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Ch:1 FM Repeater Satellites

SO-50 (SaudiSat-1C) .......................................................... 5

AO-91 (RadFxSat / Fox-1B) ............................................ 6
AO-92 (Fox-1D) ..................................................................... 7
LilacSat-2 (CAS-3H) ........................................................... 8
IO-86 (LAPAN-A2) .............................................................. 9
AO-73 (FUNcube-1) .......................................................... 10
RS-44 ........................................................................................ 11
HO-113 (Xw-3) ...................................................................... 12
PO-101 (Diwata-2) ............................................................. 13
AO-27 ....................................................................................... 14
FO-29 (JAS-2) ....................................................................... 15
LUSEX-OSCAR 87 (LO-87) ............................................. 16
EO-88 (Nayif-1 / FUNcube on Nayif-1) ................... 17
XW-2D (CAS-3D) ............................................................... 18
XW-2A (CAS-3A) ............................................................... 19
XW-2B (CAS-3B) .............................................................. 20
JO-97 (JY1Sat) ...................................................................... 21
AO-7 ......................................................................................... 22
FO-99 (NEXUS) .................................................................. 23
CAMSAT CAS-4A & 4B .................................................. 24
AO-109 .................................................................................... 25
TO-108 (CAS-6) .................................................................. 26
QO-100 (Es’hail-2 / P4A) .............................................. 27
Ch:2 Digital Satellites

FalconSAT-3 ........................................................................ 29
MO-112 .................................................................................... 30
NO-44 (PCsat) ..................................................................... 31
NO-104 (PSAT2) ................................................................. 32
AISAT-1 .................................................................................. 33
NO-103 (BRICSAT2) ......................................................... 34

Ch:3 Inoperative Satellites

LO-78 (LituanicaSat-1) .................................................. 36

NO-84 (PSAT) ...................................................................... 37
HO-107 (HuskySat-1) ....................................................... 38
AO-85 (Fox-1A) .................................................................. 39
VO-52 (Hamsat) ................................................................ 40
LO-90 (LilacSat-1) ............................................................. 41
FUNcube on ESEO ............................................................ 42
EO-79 (QB50p1 and FUNcube-3) ............................. 43
FO-82 (Shin’en-2) ............................................................. 44
BO-102 (CAS-7B / BP-1B) ............................................. 45
AO-95 (Fox-1Cliff) ............................................................ 46
UKube-1 (FUNcube-2) .................................................... 47
LO-75 (Cape-2) .................................................................. 48



FM Repeater
SO-50 (SaudiSat-1C)
145.850 MHz Downlink
436.795 - 436.780 MHz Uplink
Tone 67.0 Hz

The First Saudi Satellite, OSCAR-50 is a Saudi

amateur radio satellite that was launched on
December 20th, 2002 by the King Abdulaziz
City for Science and Technology. Its orbit height
is 650km.

AO-91 (RadFxSat / Fox-1B)
435.250 MHz Downlink
145.960 MHz Uplink
145.960 MHz CW Beacon
Tone 67.0 Hz

This satellite is the property of the United States of

America. It was built by Vanderbilt University Radio
Amateur Satellite Corporation. It was launched in 2017
on the Delta D378 rocket. It carries a single channel
transponder for FM radio communication. This satellite is
the second satellite in the Fox series. It is still operational,
but access during an eclipse is highly discouraged.

AO-92 (Fox-1D)
145.880 MHz Downlink
435.350 MHz Uplink
Tone 67.0 Hz

It is a satellite owned by the United States of

America. It was built by AMSAT North America.
The satellite has a single channel transponder
for the UV in the FM band. It was launched in
2018 on the PSLV-XL C-40 rocket. It is currently
offline and may be at the end of its life.

LilacSat-2 (CAS-3H)
144.350 -144.390 MHz Uplink
144.390 - 437.225 MHz Downlink
437.200 MHz CW Beacon

This is a nano-satellite used for amateur radio

communication and technology demonstrations.
It was designed and built by students from the
Harbin Institute of technology. It was launched
in 2015 from the Taiyuan Space Centre in China.
It is still active for use.

