Formal Letter - Odt

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Dear Mr Smith,

I am writting regarding the job at your company I agreed to take last week.

I want to let you know that I was pleased that I was accepted. It is vital opportunity for my career
and personal plans for the future.

Nevertheless , I regret to inform you that I can not start work on the date mentioned in the
agreement. I have just received information from my family that my father had had serious accident
and I must return to my home town to help him during his recovery. I would like to emphasize that
possibility of work at your company is irreplaceble for me , however my family is important as
well. Therefore I have to postpone the start of my work.

Because of this inconvinience I would like to offer a solution in order it will not be necessary for
you to readverise this job. Undoubtelly I should go back home. But my sister is returning home
from uniwersity abroad in one week time, so she could help and then I can come back to. The delay
will last only one week, which is supposed to be dedicated for my training with actual engeneer. But
I could spend a few days on training with him before I leave. Obviously it will be totally unpaid
work and I will be ready when I come back.

It is unconvenient for you, but in the future I will be as devoted worker as I can. I hope my request
will be approved.

Yorus sincerely,
Agnieszka Stasińska

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