feel like their problems aren’t a priority so most of
the time nothing gets solved until there is an issue worth solving.

The Belly and The Members

A good leadership story for kids, this story is about some members of the
Body who realized that they were all doing the work while all the Belly does
is get all the food. They all agreed that the Belly was the laziest and
unproductive member of the body.

See also
Inspirational Short Stories About Life

After their meeting, they all decided to hold another meeting to discuss how
unfair it seems. At the end of the long meeting that night, all the members
voted that they’ll go on strike until the Belly agrees to have a fair share of

The unhappy body parts remained idle for a few days, hoping to starve the
Belly. After some time, they stopped walking, moving their hands, and
finally gave up chewing altogether in an attempt to stop feeding the belly
with food and water!
As a result of their strike, the entire Body eventually collapsed and died
without understanding how important the role of the Belly was.

Moral of the Story:

A leader should learn how to recognize and appreciate each team member’s
unique qualities as well as their shortcomings. After all, a good leader needs
to make connections in the team so that everyone knows what they can bring
to the table and why they are on it.

It’s Not my Problem

Once upon a time, there was a queen who was eating rice cakes and honey
with her chief advisor on her balcony. As they ate, a drop of honey landed on
the balcony railing as the queen was pointing at something in the distance.
The chief advisor asked if he should call a servant to clean it up but the queen
only laughed and told him that it was not her problem because it was just a
drop of honey and someone will come and clean it later.

They continued eating and chatting as the drip of honey began to slowly drip
down and landed on the busy street below. The advisor once again called the
attention of the queen and told her that the honey has now fallen into the
street and is now attracting flies. He asked again if he should call for a
servant. Just like the last time, the queen yawned and replied that a little drop
of honey that is swarmed by a few flies is not her problem. She added that
someone would deal with it later.

Soon after that, a lizard rushed out from underneath the palace wall and
began to catch flies with its tongue. Then a cat sprang from a nearby bakery,
ready for some fun! The two animals batted each other back and forth like
toys until suddenly, an angry butcher’s dog came charging at them and began
biting the cat’s neck. The advisor now reminded the queen that the flies
attracted a lizard, which then attracted the cat who is now being attacked by a
dog. Once again, the queen just stretched and shook her head. She told her
advisor to relax and those silly fighting animals are not her problem.

When the baker saw the animals fighting, he saw that a dog is attacking his
cat. He then ran out with his rolling pin and began hitting the dog. When the
butcher heard his dog’s cry, he ran out with his broom and started hitting the
baker. Soon after that, the butcher and baker started fighting each other while
the other shopkeepers nearby took sides and joined the fight. When the
soldiers came along, some of them knew the butcher while some knew the
baker. They too took sides and the battle just grew and grew in the streets.

See also
7 Inspirational Stories About Courage

The people began throwing rocks at the windows, tipping over carts, hurdling
a torch through a window, and eventually, a fire raged and spread to the
palace. The queen and the advisor were escorted out of the palace into the
street below because the flames spread throughout the palace. Later that day
when the fire had died out, they surveyed what remained of their land.
Suddenly she stopped in front of where her balcony once stood and noticed a
small puddle on the ground. She realized that it was honey and told herself
that she should have cleaned it from the start. Now, all her kingdom was lost
because of a drop of honey. From that day on, the queen never said “It’s not
my problem!”

Moral of the Story:

A leader should have the right mindset and act accordingly whenever a
situation arises. If they don’t, their followers may suffer just like in the
example of the queen in the story. Learning to listen and consider what others
are suggesting is one of the greatest skills that all leaders should possess.
Moreover, caring for the people working with you is essential to effectively
lead them towards greatness.

The Stone Soup Effect

There was a wise, old man who lives his life traveling and meeting lots of
different people. In his lifetime he’d seen so much that it gave him the
opportunity to learn valuable lessons from each situation; all experiences are
wonderful as they enrich him with wisdom.

One day, while walking through an unfamiliar village near the center, he met
some new folks. He introduced himself and said that he was looking for a hot
meal and a safe place to stay. The villagers humbly offered him a place to
sleep however, due to having poor crops that year, they had very little food to
feed the whole village. The old man was sorry to hear their woes and assured
the folks that they don’t need to worry about the food because he is thinking
of serving them some stone soup. All he needed were three things: a large
soup pot, wood for the fire, and some water.