IO-86 (LAPAN-A2)
145.880 - 145.825MHz Uplink
435.880 - 145.825MHz Downlink
437.425 MHz CW Beacon
The LAPAN A2 is an Indonesian satellite that serves
several purposes. It carries earth imaging cameras
and amateur radio equipment. A combination of these
technologies makes it ideal for disaster aversion and
mitigation. It also helps with the distribution of relief
resources. It was launched on September 28th, 2015
from Sriharikota in Sri Lanka. It is still active.

AO-73 (FUNcube-1)
435.150 – 435.130 MHz SSB/CW Uplink
145.950 – 145.970MHz SSB/CW Downlink
145.935 MHz 1200bps BPSK Beacon

The Funcube-1 is an educational satellite meant to

motivate and educate students about radio, space,
physics, and electronics. It was built by AMSAT UK,
AMSAT NL and ISIS BV. It was launched on November
21st, 2013 aboard the Dnepr Rocket. It is the first
rocket with outreach as its main objective.

145.935 - 145.995 MHz SSB/CW/FT4 Uplink
435.670 - 435.610 MHz SSB/CW/FT4 Downlink
435.605 MHz CW Beacon

The RS-44 is an amateur radio satellite that was

launched on December 26th, 2019 from the Plesetsk
Missile and Space Complex. It was built at the
Information Satellite Systems in conjunction with the
Siberian State Aerospace University.

HO-113 (Xw-3)
145.870 MHz Uplink
435.180 MHz Downlink
435.575 MHz CW Beacon

It was launched on December 26th, 2021 from

the Taiyuan Satellite Launch Centre in China on
a CZ-4C rocket.

PO-101 (Diwata-2)
437.500 MHz Uplink
145.900 MHz Downlink
145.900 MHz CW Beacon
Tone 141.3Hz

This satellite was built by PHL Microsat, a collaboration between

students and engineers from the Philippines’ Department of
Science and Technology, University of the Philippines’ Diliman,
Hokkaido University, and Tohoku University. It was launched on
October 29th in 2018 from the Tanegashima Space Centre in Japan.
It is still active by schedule.

145.850 MHz Uplink
436.7975 MHz Downlink

This is a satellite that was developed by the Amateur

Radio Research and Development in McLean, Virginia.
It was meant to be a commercial satellite known as the
EYESAT 1, but a decision was made to add an amateur
satellite transponder. It is now an FM repeater. It was
launched in 1993, but failed years later due to the
failure of its internal communication systems.

FO-29 (JAS-2)
145.900-146.000 MHz SSB/CW Uplink
435.900 - 435.800 MHz SSB/CW Downlink
435.795 MHz CW Beacon

The Fuji-OSCAR 29 satellite was launched on

August 17th, 1996 from the Tanegashima Space
center in Japan. It has a 100kHz-wide analog
mode V/U transponder for amateur radio
communications. It is still the most widely used
linear transponder satellite.

435.935 - 435.965 MHz Uplink
145.935 - 145.965 MHz Downlink
145.900 MHz CW Beacon

This is an Argentinian earth observation

satellite. It was built by AMSAT Argentina and
had a linear transponder.

EO-88 (Nayif-1 / FUNcube on
435.045 – 435.015 MHz SSB/CW Uplink
145.960 – 145.990 MHz SSB/CW Downlink
145.940 MHz BPSK Beacon

This satellite was developed by the Emirates

Institution for Advanced Science and Technology
in partnership with the American University of
Sharjah. It was the first Cubesat mission from
the United Arab Emirates. It was launched from
Sriharikota on February 25th, 2017.

XW-2D (CAS-3D)

435.210 - 435.230 MHz Uplink

145.880 - 145.860MHz Downlink
145.835/145.855 MHz CW Beacon

XW-2A (CAS-3A)
435.030 - 435.050 MHz Uplink
145.685 - 145.665 MHz Downlink
145.640/145.660 MHz CW Beacon

This is one of six identical satellites owned by China that

are used for atmospheric physics experiments and amateur
radio communications. They were launched on September
19th, 2015 from the Taiyaun Space Centre in China. The other
satellites in this series are the XW-2B (CAS 3B), XW-2C (CAS
3C), XW-2D (CAS 3D), XW-2E and XW-2F.

