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Its Legislation

Ghusl is legislated by the Book and the Sunnah. Allah (SWT) said:

“If you are in a state of sexual impurity (Janabah), purify yourselves.” (5:6)

And (ordering that one should not pray in that case) He (SWT) said:

“ Nor when in a state of sexual impurity (Janabah), except when just passing through (the
Masjid)”. (4:43)

The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:

“When the two circumcised organs meet, then Ghusl is obligatory.” (Muslim)

When Ghusl is Obligatory

1. The state of Janabah which includes sexual intercourse, meaning the insertion of the male
sexual organ into the female sexual organ, whether it is accompanied by the ejaculation of semen
or not.

2. Ejaculation, that is the discharge of semen accompanied by sexual pleasure, whether asleep or
awake. This applies to males and (the similar case) to females as well. Allah the Almighty said:
(If you are sexually defiled, purify yourselves.) (5:6) The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said:
“When the two circumcised organs meet, then Ghusl is obligatory.” (Muslim)

3. Cessation of menstruation and postnatal bleeding . Allah the Almighty says: <Therefore, keep
away from women during menses and go not unto them till they are purified (from menses and
have taken a bath). And when they have purified themselves, then go in unto them as Allah has
ordained for you.> (2:22) Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said to the woman (who experienced the
case of Mustahadhah): “Abide the extent you consider your normal period to be, then perform
Ghusl.” (Muslim)
4. Acceptance of Islam. The one who accepts Islam must perform Ghusl, because when
Thumamah Al-Hanafi accepted Islam, Allah’s Messenger (SAW) commanded him to perform
Ghusl. (‘Abdur-Razzaq, and its basis is in the two Sahihs)

5. Death: upon the death of any Muslim, it becomes obligatory to wash his body, since the
Messenger of Allah (SAW) ordered that for his daughter Zaynab when she died, may Allah be
pleased with her. This was recorded in the Sahih. When Ghusl is Recommended 1. For the
Friday congregational prayer. Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: “Ghusl on Friday is obligatory for
every male who has reached the age of puberty.(Agreed Upon) 2. Ihram [1] either for ‘Umrah or
for Hajj; since the Messenger (SAW) did so and commanded it.

The Obligatory Elements of Ghusl

1. Intention, which means the determination of the heart to remove major impurity by performing
Ghusl. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Deeds are judged by their intentions. And
everyone will have what he intended.” (Al-Bukhari)

2. Pouring water on the entire body, rubbing the areas where it is possible to do so. If it is
impossible, one should pour water to cover such areas.

3. Being sure that the water reaches all part of the body, including the fingers and the hair, and
especially the recess parts like the navel etc.

The Sunan Elements of Ghusl

1. Reciting: Bismillaah “In the Name of Allah.” This is legislated when beginning any
significant action.

2. Washing the hands before dipping them into the water container, as previously mentioned.

3. Removal filthy matter in the beginning.

4. Washing the limbs that are normally washed for Wudhu’ before washing the body.

5. Rinsing the mouth, taking water into the nose, and blowing it out, plus washing the inner side
of the ears.
Acts that are Disliked for Ghusl

1. Wasting water. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) performed Ghusl with one Sa’ which equals
four Muds (see earlier note).

2. Performing Ghusl in a filthy place where one fears that he may splash some impurities upon
his body or clothing.

3. Performing Ghusl with the water left over from the purification of a woman; since the Prophet
(SAW) prohibited that, as previously clarified.

4. Not using any screen or barrier to block the view of others while performing Ghusl. It is
narrated that Maymunah (the wife of the Messenger(SAW), may Allah be pleased with her,
brought the Messenger of Allah (saw) water for Ghusl and she held a veil to hide him until he
completed his Ghusl. If Ghusl was recommended without a screen, she would not have veiled
him. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Allah the Almighty is Modest and covering, and He
loves modesty. When one of you performs Ghusl, let him screen himself.” (Abu Dawud) 5.
Performing Ghusl in standing water. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “Let none of you
perform Ghusl in standing water while he is in a state of Janabah.” (Muslim)
What is prohibited while one is in a state of Janabah

1. Reciting or reading any part of the Noble Qur’an, except seeking refuge from Allah and the
like. The Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “The one menstruating and the sexually impure are
not to recite anything from the Qur’an.” (At-Tirmithi who mentioned a deficiency, but the
narration of ‘Ali which is Sahih is a witness For its validity in meaning) ‘Ali, may Allah be
pleased with him, said: “The Messenger of Allah would recite the Qur’an in all circumstances,
except while in the state of Janabah.” (At-Tirmithi who said it is Sahih)