The villagers were all confused at the traveler’s request. They haven’t heard
of stone soup and wondered if you can cook stone and get soup from it. The
old man told them that it was the best soup he had ever tasted. They just need
to bring him a pot and some water and he’d make some for all the village.
The villagers did what he requested, when they returned with the items, the
old man began preparing the soup. He took out a small silk pouch and did a
great ceremony. After that, he reached in, pulled out a smooth, round stone,
and dropped it into the boiling water. The villagers anxiously watched as the
old man cooked and stirred the pot.

The traveler then asked for some cabbage and salted beef to add to the soup
which the villagers willingly gave. When the old man noticed the villagers’
anticipation to taste the soup, he requested more vegetables to add to the soup
such as onions, potatoes, carrots, and mushrooms. When the pot was filled
with vegetables and all kinds, the villagers realized that they have so much
food to share with each other. Not only did they share vegetables and meat,
but the baker also gave fresh bread and butter. When the old man finished the
soup, he started giving it out to all the folks and shared a wonderful meal
together. There was more than enough soup to feed the whole village and
they said that it is the best soup they have ever tasted.

See also
Why Does Kindness Make You Happy?

The mayor of the village then talked to the old man and offered to give him a
great deal of money for the magic stone. The old man refused and told the
mayor that it was his responsibility to make the soup without the stone but
with just all the ingredients that they had earlier. He added that the mayor
should find a way to get the villagers to work together just like what they did
a while ago. If the mayor succeeds, he would give them the special stone.

The next morning, as the old man was preparing to leave the village, he
passed by a group of children playing alongside the road. He called the
youngest child and handed him a silk pouch with the stone. He then
whispered to the child and told him that it was not the stone that did the
magic, but all of them who helped each other.
Moral of the Story:
Not all people born in a community become leaders. It’s not about the
position you hold, but how you inspire and interact with people that make an
impact on your community. A true leader will find ways to gain attention and
trust from his or her followers so they will be willing to help out just as much
when there is a need for support within their communities.

BONUS: Additional Resources About Leadership

Image Title Price Prime Buy

Primal Leadership: Unleashing Buy

the Power of Emotinal $16.49 PRIMEeligible

Simple Truths of Leadership: Buy

52 Ways to Be a Servant $15.35 PRIMEeligible
Leader and Build Trust

Start with Why: How Great Buy

Leaders Inspire Everyone to $8.25 PRIMEeligible
Take Action
Image Title Price Prime Buy

5 Levels of Leadership: Proven Buy

Steps to Maximize Your $12.69 PRIMEeligible

Compassionate Leadership: Buy

How to Do Hard Things in a $24.99 PRIMEeligible
Human Way

Trust and Inspire: How Truly Buy

Great Leaders Unleash $12.36 PRIMEeligible
Greatness in Others

The 21 Irrefutable Laws of

Leadership: Follow Them and
$21.68 PRIMEeligible
People Will Follow You (10th Now
Anniversary Edition)

Prices pulled from the Amazon Product Advertising API on: 11/21/2022 10:47 AM

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3 Inspiring Short Stories about Leadership you should

read to be a better Manager
Last Updated on: July 20, 2022 by admin
As leaders or aspiring leaders, we need to face challenges constantly from our surroundings.
It sometimes deviates us from our intended path.

So, we need a constant search for motivation to get us back on track with our leadership

Where do we get this motivation? We have many sources.

And one such source is short stories.

These stories help us to understand the importance of leadership behaviors in different

situations and how we can take these examples to improve our leadership skills.

Let us look at three inspiring short stories about leadership that can help us be better leaders.

#1. Short Stories on Leadership – Prince and the Sheep

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Image source: Unsplash

Once there was a beautiful kingdom ruled by a prince. He took over the Kingdom after the
death of his father.

After a few months of ruling, things started to test him. With no rain, drought bought losses
to farmers and killed many animals, birds, and precious plants in the forest.

And it was followed by an unknown disease that caused the loss of many lives.

After a few months, things started to improve. But before they could recover completely, an
enemy king took over the Kingdom killing many people and imprisoning them.

The young king managed to escape. Then he planned to meet his childhood friend, the king
of a neighboring kingdom.

On his way, he was thinking about the past. He was born and bred to be a king of the
powerful and wealthiest empire, but now he lost everything.

He believed that because of his bad luck, everything happened to him. Because nothing has
happened to his father or any other king he knew.

When the young king reached the palace of his friend, the guards did not allow him because
of his dirty looks and clothes. He tried many times and all failed.

Then he took a job so that he could buy some clothes. After some days, he went in new
clothes, and the guards allowed him to meet his friend.

