Resume-Vinay Kumar Akula

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395 Oak Creek Dr., Phone: 251-635-7655

Wheeling, Illinois - 60090 Email:

Senior DevOps/Cloud Engineer

IT professional with 5 years of experience, seeking challenging assignments for a career encompassing
professional & personal advancement. Expertise in troubleshooting, problem solving and tool-chaining.
Build and deployment of scalable solutions that use sophisticated and complex implementation but
drives business in user friendly manner. Has experience with the Cloud and monitoring processes as
well as DevOps development in Windows and Linux systems.

Areas of Expertise

 Atlassian tools  AWS  Azure AppService

 Docker  App-Servers administration  Kubernetes
 Bash/Python/Groovy/PowerShell  SCM tools  Spinnaker
 Scripting  Build/orchestration tools  Azure Devops
 Jenkins  Kafka  AKS
 Ansible  Datastax  Twistlock
 Terraform  Azure Policy  Chef
 Open Policy Agent  OpenShift  Tenable
 Veracode  Prometheus  Pivotal GemFire

Professional Experience



 Implementing Cache service on AWS for Applications running on Pivotal Cloud Foundry.
Replacing AWS Redis Cache with OnPrem Infrastructure like Pivotal GemFire.
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 Evaluated Twistlock and Tenable for Container Security scanning, installed Twistlock Defenders
in Kubernetes Orchestrator.
 Implemented Open Policy Agent in Kubernetes for enforcing multiple custom policies on
Kubernetes Objects.
 Automated most of the manual operational tasks being done on GemFire, using Shared Libraries
in Jenkins.
 Implemented Kubernetes using AWS PaaS Service Elastic Kubernetes Service, with Automation.
 Customized the installation of Security tools like Twistlock & Open Policy Agent using Helm
 Implemented Continuous Integration on using Jenkins Groovy Scripts. Integrated Veracode
scanning for Java & Node services, in the CI pipeline.
 Implementing Service mesh technology like Istio on Kubernetes, for abstracting the common
Security functionalities like TLS/SSL, JWT Authentication, Circuit breaking and Network Policies.
 Working on POC between Azure Devops and Code Deploy/pipeline, to choose a better CI/CD tool.

Environment: Azure Devops, RedHat OpenShift, Pivotal GemFire, Istio, Veracode, Open Policy Agent,
Jenkins, Kubernetes, Docker, Twistlock, AWS Redis Cache, Chef, Helm, PowerShell.


 Currently implementing Azure PaaS services for existing applications in current project.
 As part of the Microsoft/Azure Adoption, and as a DevOps Engineer, on migration of Jenkins &
Spinnaker to Azure Pipelines & Releases
 Deployed Azure AppService’s for Curbside pickup project and integrated with Azure Devops for
auto build & deployments.
 Integrated AKS & AppService’s with Application Insights, to enable Developers & RunOps teams
to monitor the stuff.
 Migration of AKS-Engine to AKS PaaS and integration AKS with Azure Devops.
 Writing Helm Charts for Deploying Microservices on to Kubernetes (AKS).
 Implemented common CI template (similar to Shared library in Jenkins) to support CI for all
Microservices builds.
 Apart from above strategy and new stuff, I am also responsible for Prod deployments for
current services running on AKS-Engine.
 In case of any issues, I will be supporting QA & Development teams on Day-to-Day basis.
 Installed & configured Istio on top of AKS according to our project requirements, using helm.
 Supporting production issues related to AKS-Engine and Istio.
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 Migrated Gradle based builds to Azure Devops, including maven.

 Enabled Canary deployments using Istio & Azure Devops on Azure Kubernetes Service.
 Enabled new way of integrating Azure Container Registry, Azure Monitor with Azure Kubernetes
 Deployed HealthBot Services using Azure and assisted Development teams on integrating with
existing Prod Infrastructure of Walgreens.
 Lead project to migrate CI/CD from Bitbucket, Jenkins, Spinnaker to Azure Devops and
automated the migration Activities.
 Supported the migration activity (with Automation) of Repos from Bitbucket to Azure Devops,
which includes Creation of Repos, Applying branch policies, permissions & Creation of CI/CD
Pipelines etc.
 Automated the Twistlock & Istio installation on top of AKS, once the cluster has been built.
 Implemented new way for Services (running in K8s) to integrate with Azure Key Vault using
Managed pod identity.
 Automated Azure PaaS services build, using ARM templates and Pester Framework (for test
cases), on Azure Devops Platform.
 Integrate Services running in AKS with Azure Security Center for Docker Image Scanning and
 Implemented auto Deployment of mobile Apps using Azure AppCenter.
 Deploy Azure Search and FHIR services and assist Dev teams on Integrating these with
microservices running in Kubernetes.
 Implemented Dynamic Self Hosted Agents Spin up using Azure Container Instances on Azure