2. Entering a Masjid, except for merely passing through for some necessary matter. Allah the
Almighty says:
<Nor when sexually defiled except when just passing through (the Masjid)>. (4:43)

3. Performing Salah, whether obligatory or supererogatory. Allah the Almighty says: <O you
who believe! Do not approach As-Salah (the prayer) when you are in a drunken state until you
know (the meaning) of what you utter, nor while sexually defiled, except when just passing
through (the Masjid), till you wash your whole body.> (4:43)

4. Touching of a copy of the Qur’an, even with a stick or the like. Allah the Almighty says:
<That (this) is indeed an honorable recitation. In a Book well-guarded. Which none can touch
but the purified (angels).> (56:77-79) Allah’s Messenger (SAW) said: “Do not touch the
Qur’an (the Mushaf) except while you are in a state of purity.”
(Ad-Daraqutni and it is Sahih)

_______________________________ [1] Women are not commanded to undo their braids;

they are commanded only to pour three handfuls of water on their head rubbing them without
undoing their braids. Umm Salamah (the wife of the Messenger of Allah (SAW) said: “O
Messenger of Allah! I braid my hair closely, should I undo it while Ghusl for removing
Janabah?” The Messenger of Allah said: “No, it is sufficient for you to pour only three handfuls
of water on your head.”


Prayer in Islam is divided into 4 major sections.

1. time of prayer
2. Place of prayer
3. Decency in dress code
4. Its categories


Each, Salat should be offered at or during its proper time. No one can be offered before its time.
There are five obligatory prayers in Islam.

Fajr Prayer

The time for Fajr or the morning prayer starts at dawn and ends at sunrise.

Zuhr Prayer

The time for Zuhr or the early felon prayer starts when the sun begins to decline from its zenith
and end when the size of an object shadow is equal to the size of the object. Jabir Bin Abdullah
(R.A.A narrated, 'The angel Jibreel came to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and said to him,
'Stand up and pray Zuhr'. So the messenger of Allah (S.A.W) I prayed Zuhr when the sun had
declined from its zenith. Then Angel Jibreel came again at the time of Asr and said, 'Stand up
and Pray Asri, Then Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) prayed Asr' when the shadow of everything
was equal to itself. Angel Jibreel came the next day to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and said,
stand up and pray Zuhr'. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) prayed Zuhr when the shadow of
everything was equal to itself. Then Jibreel came again at Asr time and said, 'Stand up and pray
Asr'. Then he prayed Asri when the shadow of everything was twice its length Angel Jibreel
said, (after praying 10 prayers with Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) in two consecutive days) that
the time of prayer is in between these two times’" Ahmad, Nasai, Tirmizi and Bukhari remarked
that this is the most authentic hadith giving the times f prayer.

Asr Prayer

The time for Asr or late afternoon prayer starts when the shadow of something is equal to itself
and ends just before sunset. It is better to offer Asr prayer before the sun becomes yellow
because even though t is allowed to offer the prayer t this time the Prophet (S.A.Y{.} disliked
Muslims to 0elay fur prayer up to this time. He remarked that the Munafiq (Hypocrites offered
his prayer at this time. Maghrib Prayer

The time for the Maghrib or sunset prayer starts just after sunset and ends when twilight has

Isha prayer

The time for lsha or night prayer starts from the disappearance of twilight and ends just before
midnight. It is preferable to offer this prayer before midnight but it can be offered right up to the
break of dawn.

Note: - In countries where due to cloudy weather the sun is not always visible it is advisable to
follow printed calendars giving the accurate time of each Prayer.


Uqbah bin Amir said, " There were three times at which Allah's messenger (S.A.W.) used to
forbid us to pray or bury our dead.

(i) When the sun began to rise until it was fully up.
(ii) When the sun was at its height at midday until it passed the meridian
(iii) When the sun drew near to setting till it had set.


