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Analysing Persuasive Language

April 27, 2013   Persuasive Language, Persuasive Language

When you read an article, it’s important to clarify the

issue being debated. When you’re identifying the
issue, phrasing something as a question can often help
clearly state what is being argued over.

Should teens have the right to private medical

Should euthanasia be legalised?
Should fox poisoning be banned?
Should heroin be decriminalised?


Contention is simply another word for point-of-view

or opinion. Read the piece of persuasive writing
carefully. What does the writer believe? Starting a
sentence with the word ‘that’ can help you identify the
writer’s contention.

That reality television is a waste of time.

That teens should have access to private
medical appointments
That fox baiting should be banned.


Tone refers to the overall feeling of a piece of writing.

Here are some useful words to help you describe tone:

Logical: rational, reasonable, analytical,

Neutral: impartial, balanced, objective,
Informed: knowledgeable, well-read.
Passionate: emotional, emotive, ardent,
Witty: humorous, satirical, lighthearted,

Persuasive techniques

Writers can use a range of techniques to persuade.

When you’re reading persuasive writing—or writing
persuasively yourself—you need to think carefully
about how techniques like these are used to position
the reader to accept a particular point of view.
Alliteration. The repetition of words starting
with the same to create emphasis, e.g. ”And I
can tell you it is distressing beyond words to
watch an animal suffer like that and not be able
to alleviate its agony.”
Allusion. An allusion is a figure of speech that
indirectly references something, such as a
novel, song, play, television program, poem, a
religious text, historical figure or event.
Because allusions are indirect, the reader is
required to make the connection themselves. In
persuasive writing, allusion prompt readers to
think about the issue in the context of such
associations. The use this technique also allows
the writer to ingratiate themselves with readers,
who often feel clever if they pick up on a
particularly subtle allusions. 
Appeals. Writers often appeal to different
emotions, including a reader’s sense of or
desire for:
common sense
family values
Analogy. An analogy draws a comparison
between two things to illustrate a point, e.g.
“I’d like to have a new retina Macbook, for
instance. But when I went to the Apple Store
and tried to walk out through the front door
without paying for it, waving off the protests of
the blue shirted store Nazis because, “It’s OK,
I’m just torrenting it,” that didn’t work out so
well for me.” – John Birmingham, ‘Why are
you still stealing Game of Thrones?’
Anecdotes. Short, personal stories that help to
illustrate a point, e.g. “For my three most recent
books, on motherhood, cancer and nursing, I
interviewed more than 300 people about the
nuts and bolts of what our incredibly short time
on this planet is really about – life, death,
family and love. If there is one thing I can
guarantee, it’s that there will never be a person
who lies on their deathbed, shaking with rage,
sobbing, ‘Dear God, I wish I’d spent more time
watching MasterChef.'”
Colloquial language. Writers will often use
everyday language to make themselves seem
down-to-earth, e.g. “Fairness is the cornerstone
of our constitution and our national identity.
But as we head into an election year, I think we
need to ask ourselves whether we really believe
in a fair go for all.”
Cliches. An overused expression. Although
they should be avoided, cliches give writers an
opportunity to express an idea to their readers
quickly. Here are some examples of cliches:
Absence makes the heart grow fonder.
Alls well that ends well.
As light as a feather.
Time will tell.
Connotations. All words have connotations or
associations. Some words, for example, may
have the same literal meaning but very different
connotations. Connotations may be negative or
positive. Imagine an argument about dangerous
breeds of dogs, for example, there are lots of
synonyms for the word ‘dog’—pooch, hound,
puppies, mongrels. If you were making an
argument that certain breeds should be banned,
which words would you choose?
Emotive words. Words that provoke an
emotional reaction from the audience, e.g. “But
no, people from the bush were saying it is cruel
to kill foxes with a poison that causes a
slow, agonising death.”
Evidence. Writers will often use evidence –
which might take the form of facts, figures,
quotes or graphs – to help support their
argument, e.g. “According to the Australian
Bureau of Statistics, males are 400 per cent
more likely to commit an offence intended to
cause injury than are females.”
Expert opinion. Sometimes writers will use the
opinion of experts to give further weight to
their argument, e.g. “A new research report by
Victorian doctors illustrates why: because when
kids are worried their parents will be told their
private medical details, they simply don’t go to
the doctor.”
Hyperbole. Writers often exaggerate or
overstate something to help persuade readers of
their point of view, e.g. “Our experts will tell
you a million reasons why it can’t or shouldn’t
be done here. They have turned excuse-making
into an art form.”
Inclusive language. Inclusive language – using
the words ‘we’ or ‘us’ – is often used to get a
reader onside, e.g. “We might not like it,
but our kids’ right to confidential medical
advice should take precedence over our right to
know about it.”
Imagery. Descriptive writing can be a powerful
persuasive technique. Describing something
vividly can persuade readers.
Jargon. Jargon refers to highly specialised
words or phrases often associated with
particular areas of study or research. Jargon
helps experts explore and communicate
complex ideas with each other. Although it
might be difficult for mainstream readers to
understand, the use of jargon in persuasive
writing can help create the impression that a
writer is knowledgeable. It can lend an air of
authority to their writing, its complexity
conveying that a writer has taken the time to
understand complex ideas and their contention
is well-considered, e.g. “When it comes to
improving education, the evidence is clear:
focus on pedagogy, interdisciplinary learning,
flipped classrooms and cultivating the
Logic. A logical, well-structured argument can
be very persuasive.
Metaphor. Metaphors, when one thing is
described as another, help to persuade by
describing, e.g. “I’ve been dying of it all week
and can hardly type this column because of
the Niagra of snot pouring down my face and
the painful fires of a thousand suns burning in
my joints and muscles, which being manly
muscles are able to carry a much heavier load
of pain than lady muscles.”
Pun. A play on words often relying on
homophones, homonyms or rhymes, e.g. “It’s
been a trying year for rugby league, what with
betting scandals, controversies over players’
alleged off-field behaviour and an unseemly on-
field brawl that marred the sport’s reputation on
approach to the finals.” Another example:
“Racism is no black and white issue”.
Repetition. The repetition of words, phrases
and ideas can be used to reinforce an argument
and drive home the message to a reader, e.g “It
has been well established here and overseas that
if teenagers think they can see a doctor in
confidence, they are more likely to do so, more
likely to go back for repeat visits, and more
likely to disclose sensitive information.”
Rhetorical question. A question where the
answer is obvious, can help lead readers to a
particular conclusion, e.g. “It has been well
established here and overseas that if teenagers
think they can see a doctor in confidence, they
are more likely to do so, more likely to go back
for repeat visits, and more likely to disclose
sensitive information. And isn’t this the
outcome we want? “
Sarcasm. A mocking tone, e.g. “Not all of us
can write Max Walker’s How to Hypnotise
Chooks, you know – for many years the
biggest-selling title in Australian literary
Simile. Similes, when one thing is compared to
another, can help to persuade by describing, e.g.
“…as dumb as a sack of hammers…”
Tone. The tone of an article or speech refers to
its overall feeling. Is it passionate? Logical?
Reasonable? Mocking? Humorous?


