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250 Word Essay for Statistics and Probability

Collecting data of statistics and probability can give us an interpretation on things

like surveys, outcome of a dice roll, and many more. It also helps you use the proper
methods to collect the data, employ the correct analyses, and effectively present the results.
It is important that to gather random data because for it to have no bias in it because you
can not form an interpretation if you only give it to select groups. You must give it
randomly to the general population in order to get an interpretation.

You can describe a set of data through what is called “means”. The mean of a data set
is the sum of the values divided by the number of values. The median of a data set is the
middle value when the values are written in numerical order. If a data set has an even
number of values, the median is the mean of the two middle values.

It is important to measure how scattered the given data from the mean using
variance and SD because of its relationship to measures of central tendency, it is crucial
that it be quantified according to how dispersed it is. How effectively the mean, for
instance, represents the data is reflected by a measure of dispersion. The mean is less
indicative of the data than it is when the range of values in a data collection is limited. This
is because a big range implies that individual scores are probably going to vary
substantially. Also, it is typically thought to be favorable in research if there is little
variation in any data group because it suggests that alternatives are present.

It implies that in my section, there is about 1 pet per classmate. If I were to add more
respondents this number will likely change because I would get more data which will add
more to the computation thus leading it to change.

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