{I} Abu Sa'eed al Khudree (R.A.) reported Allah’s messenger (S.A.W.) as saying, "No prayer is
to be said after the Fair prayer until the sun rises, or after the Asr prayer until the sun sets'
(Bukhari'& Muslim)

Only nafl prayer is forbidden at these times but a missed Fard prayer can be offered. Most of the
ulamas of the Muslim Ummah allowed the offering of missed Fard prayer after Fajra and Asr
because of the following hadith Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) said, 'who has forgotten the prayer
he should pray it whenever he remember it ' (Bukhari & Muslim)

(ii) A nafl prayer cannot be offered once the iqamat for Fard prayer has been said. Abu Hurairah
narrated that the massager of Allah said “When the iqamat has been said, then there’s no prayer
valid except the Fard prayer for which the iqamat has said” Ahmed &Muslim


A place or a building which is used for the purpose of worship and prayer is called masjid
(Mosque). A hadith tells us that "all the earth as been rendered for the Muslims, a mosque (Pure
and clean)."

This means that wherever Muslim might be he can offer his prayer but the reward of a prayer
offered in a mosque is far from that offered in an ordinary place. The following points should be
noted when choosing a place for prayer.

(a) The place should be clean and pure. salat in a dirty, filthy and impure place such if a rubbish
tip, slaughter house, bathing place and a camel pen is forbidden.

(b) The place should be free from danger. the danger could be due to someone or something that
may disturb the worshipper.

(c) A prayer place where the worshipper might hinder movement of others should be avoided,
e.g. busy pavements, public roadways etc.

(d) it’s forbidden to pray on the roof of Baitullah (Ka’ba).

(e) lt is forbidden to pray on top of or facing towards a grave.



(i) The dress for the men should be such that it covers from the navel to the knees.

(ii) The shoulders should not bel eft uncovered.

(iii) salat can be prayed in one garment if it covers the body from the navel to the knees as well
as the shoulders.

Hadith” None of you must pray in a single garment of which no part comes over the shoulder'


lf, however, the garment is not long enough to cover the shoulders then parts of the body
between the navel and the knees should at least be covered.


The dress of the woman should be such that it covers her whole body from head to foot leaving
only the face and the hands un-covered. A prayer offered in transparent clothing is not valid.
Also tight fitting clothing which shows the shape of the body should be avoided.


a) Fard or obligatory Salat.

Fard prayer is an obligatory prayer, every believer is ordered by Allah o offer five obligatory
prayers in a day. Failure to observe any one of the five obligatory prayers is a serious and
punishable sin.

b) Nafl Prayer.

This is a voluntary prayer which the Prophet (S.A.W.) observed before or after Fard at special
and isolated occasions. lt also include those which he encouraged Muslims to pray.

The Nafl Prayer can be divided in to three categories.

(i) Sunnat Mu'akkadah (compulsory)

That is those which, are emphasized by the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.) and offered regularly by him
before or after the Fard prayer.

(ii) Gheir Mu'akkadah (optional)

That is those offered only occasionally by Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W).

(iii)Nafl Prayer (Extra)

This is an extra prayer. There is a reward for praying it and no sin for leaving it. lt can be offered
at any isolated instance according to the time and capacity of the believer. Prophet Muhammad
(S.AW,) encouraged the believers to pray nafl to help make up for any minor omissions or other
defectives in the obligatory prayer.


(i) Fajr prayer.

2 rakar sunnat Mu'akkadah, 2 Rakats Fard.

(ii) Zuhr Prayer,

2 or 4 rakats sunnat Mu'akkadah, 4 rakab fard {,2 rakats sunnat Mu'akkadah

lbn Umar (R.A.) said "l prayed alone with Allah's messenger(S.A.W.) 2 rakats before and 2
rakats after the Zuhr prayer." (BUKHARI & MUSLIM)

(iii) Asr Prayer.

2 0r 4 rakat sunnat geil Mu'akkadah, 4 rakats Fard. Ali (R.A.) said, "Allah's messenger (S.A.W.}
used to pray 4 rakars before Asr prayer separating them with a salutation........" (Tirmiz)

Another adithn narrated by Ali (R.A.) says, "Allah's messenger (S.A.W.} used to pray two rakas
before Asr prayer." (ABU DAWUO}

(iv)Maghrib Prayer.

2 rakats nafl, 3 rakas fard, 2 rakats sunnat Mu'akkadah and of nafl 6 time as capacity allows.
Abdullah bin Mughaffal reported the Prophet (S.A.W.) saying, “prayer before the Magrib prayer,
when saying it the third time, this applies to those who wish to do so” Bukhar and Muslim.

(v) lsha Prayer.

An unspecified number of nafl rakats according to the time and capacity, 4 rakats fard, 2 rakats
sunnat Mu'akkadah, unspecified number of nafl as time and capacity allows and 3 witr.

lbn Umar (H.A.) reported that the Messenger of Allah (S.A.W) said, "Make witr as the last
prayer of your night prayer' (Mishkat)



Before a person starts to pray he should place something a short distance in front of him of the
place where he protracts (doe Sajdah) Such an object s called Sutra.