To his friend, he explained all the things that happened to him. After hearing his story, his
friend king ordered his people to give him a herd of 100 sheep.
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Image source: Unsplash

The young king was surprised as he was expecting much more than this. He does not want to
be a shepherd. But he has nothing else, so he took the offer from his friend.

After a few days, while he was grazing his herd, a group of wolves attacked his herd and
killed all of them. While the wolves were attacking the sheep, the king ran away from that

Then he again went to his friend king and asked for help. This time he gave 50 Sheep.

But once again, he failed to protect his herd from the wolves.

For the 3rd time, he got just 25 sheep.

This time young king decided if I do not protect my herd from these wolves, he will not get
any more help from his friend.

So, he examined his place and understood the wolves attacking areas. He then added
additional fences and guards all around.
He continued to monitor the places. Discussed with other herders and kept on learning the
tricks of maintaining the herd.

After a few years, his herd has grown into 1000 Sheep.

One day, he went to the palace and informed his king friend of his accomplishment.

After hearing him, the friend king ordered his ministers to give him a whole state to rule.

He asked his friend, “Why did you not give me the state to rule when I first came to you for

The friend king replied,

“First time when you came to me for help, your mindset was like you were born and bred to
be a leader, but the truth was you are far from it.

You might have been born in wealth, pride, and power, but you have never had proper
education and training to lead your people.

So, when I gave you the herd, I wanted you to learn how to manage and lead others.

Dear friend, now I believe you are ready to lead!”

Moral of the story:

Being born into a powerful family or being a manager in a higher position does not make us a

We may be in charge of others, like the King or Manager or the CEO. But holding that
position and doing nothing for the people does not make us a leader.

We should know our people better and win the hearts and minds of people.

On the flip side, sometimes we think we have to be born and bred to be leaders.

But the answer is simple No.

Anyone can be a leader one day, as long as we keep learning the secrets of keeping our herd
#2. Short Stories on Leadership – Gandhiji and a Young

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Image source: Getty Images – JGI/Jamie Grill

It was a beautiful village there lived a young boy with his parents. He was addicted to eating
sugar. His mother warned him several times not to eat sugar, as it is bad for his health. But
the boy did not listen to his mother.

After some days, his mother decided to get help from Gandhiji. So, she took his son to the
place where Gandhiji stayed.

The journey was long, as she had to walk miles in hot weather conditions.

She then finally reached the place and met Gandhiji.

She requested him to inform her son to stop eating sugar as it is bad for his health.

Gandhiji replied, “I cannot tell him right now. But you can bring him back after a month and
then I will speak to him!.

Hearing this, the mother was confused and upset that Gandhiji did not give any solution. Both
went back home.
After a month, they met Gandhiji again.

This time Gandhiji looked at the boy and said, “Young boy, you should stop eating sugar as it
is not good for your health. Listen to your mother and obey her.”

The boy agreed.

The mother curiously asked Gandhiji, “Why did you not tell him last time when I bought him

Gandhiji smiled and said, “Mother, last time when you came, I had the habit of eating a lot of
sugar myself.”

Moral of the story:

If we want people to follow or listen to us, we should lead as an example on things that we
want others to follow.

By leading the way, you are creating confidence in people in you.

#3. Short Stories on Leadership – Tradesman in Desert

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Image source: Unsplash

Once there was a group of tradesmen. They travel from place to place to sell their goods.

One day while they were traveling, they came across a hot desert. The leader of the
tradesman checked nearby people.

He came to know that, during the day, the hot sun heats the fine sand so much that no one
walks on it, not even the camels. Also, it takes close to 3 nights to cross the desert.

Hearing this, the leader decided to travel during the night when the sand cools down and
camp in the day.

Considering the night travel, he hired a local guide to help them cross the desert.

With the help of the guide, they started their journey in the desert.

The guide went in front, and all tradesmen followed him. All were traveling with their
respective caravans pulled by camels.

A couple of nights later, they crossed 3/4th of the desert.

On the third night, they started their journey again.

After some time, the guide considering that it would be the last night of the travel, started
relaxing and fell asleep.

Then his camel started walking to the side, and other camels behind followed.

All the camels went in a big circle until they ended up in the same place where they had
started last night.

When the sun came up, the tradesman realized they were back at the same spot where they
camped last night. They worried that they had only very little water, not enough to cross the

They started blaming the leader and guide, “Without water, how to survive in this hot

The leader talked to himself, “We are in a difficult situation, and If I lose courage now, lives
will be lost.”

So, he started exploring the area and found a bunch of grass. He was sure that without
underneath water, it is difficult for the grass to survive.