XW-2B (CAS-3B)

435.090 - 435.110 MHz Uplink

145.750 - 145.730 MHz Downlink
145.705/145.725 MHz CW Beacon

JO-97 (JY1Sat)
435.100 – 435.120 MHz SSB/CW Uplink
145.855 – 145.875 MHz SSB/CW Downlink
145.840 MHz BPSK Beacon

It was launched on December 3rd, 2018 from

the Vandenberg Air Force Base. This satellite
was developed by The Crown Prince Foundation
of Jordan. It carries an inverting amateur radio
transponder and a slow scan digital video system
that is used to transmit stored images.

145.850 – 145.950 MHz SSB/CW Uplink
29.400 – 29.500 MHz SSB/CW Downlink
29.5020 MHz CW Beacon

The AMSAT-OSCAR 7 was built by AMSAT and

launched into orbit on November 15th, 1974 from
Vandenberg Air Force Base in California. This
satellite remained in operation until 1981, when
it went offline due to a battery failure.

145.900 – 145.930 MHz SSB/CW Uplink
435.880 – 435.910 MHz SSB/CW Downlink
437.075 MHz CW Beacon

This satellite was developed through the joint

efforts of Nihon University College of Science
and Technology and the Japan Amateur Satellite
Association. It was launched on January 18th, 2019
from the JAXA Uchinoura Space Centre in Japan.

435.210 – 435.230 MHz LSB Uplink
145.880 – 145.860 MHz USB Downlink
145.855 MHz CW Beacon

435.270 – 435.290 MHz LSB Uplink
145.935 – 145.915 MHz USB Downlink
145.910 MHz CW Beacon

On June 15th, 2015, these satellites piggybacked the

launch of OVS 1A and OVS 1B satellites. They were
activated on October 18th later that year. These two
satellites are owned by China and are still in use.

145.860 - 145.890 MHz SSB/CW/FT4 Uplink
435.790 - 435.760 MHz SSB/CW/FT4 Downlink
435.750 MHz CW Beacon

Also Known as the FOX-1E, this satellite is an

American amateur radio satellite. It was built
by AMSAT-NA and carried a single channel

TO-108 (CAS-6)
435.270 - 435.290 MHz SSB Uplink
145.935-145.915 MHz SSB Downlink
145.890 MHz GMSK Beacon
145.910 MHz CW Beacon

This satellite was launched on December 20th, 2019 from

the Taiyuan Space Centre in China on a CZ-4B rocket. It was
built by the DFH Satellite Company for Zhongshan Daxue (Un
Yat-sen University and Huahzhong University of science and
technology). It carries a VHF telemetry beacon, a 20kHz U/V
mode transponder, and a wide atmospheric detector.

QO-100 (Es’hail-2 / P4A)
2400.000 - 2400.500 MHz USB Uplink
10489.500 - 10490.000 MHz USB Downlink
Wideband Digital Transponder
2401.500 - 2409.500 MHz Uplink
10491.000 - 10499.000 MHz Downlink

It is a geostationary satellite with amateur

radio transponders. It was launched from the
Kennedy Space Centre on November 15th, 2018.
The transponders are the first transponders in
geostationary orbit and are used to link amateur radio
enthusiasts between Brazil and Thailand.



145.840 MHz Uplink
435.103 MHz Downlink

The Space Systems Research Centre built this

satellite at the US Airforce Academy in Colorado
Springs. It was launched in 2007 and has
completed at least two missions since.

145.988 MHz Uplink
436.925 MHz Downlink

It was the first Mauritian Nano-satellite. It was

deployed from the International Space Station
on June 22nd, 2021. It is no longer in orbit.

NO-44 (PCsat)
145.825 MHz Uplink
145.825 MHz Downlink

It was built by Bob Bruninga at the United States

Naval Academy. It was launched on September
30th, 2001 in the Kodak Launch Complex in
Alaska. Its mission ended on April 26th, 2003.
Recovery of the satellite has proved futile.

NO-104 (PSAT2)
29.350 / 145.825 MHz Uplink
145.825 / 435.350 - 437.605 MHz Downlink

It is an experimental amateur radio satellite

developed in the United States Naval Academy. It
was christened Navy-OSCAR 104.

145.825 MHz Uplink
145.825 MHz Downlink

This satellite is used to receive automatic

Identification Signals. It was launched from
Satish Dhawan Space Centre on June 12th,
2010. It orbits 635 kilometers away in a low
earth orbit.