Wherever a person is in the world, he should face towards the Ka’ba when he is going to pray.
The K a'bah is in the sacred mosque of Makkah in Saudi Arabia. Facing towards 0iblah (Ka’ba)
is a very important condition of performance of prayer. However, if the person is in a place such
as a desert, jungle, unknown strange city or a place where he does not know the direction of the
qiblah, he should try his best to find out the direction of Kiblah from the residents. However, if it
is not possible then he should use his judgment and face in a direction which he thinks is that of
Qiblah and Allah will accept his prayer.


After facing the 0iblah the person should make neat (intention), The intention within his is mind.

After making niyat the penon should start his prayer saying "Allahua kbar" (Allah is the greatest)
raising both of his hand to the shoulders, with the fingers stretching to the earlobes. He should
then fold his hands over his chest right hand over the left hand. his first "Allaahu Akbar" is called
Takbir Tahrima because after saying Takbir Tahrimah every common and worldly action, talk or
movement is forbidden. Throughout the prayer the eyes of the worshipper should point to the
spot where the forehead rests in Sajdah.


It is Sunnah for a person who is praying that he should read a surah from Quran after Fatihah in
the first two rakats of the fard prayer. He can recite one or more surah. Here are a few short
Surah which you can recite.


Then the person praying should say "Allahu Akbar" raising both his hands to shoulder level with
the palms facing outward and fingers stretching to earlobes. He should then bend in ruku so that
his trunk (i.e. from head to hip) is perpendicular to the rest of the body. His hands should rest on
his knees with the fingers spread apart


After the perfect Ruku the person praying should raise his head from Ruku saying:

"Sami Allahu liman hamidai "verily. Allah listens to one who praises him


After the perfect qawmah the person praying should move to perform sajidah saying:' "Allahu
Akbar," putting palms downwards on the ground below the ears. The knees should be brought
onwards on the ground. His fingers and toes should be pointing towards qiblah without spreading
the fingers of the hands. During prostration seven parts of the body should touch the ground:


After performing one sajdah perfectly and calmly, the person praying should raise his head from
saidah saying, "Allahu Akbar", bending the left foot and sitting on it while keeping the right foot
propped up with in toes pointing towards the Qiblah, the palms of his hands should rest on his
thighs and knees. the back should be straight so that the joints go back in place. It sis sunnat to
say the following dua on sajdah;

"0~ Allah, for you I have prostrated, and in you I have faith, and unto you I have submitted, my
forehead has prostrated in front of one who created it and gave shape to it and made it perfectly.
Then he gave power of hearing and sight and blessed is Allah's name who is the perfect treator."


Then the person should perform the second sajdah saying, ".Allahu Akbar" and repeat what he
did in the first sajdah..

JALSAH - E-ISTARAHAT (SITTING FOR REST). Then he should raise his head up saying.
Allahu Akbar" and sit for a short while as he did in jalsah. He does this before standing up for
the second rakat.


After standing up for the second rakat he should fold his hands over his chest as he did in the
first rakat and start his recitation reading "Bismillih and Surah Fatihah followed by any passage
or a chapter of the Holy Ouran." Then he should complete his second rakat in the manner of the
first one. While choosing a passage or a chapter for the recitation in the second or a subsequent
rakat the worshipper should observe the order in which they occur in the Holy Quran. Also, each
Surah or verse should be shorter than the one recited before it. Hence, longer surah is recited
before shorter surah.


After completing the last sajdah of the second rakat, the person should raise his head saying:
"Allah-Akbar". He should sit as he sat between the two sajdah, putting his left hand on his left
knee and right hand on his right knee. The first of the right hand is closed except for the index
finger which is protruded. It is protruded so that the


lf a penon is praying three or four rakats, then he should stand up after tashahud saying "All-ahu
Akbar" and raising his hands as he did in Takbir Tahrimahs start his recitation with
"Bismill6h.....and then Surah Fatihah." In the third or fourth rakat of fard prayer recitation of
Fatihah is sufficient ,There is no need to say another.


After praying for himself as much as the person wishes, he should end his prayer saying:

"As-salaamu 'alaykum wa rahmatullah" "Peace be on you and the mercy of Allah" turning the
face first to the right and then to the left, both times over the shoulder. This brings the two, three
or four rakats of the prayer to completion.


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