He then them that we dig this grass area, as there is a possibility of water here.

Everyone agreed and started digging, soon they found a large rock, which was a challenge to

Seeing the rock, everyone lost hope and started to blame the leader, “We wasted our time and

The leader said, “No, my friends. It is not a waste. If we give up now, all our effort will go in
vain. So, we should continue our work.”

He then put his ear on the large rock and heard the sound of flowing water.

Hearing the sound, he called the strongest among them and said, “If you give up, we all will
perish. So, give all your strength in breaking this rock”.

The strong man lifted the hammer and hit the rock hard. Soon, the rock split open, and water
gushed out from it.

Then all tradesmen were overjoyed and filled up all their water pouches. The leader and the
guide were relieved and continued to lead the journey.

Moral of the story:

Being the leader of a team, we need to face challenges, either from external sources or from
internal sources. It will test our leadership skills.

During those times, we should never lose our focus. We should constantly work towards our
team goal.

Explore the opportunities around us and take what is good for our team.

The main character of a good leader is, “Do not give up easily. Keep trying until you reach
the goal”.

Final Thoughts
We hope these short stories on leadership would have helped you understand how leaders in
these stories have handled their situation for a better outcome. Take these examples and apply
them in our day-to-day life.

Like these short stories on leadership, Share now!

More stories to Read: 

3 Inspiring Short Stories on Career to Make You Self Realize

3 Inspiring Short Stories about Teamwork that you must share with your Team

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Tagsinspirational short stories on leadership with moral, leadership stories, powerful leadership

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3 Inspiring Short Stories about Leadership you should

read to be a better Manager
Last Updated on: July 20, 2022 by admin

As leaders or aspiring leaders, we need to face challenges constantly from our surroundings.
It sometimes deviates us from our intended path.

So, we need a constant search for motivation to get us back on track with our leadership

Where do we get this motivation? We have many sources.

And one such source is short stories.

These stories help us to understand the importance of leadership behaviors in different

situations and how we can take these examples to improve our leadership skills.

Let us look at three inspiring short stories about leadership that can help us be better leaders.

#1. Short Stories on Leadership – Prince and the Sheep

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Image source: Unsplash

Once there was a beautiful kingdom ruled by a prince. He took over the Kingdom after the
death of his father.

After a few months of ruling, things started to test him. With no rain, drought bought losses
to farmers and killed many animals, birds, and precious plants in the forest.

And it was followed by an unknown disease that caused the loss of many lives.

After a few months, things started to improve. But before they could recover completely, an
enemy king took over the Kingdom killing many people and imprisoning them.

The young king managed to escape. Then he planned to meet his childhood friend, the king
of a neighboring kingdom.

On his way, he was thinking about the past. He was born and bred to be a king of the
powerful and wealthiest empire, but now he lost everything.
He believed that because of his bad luck, everything happened to him. Because nothing has
happened to his father or any other king he knew.

When the young king reached the palace of his friend, the guards did not allow him because
of his dirty looks and clothes. He tried many times and all failed.

Then he took a job so that he could buy some clothes. After some days, he went in new
clothes, and the guards allowed him to meet his friend.

To his friend, he explained all the things that happened to him. After hearing his story, his
friend king ordered his people to give him a herd of 100 sheep.

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Image source: Unsplash

The young king was surprised as he was expecting much more than this. He does not want to
be a shepherd. But he has nothing else, so he took the offer from his friend.

After a few days, while he was grazing his herd, a group of wolves attacked his herd and
killed all of them. While the wolves were attacking the sheep, the king ran away from that
Then he again went to his friend king and asked for help. This time he gave 50 Sheep.

But once again, he failed to protect his herd from the wolves.

For the 3rd time, he got just 25 sheep.

This time young king decided if I do not protect my herd from these wolves, he will not get
any more help from his friend.

So, he examined his place and understood the wolves attacking areas. He then added
additional fences and guards all around.

He continued to monitor the places. Discussed with other herders and kept on learning the
tricks of maintaining the herd.

After a few years, his herd has grown into 1000 Sheep.

One day, he went to the palace and informed his king friend of his accomplishment.

After hearing him, the friend king ordered his ministers to give him a whole state to rule.

He asked his friend, “Why did you not give me the state to rule when I first came to you for

The friend king replied,

“First time when you came to me for help, your mindset was like you were born and bred to
be a leader, but the truth was you are far from it.

You might have been born in wealth, pride, and power, but you have never had proper
education and training to lead your people.

So, when I gave you the herd, I wanted you to learn how to manage and lead others.