Environment: Azure Devops, Azure AppService, Azure Kubernetes Service, Azure Key Vault, Azure
Container Registry, ARM templates, Pester Framework, RedHat OpenShift, Maven, Npm, Jgit-flow,
Splunk, Jenkins, Bamboo, Python, JFrog Artifactory, Docker, Kubernetes, Spinnaker, PowerShell, RHEL,
JIRA, Confluence, Azure AD, Application Insights, Cosmos DB.

DEERFIELD, IL JANUARY 2017 – December 2019

 As a Devops Lead, was responsible for Build and Release, Application Deployment on
Containerization technologies with managing different releases.
 Responsible for Development, SIT, End-to-End, Builds and Releases.
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 Supporting QA teams and Development teams on Day-to-Day activities along with deployment
 Automate the application deployments on IaaS servers, by writing cookbooks which takes care
of Configuration management also.
 Supported deployments on Apache Tomcat, JBoss WildFly servers while working on a Linux
 Provide technical expertise on maintaining current build systems, developed build scripts, and
maintained the source control system.
 Develop build and deployment scripts using MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from one
environment to other environments.
 Code Freeze automation using containerized Jenkins builds.
 Troubleshoot issues with the Java applications by supporting QA teams and SIT teams.
 Containerized the Software Application Development, also, having the knowledge and abilities
to create and update container images, and to run and link containers.
 Organizing applications made up of different components to run across multiple containers.
 Configure, deploy, and maintain Containerization software into a working environment and
manage the software.
 Automate deployments of different UI client Apps for different environments using CI tools like
Bamboo & Jenkins, also deployed them to stores.
 Install & Configure OpenShift as a Containerization platform on IaaS servers.
 Develop Kafka utility to create the topics and register schemas automatically during the
 Automate infrastructure related changes & Application deployments on IaaS Servers using
Ansible Playbooks.
 Automate deployment of DB changes on to different environments using Flyway and Maven
Plugin Cassandra Migrator.
 Configured Pipelines to spin up dynamic Environments to run unit tests and create reports by
using Maven.
 Worked thoroughly with Lambda functions written using boto3 APIs, to automate various
processes in AWS cloud environment.
 Maintained compliance standards on the AWS resources across all the environments by
establishing tag-based standards on resources.
 Promoted auto-remediation actions in all non-production environments to reduce the costs and
improve bill tracking for the projects.
 Implemented all resource maintenance through Cloud Formation stacks only, to establish
standardized cloud infrastructure across all environments.
 Designed resource level lambda functions to establish compliance standards, log non-compliant
failures and report them.
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 Worked with AWS Config to set up some custom Config rules and manage security standards of
the cloud.
 Involved in migration activities related to On-Prem to Cloud Infrastructure, which also involved
other architectural changes from Monolithic to Microservices Architecture.
 Extensive experience in setting up the CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, Maven, JFROG, GitHub,
CHEF, Terraform and AWS.
 Worked with Lambda layers, to add and reuse common and custom python libraries across
various lambda functions.
 Used Python, included Boto3 to supplement automation provided by Ansible and Terraform for
tasks such as encrypting EBS volumes backing AMIs and scheduling Lambda functions for
routine AWS tasks.
 Logged lambda data as JSON objects to Cloud Watch Logs and queried using Cloud Watch Insights.
 Write Helm Charts for making the deployment process easy to Kubernetes and to have better
tracking between Microservices.
 Provide technical expertise on Onboarding Azure Devops and integrating it with AKS for
 Automated the process of migrating repos, pipelines & setting up permissions, policies in Azure
Devops, as there were lot of repositories to migrate.
 Built/maintained Monitoring tools like Prometheus, Grafana & ELK Stack. Also, have integrated
them with Microservices running in Kubernetes and IaaS servers.
 Write PowerShell scripting for automating the Azure PaaS service deployments along with
required installations on top of these services. (Ex: Twistlock installation on top of AKS service).
 Write standard ARM templates (security regulations embedded in it) & Azure Pipelines for
different Application teams, so that they can build in their own Azure subscriptions.

