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1) Cavitation occurs due to A) High velocity B) Low Barometric Pressure C) High Pressure D) Low pressure E) None of these 2) The velocity of fluid particle at the centre of the pipe section is A) Maximum B) Minimum C) Average D) R.M.S E) None of these 3) During throttling process A) Internal energy does not change B) Pressure does not change ) Entropy does not change D) Enthalpy does not change E) None of these 4) In an automobile gear box is fitted between A) Engine and clutch B) Clutch and Differential C) Differential and heels D) Clutch and Wheels E) None of these 5) During an adiabatic process the change in entropy is A)+ve B)-veC) Zero) +ve or -ve E) None of these 6) Volume of air at 27°C is 2 cu-m. What will de the volume at 372°C A)2cum —B)3cum —C)6cu-mD) 8 cu-m E) None of these 17) Air conditioning means A) Cooling B) Heating C) Dehumidifying__D) All the above E) None of the above 8) Brazing is the process of joining A) Two ferrous materials B) One ferrous and one non ferrous material ‘C) Two Non ferrous materials D) Two non-metals_E) None of these 9) Second Law of Thermo dynamics defines A)Heat —B) Work C)Enthalpy —_D) Entropy E) None of the above 10) Acoustic materials A) Absorb sound B) Reflect sound C) Create sound D) Absorb & create sound E) None of these 11) The basic shaft is A) One which has no upper deviation _B) One which has no lower deviation C) One which has least deviation on both upper and lower side D) Does not exits E) None of these 12) The standard angle between the V belt is A)20°B)30°-C).45°_D) 40° E) None of the above 13) The purpose of annealing A) Induce Hardening B) Induce stress. C) Harden the surface _D) Remove Stress E) None of these 14) The tool signature comprises A) 5 elements B) 6 elements C) 7 elements D) 8 elements E) None of these 15) A shim is A) A treatment given to a surface to prevent rusting B) A dull comer on a shaft C) A thin piece of sheet metal used between mating parts to provide the proper distance D) A surface ‘on which bearings are fitted E) None of these 16) Spot facing is A) Localized machining of a component B) Machining of a spot to fit other arts C) Machining of spot on the surface of a part to furnish a flat bearing or the head of a bolt or nut D) A spot prepared on shaper or milling machine E) None of these 17) Quill is A) A tool used in milling machine to cut T-slots B) A holding device used on planers C) Cutting a blind key way on an object D) A steel tube in the head of some machine tools that encloses the bearings and rotating spindle on which are mounted the cutting tools E) None of these 18) Which of the following materials will have highest value of contraction allowance? A) Cast iron B) Aluminium C) Brass D) Malleable iron E) None of these 19) In hot blast cupola A) Temperature is high B) Melting rate is high C) Carbon % in castings is high D) Air supplied is preheated E) None of these 20) Which one of the following is used for Thermocouple junctions? A) Elinvar B) Manganin C) Nichrome D) Muntz metal E) None of these 21) Ina sine bar the standard length is measured from ‘A) Edge to edge B) Between inner circumferences of two buttons C) Between outer circumferences of two buttons D) Between the centers of two buttons E) Any of the above. 22) The surface roughness on a drawing is represented by A) Circle B) Square C) Zigzag lines D) Triangle E) none of these 23) A sine bar is used to measure A) Surface roughness B) Gear Profiles C) Intemal tapers D) External tapers E) Any of these 24) M10 screws have a pitch of A) 0.5 mm B) 1.23mm C) 1.5mm D) 10mm B) None of these 25) A diffuser A) Converts kinetic energy into thermal energy B) Converts potential energy into kinetic energy C) Converts pressure energy into kinetic energy D) Converts thermal energy into kinetic energy E) None of these 26) A substance above critical temperature exists as A) Solid B) Liquid C) Dry vapour D) Wet vapour E) Gas 27) Working medium for closed cycle gas turbine should have A) High molecular weight B) Low specific volume C) Higher adiabatic index D) Lower specific speed E) None of the above 28) In a cupola the raw material is A) Pig iron and iron scrap B) Iron ore C) Cast steel D) Steel ingots E) Steel billets 29) Surging is A) An unsteady, periodic and reversal of flow in the compressor. B) The fixed mass flow rate regardless of pressure ratio C) The reduction in lift force at higher angles of incidence D) None of these E) All the above 30) Ice is slippery when a man walks on it for A) Its surface is smooth B) There is no friction C) It is very chill D) Increase of pressure causes it to melt E) It has lubricating capacity 8=0, t=1B)a=0, 6=1, ©)a=0,6=1, EOD) , 6=1, T=0E) 32) A hot wire anemometer is used to measure Pressure of gases. 33) The operation of cutting multiple holes is called A) Trimming B) Notching C) Perforating D) Lancing E) None of the above 34) A twist drill is specified by A) The size of hole it can drill B) A number specifying whole size C) A letter of alphabet D) Any of the above E) None of the above 35) Dry bulb temperature depends on A) Humidity of air B) Water vapour content of air C) Condition of air D) All above E) None of the above 36) The potential energy stored up in a deformed body is known as A) Strain energy B) Potential energy C) Resilience D) Deformation energy E) None of the above 37) Idler pulley is used for A) Maintaining belt tension B) Changing direction of rotation C) For stopping motion frequently D) For running during idling periods only E) None of the above 38) Continuous chips may be formed while machining A) Brittle material B) Hard material C) Tough material D) Ductile material E) None of the above 39) The output of blast furnace A) Cast steel B) Mild steel C) Pig iron D) Cast iron E) None of the above 40) An ordinary mercury thermometer can be used for temperature about ‘A) 100°C B) 200°C C) 400°C D) 500°C E) None of the above 41. A stone initially at rest is dropped from the edge of a very tall building. Taking acceleration as 10nvs’, what was the change in the speed of the stone during the 4" second? a. 10m/s b. 30m/s c. 15m/s d. 40m/s e. None of the above 42. Which of the following methods in welding uses a pool of molten metal? a. Carbon are welding b. TIG welding ¢. Submerged are welding d, MIG welding e. Thermit welding 43, Moment of inertia of a triangular section of base (b) and height (h) about an axis passing through its vertex and parallel to the base than that passing through its C.G. and parallel to the base. a. Nine times b. six times c. four times d. one-half e, one-third 44, A hydrometer is used to measure a. velocity of fluids b. velocity of gases c. flow of fluids d. specific gravity of fluids €. none of these 45. A taper provided on the pattern for its easy and clean withdrawal from the mould is known as A. ing allowance B. draft allowance c. shrinkage allowance d. distortion allowance e. None of the 46. How many of the following statements may be false? 1. Weight is a scalar quantity. 2. Parallelogram law of forces is applicable for finding the resultant of all Kinds of forces. 3. Law of conservation of momentum is developed from Newton's third law. 4, The unit of impulse is Newton/second. 5. The frictional force depends on shape and area of contact of the bodies. a. One only b, Two only c. Three only d. Four only e. All of the above 47. The standard dimensions of the drawing sheet A2 is ‘a, 594x420 mm b. 420x297 mm c. 841x594 mm d, 297x210 mm e. None of the above 48. ISO stands for International Standards Organisation, 49. The branch of s motion is known as a, Dynamics b. Statics c. Kinematics d. Kineties e, None of these ince that deals with study of body in motion, considering the forces that causes the 50. Second law of thermodynamics define a. internal energy b. entropy c. enthalpy d. temperature e. none 51. Which mechanical property a metal should possess to enable it to be mechanically formed? a.ductility b. malleability c. elasticity e. machinability _. None of the above 52. The pH value of water is a3 b5 7 d9 — eNone 53. Which of the following refers to investment casting? a, lost wax method b. accuracy casting c. centrifugal casting d. both (a) and (b) . both (a) and (¢) ‘54, The angle of projection shown in the figures A and B respectively are A) B) SO a, First angle and third angle b. Third angle and first angle c. Third angle and fourth angle 4. Fourth angle and third angle e, None of the above 55. The ratio of volumes of a sphere and a cone is a. dr/h b.4r/3h . 2r/h. 4.3 e.None 56. In greer-sand moulding, uniform ramming leads to, a. less change of gas porosity b. uniform flow of molten metal into the mould cavity ¢. greater dimensional stability of the casting d. less sand expansion type of cas ¢. None of the above ig defects 57. Which one of the following processes in welding uses non-consumable electrodes? a, TIG welding b. MIG welding c. Manual are welding d. Submerged are welding e. None of the above 58. The properties of LASER are high coherence, wu propagation jdirectional, Monochromatic, Long distance 59, The unit of moment of inertia is a. Kg/m? b.Kg-m? —c. Kg/m 4. Kg-m e. None 60. Disposable patterns are made of a.wood —b.rubber ce. metal. polystyrene e. all the above 61. Ball bearing material? a. chromium b. high carbon steel. medium carbon steel__—_d. low carbon steel 62. Necking? a. drill a hole in a plate b. groove is a cylinder c, initially making a spot to join the metal d. drill with rivet 63. Size of lathe specified by a. Gross wt b. chuck dia e. swing d. speed of chuck 64, Power transmitted from lead serew to carriage through a. half nut b. rack and pinion c. gear box d. pulley 65. Left hand tool of lathe - ? Ans: Feed from Head stock to tail stock 66. Using HSS tool in lathe, max speed will be given in ast iron, mild steel aluminium 67. In which operation in lathe, cutting speed will be minimum for a. parting off b. taper turning c. finishing d. thread cutting 68, Gratings are used in connection with a, linear displacement measurement —_b, surface texture measurement . angular measurement (69, At what position, strain will increase, when stress is constant a, upper yield point b. lower yield point. proportional limit d, elastic limit 70. shape of bending moment, it shows when we applied no external load, a.linearb. curved, parabolic 71, Relationship between E, k, G? Ans: = 9KG / 3K+G) 72, Mechanism used in petrol engine? a. slider mechanism b. crank mechanism _¢, slider crank mechanism 73. 18/8 steel contains a. 18% Ni,8% Cr, 18% Cr,8% Nic. 18% Vd,8% Nid. none of these 74, Sulphur is removed from cast-iron when same is melt in cupola the flux is 2 75, Plaster pattern & cores are made up of a. plaster of paris b. cement —_c. white powder 16. Pilot tube is used to measure velocity. 77. Darry weisbach formula usage? Ans: Hy = (4f1v */ (2 gd) 78, Velocity distribution for laminar flow in circular pipe? Ans: Parabolic 79, If resultant, R=0, body a. rotate with uniform acl, _b. Rotate with uniform disp. c. Does not rotate d. Rotate 80. Shock load measures energy. 81. Carbon steel is an alloy of iron and carbon with varying quantities of .........? Phosphorous & sulphur 82. Varigon’s theorem - Algebraic sum of moments of a given set of forces about a point is equal to the ‘moment of their resultant 83. Compound mechanism is with more than a.2links — b.3links —¢. I link 84. Type of governor used in record player for adjusting the turn table is a. hartung governor, Pickering governor c. proell governor d. porter governor 85, Pantograph, all pairs are a. sliding b. turning c. spherical —d, self closed pair 86, Belt drive is 4. positive b. not positive c. for small torque only d. power transmission for parallel axis only 87. Quasi static process, definition 88. Total energy line represents? 89, If mass/energy transfer is zero, then what system? Ans; Isolated_system 90. Which cycle is less efficient’? 911, What chuck is used for brass castings? a. 4 jaw b, 3 jaw c. collet d. magnetic 92. Which is most important for measuring instrument? a. precision b. sensitiveness _¢. accuracy _d. repeatability 93. Purpose of tolerance a. for perfect fit b. can't machine exact size c. allowance. 94, According to Boyle's law for a perfect gas a.T2/T1=P2/P Lif V is kept constant b.T2/T1=V2/V Lif P is kept constant Both (a) and (b) above. P2/P1=VA/V2, if T is kept constant PV/T constant 95. Absolute Zero pressure will occur a. At sea level b. At the centre of the earth c. When molecular momentum of the system become zero 4. Under vaccum condition e, At a temperature of -273 degree k 96. Boyle's law i.e. PV=constant is applicable to gases under a. All ranges of pressure b. Only small range of pressure c. High range of pressure d, Steady change of pressure e, Atmospheric conditions 97. The Internal energy of a system is a function of only a. Pressure b. Temperature (absolute) c. Volume d. Pressure and temperature e. Pressure and temperature and volume 98, Pick up the wrong statement a. 2-stroke engine can be run in any direction b. In 4-stroke engine a power stroke is obtained in 4- strokes c. Thermal efficiency of 4-stroke engine is more due to positive scavenging d. Petrol engines works on otto cycle e, Petrol engines occupy more space than diesel engines for same power output 99, Diesel fuel, compare to petrol is a. Less difficult to ignite b. Just about the same to ignite c. More difficult to ignite 4. Highly ignitable e, None of the above 100. The function of a condenser in thermal power plant is to condense steam into condensate to be reused again 101. In diesel engine, the compression ratio in comparison to expansion ratio is a. Same b. Less ¢. More d. Variable e. More / Less depending on engine capacity 102. Flash point of fuel is Minimum temperature to which oil is heated in order to give off inflammable vapours in sufficient quantity to ignite momentarily when brought in contact with a flame 103. The function of piston rod in IC engine is to a. Transfer motion from piston to cross head », Transfer motion from piston to connecting rod c. Provide reciprocating motion to slide valve 4. Convert reciprocating motion of piston to rotary motion ¢. To control cut off point 2DC 3) high frequency ac 105. Carnot cycle has max efficiency for reversible engine 106. Fuel-air ratio in a petrol engine fitted with suction carburetor, operating with dirty air filter as compared to clean filter will be? Higher 107. In S.l engines, a fuel ratio for idling speed is 108, Helical gears are used for noise reduction, 109. Hardest cutting tool material is tungsten carbide. 110, for uniform strength of beam condition req, a. Depth constant, width increases. b. Depth increases, width decreases. ¢. Both should be increases, 4d. All the above. e. None of the above 111, Phenomenon of chocking in compressor means a. No flow of air b. Fixed mass flow rate regardless of pressure ratio _c. Reducing mass flow rate with increase in pressure ratio d. Increased inclination of chord with air stream e. Does not occur 112. A jet engine works on the principle of conservation of a.Mass b. Energy c. Flor d. Linear momentum — e. Angular momentum 113. The domestic refrigerator uses following type of compressor a, Centrifugal b. Axial ¢. Miniature sealed unit d. Piston type of reciprocating e, None of the above 114, Ammonia is Toxic and non-inflammable 115. If operating temperature of system is low, then refrigerant with low boiling point should be used 116, Poise to the unit of Viscosity 117. A bucket of water is hanging from a spring balance. An iron piece is suspended into ‘water without touching sides of bucket from another support .The spring balance reading will a. Increase b, Decrease ¢. Remain same d. Increase / decrease depending on depth of immersion . Unpredictable. 