Dear friend, now I believe you are ready to lead!”

Moral of the story:

Being born into a powerful family or being a manager in a higher position does not make us a

We may be in charge of others, like the King or Manager or the CEO. But holding that
position and doing nothing for the people does not make us a leader.

We should know our people better and win the hearts and minds of people.
On the flip side, sometimes we think we have to be born and bred to be leaders.

But the answer is simple No.

Anyone can be a leader one day, as long as we keep learning the secrets of keeping our herd

#2. Short Stories on Leadership – Gandhiji and a Young


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Image source: Getty Images – JGI/Jamie Grill

It was a beautiful village there lived a young boy with his parents. He was addicted to eating
sugar. His mother warned him several times not to eat sugar, as it is bad for his health. But
the boy did not listen to his mother.

After some days, his mother decided to get help from Gandhiji. So, she took his son to the
place where Gandhiji stayed.
The journey was long, as she had to walk miles in hot weather conditions.

She then finally reached the place and met Gandhiji.

She requested him to inform her son to stop eating sugar as it is bad for his health.

Gandhiji replied, “I cannot tell him right now. But you can bring him back after a month and
then I will speak to him!.

Hearing this, the mother was confused and upset that Gandhiji did not give any solution. Both
went back home.

After a month, they met Gandhiji again.

This time Gandhiji looked at the boy and said, “Young boy, you should stop eating sugar as it
is not good for your health. Listen to your mother and obey her.”

The boy agreed.

The mother curiously asked Gandhiji, “Why did you not tell him last time when I bought him

Gandhiji smiled and said, “Mother, last time when you came, I had the habit of eating a lot of
sugar myself.”

Moral of the story:

If we want people to follow or listen to us, we should lead as an example on things that we
want others to follow.

By leading the way, you are creating confidence in people in you.

#3. Short Stories on Leadership – Tradesman in Desert

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Image source: Unsplash

Once there was a group of tradesmen. They travel from place to place to sell their goods.

One day while they were traveling, they came across a hot desert. The leader of the
tradesman checked nearby people.

He came to know that, during the day, the hot sun heats the fine sand so much that no one
walks on it, not even the camels. Also, it takes close to 3 nights to cross the desert.

Hearing this, the leader decided to travel during the night when the sand cools down and
camp in the day.

Considering the night travel, he hired a local guide to help them cross the desert.

With the help of the guide, they started their journey in the desert.

The guide went in front, and all tradesmen followed him. All were traveling with their
respective caravans pulled by camels.

A couple of nights later, they crossed 3/4th of the desert.

On the third night, they started their journey again.

After some time, the guide considering that it would be the last night of the travel, started
relaxing and fell asleep.

Then his camel started walking to the side, and other camels behind followed.

All the camels went in a big circle until they ended up in the same place where they had
started last night.

When the sun came up, the tradesman realized they were back at the same spot where they
camped last night. They worried that they had only very little water, not enough to cross the

They started blaming the leader and guide, “Without water, how to survive in this hot

The leader talked to himself, “We are in a difficult situation, and If I lose courage now, lives
will be lost.”

So, he started exploring the area and found a bunch of grass. He was sure that without
underneath water, it is difficult for the grass to survive.

He then them that we dig this grass area, as there is a possibility of water here.

Everyone agreed and started digging, soon they found a large rock, which was a challenge to

Seeing the rock, everyone lost hope and started to blame the leader, “We wasted our time and

The leader said, “No, my friends. It is not a waste. If we give up now, all our effort will go in
vain. So, we should continue our work.”

He then put his ear on the large rock and heard the sound of flowing water.

Hearing the sound, he called the strongest among them and said, “If you give up, we all will
perish. So, give all your strength in breaking this rock”.

The strong man lifted the hammer and hit the rock hard. Soon, the rock split open, and water
gushed out from it.

Then all tradesmen were overjoyed and filled up all their water pouches. The leader and the
guide were relieved and continued to lead the journey.

Moral of the story:

Being the leader of a team, we need to face challenges, either from external sources or from
internal sources. It will test our leadership skills.

During those times, we should never lose our focus. We should constantly work towards our
team goal.

Explore the opportunities around us and take what is good for our team.

The main character of a good leader is, “Do not give up easily. Keep trying until you reach
the goal”.

Final Thoughts
We hope these short stories on leadership would have helped you understand how leaders in
these stories have handled their situation for a better outcome. Take these examples and apply
them in our day-to-day life.

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Tagsinspirational short stories on leadership with moral, leadership stories, powerful leadership

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