Environment: Azure Devops, AKS, Key Vault, Container Registry, OpenShift, Maven, Jgit-flow, Splunk,
Jenkins, Bamboo, JFrog Artifactory, Docker, Chef, Kubernetes, Spinnaker, ELK stack, Dynatrace,
Terraform, Kafka, Wildfly, Python, Tomcat, Ansible, GIT, Cosmos, Cassandra, Shell/Perl Scripting, RHEL,
JIRA, Confluence.



 Automate application packaging and deployments using Jenkins.

 Automated Deployment activities on AWS Deployment/Devops services like AWS Lambda,
Elastic BeanStalk.
Vinay Kumar Resume, Page

 Implemented AWS Code Pipeline and Created Cloud formation JSON templates in Terraform for
infrastructure as code.
 Extensive experience in setting up the CI/CD pipelines using Jenkins, Maven, Nexus, GitHub,
CHEF, Terraform and AWS.
 Automate provisioning and repetitive tasks using Terraform and Python, Docker container,
Service Orchestration.
 Implemented IAC through Cloud Formation templates written in YAML to properly build and
maintain infrastructure in cloud various environments.
 Carried out end-to-end infrastructure establishments through Cloud Formation stacks and
maintained the stack statuses.
 Created IAM roles and policies at a granular level by permitting very limited access to the IAM
roles, users and policies.
 Build and Maintain staging and testing environments.
 Established coding standards and enforced them through automated tools and implemented Git
Flow for Branching Strategy.
 Work on
 Participate in Production deployments with Senior Devops Engineers to acquire knowledge and
experience on cloud services like AWS.
 Ansible Tower for short span of time by involving in the work of writing playbooks.
 Provide Technical Expertise on continuous integration and automated testing practices and
supported them throughout development.
 Write Chef cookbooks from scratch and have written recipes using Chef DSL.
 Configured Jenkins to implement nightly builds on daily basis and generated change log that
includes changes happened from last 24 hours.
 Automated Configuration management using Chef Scripts.
 Write Python Scripts to automate the activity of applying Permissions on Bit Bucket.
 Created multiple ANT, MAVEN, Shell scripts for build automation and deployment.
 Documented the SCM process and policies of company & suggested some process changes.

Environment: GIT, Jenkins, MAVEN, Bash, Ruby, Python, Ansible, Apache Tomcat Server, Chef,
PowerShell, Linux, AWS, Terraform

Education & Training

Bachelor of Technology, ICFAI University, Hyderabad, India
Master’s in computer and Information Sciences, University of South Alabama, Mobile, Alabama,
Vinay Kumar Resume, Page
Technical Skills

Languages Shell, Groovy, Python, Ruby, YAML

Web Development Java Script, PHP, HTML

Azure Services Azure Devops, AKS, Event Hub, Key Vault, ACR, Azure Monitor, Azure
AppService, ARM Templates, Container Registry, Active Directory, Health Bot
Operating Systems UNIX, Linux, Windows 2000/XP/10/Server, Mac OS

Cloud/Containerization Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift, AWS, Terraform


Database & Tools Oracle, Cassandra, MySQL, Cosmos

CI/CD Tools Azure Devops, Jenkins, Bamboo, Chef, Ansible, Maven, Gradle, Atlassian
tools, Sonar, Spinnaker

Version Control Tools Tortoise SVN, Bit Bucket, Azure Repos, GitHub

Security Twistlock, Veracode, Azure Security Center, Tenable, Open Policy Agent,
Azure Policy.
Other Tools JIRA, Confluence, Datastax Studio, Kafka, Helm

Web/ App Servers Apache Tomcat, Wildfly

Logging & Monitoring ELK stack, Dynatrace, Prometheus, Grafana, Application Insights

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