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1. Look! He (1. put) ________a ticket on Tom's car. Tom (2. be) ________ furious when he sees it.

He hates getting
parking tickets.
2. (3. they, take) ________ the necessary measures, this political crisis (4. can, avoid) ________.
3. I (5. look) ________ everywhere, but the files appears (6. misplace) ________.
4. George mentioned (7. injure) ________in an accident as a child, but he (8. never, tell) ________ us the details.
5. What time of year do you think it is in this picture? Summer? – No, it must be winter. If it (9. be) ________
summer, the people (10. not sit) ________ round that big fire.

1. Is putting
2. Will be
3. Had they taken
4. Could have been avoided
5. Have looked
6. To have been misplaced
7. Having been injured
8. Never told/had never told
9. Were
10. Wouldn’t be sitting

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