28.120 / 145.825 MHz Uplink
145.825 / 435.350 - 437.605 MHz Downlink

It was launched on June 25th, 2019 from the

Airforce Eastern Test Range. It is no longer active.



LO-78 (LituanicaSat-1)
145.950 MHz Uplink
435.176 MHz Downlink
437.275 MHz CW Beacon
Tone 67.0Hz

The Lituanicasat 1 is a satellite originating from

Lithuania. It was launched from the Tyuratam Missile
and Space Complex on November 20th, 1998.

NO-84 (PSAT)
28.120 - 145.825 MHz Uplink
435.350 - 145.825 MHz Downlink

On May 20th, 2015, PSAT was launched from

Cape Canaveral in Florida. It was a project
developed by the students of the United States
Naval Academy. It carries a PSK-31 transponder
that allows for multiple users to use full duplex

HO-107 (HuskySat-1)
145.910 - 145.940 MHz Uplink
435.810 - 435.840 MHz Downlink
435.800 MHz Beacon

It was made in the University of Washington’s

Husky Satellite lab. It was then launched from
Wallops Island in Virginia. After the completion
of its educational mission, the satellite began the
operation of a V/U linear transponder in service
to amateur radio operations.

AO-85 (Fox-1A)
435.172 MHz Uplink
145.980 MHz Downlink
145.980 MHz CW Beacon

This satellite was built by AMSAT North America.

It carries a single channel transponder for FM
radio. It was launched on October 8th, 2015 in
Vendenberg Space Force Base.

VO-52 (Hamsat)
435.220 - 435.280 MHz Uplink
145.930 - 145.870 MHz Downlink

It was launched on May 5th, 2005. It provided

communication channels for amateur radio
users until July 11th, 2014 when it ceased
operations. It was owned by India.

LO-90 (LilacSat-1)
145.985 MHz Uplink
436.510 MHz Downlink

It was launched in 2017 to help study the upper

atmosphere of the earth. It is no longer in orbit.

FUNcube on ESEO
1263.5 MHz Uplink
145.895 MHz Downlink
435.800 MHz Beacon
Tone 67 Hz

The European Student Earth Orbiter is a low-earth

orbit micro-satellite that was built by students
from the European University. It was made to take
pictures of the earth from low orbit, measure
radiation levels, and test new technologies.

EO-79 (QB50p1 and
435.047 - 435.077 MHz Uplink
145.965 - 145.935 MHz Downlink
145.815 MHz CW Beacon

It was built and launched due to the efforts of

the Von Karman Institute and ISIS-BV. It was
made to test systems made for the QB50 mission

FO-82 (Shin’en-2)
145.940 - 145.960 MHz Uplink
435.280 - 435.260 MHz Downlink
437.505 MHz CW Beacon
437.385 MHz WSJT Beacon

This satellite was developed as a student project

at the Kagoshima University of Japan. It carried
an amateur mode J linear transponder. It was
launched in 2014.

BO-102 (CAS-7B / BP-1B)
145.900 MHz Uplink
435.690 MHz Downlink
435.715 MHz CW Beacon

This satellite was launched on July 25th, 2019

from Jiuquan Space Centre in China. It was
developed by CAMSAT and the Beijing Institute
of Technology. The satellite has a CW telemetry
beacon and an FM repeater on board.

AO-95 (Fox-1Cliff)
435.300 / 1267.300 MHz Uplink
145.920 MHz Downlink
145.920 MHz CW Beacon

It is an American Amateur radio satellite built

by AMSAT NA. It carries a single-channel
transponder for the U/V mode in FM. It was
launched on December 3rd, 2018 from the
Vandenberg Base.

UKube-1 (FUNcube-2)
435.080 - 435.060 MHz Uplink
145.930 - 145.950 MHz Downlink
145.840 MHz CW Beacon

This satellite was launched on July 8th, 2014

from Baikonur in Kazakhstan. Its beacon was
received on 145.915 MHz. It had a payload
provided by AMSAT UK to help in educating

LO-75 (Cape-2)
It was launched as part of a picosat
experiment. It was made to gather data from
low-earth orbit and transmit the data to earth.
It was launched on November 20th, 2013.


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