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1. The National English contestants were always _____ edge waiting for the results.

2. It felt as though the walls of the room were closing ______ ______ her.
3. She doesn't mind mucking ______ with the rest of us when there's work to be done.
4. Please don’t go _____ the trouble to give me a lift. I can walk 200km myself.
5. My work shifts are quite hectic so I will just doss _____ for some minutes now.
6. After they broke up, she auctioned _____ all the jewelry he had given her.
7. Wild guesses of the value of the painting were being bandied ________
8. The losing team went off with their tails _______ their legs.
9. It is an area steeped _________ tradition.

10. He gave me a bed for a couple of nights but I felt I was there _________ sufferance.


1. On edge: to be very worried and nervous

2. Close in on: tien ve phia ai do

3. Muck in: to share the work that needs to be done

4. Go to the trouble to do sth: take trouble to do sth

5. Doss down: to sleep somewhere without a bed

6. Auction off: to sell something in a public auction

7. Bandy something about: to talk about something without careful consideration

8. Leave, go off, etc. with your tail between your legs: to leave, feeling ashamed and
embarrassed because you have failed or made a mistake

9. Steep in: If something or someone is steeped in something, they are completely

surrounded by or involved in it, or know a lot about it

10. On sufferance: with unwilling permission

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