118. Liquids transmit pressure equally in all directions. This is according to a. Boyle's law b, Archimedes principle ¢. Paseal’s law d. Newton's formula e, Chezy"s equation 119. Piezometer is used to measure a. Pressure in pipes, channels ete. b. Atmospheric pressure c. Very low pressure 4. Difference of pressure between two points e. Flow 120. The centre of gravity of a triangle lies atthe point of a, concurrence of the medians b. Intersection of its altitudes. Intersection of bisector of angles d Intersection of diagonals e. All of the above 121. A ball is throwing up. The sum of kinetic and potential energies will be maximum at a. Ground b. Highest point c. In the centre while going up d. At all the points ¢. In the centre while coming down 122. The atmosphere of earth is retained due to a, Gravitational pull of earth b. Outer molecule attraction forces on the molecule c. As a result of cohesion, adhesion, osmosis, etc. d. Spherical shape of earth e. Mean speed of molecule being much less than the escape velocity 123. According to Hooke’s law, stress and strain a, Are directly proportional b. Are inversely proportional c. Are curvilineraly related 4. Have unpredictable relationship e. None of the above 124, In an ideal machine, the output as compared to input is a. Less b. More c. equal d. May be less or more depending on efficiency _e. Always equal 125. Creep in belt is due to a, Material of the pulley b, Material of the belt c. Larger size of the driver pulley d. Uneven extensions and contractions due to varying tension e, Expansion of belt 126. The horse power transmitted by a belt is depending upon a. Tension on tight side of belt b, Tension on slack side of belt e. Speed of pulley d. All of the above 127. Melting point of iron is a, 1539°C b, 1601 °C c. 1489 °C. 1712 Ce, 1131 °C 128, Cupola produces following Material a, Cast iron b. Pig iron c. Wrought iron d. Malleable iron e. White iron 129. Brass Contains 70% copper and 30% zinc 130. In which type of Welding chemical reaction takes place a, Resistance b. Termite c, Forge d. Gas 131, Resistance to fatigue strength is measured by a. Tensile Test b. Shear Test c. Endurance Limit 132. A fly wheel starts from rest and accelerates uniformly and reaches 25 rpm in 3 seconds. What will be the angular velocity (in rpm) after 10 seconds? a, 20 b.25 c.45 4.50 133. Radio active materials emits a. Alpha b. Beta c. Gamma d. All the above 134. Expansion valves are used in pipes c: a, Water b, Steam c. Viscous fluid d. Air at vying igh pressure 135. ON/OFF Control application Valve a, Ball valve b. Globe valve c, Needle valve d. Butter fly valve. 136, Thermal Conductivity of Solids with increase of temp a. Increases b, Decrease c. Increases then Decrease d. Unpredictable 137. Idling mixture in Petrol Engines a. Rich b, Lean ¢. Variable 138, Radiator is made up of a. Brass b. Steel c, Plastic d, Cast Iron 139, Hysterises loss is least affected by a. Temperature b. Frequency . Weight d. Density 140. Compiler is used for A. High level to the Language understandable by machines B. To convert the programmes from Digital to Analog form C. To compile the instructions in registers D. Both B & C 141, Heat treatment of steel changes a. Physical b, Chemical c. Mechanical properties 142, Fusible plug is used for a, To control Steam Temperature b. To put off the fire when the water level in the boiler falls below the alarming limit c. To avoid Explosion, 143. Effect of Cavitation in Turbines a, Noise and Vibration b. Efficiency c. Decrease in life of blades d. All the above, 144, The correct relation between Gauge pressures, Absolute pressure, Atmospheric pressure (4 choices) 145. Which of the following has the maximum Head? a, 33 inches Hg b. 756 mm of Hg c. 31.6 m of water (Not clear) d. 1.013 kg/sq.em 146. Manometer is effective for a. High pressure b. Very High pressure , Low pressure d. None of the above 147, Elasticity of a fluid is measured by a. Modulus of Elasticity b. Rigidity Modulus c. Bulk Modulus d. None of the above 148, Where the bending stress is maximum for I Section Beam a, Neutral axis b. At the joint of wedge and flank c. where the shear stress is maximum d, Outer most of the fibres Pressure at 149. The oil of sp. gravity 0.9 and water are kept in two identical vessels, Hydro st bottom of oil will be a, More than pressure of the water at the bottom b. Less than pressure of the water atthe top c. Samed. Insufficient data 150. Cp / Cv of Gas at varying temperatures a. Constant b.Increases c. Decreases( With some conditions) a. 8 to 10 b. 10 to 15 c. 16 to 20d. None 152, The sate of the refrigerant in the vapour compression cycle before throttling a. Wet b. Dry 153. Feuler gauges are used to Measure the clearance 154, High moisture content in the last stage of turbine will cause a. Corrosion b, Low thermal efficiency c, Low Blade life d, All the above 155. What alloying material imparts corrosive resistance properties of steel a. Ni-Crb. V,Cre. Cr 156, Chip breakers are used for a. To permit small chips b. to increase tool life c. Safety 157, Jigs are used for a, Turing b. Milling c. Drilling d. Grinding 158. In coal refineries magnets are used to separate a. Dust b. Iron particles c, Sand d, All the above 159, Statistical processing is done for a. Improve the quality b. maintain the quality c. both 1 and 2 d. to increase the profit, 160, What will happen to the specific volume of the water when it is heated from 0 degree ¢ a. Inereases b, Decreases c. Remain Constant 161. Reason for slipping when we walk on the Ice a, Ice suface is smooth b, When we apply pressure on the Ice it gets melted 162. When the Ice cubes present in the glass of water get melted what will happen to the level of water a, Increases b, Decreases c, Doesnt change 163. First law of Thermodynamics deals with a. Conservation of Mass b. Conservation of Momentum c. Conservation of Energy 4. Conservation of Heat 164, Tonnage of 165 domestic refrigerators 165. Thermal Conducti a. Increases with temp b. Decreases then increases ¢ of Water with increase in temp Increases then Decreases d. Does not change 166. Purpose of conducting Tensile Test - Ductility 167. Which structure can be viewed by Naked Eye? a. Micro Structure b, Grain c, Macro d. Atomic 168, What is the material of Crank Shaft? Forged Steel or Less Carbon Steel 169, Standard time = a, normal time minus allowance —_b. reliability time 170. Energy stored in the spring when itis fully compressed without an deformation is Strain Energy 171. For which of the following material machinability is high? Aluminium 172, 24 & 2 in M24X2 represent which of the two parameters respectively? Diameter and Pitch 173, What is the equation governing kinematics links and pairs? a L=2p-3 b.L=2p-4. c. L=3p-5 174, Pick out the wrong statement a. Joule cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes , Otto cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes ¢. Ericsson cycle consists of 2 constant volume processes and 2 adiabatic processes 4. None of the above 175, For same compression ratio which of the following cycle is more efficient? a. Otto —b.diesel_¢, Dual Cycle 4. All the above. 176. The angle between face of the tool and plane parallel to the base of the tool is a.rake angle b. clearance angle. cutting edge angled. lip angle 177, Bevel gears are used for transmitting torque between a. Intersecting & coplanar shafts b. Non-intersecting & non-coplanar shatts, ¢. Non-parallel & non-coplanar shafts d. None of the above 178, Expansion process in Otto cycle lasts from TDC to BDC. 179. Which type of thread is more effective for power transmission in one direction? a. Square b, ACME ¢, Buttress d, Trapezoidal 180. The state of a liquid during evaporation is a. Vapour —b. Steam c. Water vapour d. None of the above 181. Throttle valve is used in steam engines to a. control pressure of steam b. control volume of steam c. control temperature of steam 4. none of the above 182. The pressure P in terms of its mean kinetic energy/unit volume E is aE bE2 3E4 42E/3 eSE4 183. Convert volumetric to gravitational, relative volume of each constituent of flue gas a. %mw b.xmv cme d.xsw e. sw 184, Which is correct for reversible polytrophic process? a. temperature constant —_b. density constant —_¢, volume constant 4. entropy constant ¢. same heat transfer 185. Ifa gas or vapour allowed to expand through a minute hole a free expansion —_b. hyperbolic ‘¢. adiabatic expansion. parabolic _e. throttling 186. Minimum work of compressor is possible, when the adiabatic index is 00.75 ba 1.27 4.1.35 e2 187. Under ideal condition, isothermal, isochoric, adiabatic and isobaric are Static bdynamic —c. quasi-static stable. thermodynamic 188. If a heat engine attains 100% efficiency, then it is a.Zerothlaw — b.Llaw — ¢, Haw dno eval 189, If Qr is the heat in source, Qe is the cold sink for heat pump then COP a. Qi/(Qi- Qa). Qe/ (Qu Q) © Qr@W/QA — d. @/QA 190. The output of diesel engine is increased if a. more fuel b. flywheel size _¢. incoming air d, scavenging e. supercharging 191. Key used between shaft and pulley is made from? Cold rolled mild steel bars 192, Hardness of steel depends on shape & distribution of iron? Carbides 193, Hardening of Machine tool guideways is done by? Flame hardening 194, Carriage and tailstock are placed in ..... guideways? Different 195, Acetylene is stored in liquid form 196, Size of shaper is specified by? Length of stroke 197. Hardness of whee! (or) grade of wheel refers to? Strength of bond of wheel 198, For grinding harder materials...... is used? Softer grade 199, Dielectric medium in EDM is? Kerosene 200. The most popular firing sequence 41234 b.1324 ©1423 4.1243 ©1342 n of carbon in the cylinder increases when volume b. volumetric efficiency. ignition time 4. effective compression ratio e, travel time 202. For same power, same speed, flywheel of petrol and diesel engine are a.smaller —b. greater. equal none 203. If petrol is used in diesel engine, then which will occur a. higher knocking b. black smoke c. More fuel Consumption d, improper combustion 204, Reciprocating compressor is used for a. large quantity of air athigh pressure —_b. large quantity of air at low pressure . low quantity of air at low pressure d.. Low quantity of air at high pressure 205. Thermal diffusivity is a, Dimensionless b. Used in radiation ¢. used in Convection 4. Used in Conduction 206. When the Centre of pressure and Centre of gravity are equal? ‘When the body is horizontal 207. Flow of particles in definite path without change in the path of the particle a. One dimensional b, laminar turbulent d. steady state 208. Vortex on whirlpool is due to a.cavitation bewake —c. drag 209. Sling Psychometer is used for Humidity 210, Axial flow pump is used large flow and small head of fluid 211. Hardening of shear face in press tool is to 212, Blank size is equal to .. {in presswork. Size of punch 213, Bending moment diagram for a UDL in cantilever beam. a.Parabola b. Triangle. Rectangle 214, Reverse joule cycle is .......... (Bell eoalman cycle, Rankine cycle, brayton cycle) 215. During idling and low speed running which mixture is mixture, lean mixture, 216. Multi slurry is used for .. High efficiency, balancing and uniform torque, run continuously when one cylinder is failed. 217, Entropy changes wit 2 a. internal energy change, _b. Pr& Vol change _¢. change of stated. Change in temp 218, In which process max work can be obtained....? Const Volume, Const Pr, Const Temp, Const Entropy 219. In throttling process..........i8 constant? (Enthalpy, entropy) 220, To avoid caviation Superheated steam allowed 222, What is Rupture Necking due to prolonged creep 223. A belt drive, where pulley dia is double, and then it key length must be adoubled b.same —_c. increase the critical length d, 224, Surface contact in motion is called a. roller pair . surface pair c. lower pair d. sliding pair 225. For fluctuating load. is used a.ball bearing ——_b. roll bearing c. thrust bearing _, sleeve bearing 226, D) and D> are pulley dia, and then the speed ratio is given by D2/D; 227. In pinion and gear design, the design must be made by a. gear b. pinion c. both 228. The plate is severely deformed at a side then it grains becomes Ductile b. Malleable —_. Brittle 229, What is recrystallation temperature? Maximum temperature upto which old crystal disappears 230. What is austempering? Heated steel is quenched ftom the Austenizing Temperature 231. Acetylene is stored in form a. liquid b. solide, compressed d. All the above 232, Tool life is concentrated on cutting speed —_b, material. feed or depth di All the above 233. Reamer is used for a. Todrill — b. to correct the size and finish —_c. Threading 234, Statistical quality control charts uses a. statistics, probability, all the above. 235. Material used for coating the electrode is called a) Protective layer _b) binder __¢) slag d) deoxidizer e) flux 236. The strength of a properly welded joint as compared to base metal a) Same b)more —_c) less ) unpredictable e) two can’t be compared 237. The surface to be machined are marked on the pattern by the following color a)Black ——b) yellow) red 4) blue e) green 238. A 20 tonne press implies that a) Weight of press is 20 tonnes _b) press can handle works weighing upto 20 tonnes ¢) it can exert pressure upto 20 tonnes <) its foundation should be designed for 20 tonnes. ) its turnover in a day is 20 tonnes 239. No lubricant is required when cutting threads in a) Tungsten carbide b) Mild Stee! ¢) Titanium — d) Brass or cast-iron ¢) HSS 240. The difference between planner and shaper is that in former case a) Tool moves over stationary work b) tool moves over reciprocating work €) Tool can machine internal as well as external details d) both tool and job reciprocates ¢) Tool is stationary and job reciprocates 241. Powder metallurgy techniques are used in production of ) High carbon tool steel) HSS tools _¢) tungsten carbide tools) twist drills) ceramics 242. Drilling is an example of a) Simple cutting) uniform cutting) orthogonal cutting 4) oblique cutting ¢) Intermittent cutting 243. Reamer is used to correct the a) Size and position of drilled hole. b) size and roundness of hole ) Finish and position of drilled hole. ¢) finish and size of drilled hole ) Finish and depth of a drilled hole. 244, The operation of milling two sides of a work piece simultaneously is called a) Gang milling b) climb milling c) square milling 4) straddle milling e) End milling 245. In which type of milling operation the chip is cut off at thinnest place and the chip thickness increases along chip length a) Up milling b) down milling c) end milling d) climb milling e) key way milling 246. A sine bar is specified by a) Its total length —_b) the center distance between two rollers c) size of the rollers. 4) The distance between rollers and upper surface ©) weight of sine bar 247. Expressing a dimension as 18,3:+0,02 mm is the case of a) Unilateral tolerance b) bilateral tolerance ©) limiting dimensions 4) All the above ) none of the above 248. LASER stands for Light amplification by simulated emission of radiation 249. Gantt chart provides the information about a) Material handling b) proper utilization of manpower _ ¢) production schedule ) Efficient working of machine ¢) all the above 250. Normalising operation is carried out in a) Fumace —b) air ¢) water) oil e) controlled atmosphere 251. Draw the Fillet welding symbol 252. Who is the father of scientific management? F.W. Taylor 253. PERT stands for Projection Evaluation and Review Technique 254. Draw Third angle projection symbol 255. What is the unit of specific gravity? No Unit. 256, Momentum is a quantity (Scalar / Veetor) 257. Pressure applied in a liquid in all directions will be given by Paseal’s law. 258. In Piercing and punching, clearance will be applied on Punch 259. Permanent plastic deformation of metals under compression is known as Malleability 260. To increase corrosion resistance which material will be added? Chromium 261. Cycle used in petrol engine? Otto 262. What is the use of index pulley? To provide grip to the pulley. 263. What is resilience? Energy absorbed by the material when it is loaded. 264. M20*2 —in this 20 represents what? Major Dia 265. Property of which type of material is same in all directions? Isotropic of materials 266, Solder is an alloy consisting of Tin & Copper 267. In a cantilever beam when a point load is applied on free end, where will failure occur? At the fixed end. 268, Plastic deformation due to constant load at high temp is known as Creep. 269. What is Galvanizing? The process of coating of zine by hot 270, ABC analysis deals with Controlling inventory costs money. 271. When pulley dia is doubled, width is kept constant, tension is kept constant key size should be a, Doubled in length, b, Doubled in depth, ©. Both twice. 272. Thermoplastics can be molded by Injection molding 273. Which load is safe for beam: 2 a. Point load. b. UDL locally. c. UDL fully. UVL, 274, Machine tool drives are generally given in: a. Arithmetic progression b. Geometric progres: n c. Harmonic progression d. None of the above 275. Finite element analysis is used in: a. Accurate measurement b, Stress analysis C. metallurgy D. none of the above 276. Coolant is generally not used while machining: A. low carbon steel B. high carbon steel C, cast iron D. alloy steel 277. Machinability of steel is improved by the presence of: A. nickel B, tungsten C. sulphur D. chromium 278, Negative rake angle: A. increases cutting force B. reduces cutting force C. no effect on cutting force D. none of the above 279. The hardest tool material used is: A. coated carbide B. high speed steel C. boron nitride D. diamond 280. Stick slip phenomena is associated with A. spindle rotation B. belt drives C. slide movement D. none of the above 281. Gear hobbing is: A. shaping process B. generating process _C. forming process 282. Cutting speed of HSS tools while cutting low carbon steel is: A. 40M/Min B. 250M/Min C. 500M/min D. none of the above 283. Cutting speed of carbide tools while cutting low carbon steel is: A. 40M/Min B, 250M/Min C. S00M/min D. 80M/Min 284, Straightness that a 0,005-.01mm b, 0.1- be achieved over a length of 300mm by grinding 2mm ¢. d. 0.5-0.8mm 285. The circularity achieved by finish turning on a standard centre lathe is: a. 0,005-0,008mm b. 0,0-0.08mm c, 0.1-0.2mm 4, 0.2-0.3mm 286. Honing can correct A. oviality B. taper C. straightness of bore D. axial curvature 287. Machine tool sliding surfaces are finish matched by: a. surface grinding b. fine milling c. slideway grinding d. scraping 288. Close sliding fit is given by: a, H7/g6 b. H7/h6 c, H7/p6 d. H7/K6 289, 60H6 can be achieved by: A tuming B. boring C. drilling D. internal grinding 290. The displacement accuracy which can be achieved on a jig boring machine is A. Sium B. 50/um C, 100/am 291. Hardness values in cast iron can be measured ‘A. shore b. BHN c. Rockwell d. None of the above 292. Auto collimator is used to measure: a. Dia upto 0.001mm b. Lengths c. Straightness d. Involutes error 293. Surface finish is measured by: a. Comparator b. Planograph c. Sprit level d. None of the above 294. The outside diameter of a 20 teeth 3 module gear is: a. 54 b. 60. 63 d. 70 295. Herring bone gear is used for: A. high speed transmission B. noise free transmission C. better load transmission D. none of the above 296. In a right angle transmission by helical gears, the hands of the helix of the gears are: A. same B. opposite C. immaterial D. none of the above 297. Worm drive is always self-locking: true or false 298, Most hydrostatic bearings normally work under: A. const flow system B. const pr system C. const temp system D. const vol system 299, Ball bearings are not generally used in crank shafts of automobiles because: A. of high cost B. of high speed C. cannot be assembled D. none of the above 300. Bronze is used in journal bearings essential to: a. reduce friction b. reduce heat c. eliminate oxidization d. eliminate seizing 301. The spindle of high precision cylindrical grinder is mounted on: A. ball bearing B. taper roller bearing C. hydrostatic bronze bearing D. needle bearing 302, To accelerate the flow of gases: A. nozzle is used B. diffuser is used C. dia of pipe to be increased D. none of the above will help 303, Hydraulic accumulator: ‘A acts as an accumulator for dirt B. acts as storage of hydraulic energy . acts as a pressure relief arrangement D. none of the above 304. When ice which is floating in water, melts, does the level of water: ‘A. goes up B. goes down C. remain the same 305, Hammer blow in pipe happens due to: A friction in pipes B. change in temperature C. stoppage of flow D. none of the above 306. Temperature rise in fluid flow causes: A. reduction in viscosity B. increase in viscosity C. no effect 307. Ratio between velocity of sound and velocity of any object is: ‘A. prandtl number b. Reynolds number c. Avagadro’s number d. Mach number 308, Cavitation effect in flow occurs due to: a. Excess pressure b. Excess temperature c. Excess flow d. None of the above 309. In electrical locomotives ultimate transmission is by: a. AC motor b. DC shunt motor c. DC series motor d. Synchronous motor 310. Four beams of identical sections and lengths are made of cast iron, aluminium, steel and hardened steel. The beams are fixed at both ends, for a uniformly distributed load which will deflect least: a. Cast iron b, Aluminium c. Steel d. Hardened steel 311. Geneva mechanism is used for obtaining: 4. Intermittent motion b. Accelerating motion c. Continuous motion d. None of the above. 312, Corioles component is associated with: a. Displacement b. Acceleration c, Velocity d. None of the above 313, Effect of increase of outside diameter of a helical compression spring on its rigidity is: a, Increased rigidity b. Decreased rigidity c. No effect d. Dry friction 314, Jominey curve is related to the study of: a. Hydraulics b. Thermodynamics c. Electrical d. None of the above 315. TTT diagram is used in: a, Surface finish b. Heat treatment c, Stress analysis d. Thermodynamics 316, Mehanite is the name given to a type of: a. Alloy steel b. Granite c. Nodular cast iron d. Cast iron 317. Unwanted impurity in molten aluminium is: a, Oxygen b, Carbon dioxide c. Nitrogen d, Hydrogen 318. Carburizing is done: A. For blackening of high carbon steel B. For case hardening of low carbon steel c. For post hardening process to reduce internal stresses 4. To increase machinability of high tensile steels 318, Hardness in steel is as a result of: a, Martensitic structure b, Pearlitic structure c. Leduburetic structure d. Austenitic structure 320. Piston of an IC engine is made out of: a. Cast iron b, Steel casting c. Beryllium alloy d. Aluminum alloy 321. Montreal protocol limits the use of Ozone depleting substance 322, The crank shaft of a 300 HP IC engine is: a. Hot forged b. Shell moulded c. Cold forged d. Obtained through investment cas 323, Rain drop is spherical due to Surface tension 324. Global warming is due to Carbon-di-oxide 325. One ton of refrigeration is equal to 12000 btu/hr 326. For a laminar flow Reynolds flow should be Less than 2000 327. In latent heating a substance changes phase without increase in temperature 328. Degree of saturation is ratio of _? 329. A pipe friction test shows that, over the range of speeds used for the test, the non-dimensional friction factor f, varies inversely with Reynolds No. It can be inferred from above that, ans. Pipe should be smooth. 330. In a rough turbulent flow in a pipe, the friction factor would depend upon? Ans, Pipe diameter and pipe condition. 331. What is the refrigerant used in vapour absorption cycle? 332. Expansion in a vapour compression cycle is an Isenthalpie process 333. What is the work of throttling process? Ans, Expansion 334, What is the material of heat exchanger tubes? Ans. Copper 335. Tachometer is used to measure Speed 336. Mercury is used in manometer because 337. Check valves are used to ensure unidirectional flow 338, Anti-freeze agent used is Ethylene glycol 339. Anemometer can be used to measure 2 340, Bypass factor of a cooling coil is_? 341. Aspect ratio of a rectangular duct is the ratio between its 2 342. The temp that is numeri ly the same in Fahrenheit & centigrade scales is. 2 343. The loudness of sound depends upon its, 2 344. Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor will undergo 2 Ans, Condensation 345. In inductance leads 346. Power factor is least in 7a. capacitance b. resistance. inductance 347. Barometer is used to measure 2 348, Identify the odd one out. a. DIN. b.ISI_ ¢. JIS. dT. 349. If the NPSH requirements of a pump are not satisfied it wills 350. Approach of a cooling tower is the difference between temperatures of _ 2 351. A parallel flow heat exchanger will perform better than a counter flow heat exchanger. State whether this is true or false 352. The index that normally reflects laminar flow in a tube is ? Ans, Reynolds no. 353, Pressure drop in air duct is influenced by vans. Shape of the duct 354, By increasing the intake air temp, efficiency of IC engine will ? Ans, decrease 355. The velocity of the sound depends on a. pitch b. quality and pitch c. loudness and quality and pitch d. none of the above 356. Theoretical correct air fuel ratio for petrol. a.6:1 b.9:1.__¢, 10:1 15:1 357. The knock in diesel engine occurs A. instantaneous and rapid traverse of first part of the charge B.Reduction of the delay period instantaneous and auto ignition of the end part of the charge D.Alll the above 358. Ignion quality of the diesel fuel oil is measure by index no is called a. octane b. cetene c. calorific value d. carbon no 359, Carnot cycle maximum efficiency for A. reversible engine b. irreversible c. petrol d. diesel 360. Compressed air coming out of the punctured foot ball a. attains atmtemp —_b.remains at same temp —_c.becomes cooler d.becomes hotter 361. The product of El is a. flexural rigidity —b.section modulus ¢.polar modulus d.modulus of rupture 362. Which of the following is the thin cylinder? a boilers b.steam pipes c.water pipes. d.all the above 363. Hoop stress induced in the thin cylinder by winding it with wire under tension will be 0 betensile —_e,compressive d.shear 364. As compared to rivet joint to welded joint ha Strength ahigher ——bilesser ceeither above d.none of the above 365. - - gear train is one in which each shaft call as one wheel only asimple — b.compound c.epicyclic d.none 366. In the clock ~ gear train is used to commonly minute to hour asimple —_b.compound cepicyclic — d.none 367. If the earth shrinks by half the radius duration of one day AA brsb.6 hrs ¢.12 hrs 4.24 hrs 368. A tool used in cutting an external thread is called a. twist drill b.tap edie end mill 369. In----- moulding green sand is is generally used a. floor, late cbench dit 370. With increase in cutting speed power requirement is a. decrease linearly b.remains constant —¢.inerease linearly _d, Unpredictable. 371. What will be the locus of a point on a thread unwound from a cylinder? a. involute b. helix c. straight lined. circle 372. The ratio of no teeth to pitch circle diameter a. pitehb. circular pitch c, diametrical pitch _d. module. 373. Difference between dedendum and addendum is a.backless clearence, flank tooth space 374, Compare to air craft air velocity in a rocket is a. 0b. less ¢.more d. same 375. - is suitable for space travel a. turbo jet b. turbo prope. rocket d. all the above 376. Rain drop is spherical due to A. surface tension B. specific weight C. specific gravity D. all of the above E. none of the above 377. By increasing the intake air temperature, efficiency of an IC engine will generally A. increases B.decreases C. remains the same D. increases at the beginning and then decreases gradually E, none of the above 378. A stone initially at rest is dropped from the edge of a very tall building. Taking acceleration as 10m/s2, what was the change in the speed of the stone during the 4th second? a. 1Omvs b. 30m/s c. 15m/s d. 40m/s e. None of the above 379, What type of thread is used in lead screw of a lathe? ‘A. acme thread B. V-thread C. square D. buttress E. none of the above 380. In latent heating, a substance involves in phase with in temperature. ‘A. change, increase B. no change, increase C. change, no increase D. no change, no increase E. none of the above 381, For a cantilever beam with uniformly varying load, shape of bending moment curve is a) Parabolic b) hyperbolic c) Straight line d) cubic e) None of the above 382. Hammer blow in pipe happens due to a) Friction in pipes b) Change in temperature c) stoppage of flow d) All the above e) none 383, Which of the following statement(s) is/are true? a. A parallel flow heat exchanger will perform better than a counter flow heat exchanger ’b, Montreal protocol (1987) limits the use of ozone depleting substance ¢. Both (a) and (b) are true d, None of the above is true e. Data insufficient 384. The mercury does not wet with the glass. This is due to the property of the liquid known as a. Cohesion b. Adhesion c. Capillarity d. Surface tension e. both (a) and (b) 385. The increase in hardness due to cold working is known as ‘A-age hardening b. work hardening c. induction hardening d. flame hardening e, none 386, Which of the following methods in welding uses a pool of molten metal? a, Carbon are welding b. TIG welding c. Submerged are welding d. MIG welding e. Thermit welding 387. A spark plug gap is kept between A.0.3 10 0.7 mm B. 0.2 to 0.8 mm C. 0.4 to 0.9 mm D. 0.4 to | mm E, none 388. Which of the following fuel has little tendency towards detonation? a. Benzene b. Iso-octane c. N-heptane d. Alcohol e. None of the above 389. Which mechanical property a metal should possess to enable it to be mechanically formed? A. ductility b. malleability c. elasticity e. machinability e. None of the above 390. The strain energy stored in a spring, when subjected to maximum load, without suffering permanent distortion, is known as a, Strain energy b. Resilience c, Proof Resilience d. Proof stress e, None 391. How many of the following statements may be false? 1) The index that normally reflects the nature of flow in a duct is Reynolds number 2) One ton of refrigeration is equal to 12000 btu/hr 3) Pressure drop in air duct is influenced by shape of the duct 4) The viscosity of hydrogen increase with increase of temperature A. One only b. Two only ¢. Three only d. All the above e, None of the above 392. Moment of inertia of a triangular section of base (b) and height (h) about an axis passing through its vertex and parallel to the base is __ than that passing through its C.G, and parallel to the base. a. Nine times b. six times c. four times d. one-half e, one-third 393, A hydrometer is used to measure a. velocity of fluids b. velocity of gases c. flow of fluids d. specific gravity of fluids e. none of these 304, Which law states that change in internal energy of a perfect gas is directly proportional to the change in temperature? a, Avagadro’s law b, Gay-Lussac law c, Joule’s law d. Newtonian law e, None of these 395. A taper provided on the pattern for its easy and clean withdrawal from the mould is known as ‘A. machining allowance b. draft allowance . shrinkage allowance d. distortion allowance e. None of the above. 396, Hygrometry deals with moisture content in air 397. 1 kg-m=9.81 J 398, Relation between gauge, abs atm pressures 399, Work-study deals with 400. Time study deals with 401. Expand MIS-Management Information System 402. CPM and PERT deals with determining the status of the project 403. To avoid cavitation in a centrifugal pump inlet pressure should be high 404, Expand NTP- Normal temperature and pressure 405. Dalton’s law of pressure total pressure equals sum of partial pressures. 406. As per Avogadro's hypothesis molecular wt of all gases occupy the same volume under same conditions of temp and pressure 407. Use of intercooler- to reduce work input. 408. Use of after cooler to reduce volume of receiver. 409. Water hammer occurs due to sudden obstruction in flow. 410. ABC analysis deals with 411. Main objective behind plant layout is ‘A. to avoid back tracking b. To minimize the space occupied 412, Efficiency of diesel engine as compared to petrol engine under same rated load (high) 413. Which of the following is not present in a Cl engine? a. Fuel injector b. Carburetor c. Fuel pump 414, Which of the following is not present in a SI engine a. Spark plug b. Carburetor c, Fuel injector 415, Pour point is (min temp at which a liquid flows at set condition) 416. Zeroth law of thermodynamics 417. In value engg “value” mean: 420. Second law of thermodynamics deals with entropy 421. Mach no deals with: 422. Output=9kW, Input=30kW, Efficiency=? 30% 423. Overall hear transfer co-eff. Present in a) Conduction b) Convection c) Conduction and convection d) All modes of heat transfer. 424, Orifice Definition provision for flow of liquid with regulation 425, Break even point no profit and no loss 426. If a block of ice floating in a tub of water and gets melted then what will be the level of water a falls down b.rises c. remains the same 427. Compressed air coming out of a punctured football ‘A) Remains at the same temperature B) becomes hotter C) becomes cooler 428, Heat transfer takes place as per a) Second law b) First law c) Zeroth law 429, Choking in compressor means change in mass flow rate with proportional to Pr ratio, change in mass flow rate with inversely proportional to Pr ratio, fixed mass flow rate regardless to Pr. 430. Formation of frost in refrigerator a) Can be prevented if design is proper b) Heat transfer becomes more c) Heat loss <4) Immaterial. 431, Supercharging is the process of increasing the density of the inlet charge. 432. How will you find the unburnt mixture in exhaust gas? a) Analyzing CO b) Analyzing Oxygen. 433. Compression ratio is the ratio of ) Delivery inlet pr. b) Inlet pr to delivery pr. c) Stroke volume to clearance volume 434, To reduce moisture troubles the compressor main should be a) Vertical b) Horizontal c) Slanting 435, Critical activity is 4) Zero float b) High float c) Low float 436. Cash discounts is based on ) Sold on credit b) Bargaining capacity of the seller c) Payment of instant cash 437. 1 KW-hr=3600 kJ. 438, Which process is more effective for compression? a) Isothermal b) Adiabatic) Polytrophic 439. What did W.H. Taylor do? 440. An adiabatic compression is one in which no heat enters or leaves the system. 441. What happens if the refrigerator doors are kept open? The room will be warmed up gradually. 442. In break even analysis, profit occurs when sales revenue >total cost. 443. In which device, the temp of the refrigerant is the lowest a) Compressor b) Condenser ) Expansion valved) Evaporator 444. A material piece weighs 2.5 kg in air and 3 kg, when immersed in water, then is 445. A body of 7 is immersed in mercury of 13.6, What percent of the body will be immersed in water? 0.515, 446. | tonne of refrigeration is the cooling effect produced when melting one tonne of ice 447. Unit of power Watt. 448. What is the use of the reverse flow of air in compressor? a) Cleaning the dust particles settled b) Velocity of the air flow increases c) pressure increases 449, Rota meter — Flow measurement 450. If we use petrol in diesel engine lot of fuel will remain unburnt. 451, In V belt drive contact is made on a) bottom b) sides c)bottom and sides 452. The intake of air in an air compressor can be had from a) An area nearby coal yard. b) An area nearby a cooling tower. c) A room in which conditioned air is maintained at 20°C. d) Atm air maintained at 1°C 453, Section modulus of hollow shaft PU32*(D4-d4)/D_ 454, Down milling is also called 2 Climb milling 455. Drilling is an example of ? Oblique cutting 456, Section view of °C’ washer. 2 457. Deflection of simple supported beam carrying UDL 2 5/384" WL4/EI 458, Flexible coupling is used because 459, Washer is used to provide Bearing area 460. Initial tension is considered in 1) Tension springs 2) Compression springs 3) Both 461. Kelvin plank law deals with 1) Conservation of work into heat 2) conservation of heat into work 462. Soldering alloy consists of Tin and lead 463. Why chromium is used in steel alloys? Corrosive resistance 464. High cutting speed is obtained while machining 1) HSS 2) carbide 3) CBN 465. Metal forming is an example of ? chipless machining 466. Top rake angle is provided for ) Easy removal of chip 467. Alloying is done for increased strength and application 468. Why transformer is used in welding 1) to convert AC to AC 2) AC to DC. 3) DC to AC 469, Spherical cast iron is getting from Grey cast iron by adding _? Mg 470. In throttling process Enthalpy ? constant 471. 10 cc of engine means 2 Swept volume 472, Geneva mechanism is used for 2 Intermittent motion 473. In NC system for profile machining 1) Point to point 2) contour motion 3) paraxial motion. 474. In centreless grinding, the grinding wheel and the regulating wheels rotate inthe same direction. 475. Centridal distance of a semicircle 4*1/3*pi 416. Highest packing factor: FCC 477. Which chart takes care of control attributes: P chart, C chart, R chart 478, Fixture is used for holding the work piece without disturbing the tool path 479, Code for circular interpolation G 02 480. Order of transmission in a car: EFCPD (Engine Flywheel Clutch Propeller shaft Differential) 481. Reverse gear has less speed because 1. More speed is not necessary in reverse gear 2.Steering is difficult in the reverse direction 3.less space availability 4. Design simplification 482, Use of annealing: ? To relieve stresses 483. Pulley question: w=f/2 484, Equivalent stiffness of springs in series: KUK2 / (k1+ k2) 485. Deflection=5 mm, stiffness=k. then applied load is 5 kk 486, Bevel gear is used in differential. 487. Which of the following uses consumable electrodes? MIG. 488. Alloy used in the manufacture of surgical instruments. Martensitic stainless steel (Chromium steel) 489. Uses of superconductors. 490. What path does double slider crank mechanism follows, (Check if it is Elliptical). 491. Ratio between Brake horse powers to the energy supplied. Brake thermal efficiency 492. Two emfs El and E2 are given. Among two lengths one is given, Be clear with the relation between ratios of emfs to the lengths across 493, What is anodizing? 494, What is honing? 495, What is hermoplastic? 496. The value of pressure used in elec resistance welding 2KN 497. Up milling opposite direction 498. Down milling same direction 499, Pump in sewage lobe pump 500. Pump. oil gear pump 501. Heat transfer based on which the law second law. 502. Sum using thermal coefficient of exp to fin stress 503. Critical speed of a shaft is affected by Span of the shaft 504, Starting friction is low in 505. Heat transfer is based on which law (zeroth, first, 2nd, kirchoff) 506, In refrigeration where will temp be max? Between compress and condenser 507. Stoichiometric AF ratio is chemically correct mixture by efficiency. 508, How will u compute performance of diesel eng? bsfe 509. How will u pump sewage water ie. which pump? Lobe pump 510, How will u pump viscous fluid? Gear pump SIL. Honing process: Surface finish 512. If thread angle is increased (mechanical adv decreases) 513, Principal plane condition :{ shear stress 0, normal stress max) 514, If refrigerator is opened in a room, fan is also on. What will happen to room temp? Temp increases. 515. Graft in casting 516, How will u improve resistance? 517, Magnetic compass indicates, 4) true north pole b) anionic earth pole ¢) geographic north pole d) magnetic north pole. 518, For a cantilever beam with uniformly varying load, shape of bending moment curve is a)parabolic b) hyperbolic ¢) straight line d) cubic, 519. For perfectly elastic bodies, coefficient of restitution is a) 0b) 0.5 c) 1 d) infinity. 520, For 1 order lever, mechanical advantage is a) <1 b)>1 c) =I d) none. ‘521. 18:4:1 in H.S.S represent a) 18tu : dyn : 1 cr. Other choices r just interchanged, 522. Due to intense braking of an automobile reaction of wheels on road A. Will be equally distributed to all 4 wheels. B, Will be more at rear wheels C. Inertia will be on the front wheels. D. Not remember. 523. Thermal efficiency of LC engines will be a)20-25% b)30-35% c)60-75% d) 45- 55%. 524, when a mass is supported by spring of spring constant k, which is cut in 4 equal pieces and the connected in parallel way the equilent spring constant is a)k/4 b) 16k c) 64k d) k. 525, when a mass is supported on roof of a elevator and elevator moves with an acceleration of 4.9 mv/s2 shows a spring reading of 15kg, then the weight of the body isa) 10 b) 15.) 30.4)20, 526. Mass production of bolts and rivets is by a hotextrusion b forging c cold heading d .cold pening 527. why doesn’t mercury stick to glass tube cohesive force>adhesive force b cohesive force80 b.<80¢.>90 d.>110 530, Ifa body weighing 40kg float is al bO16 025 J. in water with 40% of volume immersed, the sp. gravity of the body 531. Axial claw clutches a. Disengages b. engages c. engages only with load d. operates only with load 532, If center distance of a involutes mating gear changes then the pressure angle a. Increases b, decreases c, remains unaltered 533. Normalising is ‘A. heated above critical temp and cooled in air. B. heated above critical temp and quenched in oil . heated below critical temp and cooled in air 535. The best suited material for permanent magnet a. Alnico b. silicon 536, Hooke’s joint is used for A. parallel and intersecting shafts B. non parallel non intersecting C. nonparallel and intersecting _D.. parallel and non intersecting 537. To have a const.velocity ratio the two gears should have (or) angular velocity of the gear will remain the same if the ..... cuts the line joining ....... ata fixed point law of gearing 538. Which of the following is a loose running fit a. h6f6 b.h6e6 c. h6d6 539, Fahrenheit and centigrade are equal at a-40 b.0 ¢, 32.100 540. M10 hexagonal bolt is manufactured a. upset forging and thread rolling b. Casting and thread rolling 541, Specific speed in a turbo machine depends on a. geometric shape, b. size, ¢, head, d. all the above. 542. Unit of surface roughness is a.micron, b. PPM, c. mm? d, meter 543. Mohr's circle is used to find 544. Storage, transportation, operation, delay, inspection symbols are used in ‘A. process chart, b. mam mvc chart, c. grant chart, d. all the above. 545, Melting point of ice changes with a. increase with pressure, b, increase with pressure ratio. 546. If the speed of fan is doubled, quantity of air displaced is a. doubled, b.4times, c.1/2 times d, remains same. 547. Which has less carbon content? A. tool steel, b. spring steel, carburising steel, forging steel. 548, When a helical compressive spring is subjected to axial compression load, the stress induced in the spring will be a. tensile, b. compressive, c. shear. d. none 549, For a bar element if area, length, and stress are doubled the elastic strain energy will be A. Half b. doubled c. 4 times d. 8 times 550, For a punching die, 2mm thick sheet, dia. D, force f, the shear force is 8800. 551. Spheroidising is a process of A. annealing b. normalizing , tempering d. case hardening ‘552. What type of thread is used in lead screw of a lathe A. acme thread B. VC. Square D. buttress 553, Wear allowance of a go nogo end plug gauge is given for a.. goend b. nogo end 554, Internal spur gears can be made by using a. Gear shaping b. slotting e. Gear hobbing 555. Height of the capillary varies with A. Increase with increase in dia of tube B. increase with increase in sp. weight C. increase with decrease in dia D. increase with decrease in sp. weight 556. A bolt of nominal diameter 33mm the stress of 100N/mm2 the safe load is, A) 60 KN b) 100 KN c) 160 KN. 557. A cylinder with in 1% of the tolerence capacity Timit are is 0.2% radius and 0.25 height. the permissible tolerence in height and radius 558, In ball bearings cage is used for a, to maintain the ball position b) to maintain parallelism between inner and outer race. 559, Pumped storage plants are used mainly for A. High head b) run off river. 560. For an incompressible solid, poisson’s ratio is, 561. Distance of ozone layer from surface of earth a. 0 to 100 km b 20 to 50 km c. 50 to 100 kmd. 10 to 15 km 562. An elevator is moving up with an acc. of 4.9 m/sec? a body weighing 15 kg is attached with spring balance, What is the value in the spring balance a. 10 b. 15 ¢. 20d. 30 563. At same heat input and max pressure A. efficiency of otto cycle more than diesel B. efficiency of dual cycle more than diesel C. efficiency of diesel cycle more than otto 564, Bending stress is (y is the distance from the neutral axis) A. inversely proportional to y . proportional to yc. independent of y 565. If the body is 40% immersed in water what will be its specific gravity 566. The temp at the three edges of a square shaped body is 0 C and on the fourth edge is 100 c find the ‘Temp at the centre of the square a 25. b, 100 ¢. 50 4.0. 567. Machine tool drives are generally given in: ) Arithmetic progression b) geometric progression c) Harmonic progression 4) none of the above 568, Finite element analysis is used in a) Accurate measurement —_b) stress analysis c) Metallurgy _d) none of the above 569. Coolant is generally not used while machining a) low carbon steel b) high carbon steel c) cast iron d) alloy steel 570. Machinability of steel is improved by the presence of a)nickel —-b) tungsten) sulphur) chromium, S71. Negative rake angle a) increases cutting force _b) decreases cutting force _c) no effect on cutting force 4) none of the above 572. The hardest tool material used is a) Coated carbide —_b) high speed steel__c) boron nitride d) diamond 573, Stick slip phenomenon is associated with a) Spindle rotation —b) belt drives c) slide movement d) none of the above 574. Gear hobbing is a) Shaping process _b) generating process c) forming process 575. Cutting speed of H.S.S tools while cutting low carbon steel a) 40m/minb) 250m/min ¢) 500m/min_ d) none 576. Cutting speed of carbide tools while cutting low carbon steel a) 40m/min —b) 250m/min c) 500m/min d) 80m‘min 577. Straightness that can be achieved over a length of 300mm by grinding a) 0.005 -0.01mm ) 0.1-0.2mm ) 0.05-0.1mm 4) 0.5-0.8mm ‘578. The circularity that can be achieved by finish turning on a standard centre lathe is a) 0.005-0,008mm, b) 0.0-0.08mm, ) 0.1-0.2mm. 4d) 0.2-0.3mm 579, Honing can correct a) oviality b) taper) Straightness of bored) axial curvature 580. Machine tool sliding surfaces are finish matched by a) surface grinding b)fine milling ©) slide way grinding scraping 581. Close sliding fit is given by a) H7/g6 b)H7/h6 ©) HO/p6 4) H7/K6 582. 60H6 can be achieved by a) Turning b) boring —_) Drilling 4) internal grinding 583. The displacement accuracy which can be achieved on a jig boring machine a) Sim, b)50/4um ©) 100/4m 584. Hardness value in cast iron can be measured in a) shore b)BHN Rockwell none 585. Auto collimator is used to measure ) dia upto 0.001mm_b) lengths _¢) straightness 4) Involutes error 586, Surface finish is measured by a) comparator b) planograph ©) sprit level 4) none ‘587. The outside diameter of a 20 teeth 3 module gear is a) 54 b)60 0) 63 d) 70 588, Herring bone gear is used for a) High speed transmission b) noise free transmission c) Better load transmission d) none 589. Ina right angle transmission by helical gears, the hands of the helix of the gears are a) Same by opposite c) Immaterial 4) none 590. Worm drive is always self-locking a) True b) false 591. Ball bearings are not generally used in crank shafts of automobiles because a) of high cost bjofhigh speed cannot be assembled d)none. 592. Most hydrostatic bearings normally work under a) Constant flow system —_b) constant pressure system ) Constant temperature system) constant volume system 593. Bronze is used in journal bearings essential to a) Reduce friction b) reduce heat) Eliminate oxidization d) eliminate seizing 594, The spindle of high precision cylindrical grinder is mounted on. a) Ball bearing b) Taper roller bearing c) Hydrostatic bronze bearing d) needle bearing. 595. To accelerate the flow of gases a) nozzle is used b) diffuser is used c) dia of pipe to increased d) none of these will help 596, Hydraulic accumulator a) Acts as an accumulator b) acts as a storage for hydraulic energy ©) Acts asa pressure relief d) none 597. When ice which is floating in water, melts, does the level to water a) go up ) go down ) remain the same, 598, Hammer blow in pipe happens due to a) friction in pipes b) change in temperature _c) stoppage of flow d) none 509. Temperature rise in fluid flow causes 4) reduction in viscosity b) increase in viscosity __) no effect 600. Ratio between velocity of sound and velocity of any object is ) prandtl number —_b) Reynolds number) Avagadro’s number 4d) mach number 601. Cavitation effect in flow occurs due to a) Excess pressure b) excess temperature ©) excess flow 4) none 602. In electrical locomotives ultimate transmission is by a) AC Motor) DC Shunt Motor c) DC Series Motor) Synchronous motor 603. Geneva mechanism is used for obtaining, a) Intermittent motion b) accelerating motion ©) continuous motion 4) none 604, Corioles component is associated with a) Displacement b) acceleration ©) velocity d) none 605. Effect of increase of outside diameter of a helical compression spring on its rigidity is a) Increased rigidity b) decreased rigidity c) no effect) dry friction 606, Jominey curve is related to the study of a) Hydraulics b) thermodynamics —c) electrical d) none 607. TTT diagram is used in a) Surface finish) heat treatment) stress analysis) thermodynamics 608. Mehanite is the name given to a type of a) Alloy steel b) granite) nodular cast iron d) cast iron 609. Unwanted impurity in molten aluminium is, a) oxygen b) carbon dioxide) nitrogen) hydrogen 610. Hardness in steel is as a result of a) martensitic structure b) pearlitic structure c) leduburetic structure d) austenitic structure 611. Carburising is done ) For blackening of high carbon steel__b) for case hardening of low carbon steel ©) For post hardening process to reduce internal stresses d) to increase machinability of high tensile steels is made out of b)steel casting beryllium alloy d)aluminium alloy 613, The crank shaft of a 300 HP IC engine is a) hot forged b) shell moulded) cold forged.) obtained through investment casting 614. A 6kg ball is suspended from two wires of equal length. The angle between the wires is 90 degrees, What is the tension ineach wire? a. 58.8N b.41.6N .294N dd. 83.2N 615. A 523 kg experimental rocked sted can be accelerated from rest (0 1602 kuv/h in 1.82s, What net force is required? a. 4.6X106NB. 4.6X105N C. 1.6X106N D. 1.3X105N 616. A force that averages 984N is applied to a 0.42kg steel ball moving at 13.8 m/s by a collision that lasts 0.027s, If the force is in a direction opposite to the initial velocity of the ball, what is the final speedof the ball? A. 77.Im/s B.63.3mvsC.13.8m/s__D. 49.5m's 617. A stone initially at rest is dropped over the edge of a very tall building. Taking g as 10m/s2, what ‘was the change in the speed of the stone building during the 4th second? Alms — B.30m/s —C.15m/s_—_D. 40m, 618, How long will it take a 2000 motor to lift a 320kg container vertically upwards for 26m? (g=9.8 ms’) A. 29s B. 6.38 C.4.2s D.4.1s 619. A collision between two isolated items will in generally conserve A. the total kinetic energy and the total momentum of the system, B. the total kinetic energy but not the total momentum of the system. C. the total momentum but not the total kinetic energy of the system, D. the momentum of each object. 620. What is the force exerted on a submarine window of 2m2 area, if the submarine is at a depth of 2km below the surface?(the density of sea water is 1.03X103 kg/m3) A.4.04X107N B.4.04X104N C. 2.02X104N D. 2.02X107N 621. A body partially floats with 2/3rds of its volume under the surface of a fluid. If the density of the fluid is X kg/m3, what is the density of the body? A32Xkgim3 — B.23Xkgm3 C14. Xkgm3_——D.O.15 X kg/m3 622. How many of the following statements are true: ‘A. the buoyant force on a body depends on the shape of the body B. The buoyant force on a body always acts in the same direction C. the buoyant force on a body depends on the mass of the body D. The buoyant force on a body depends on the density of the fluid surrounding the body A.onlyone B.onlytwo C. only three D. only four 623, How many of the following statements may be false? A. The pressure in a fluid depends on the density of the fluid. B. The forces due to pressure in a fluid act perpendicular to the surface of a body immersed in a fluid. . The buoyant force experienced by a body immersed in a fluid depends on the density of the body D. The buoyant force always acts vertically upwards on a body immersed in a fluid A.Only one B.Onlytwo C. Only three D. All four 624, How many atoms are present in a mole of CH4? (Avagadro’s number = 6.023X10 /mole) ‘A. 1.2X1024 B, 3.01X1024 C. 1.2X1023 D. 6.023X1023 625. A power station generates SOOMW of power and exhausts 800MW as waste heat into the environment, What is the efficiency of the power station? A.61.5% — B.385% C.625% — D.23% 626. How long does it take a 350W coffeepot to boil of 0.7L of water initially at 100°C. The latent heat of vapourisation of water = 2.1X106 J/kg. A.6.1 min, B, 7.0 min C. 3.9 min, D. 3.1 min, 627. A 16 ohm resistor and 8 ohm resistor are connected in series across a 12V battery. What is the voltage across each resistor respectively? A. 8V , 4V B. 4V , 8V.C. 12V, 12V D. 6V, 6V 628, How many of the following statements regarding sound are true? A. Intensity depends on the square root of the amplitude B. Loudness only depends on the intensity of a sound C. The pitch of a sound depends on the frequency D, Sound is reflected whenever a change in acoustic impedance is encountered A.Only one B.Onlytwo C. Only three D. All four 629, How many of the following statements regarding light are true? A. Light travels in a straight line even when it crosses between two media of different refractive index B. Infrared light has longer wavelength than ultra-violet light C. Light can behave both like a ray and like a particle D. It's possible to get a real image with a concave lenses, ‘A. Only one B. Only two C. Only three D. All four 630. The pressure p in terms of its mean kinetic energy/unit volume E is aE bE2 c3B/4 28/3 eSB 631. Convert volumetric to gravitational, relative volume of each constituent of flue gas a. %mw b. xmv cme d. xsw e. SSW 632. Which is correct for reversible polytrophic process? a. temperature constant —_b, density constant _¢, volume constant 4. entropy constant e. same heat transfer 633. If gas or vapour allowed to expand through a minute hole a. free expansion —_b. hyperbolic ¢. adiabatic expansion 4. parabolic e. throttling 634. Minimum work of compressor is possible, when the adiabatic index is 0.75 bal 1.27 4.1.35 e2 635. Under ideal condition, isothermal, isochoric, adiabatic and isobaric are a. static b.dynamic — c. quan-static d.stable_e, thermodynamic 636. Ifa heat engine attains 100% efficiency, then itis A.Zeroth aw b. Thaw ¢. Hlaw dno all 1637. If Qr is the heat in source, Qs is the cold sink for heat pump then COP. a. Qi/ (Qi Q) b.Q/(Qi- Q) & (Qe Q)/Q 638, The output of diesel engine is increased if a. more fuel b. flywheel size. incoming air d. scavenging _e. supercharging 639. Accumulation of carbon in the cylinder increases when a. decrease in volume b. volumetric efficiency. ignition time 4. effective compression ratio. travel time 640. for same power, same speed, flywheel of petrol and diesel engine are a.smaller —b. greater c. equal none 641. If petrol is used in diesel engine, then a. higher knocking —_b. black smoke ¢. lot of fuel d. improper combustion 642, Reciprocating compressor is used for a, large quantity of air at high pressure _b, large quantity of air at low pressure ¢. low quantity of air at low pressure 4. low quantity of air at high pressure 643, Lean relation for a, specific gravity b, dynamic viscosity 644, Centre of pressure = centre of gravity when 645. Vortex on whirlpool is due toa. cavitation b. wake, drag 646, What it is Rupture? 647. A belt drive, where pulley dia is double, and then it key Jength must be a.doubled — b. same C. increase the critical length 648. Surface contact in motion is called a.roll pair b, surface pair ¢. lower pair d. slide 649. For fluctuating load- is used a, ball bearing. b, roll bearing ¢. thrust bearing _d. sleeve bearing (650. In pinion and gear design, the design must be made by a. gear b. pinion ¢. both 651. The plate is severely deformed ata side then it grains becomes a. ductile b. malleable 652. What is recrystallation temperature? 653. What is austempering? 654, Acetylene is staid on form a liquid solid _c. compressed 655. Tool life is concentrated ona. cutting speed _—_b. material c. feed or depth (656, Reamer is used for 657. In an ideal gas compared to a real gas at very high pressure occupies? 658. Kinetic theory of gases assumes that collisions between the molecules are?” 659. The condition of perfect vacuum that is at absolute zero pressure can be attained at? 660. Specific heat of air’? 661. Which law states that internal energy is function of Temperature? (662. Minimum work done for an adiabatic process the value of n? 663. Air Refrigerator works on? 664. When crude oil heated Which Hydro carbon comes first?” 665. What is the purpose of Supercharger”? 666. 1Kg of carbon to CO, Amount oxygen required? 667. Horse power per tones of refrigeration? (668. Scale formation on the surface of the boiler tubes due to? (669. Axial shift in steam turbine occurs due to? 670. Latent heat of vaporization at low pressure and temperature? 671. Shaft revolving in a bearing which pair? 672. Difference between dedendum and addendum? 673. The fatigue life of a part can be improved by? 674, Rotational tendency of force? 675. The frequency of transverse vibration is 3 Hz then critical speed? 616. Advantage of V belt? 677. In gear boxes which type of Key is used 678. A structural member subjected to an axial compressive force is called? 679, Pig iron is produced in which furnace? 680. Heat generation of arc welding is due to? 681. In what angle does an object thrown height will travel the longest distance? 682. Angle of contact between the journal and bearing? 683. The coupling is required to connect two parallel shaft distance between the shaft is small and variable? 684. Carbon is added to steel to increase its hardness-True/False 685. Wings of airplane are made by Stretch forming 686. To protect from thrust which type of follower is used? Roller follower/mushroom or spherical follower. 687. With increase in temperature- Decreases Viscosity of liqui 688, Heavy machine beds are made of CI for Vibration Damping (689. For shock resistance and vibrations we use malleable cast iron, 690. Rupture strength Load/Neck area. 691, Washer is used for ‘reasing bearing area. 692. Surface endurance limit depends on surface finish 693. In a uniformly distributed load of 6n/m over a 5 meter length simply supported beam, the value of BM at the point where shear force is zero (17.5/22.5/55/75) (694, Cam size depends on (base circle/pitch circle/prime circle/none) 695. Poisons ratio is higher in (rubber/steeVwood) 696. 697. 698. 699. 700. 701. 702. 703. 704. 705. 706. 707. 708. 709. 110. m1. 112. 713. 114. 71s. 716. 17. 718. 119. 720. In drill tool carbon % is (<0.4 %, 0.8% -1.6%, 1-2.5%) Finishing operation in lathe is done at (low speed/high speed) Degree of freedom in super structure (1/positive/negative/zero) Axial compressors follow the process in ideal conditions (adiabatie/isotropic/isothermal) Forced draft has negative pressure drop (true or false) ‘The key used in the gears for transmitting power (flat/saddle/spline/square) Dye penetration test is (pouring/surface tension/capillary/none) Poisson ratio Lateral strain/linear strain, Endurance limit is depending upon Surface finish in which furnace, pig iron is made blast Corrosion resistant material er and ni Centipoise is unit of viscosity Broaching is made to produce broaching Steady rest is used for supporting long job in lathes Drill angle 118 degree In parson’s turbine, relation between angles al=b2, a2=bL Refrigerant used in refrigerator R 134a/ Freon ‘Composition of babbit metal” 88 % tin ,8% antimony, 4% copper Cantilever beam failure of surface finish is represented by? triangle ‘At what angle in the valve timing, Diesel engine injection occurs? 20 degree before TDC Name any one non destructive test? laser beam/ utrasonie Clutch is located between” engine and gear box ‘What is the Melting pt of iron? 1539 degree Celsius Name any one Gear material? east iron , phosphor bronze, alloy steel , carbon steels Drill material composition? 0.8% - 1.6% 721. Which mechanism is used to hold the gear? ratchet mechanism 722. Reynolds number range for laminar flow -? for flat plate < 5104S ,for pipe < 2000 723, Nusselt (for natural) number is function of which number? grashoff and prandt] number 724. Angle of contact between journal and bearin; 725. What is the function of cutting fluid? cool the tool and the work piece/lubrication/ improves surface finish 726. Dual cycle combination of which two cycles? otto and diesel cycle 727. In serew jack hich thread is used? square thread 728, ACME thread angle? 29 degrees 729. Frequency of a system is 3 Hz then find the speed in rpm? 180 rpm 730. For which gear shafts are co-axial? reverted gear train 731. Say true/false: a) in simple gear train every shaft is attached with one simple gear only True }b) Radiation heat transfer is varied with T to the power of 4. true 732. The velocity of the sound depends on a. pitch b. quality and pitch c. loudness and quality and pitch d. none of the above 733. Theoretical correct air fuel ratio for petrol 6:1 b9:1 10:1 15:1 734. The knock in diesel engine occurs a. instantaneous and rapid traverse of first part of the charge b. Reduction of the delay period c. instantaneous and auto ignition of the end part of the charge d. All the above 735. Ignition quality of the diesel fuel oil is measure by index no is called A octane b. cetene c. calorific value d. carbon no 736. Carnot cycle maximum efficiency for a. reversible engine b. irreversible c.petrol ——d. diesel 737. Compressed air coming out of the punctured foot ball A. attains atm temp —b. remains at same temp —_¢, becomes cooler __d. becomes hotter 738, The product of El is a. flexural rigidity. section modulus. polar modulus, modulus of rupture 739. Which of the following is the thin cylinder? a. boilers _b. steam pipes c. water pipes 4d. all the above 740. Hoop stress induced in the thin cylinder by winding it with wire under tension will be a0 btensile —_¢, compressive 4. shear 741. As compared to rivet joint to welded joint has —- strength ahigher —b. lesser. either above none of the above 742. - - gear train is one in which each shaft call as one wheel only a.simple —_b. compound c. epicyelic d. none 743. In the clock ~ sear train is used to commonly minute to hour a.simple —b. compound c.epicyclic — d. none 744, If the earth shrinks by half the radius duration of one day a4 hrs b.6 hrs cl2hrs 24 hrs 745. A tool used in cutting an external thread is called A. twist drill b. tap ©. die end mill 746. In --—- moulding green sand is generally used A. floor B. late C. bench D. it 747. With increase in cutting speed power requirement is a. decrease linearly b. remains constant ¢. increase linearly d, Unpredictable. 748. What will be the locus of a point on a thread unwound from a cylinder? a.involute — b. helix c. straight line d, circle 749, The ratio of no teeth to pitch circle diameter a. piteh b.circular pitch _¢, diametrical pitch d, module 750. Difference between dedendum and addendum is, a.backless b. clearance. flank d. tooth space 751. Compare to air craft air velocity in a rocket is a0 b. less €. more same 752, suitable for space travel a. turbo jet . turbo prop c.rocket dll the above 753. H7-6 is a, clearance fir ». transition fit . interference fit. sliding fit 754, Thread angle of unified thread is 0.30 bao 50 4.60 755. The function of -~ translation a.screw —_b, bolt c. nut key is to transform input motion of rotation in to out put motion of 756. the most important element which control the physical property of steel is a.silicon —_b, manganese c. tungsten d. carbon 757. Austempering is the heat treatment process used to obtain greater a. hardness toughness «. softness 4, brittle ness 758, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, Joule’s law, Newton's 2" law of rotary motion, Third law of thermodynamics 7159. Coefficient of friction is the ratio of 760. If a body is moving in a circular path, a force comes into the path, which acts along with the radius of the circular path and is directed towards the centre of the path, what is the force? 761. Gravitational acceleration at a place is 6 times the value of gravitational acceleration at earth. The weight of the body at that place will be 762. The acceleration of a particle moving with simple harmonic motion (SHM) is maximum, 763. Low grade fuels have 764, In case of exhaust silencer of a petrol engine is partly chocked it is likely to result in 765. Temporary hardness of water is caused by 766. Velocity ratio of a belt is 767. The compression ratio of diesel engine lies in the range of 768. For any thermodynamic process the area under T-s curve represents 769. When the load on CI engine decreases its efficiency increases. This is due to 710. Torque given by engine will be maximum when the engine 771. Decrease in engine speed from no load to full load is 772. Kinematic pair is classified as 7713. Isentropic process means 774. A process in which no heat is supplied or rejected is, 715. Which of the following are fire tube boilers? 776. The study that deals with man and environment is 777. What is the effect of supercharging on detonation in case of petrol engine? 778, Mode of heat transfer in which there is no change in molecular motion is 779, Effect on efficiency of carnot cycle. 780. Question on benzon boiler & composite bar 781. In cold and hot rolling which cannot be done’? Hollow circular section 782. Pearlite consists of ~? ferrite and cementite 783. In Pert project time= 784, Crank rotates at 4pi radians per second, ank radius 10 em piston velocity? 785, Path traced by a point on a double slider crank. 786, For maximum economy air fuel ratio in petrol? 787. Orthogonal cutting angle between relative velocity and 788, In grey cast iron ~ welding isused? MIG 789. For chipless machining non conventional method used -——- Laser beam machinig 790. Melting point of steel - 1000 to1380 791. To increase toughness in steel 2 Nickel and vanadium 792. Notch toughness test? IZOD 793. Number of instantaneous centers in four bars mechanism? Six 794, Circle which takes the basic rolling action as that of the gear? Pitch circle 795. Gear train in gear boxes for automobile? Compound 796. Coupling used in perfectly aligned shafts? _Rigid flange coupling 797. Time period of a simple pendulum? 798. Euler's formula for buckling?” 799, Cantilever beam deflection with central loading length I? 800. Efficiency of otto eyele depends on 801. Ratio of work and heat transfer in polytrophic process? 802. LVDT purpose? 803. Newton’s law of viscosity relates a) shear stress and rate of deformation _b) pressure, viscosity & velocity ) shear stress, viscosity and pressure 804. Fatigue life of a member can be improved by a) Polishing b) shot pening 805. Water droplets falling down assume spherical shape due to -~-------- property a) cohesion b) surface tension c) adhesion 806. Differential gear is used while turning 807. The efficient gear drive is, a)helical —b) spur c)worm —d) bevel. -—e) all the above 808. In a V-Belt, contact will be made only along the sides 809, Ina flour mill, ----—- type of drive is used flat helt drive 810. In which process, high accuracy of hole can be achieved? a)drilling —_b) reaming —_c) broaching 811. In designing a pulley, shaft and a key, which is made weaker? a) key b)pulley c) shaft d) all have the same strength 812. In compounding of turbines, a) Efficiency increases b) Turbine Speed decreases c) to avoid axial shift 813. In bolt tightening, the type of load in the bolt is tensile 814, After grinding, which type of process is used to relieve stress? a) Annealing b) normality c) tempering d) no stress is induced 815. Cast Iron is used in machine bed ways for Damping 816, Ideal fluid obeys a) Pascal’s Law b) Newtonian Law c) Bernoulli's Principle d)Continuity Equation 817. A flat washer has more bearing area 818, Barometer is used for ~ 819. The material whose property is same in all the materials is isotropic 820. Impact strength is an index of 821. Inventory cost depends upon 822. Which of the following is not a vector quamtity? a) weight b)Force c)Velocity d)Acceleration 823. Governor sensitivity wl, w2 given (w1-w2)*2/(w1+w2) 824, Boiling water nuclear plant fuel Plutonium. 825. What is the max shear force in the following? 826. Given the B.M.Diagram, what is the shear force diagram? 827. Hygrometry is used to measure the humidity 828. Buoyancy force acts in met centre of the body. 829. ORN ans. Stack in critical path, 830, Moment of Inertia of shaft pi/64 *d4 831. Rotary Compressors for what? High quantity, low pressure 832. Power of diesel engine 833. What is a function of differential? 834. Expansion of OHC 835. Speed of cam shaft half the crank shaft 836. Which process increase hardness and doesn't decrease strength? 837. Which of following is boiler accessory? 838. PERT deals with 839. Distance between bore of cylinder and connecting rod bearing is called 840, Swirl is used to 841. Octane rating deals with 842. Motor used for starting an engine 843. DIN is formed from which country?- Germany, US, Austria, Japan 844. Break even analysis is 845, Capital expenses is 846, PERTIS__ ORIENTED, CPM is __ oriented 847. In Screw jack, which thread is used 848. Copper sheets are produced by 849, Nozzles are used for __pr. And velocity. 850. In Gem cube, how many 1"2*6 blocks are formed? 851, Gantt chart is used for 852. Gang milling means 853, Slippery in ice is due to 854. why rain droplets are spherical in shape 855. why bubbles shines-due to diffraction 856, shim is associated with 857. Priming is done in pump 858, Carburetor implies mixture of 859, Gear box is placed between 860. Stuffing box is used in 861. What is importance of universal motor? 862, Differential and gear box, between them which gear is used 863. Self locking screw means ‘864, Basic shaft should fall 865. Shaft, pulley, key is designed on the basis of keeping key weaker. 866. 867. 60cm wheel, 40cm wheel. First wheel moves distance with 280rev., then no of rev. then no. of rev Brazing is used for what materials second wheel moves for same distance 868. 869, 870. 871. 872. 873, 874, 875, 876, 87. 878, 879, 880. 881 882, 883. 884, 885, 886, 887. 888. 889, Radius =10cm ifit is decreased by four what is percentage reduction in area Knocking in SI engine Crank shaft is manufactured by Hot working increases [Annealing is used for improving following property. All of the above Sine b; used to measure external taper Precision is Module is Rack is Radial distance below the PCD and base circle is Which gear is used for more seed reduction? ‘What type of heat transfer in radiator of automobile? Why scraping of lathe bed In 1OMW motor, what is type of cooling? Stator of induction motor, what is type of cooling ‘What is a frictionless bearing? Stress induced on the cycle bearing Second time of the clock increases 5m in day. What should be done on the length of the pendulum The difference between the dry bulb and wet bulb temperature Perpetual motion machine second kind ‘What are the thermoplastics? 890, Depression angle of mercury 891. If no resistance is offered in circuit it implies 892. Power capacitor is a 893. Why Hg is used in the manometer 894, Which material used in EDM 895. Need for distributor 896, Ignition coil is represented by 897. A question on spindle taper~ ans is Morse taper 898, Velocity of fluid particle at the centre of the pipe 899. More than two support continuous beam 900. After the removal load the body does not comes to original stage instantaneously — it implies, 901. Antiffiction bearing ball bearing 902. Slip gauge’s lowest measurement ‘903. What is the ring on the bottom portion of the piston? 904. The shafts are connecting two intersecting axis universal coupling 905. Il second law of thermodynamics defines - (entropy) 906. Cavitation in cf pump because of low pressure 907. Priming is in of pump 908. Carburetor mix of fuel + air 909. Carburetor principle - venturi 910. Antifriction bearing? 9111. Worm gear is used for-high reduction ratio 912. Break even analysis which is considered-fixed variable 913, Capital expenditure fixed asset 914. Straddle milling? 91s. 916. 917. o18. 919. 920, 921. 922. 923. 924. 925. 926. 927. 928. 929. 930. 931, 932. 934. 935. 936. 937. 938. 939. ‘Tool signature consists of State of refrigeration-condenser (in-vapour out- liquid) Rivet property it should be hard In center of cf pump which will be more- a. velocity b. pressure c. both In automobile battery will be specified in —volts Gear box location Hardness and toughness is considered while selecting a tool for nvcary and material For transmitting power from gear box to wheels which joint is used-universal joint Surging in compressor? Oldham coupling? In IC engine down rings are-oil rings ‘Water bubble having colour-total internal reflection Spherical shape of droplet is because of -surface tension Backlash in gear Slip gauge accuracy is 001 mm ‘Beams with so many supports-continuous beam. Highest friction in load-taper roller Axis same-flange Crank shaft manufacturing -forging Din tolerance-germany EDM tool material Power capacitor is used for Parkenising and anodizing Ina drawer, 5 white socks and 8 black socks are there, To draw one pair of socks, minimum no of socks that has to be drawn? Ans.3 940. Radius of a cylinder is constant). Ans.69%, increased by 30%, then increase in volume will be (height is 941. The mass of a ball is 250 g and velocity is 10m/s.The potential energy at maximum height is Ans.12.5 [1/2*M*V2] 942. Work done to lift 80 kg of water to a height of 30 min Imin is Ans. 0.4 kw 943. A thin wire is subjected to tensile stress, There is no increase in resistance. Then what will happen? Ans. Temperature remains the same. 944, Resistances in parallel.(6,10,15).Then overall resistance will be Ans.3 945. Stoichiometric combustion requires how many percentage of excess air? Ans.0% 946, The shape of the BMD in a cantilever beam will be Ans. Triangle 947. The dimensional formula for force is MLT? 948. In connecting rod, what type of bearing is used? Ans Needle Bearing 949. If ‘a’ is the coefficient of thermal expansion and E is young’s modulus, the 950. Corr: jon is due to organic effect 951. Capillarity is due to Surface Tension 952. Cavitation occurs when Actual pressure of fluid < Vapour pressue of the fluid 953, At what temp, degree Celsius and Fahrenheit values are the same? -40 degree C 954. Temperature: heat is same as a) IQ: intelligence b) vote: popularity ¢) Ohm: Resistance d) Speed: distance 955, Cold is related to hot as loyalty to 1) Treachery 2) disgrace 956. Galvanising is coating of Zine 957. Ina Spring damper system, mass is made of quartz, What happens to frequency? 4 958. Annealing is a stress relieving process True 959. 16 Cis a grade of --- Aluminium 960. Resistance to fatigue is endurance. True 961. Relative humidity is a measure of mass of moisture in volume of vapour. False, 962. Dalton’s law-Partial pressure 963. Newton's Law-Motion 964. Boyle's Law-Pressure and volume relation 965. Joule's Law-Mech. Equivalent of heat 966. Kirchoff's Law-Electric circuit 967. Hooke's Law-Elasticity 968. Air velocity- Anemometer 969. Stagnation pressure- pitot tube 970, Rpm- Stroboscope 971, Humidity- Hygrometer 972, Furnace temp- pyrometer 973. Ifa body is at -10 degree C (ice) and if itis to be converted into saturated vapour how much heat is necessary’ 974, According to Newtonian Law, shear stress is directly proportional to velocity gradient, 975. In casting molten metal flows through (runner) 976, Which one C% is high? A.28Crs0B.40CrC. C35 977. What is the type of failure in Key that is used in Flange Coupling? 978, Spring is not subjected to Transverse shear 979, Principal Stress = 1000, -600, What is maximum shear stress? 980. Order of efficiency...., 2 Strokes SI, 4 Strokes CI 981. if Inlet air temp increases, efficiency(petrol engine) increases but compressor efficiency decreases True 982. Specific energy is high? a.Tuming — b.drilling —_c. grinding d. planning 983. Dynamic loading which consideration a. Elastic limit b.Poisson ratio —_—_¢. Yield strength. Endurance limit ‘984. Match the following Mohrs circle ~ Principle stress Martensite - Hard and brittle Phase Degree of freedom — - kinetics Section modulus - flexural rigidity Plastic water bottle - blow moulding 985, Which cycle uses two isentropic and two isothermal processes 986. A material is loaded still yield point and the load is removed. a. Increase in yield stress b. Decrease in yield stress ¢. Unchanged yield stress d. Reaches UTS 987. A thin wire is subjected to tensile load, Temperature is same. The resistance remains constant. 986. Aeroplane is flying at 800 kmph. Air temperature is zero. a, Subsonic b. Supersonic, Sonic 987. Match Kirchoff law - electrical circuit Dalton’s law - partial pressure Hooks law - elasticity Joules law - work equivalent to heat 988, Natural gas has maximum percentage of methane 989. A perfect gas A. has zero viscosity bs, has constant vis C. satisfies the relation PV = MRT 4. incompressible 990. Density in terms of viscosity is 1. kinematic viscosity/ dynamic viscosity. dynamie viscosity/ kinematic viscosity . kinematic viscosity x dynamic viscosity d. any of the above 991. Reynolds number for pipe flow is given by: aVDN b.VDpid CVD d. VDI 992. A barometer is used to measure. a. very low pressures ». very high pressures ¢. pressure difference between two points d. atmospheric pressure 993. A Kaplan turbine is suitable for A. high head low discharge , high head high discharge C. low head low discharge 4. low head high dischage 904. In a centrifugal pump installation while starting, the position of delivery valve is a. fully open _b, fully closed . half opened. 4d, more than half open 995. An air vessel is provided at the summit in syphon to a. regulate the flow b. increase discharge c, increase velocity d. avoid an interrupt in the flow 996. a material which recovers fully after unloading but not instantaneously is known as a. plastic b. elastic c. partially elastics d. inelastic 997. The loss of strength in compression with simultaneous gain in strength in tension due to over loading is known as a. hysteresis b. inelasticity c, creep _d, boeschinger effect 998. The modulus of rigidity is defined as A. the ratio of true stress to true strain b. the ratio of shear stress to shear strain C. the ratio of longitudinal stress to longitudinal strain, D. the ratio of twisting moment to cross sectional area, 999. For a thin cylinder the ratio of longitudinal stress/hoop stress aYeb.lc2d.4 1000. If two forces of magnitude P act as an angle 8. Their resultant will be a. 2Pcos6/2. b.2Psin@ —c, 2Pcos®—d. pcos 20 1001. The angle of projection of a projectile is double the angle of inclination of the plane on which a particle is projected. The ratio of time of flights on the upward inclined plane and downward inclined plane wll be equal to alfcosa —b. W/2cosa oc. WSina’ Sd. 1/2sina 1002. The equations m d2x/dt2+edwdt +kx = 0 represents a. free vibration b, forced vibration . periodically forced vibration _d, free vibrations with viscous damping 1003. While designing for screw threads care should be taken to provide adequate length of engagement for the screw and nut threads so as to prevent failure of threads in a.tension —_b, compression c.torque ——d. shear 1004, Maximum principal stress theory in applicable for A.elastic materials B. plastic C. ductile. brittle 1005. For traction applications, the type of motor best suited is a. induction motor b. synchronous motor ¢. de shunt motor d. de series motor 1006. A babbit is, a. @ eutectic of iron and iron phosphate b. a gadget for measuring volume ¢. a measure of magnetic induction produced in a material_d. antimony bearing lead or tin alloy(ans) 1007. The blow off pressure of a safety valve is a, slightly above atmospheric pressure _b. half of the boiler working pressure ¢. boiler working pressure 4. 106% of boiler working pressure 1008. In case of a saddle key A. the key way is cut in a shaft only b. the key way is cut in both shaft and hub . the key is welded to shaft d. the key way is cut in hub only 1009. Splines are used when a, the power to be transmitted is high b, the power to be transmitted is low ¢. the torque is high. axial relative motion bet. Shaft and hub is necessary. 1010. A circulating water pump of a condenser is of the centrifugal type and directly connected to a three phase induction motor running at 900 rpm. The pump delivers 30000 litres per min, against the dynamic head of 10m, The horse power of the motor required to drive the pump would be a.20-30 b.40-50 —¢, 50-60. 60-70 1011. As per Indian boilers regulations the type of joint preferred for longitudinal joint is a. welded joint b. welded joint which cover plate e. riveted lap joint d. riveted butt joint 1012, Hydraulic testing of boilers is done at pressures a. below and above atm. », Slightly above atm. ¢. Athalf the working pressure of boiler d. At 1-1/2 to 2 times the working pre. 1013. Rankine formula is valid upto slenderness ratio of a.60 b. 80. 100 d. 120 1014. A shaft is subjected to a torque T and bending moment M. the equivalent twisting moment would be: a. (M74T°)1/2 b. (MPH4T°)1/2 ©. (AM*+T*)1/2 d. (M*4T2)1/2 + (nV2)1/2 1015. The average values of modulus of rigidity for Al, brass, copper, nickel and steel in descending order is Al, Ni, Br, copper, steel 1016, Resistance to fatigue of a material is measured by endurance limit. 1017. A solid shaft of 100mm dia transmits 100HP at 450/PI rpm, The torque in kg, m on the shaft would be a. 250 b. 375 c. 500 d. 750 1018. the critical speed of a shat is affected by a. diameter of the disc b, eccentricity c. span of the shaft d. all(ans) 1019. In order to avoid interference for 20 pressure and teeth minimum of teeth should be a8 b.12 ¢,16 d,more than 18 1020. The phenomenon of elongation and contraction of the bolt is know as a.slip bcreep fatigued. elasticity 1021. In hydro dynamic bearings a. the oil film pressure is generated by external pump b. the oil film pressure is generated by dead weight of shaft e. the oil film pressure is generated only when the shaft rotates 4. the oil film is sufficiently thick 1022. Which steel will have max percentage of carbon? acid b.ClSer65¢. C2erl8ni20d. C40er40 1023. Jaw clutches a. cause shock loads when engaging b. get disengaged at high rpm c. get engaged in reverse direction d. are friction clutches which generate heat when engaged 1024. A body which does not contain voids or empty spaces is known as A. continuous body b. an isotropic body c. heterogeneous body d, crystalline body 1025. The limiting load beyond which the material no longer behaves elastically known as A. breaking load b. limiting load c. load bearing load capacity d. elastie limit 1026. If body has identical properties all over it is known as A.homogeneous —b. isentropic c. ductile elastic 1027. Cold work is done on the metal A. below the thermal critical range b. above the thermal critical range c. at zero degree centigrade temps. D. after slightly warming the metal in furnace. 1028. A plug gauge is use for measuring a. taper bores b. cylindrical bores c. spherical holes d. screw threads 1029, a master gauge is a, used by masters b, used by all mechanics ¢. a standard gauge checking accuracy of gauges used on shop floors d. a gauge used by experienced technician, 1030. In centre less grinding the work piece advanced by a. push given by operator b. hydraulic force c. force exerted by grinding wheel d. force exerted by regulating wheel (ans) 1031. In climb milling is work moves in the same direction as rotation of the cutter. 1032. The binding material used in cemented carbide tools is a.nickel —b. cobalt —¢. chromium . carbon 1033. A 250mm diameter is turned at a cutting speed of 20m/min feed 0.5mm per rev. of spindle at a spindle speed of 25pm now if the dia of workpiece is double and spindle speed is also double the time taken to turn the job will be a. Four times the original time B. double the original time C. no change in turning time D. one fourth the original time 1034, The passage way of bringing the molten metal to the mould cavity is known as: a. piping system —_b. loaming system —_«, gating system =, entry system 1035. A third flask sometimes used between cope and drag is called a. riddle b. middle. fillet d. cheek 1036, Shot blasting is a. process of cleaning moulding sand b. process of cleaning core sand ¢. process of supplying blast of hot air to cupola d. process of cleaning casting 1037. The function of a transducer is a, to amplify the input signal b. to modify the input signal e. to convert the primary signal into a more useful quantity usually an electrical impulse d, to codify the input signal 1038. The method of testing hardness by brinell test is based on the principle of a. indentation b. penetration c.rebound —d, scratching 1039. In thermit welding heat is generated A, from combustion of gases —_b. electric are ¢. reaction of oxygen with metal D. chemical reaction involving finely divided al and iron oxide. 1040. Ultrasonic machining is best suited for a. non ferrous metal bb, amorphous solids ¢. brittle materials d. dielectrics 1041. In EDM the material of the tool is a. satellite b. diamond e. carbide d. high speed stee! 1051, Bearing lining is a, bronze b, duralumin c. delta metal 4d. babbit 1052. The process of cutting thin gears from metal sheets is known as a. extruding b. stamping c. sintering, rolling 1053. An optical flat works on the principle of a. polarization of light b. refraction of light c. ispersion of light d. interference light ray 1054, The term CLA is used in connection with: a, surface hardness b. surface finish . stresses in a component d. average speed of a gear. 1055. Dressing in foundry practice is the process of addition of chemicals to the molten metal to improve its fluidity 1056. A steel piece after hardening is heated to 300C and then cooled in oil. The property imparted to the steel piece will be:a. sofiness b. toughness ¢. hardness d. annealing 1057. 1 KW hour is the same as a. 1000 joules b. 1000 watt see ¢. 3600 watt hours d. 3600,000 watt sec. 1058. The equipment used for pulverizing is known as a.stroker —b, burner. hopper. balll mill 1059. If (2n-1) divis ns on the main scale are equal to n divisions on the vernier scale and if $ is the division, then least count would be: S/n Sin 1060. Pipes are insulated so that a. the may not break under pressure. b. There is min. corrosion c. They can withstand higher fluid pressures d. Heat loss from the surface is minimized. 1061. Elements of Constantain. 1062. Unit for dynamic viscosity.......poise 1063. What is the cutting speed of HSS single point cutting tool while machining CI a.6m/min b.llnvmin —c. 22mv/min d. 33 m/min 1064. Definition of mach no. inertia force/elastic force 1065. Subsonic velocity occurs when a. throat b. convergent. C. divergent d, convergent divergent 1066, Bombers are used in a, turbojet b. ramjet c. pulse jet d. turbo propeller 1067. The gradient of any hardened steel. a. marten site. B. pearlte c. austenite 1068, Symbol for total run out 1069. Symbol for pressure relief valve 1070. Escape velocity Ans: 11.2km/sec 1071. Moment of inertia of solid sphere a. 1/2 Mr b. 2/3 Mr’ c. 1/8 Mr* 1072. 1 stroke=------—-m*2/see. 1073. AutoCAD window (default) size 1074, 18-4-1 HSS denotes the sequence % of a) tungsten, Cr, Ve b) W, Cr, Mn. 1075. 75 cm of mereury= .. -m of water 1076. In which process glass is machined...........a) usm b) edm c)ecm 1077, Non consumable electrode use in a) TIG b) MIG c) USM 1078. C, H2 is added in surface in which process a) carburizing b)nit riding c)eyaniding 1079. Degree of freedom of vibration system a) 0 b) 4.¢) 2.4) 3 1080. The function of control rod a) absorb the Neutrons b) to prevent the radiation 1081. The fuel used in nuclear thermal power plant a) uranium b) plutonium c) thorium 1082. Compression ratio in motorcar a)S b)16 ¢)7 d)13 1083. Cetene no of diesel engine for efficient operation -50, 100,1,20 ircumferential tensile stress 1084, Hoop stresses is 1085. If Eis 2 times of rigidity modulus then Poisson ratio will be ----O, 2,1, 4 1086, If diameter is double the resistance will be - -R/4, RIB, R/2, 2R 1087, Formula coriolisis component -2wr, 1088, Which one is semiconductor material —-----germanium, silica 1089, The body rotates around a fixed axis the motion will be- Translation, rotation and translation rotation, circular, 1090. Min dia of hole that can be punched.......4TEs/Fe, 4TFc/Fs 1091. The ratio of LP/B.P.........volumetric efficiency, relative efficiency, 1092. In which gear the min axial thrust is available.....vorm, herringbone, spur, helical 1093. worm gear commonly used due to ......high speed reduction, easy to M/F, low cost, low power consumption 1094, In which thread stress is induced in one direction .... ACME, buttress 1095, Use of economizer. .......extract heat from flue gas, increase the efficiency 1096, PERT technical is based, process based etc 1097. The value means in value Engg... ‘Total cost of the product, ete 1098, Backlash definition .. 1099. Steam bleeding is done to ....extract steam from turbine and heat the feed water 1100. Non positive pump .......centrifugal pump 1101. When rotary compressors are used .............hhigh discharge low pressure, ete. 1102. Density of water max at .........0 degree C, 4, 20, 100 1103. When walking on the ice slippery is due to .......0 fri Increases melts the ice ion, ice breakage, ice chill, Pr 1104. Stainless steel contains for corrosion .....Chromium, Cu, Za, Ni. 1105. Metal regains its original position after unloading but not instantaneously......elastic, Plastic, anelastic , partially plastic 1106. For ductile material which theory of failure is used........distortion energy theory, max principle stress theory 1107, Max principle theory is used in which material? 1108, For brittle materials which theory of failure? 1109, Standard time ......a) operational time+ allowance+ ideal b) normal time + allowance 1110, Work study means....... 1111, The least amount of material removed in .......Japping, honing, super finishing, grinding 1112. Glazing of grinding wheel due to .... ‘wear of abrasive particles break of bonds, break of abrasive particles, 1113. The size of inlet valve compared to exit valve .......less, more, depending on the applications 1114, Definition for torsional rigidity 1115, Stiffness ....... foree/unit deflection 1116. In which axis moment of inertia is less.......vertical, horizontal, central, itis not dependent on axis 1117. In case of forming the stress value is ......above yield point within ultimate strength, within proportionality, etc 1118, Spark loss in cycle .......0.1 second, 0.01 s, 1119. the ratio volumetric strain and Poisson ratio 1120. Which polymer is crystalline .........PVC, ete 1121. Shrinkage allowance is high for ........Brass, Cl, ete 1122. No of tolerance grade used in SI 18, 16, 21 1123. which one is correct fit indication .......50 H8/g7, H8/g7, g7/H8, H8/g7-50 1124. in wi fh place the millimeter reading is available......Thimble, barrel , anvil, ratchet 1125, Advantage of die casting .. high productivity, high tolerance, 1126. In case of super sonic flow .......the velocity increase with decreasing area, the V Increases with A increasing, there is no change, none of this 1127, More power required in centrifugal compressor due to .....Air leakage, air | water, Heavy liquid, 1128, Gas behaves as ideal at ........vacuum, high Pr & High Temp, critical temp 1129, Recystalline temp of steel ... 1130. Specific heat of air....... 1131. Entropy changes with temp internal energy change, Pr & Vol change, change of state, change in 1132, In which process max work can be obtained. ...Const Vol, Const Pr, Const Temp, Const Entropy 1133. In throttling const (enthalpy, entropy) 1134, Reverse joule cycle is ..........(bell coalman cycle, Rankine cycle, bray ton cycle 1135, In vemier caliper class A, B, C classification due to ......range, accuracy, L.C, 1136. Wheatstone bridge is used to measure resistance, low current, high voltage, high current 1137. Dynamometers are used to measure torque 1138. Product layout used in batch prodn, continuous prodn, efficient use of machines. 1139. The locus of the point on the circumference of the circles rolls along the straight lines without slip eycloidal path, involute, epi cycloid 1140, The rocket works on the principle of a.Linear moment —b. angular moment — . force d. flow 1141, The basic hole is one...... lower deviation is zero, upper deviation is zero 1142, Random errors follow which curve........hyperbolic, parabolic, causian, scatter 1143. In selective assembly, type of fit used........string fit, wringing fit, free fit, press fit 1144, While tapping, the size of the hole is drilled........ Equal to thread dia, less than thread Dia, more than thread dia 1145. Use of differential 1146, Which one has high wave length....... Alpha rays, beta rays, x rays, uv rays 1147. QS-9000 is applicable for industries a. textile b. electronics ¢. chemical d. automobile 1148. force which acts along the radius of the circle and away from the centre is a. centrifugal b. centripetal c. radial d. axial 1149, Life of the tool is affected by a. cutting speed b. feed c. depth of cut d. chip thickness e. all 1150. Basic tool in work study is a. stop watch b, bar chart c. process chart _d. planning chart 1151. Shaft is subjected to a. torsion b. bending ¢. axial d, any of the above 1152. Standard metric pitch of M14 is___a. 0.80 b. 0.85. ¢. 0.94. 0.95, 1153. The cutting tool used for machining HSS is a.carbide b. CBN c. satellite 1154, The parameter for process variation is a.Cpb. Cpk cpp 4. pk 1155. The system is capable when the value of Cp and Cpk is _ a. L.13 b.143 © 1.23 4.1.33 1156, What are TPM, PPM, PPM (regarding quality) and SPM? 1157. What are BIS, APQP, ISO and PPAP? 1158, The point angle of drill is 2.120 b. 119 18d. 117 1159. Outer dia - (2 * module) = a. inner dia b. addendum . dedendum d. PCD 1160. Draw the symbol for Symmetry, concentricity, Perpendicularity and Circular runout. 1161. (COP) HP = (COP)R +1 (double) 1162. If spring is cut into two pieces the stiffness will 1163. Wahl stress factor... 1164, Cetene number 1165. What is brine solution? 1166. Corrosion inhibitor __ 1167. Adiabatic process is, (no heat ) 1168, Material for —- cylinder liner; cylinder; piston rings 1169, Compression ratio is = (Vst Vey/Ve 1170. Theory of failure__ 1171. What are the TQC tools? (Paretto diagram, histogram, tree shaped diagram, arrow diagram, cost & effect analysis, stratification analysis) 1172, Question on section modulus, Zeroth law of thermodynamics, TTT and stress strain diagram, 1173. The bending moment is maximum at, the shear force A. Zero B. Changes it’s Sign C, Maximum D, None of the above 1174, The shear force max at, the bending moment A. Zero B. Changes it’s Sign C. Maximum D. None of the above 1175, The max strain energy stored in the body is called as (Resilience) 1176, About proof resilience (max load acting on the sprit 1177, The value of Drill bit angle 1178, Another Name of Bell Coleman cycle (ans :reverse carnot cycle) 1179, Petrol dilutes at what temp? 1180. What is pour point? 1181. Pig Iron to be converted to cast iron at what temp? 1182, Chamfering is important in which operation? (Ans: threading) 1183. Which thread gives maximum grip? 1184, Angle between lathe centers? a) 30 deg b) 45 deg c) 90 deg d) 60 deg 1185. What type of material can be machined using HSS tool?(Choice : MS ,Al, Brass) 1186. A combination of pearlite and ferrite gives which type of iron (Choice: Hard / Very hard / Soft /) 1187. Cutting fluid used for mac oil) ining alloys (choice: Water, Heavy oil, Sulpurized mineral oil, Soluble 1188, Petrol is rated by (Ans: Octane no) 1189, Fuel consumption in IC Engines is increased due to 1190. Ultrasonic machining is done for ----(Glass ,Sintered carbide,...ete) 1191, Draught is caused by A.Chimney B. Mechanical Fan C. Steam jet D. All the above 1192, The steam occupied in clearance volume is called as, A. saturated steam B. Superheated steam C, Wet Steam 1193. The power produced by a Single acting engine is as compared to Double acting Avengine —B. Half C.Double -D. Same 1194, Which type of curve is used to represent a stream line A. ID B.2D C.3D D. None of the above 1195, The ratio of Clearance volume /Swept volume is called as ‘A. Expansion Ratio B. Compression Ratio. Cut - off Ratio 1196. In Vapour Absorption cycle which type of absorbent is used? A. Ammonia B. Water C. Aqua- ammonia 1197, Advantage of Vapour Absorption Cycle A. Cooling rate will be increased —_B.Less power required 1198, If the carbon steel is heated above it's critical temp what will happen in it's grain size A. Relatively decreases __B. Rapidly increase C. Increase and then decrease 1199. Gear size is measured by A.PCD B, Base circle C. Module. Alll the above 1200. Cam size is depends on 1201. In vapour compression cycle the min temp will be in which process, 1202. If we apply a transverse load on a beam what type of moment will be created? 1203. During radial twisting what type stress occur? 1204, In bearing in which direction the thrust occur? Axial Thrust 1205, Taper in lathe spindle? A130 B.1:10 Chas D. 1:45. 1206. Tumbler gear mechanism used in lathe for what purpose? 1027. Which type of tool material is used for hot machining? 1208. The ratio of heat available in the furnace to the heat required to produce steam? 1209. High calorific value of coal? 1210. 1 m’ of water? (1000litre) 1211. The length of divergent portion of the cone when compared to the convergent portion in a venturi meter? 1212, One molecule of oxygen is how many times heavier than one atom of hydrogen, 1213. In diesel engine fuel distribution occurred by? 1214, For aligning two parallel shaft which type of coupling used? 1215. If we increase the compression ratio in IC engines what will happened? 1216. Critical speed of the shaft depends upon what? 1217. Torsional vibration occur when particles of body moves in which direction 1218. When two rotors mounted at the end of the shaft how many nodes will occurs? 1219, After casting which heat treatment process will be done? 1220. In alloy steel which type of cutting fluid is used? 1221. In 24-40 meter/min cutting speed using HSS cutting tool which type of material can be machined. 1222, Material used for coating the electrode is called a) protective layer —_b) binder _c) slag d) deoxidizer e) flux 1223. The strength of a properly welded joint as compared to base metal a)same b) more c) less d) unpredictable e) two cant be compared 1224. The surface to be machined are marked on the pattern by the following color a) Black b) yellow c) red d) blue) green 1225. A 20 tonne press implies that a) weight of press is 20 tonnes b) press can handle works weighing upto 20 tonnes. c) it eamexert pressure upto 20 tonnes d) its foundation should be designed for 20 tonnes ) its turnover in a day is, 20 tonnes 1226, No lubricant is required when cutting threads in a)tungsten carbide b) mild steel c) titanium d) brass or castiron e) hss 1227, The difference between planner and shaper is that in former case ) tool moves over stationary work b) tool moves over reciprocating work c) tool can machine internal as well as external details d) both tool and job reciprocates e) tool is stationary and job reciprocates 1228, Powder metallurgy techniques are used in production of 4) high carbon tool steel b) HSS tools c) tungsten carbide tools d)twist drills e)ceramics 1229, Drilling is an example of 4) simple cutting b) uniform cutting ¢) orthogonal cutting d) oblique cutting e)intermittent cutting 1230. Reamer is used to correct the a) size and position of drilled hole b) size and roundness of hole c) finish and position of drilled hole 4) finish and size of drilled hole e) finish and depth of a drilled hole 1231. The operation of milling two sides of a workpiece simultaneously is called a) gang milling b) climb milling c) square milling d) straddle milling e) end milling 1232. In which type of milling operation the chip is cut off at thinnest place and the chip thickness increases along chip length a) Up milling b) down milling c) end milling d) climb milling e) key way milling 1233. A sine bar is specified by a) Its total length b) the center distance between two rollers c)size of the rollers d) the distance between rollers and upper surface e) weight of sine bar 1234, Expressing a dimension as 18.3:-0.02 mm is the case of 4) Unilateral tolerance b) bilateral tolerance c) limiting dimensions ¢) all the above e) none of the above 1235. Gantt chart provides the information about a) material handling b) proper utilization of manpower ©) production schedule d) efficient working of machine e) all the above 1236, All welding symbol - ref: machine drawing book 1237. Father of scientific management 1238, Normalising operation is carried out in a) Fumnace b) air c) water 4) oil e) controlled atmosphere 1239, Pressure applied in a liquid in all directions will be given by Paseal 1240. In Piercing and punching clearance will be applied on 1241. Permanent plastic deformation of metals under compression malleability 1242. To increase corrosion resistance which will be added? 1243, Cycle used in petrol engine 1244, Use of index pulley 1245, What is resilience? 1246, M20*2 —in this 20 represents what? 1247. One question about isotropic of materials 1248, Solder is an alloy consisting of tin and copper 1249, In a cantilever beam point load is applied on free end, where failure will accure 1250. Plastic deformation due to constant load at high temp creep 1251. ABC analysis deals with controlling inventory costs money 1252. Type of hatching is given you having to identify the material - ref: m/e drawing book 1253, Study about combination die, compound die and progressive die. 1254, Cavitation can be avoided in a turbine if: a. the specific speed is low _b. No. of blades are kept low c. vane length is increased keeping the vane loading the same 4. Temp. of the incoming fluid is kept as high as possible 1255. Free vortex region is not suitable for low hub-tip ratio compressor stage because: a, reaction near the hub will be low , Reac, near the hub will be high ¢. Specific work near the hub will be low d. relative velocity will be very high 1256. If 2 centrifugal blowers are operated in series, a. volume flow increases, pressure remains same —_b. volume flow decreases, pressure increases . volume flow remains the same, pressure increasesd. volume flow and pressure increases 1257. The specific work developed by a turbine depends on: a. peripheral speed of the impeller and the velocity of the fluid —_b. Density of the medium . peripheral speed of the wheel d. peripheral speed of the wheel and the tangential component 1258. Volute casing in a centrifugal blower is employed to: a. collect the fluid. recover the pressure and also to collect the fluid . to increase the velocity of the fluidd. increase the specific work of the fluid 1259, Power required to drive a centrifugal compressor is proportional to: a. speed cube of the speed c. square of the speed. d, does not change with speed 1260. The design efficiency of the pump increases with a. increasing specific speed b. decreasing specific speed ¢. not effected specific speed d. decreasing specific sped and increasing density 1261. The cavitation in a hydraulic machine is namely due to a. low velocity b low pressure c. high velocity. high pressure 1262. Francis turbine part load conditions are obtained by: a. adjusting guide vanes —__b. adjusting the impeller vanes, adjusting the impeller speed . adjusting impeller and guide vanes 1263. Chromotograph is an apparatus used for: a. finding the colour of an object —_b. control flow of gases. c. quantitative and qualitative analysis of gaseous product 4. finding the density of the particle in a pneumatic conveyor 1264, The rorometer uses the following principle for fluid flow measurement: a. Const. area and variable differential pressure », variable area and variable differential pressure . variable area and variable viscosity ¢. variable area and constant differential pressure 1265. Purpose of feed water treatment is: a, prevent corrosion of steel tube _b, prevent scale formation on the tubes by the dissolved impurity ¢. reduce boiling point of water. obtain dry steam 1266. if a water pump develops 10 m head on earth, what would be its head if it is operated on moon: 10/6 m e>l0m —— b. 10m none of above 1267. The vaccum efficiency of the condenser is the: a. ratio of partial pressure of steam to absolute vaccum b. ratio of partial pressure of steam to atm Pressure c .ratio of vaccum developed by the condenser to absolute vaccum _.ratio of partial pressure of steam to the absolute pressure in the condenser 1268. In the temperature entropy plot: a. Constant Temp. and pressure lines are parallel __b. constant volume line is steeper than the const. Pressure line c. constant volume coincides with the constant pressure lined. constant pressure line is steeper then the constant volume line 1269, For determining the fatigue life a. Max. Principal stress is the factor b. Max. Compressive stress is the factor _c, Max. Tensile stress is the factor d. Max. Shear stress is the factor 1270, 2 identical specimens one with rough surface finish and other with fine finish, having identical small notches are subjected to same reverse bending Ioa\ a. life of smooth specimen is more _b. life of rough specimen is more c. both will have same life d. lives are not related 1271. Rotary compressors are used for delivering: 4, small quantities of air at high pressure _b, large quantities of air at high pressure . small quantities of air at low pressured. large quantities of air at low pressure 1272. In an axial flow compressor the ratio of pressure in the rotor blades to the pressure 1 ‘compressor in one stage is known as: a. work factor b. slip factor. degree of reaction d. pressure coefficient 1273. The Kinematic viscosity is the a. ratio of absolute viscosity to the density of the liquid b. ratio of density of the liquid to the absolute viscosity ¢. product of the absolute viscosity and density of the liquid 4. product of absolute viscosity and mass of the liquid 1274, A moderator, in nuclear power plants, is a medium introduced into the fuel mass in order to a, slow down the speed of fast moving neutrons _b. control the reac. c. reduce the temperature 4d. extract heat from nuclear reaction 1275, In a nozzle, the effect of supersaturation is to: a. decrease dryness fraction of steam b. decrease specific volume of steam ¢. increase the entropy 4d. increase the heat drop 1276, Elastic ratio for a material is defined as 1277, Raleigh flow is known as 1278, The vent valve provided in a centrifugal pump is 1279, Volute casing in a centrifugal pump is employed to 1280, For a elastic material yield point is defined as 1281. Mohr's theory of failure is applicable to aelastic b. brittle. ductile. none 1282, Rotary compressors are used for 1283, Heat transfer in boundary layer is due to 1284. Lubricating grease is a mixture of 1285, Kaplan turbine is used for - (head) 1286. cycle is used for refrigeration cycle, 1287, pump is used when the viscosity of the liquid is more. 1288. Cent igal head can be increased by increasing the 1289, Ultimate strength in shear compared to tension is, 1290. Kinematic vise’ 1291. Enthalpy entropy diagram is 1292. Nuclear fusion is 1293. Rainbow is due to 1294. Vacuum efficiency of a condenser is 1295, Francis turbine is used for 1296. Which is not NDT _- (tensile testing) 1297, PITOT TUBE is used for (Measuring Velocity) 1298. Rotary compressor is used for 1299, Hydraulic Radius is, 1300. Hydraulic Diameter is, 1301. What will happen after Nuclear Fusion? to atoms join together to form on Nuclei 1302, In Grinding rotation of wheels ( Same / Opposite Direction) 1303. If yele is reversed it bbe used for Refrigeration. (Carnot) 1304, In @ room reffigerator operating at a full efficiency if kept open what will happen to room temperature? 1305. In a two tank A & B having 2 liquids Water & Kerosene .The tank A has two lem dia outlets and tank B has one 2 cm dia outlet. Which will empty soon? 1306. Yield point in stress strain curve is 1307, Parallel flow Vs Cross flow Heat Exchanger. 1308, Cavitation can be avoided in turbine by. 1309, Double pipe heat exchangers are preferred when? 1310, Cavitation in pipe is caused by 1311. After the emission of alpha particles Neutron to Proton Ratio is 1312 is used for peak load plant ‘Nuclear PP b. Solar PP c, Thermal PP d. Wind PP e. Hydel PP 1313. If earth has no atmosphere what will happen to Earth’s Temp? 1314, Wire of Resistance 10 ohm, Length (Depends on L/A ratio) Ans. 90 Ohms \creased 3 times, Same Density, What is new resistance? 1315. Transformer Primary - 4000 Tums, 2.5 KV, and Secondary ~ 250 V, what is no of tums in Secondary coil? (Ans. 400) 1316, Mean coil dia of the spring is 0.8 cm, No of turns 5, wire dia 0.01cm, Length of the coil (Ans. 12.6 cm) 1317. Valve used for supplying oil to the burner in the boiler Isolation Valve b. Needle Valve c, Non Return Valve d. Relief Valve e, Butterfly Valve 1318. JIT is for (Ans. Inventory Control) 1319, Water is flowing in a 5 cm dia pipe line at a velocity of 10 mvs, the pressure drop across orifice meter in a water line is 2 em of Hg. If the mercury is replaced by a liquid and immiscible with water the pressure drop will be (Ans 17 om) 1320. Steam separator in thermal power plant is used for 1321. V belts touches on a) side b)both side and bottom 1322, Thermal power plant uses a) Rankine cycle b) Otto Cycle 1333. Geneva Mechanism used for a) Continuous b) intermittent 1334, Which is the poor conductor a. silver b)copper c)al d)carbon 1335, Increasing hard ness by cold working a, work hardening b, Cold hardening c. hot hardening 1336, Which can be used for high speed application a. hss b. cementite carbide 1337. Gantt chart used for 1338, Permanent joint isa. rivet b, bolt c.nut 1339, Centigrade and Fahrenheit is coincide a-40 b.32_ c.-32 1340, Harden material is a. hss _b. cbn c. cementite carbide 1350, When the ice melts what is the water level remains same 1360. Diesel fuel quality measures by cetene number 1361. Feet analysis used for stress analysis 1362. Bomb colorimeter used to measure the CV of a. liquid b. Solid c. solid and liquid 1363. On astembering the structure formed is baini 1364, Testing of material in the presence of notch a) impact strength 1365. Brass is an alloy of a. cu & zine 1366, Which can be drawn in to wires a, cu bitin c. steel 1367. When white cast iron is cooled the product formed is a. malleable ci b. spheroidal Gray ci 1368. Case hardening done for a. low carbon steel b. high c steel 1369, Washers is used for 1370. Cold working is decrease fatigue strength 1371. Softest alloy of steel a. bearlte b. austentite c. martensite 1372. To reduce knocking in si engine is to add a. tetraethyl lead _b.. Methyl iso. 1373. Heating steel above appear critical temp and cooled in air is normalizing 1374, P/a=(22/7)'2"e*(VK)%2_Vk_ stands for slenderness ratio 1375. Solder is an alloy of lead and tin 1376, Alloying element is added to steel a. to increase strength b. to reduce cost 1377. Coolant is used toa. increase e tool life b. Reduce heat during machining 1378. No of instantaneous center is n*(n-1)/2 1379, Cutting speed is more for a. cbn b carbon 1380. Annealing is a process of 1381, Austermpering is a process of 1382, Springs are connected in parallel 1/k=1/k1+1/k2+. 1383. Antifriction bearing is, 1384, Powder metallurgy is done by 1385. ISO 9001 stands for 1386, A core drill is done in previously drilled hole 1387. In compound drawing ‘O” refers to a.) Circularity b.) Concentricity. C.) cylindrical d.) None 1388. in engineering drawing one has to check a.)Dimensional accuracy b.) Errors.) Neatness d.) all 1389, Wankel engine is rotary engine 1391, In a rectangle diagonal are 410. Area cannot be determined, 1392. Major composition of stainless steel is Chromium, 1393, Sand is mainly Silicon dioxide. 1394. A pair of dice is thrown, What is the probability of getting sum of odd numbers %(Answer - 0.5) 1395, Austenite constitutes Gamma iron 1396, Thermal conductivity of steel is greater than cast iron 1397, Fixture is work holding device 1398, Density of steel is less than cast iron, 1399, Value of Pi is 22/7or 3.1416 1400, Max. deflection of a beam with U.D.L in simply supported beam WLS / (48E1) 1401. Coupling of right hand & left hand thread tun buckle. 1402. Critical speed of shaft depends on natural frequency. 1403. Surface hardening is done by (carbursing, nitriding, flame hardening, Answer-all 1404, 8 men and 4 women 4 task finished in 16 hours. 4 men 8 women 7task finished in 32 hours. How many men are required to commit 3 tasks in 8 hours? 16 men 1405. In a class 28% are from other states. Of remaining 25% are from rural areas, What is the percentage of students who come from urban area? 51% 1406. A tractor costs rupees 2 lakhs. Given a loan at 16% rate of interest at margin of 25%. He pays Rs.40, 000 after one year. How much is the balance. Rs.1, 34,000 1407. A train is moving away from the stationary man at 33 m’s with a frequency of 1200 Hz, What is the observed frequency if the velocity of sound is 330 m/s? 1090 Hz. 1408, What is meant by super elevation? (Rail elevation) 1409. Size of a room is 4m X 3.5m X 3m. How many box of size 21cm X 25cm X 25em can be stacked? 3200 boxes 1410. Ifa principal amount is doubled in 8 years in compound interest, what is the ratio of interest? 9% 1411. A stone is dropped from a height. It's velocity depends on height 1412, Damping force in freely vibrating with negligible velocity and directly proportional to displacement. 1413, External threading can be done by a.) Milling b.) Rolling c.) Single point tool.) all above, 1414, If an Exponential is ex =0.25. In exponential distribution average value is x.log 0.25. 1415. Size of the bolted joint depends on tension. 1416. Gear hobbing is used for all type of gears not bevel gears. 1417. Front and side view of an object is triangle, Cone and pyramid. 1418. External thread cutting is done with cutting and forming, 1419, Boat running a still water at 15knv/hr upstream crosses 40km (refer) 1420. