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PHYS105 BSED 3B PS2 Questionnaire

To be submitted on 2/24/2023

Blackbody Radiation and Planck’s Hypothesis

1. The radius of our Sun is 6.96 x 108 m and its total power output is 3.85 x 1026 W.
a. Assuming the Sun’s surface emits as a blackbody, calculate its surface temperature.
b. Using the result of part (a), find the λmax for the sun.
2. Calculate the energy in electron volts of a photon whose frequency is
a. 620 THz
b. 3.10 GHz
c. 46.0 MHz

Determine the corresponding wavelengths for the photons listed and state the classification of
each on the electromagnetic spectrum.

The Photoelectric Effect

3. The work function for zinc is 4.31 eV.

a. Find the cutoff wavelength for zinc.
b. What is the lowest frequency of light incident on zinc that releases photoelectrons from
its surface?
c. If photons of energy 5.50 eV are incident on zinc, what is the maximum kinetic energy of
the ejected photoelectrons?

The Compton Effect

4. A photon having energy E0 = 0.880 MeV is scattered by a free electron initially at rest such that
the scattering angle of the scattered electron is equal to that of the scattered photon as shown
in the figure.
a. Determine the scattering angle of the photon and the electron.
b. Determine the energy and momentum of the scattered photon.
c. Determine the kinetic energy and momentum of the scattered electron.
5. A photon having energy E0 is scatted by a free electron initially at rest such that the scattering
angle of the scattered electron is equal to that of the scattered photon as shown in the figure.
a. Determine the angle θ.
b. Determine the energy and momentum of the scattered photon.
c. Determine the kinetic energy and momentum of the scattered electron.

The Wave Properties of Particles

6. Calculate the momentum of a photon whose wavelength is 4.00 x 10 -7 m. Find the speed of an
electron having the same momentum as the photon.
PHYS105 BSED 3B PS2 Questionnaire
To be submitted on 2/24/2023

7. The resolving power of a microscope depends on the wavelength used. If you wanted to see an
atom, a wavelength of approximately 1.00 x 10-11 m would be required.
a. If electrons are used, what minimum kinetic energy is required for the electrons?
b. If photons are used, what minimum photon energy is needed to obtain the required

The Uncertainty Principle

8. The average lifetime of a muon is about 2 microseconds. Estimate the minimum uncertainty in
the rest energy of a muon.

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