The best way to understand how persuasive language

can be used to convey a point of view is by reading
examples of persuasive writing. Read the newspaper
on a daily basis, particularly the editorials and opinion
pages. This will not only help you keep abreast of
current events, it will also help you develop the
language skills necessary to do persuasive writing
Read the following articles and answer the questions
below to help you develop an understanding of how
writers persuade.

They’re pests but cruelty is inexcusable

Life’s too short for reality TV
Should teens have the right to see a doctor in

Reading and annotating

Before you get started, you need read the text

carefully and annotate it, identify:

persuasive devices

You can use this planning sheet to help you think

about an article.

Makes the
reader feel sorry
for the animals
“They had eaten who eat the bait
it during a and builds a
weekend trip to case for a ban
the high country on the poison.
Persuasive technique The word
died horribly.”
“…stop foxes makes the
being culled in reader feel like
Connotation this barbaric this is
manner. Use uncivilized. The
your voice, they word
said, spread the “inhumane” has
news and stop a powerful
an inhumane effect on the
practice.” reader
them that it is

Argument analysis essay

In English, you will often be asked to write an essay

about how writers or speakers have used language to

An introduction to an argument analysis essay

describes the issue generally, the author’s contention
and tone. When remembering what to include in the
introduction to an argument analysis essay, you can
use the acronym FATCAT. 
Form. What is the form of the piece of writing?
An opinion piece? Letter to the editor? Speech?
Author. Who wrote the piece? What is their
involvement in the issue?
Title. Make sure you include the title
somewhere in your introduction. 
Contention. What is the writer’s point of view?
Audience. Who is the intended audience of the
Tone. What tone does the writer adopt?

Here is an example argument analysis about an article

about poisoning foxes:

There has recently been considerable controversy over

the use of 1080 fox bait to control Victoria’s fox
population. In his opinion article ‘They’re pests but
cruelty is inexcusable’, writer Dmitri Kakmi argues in
a logical and, at times, emotive tone that fox baiting is
cruel and inhumane, attempting to persuade both
Victorians and lawmakers that we must change this
barbaric practice.

Body paragraph
In the body paragraphs of an argument analysis essay,
you will identify an argument, then discuss the
persuasive techniques that a writer uses to support that
argument. Always make reference to how different
techniques make the reader feel or react.

We use the AAPEE structure when writing about this


Argument, Identify an argument.
Analysis. Analyse how the writer makes the
argument overall.
Persuasive technique. Identify a persuasive
technique used to make this argument.
Example. Given an example of that technique
Effect. Explain its effect on the audience.

You may repeat the PEE part as many times as you


O’Brien argues that parents should trust the

professionalism of doctors, allowing teens to have
private medical appointments. In making this
argument, O’Brien recognises that, when it comes to
their children, parents are likely to be swayed by the
advice of experts, which means she approaches this in
a logical manner relying heavily on evidence and the
suggestion that parents should trust medical
professionals. She supports this argument with the use
of evidence, referring to “a new research report from
Victorian doctors” which indicates children should
have the right to private medical appointments. This
use of expert opinion suggests that O’Brien’s
contention has widespread support by a trusted body
of professionals and her use of this evidence positions
parents to contemplate whether their right to know
surpasses their children’s
health. Furthermore, O’Brien uses the positive
connotations of the word “professional” when she
states there are times when parents should “defer to
other professionals whose job it is to protect our
kids”. The word ‘professionals’ has connotations of
experiencing and training, further emphasising their
credibility in the eyes of parents who might be wary
of allowing their teenagers to have private medical

Writing a conclusion

Analyse the writer’s conclusion. Conclude by

discussing how the writer makes their final argument.
Why does the article end in that way? The last
paragraph will often be a final plea to the reader, a call
to action or a dramatic statement intended to linger in
their reader’s mind.

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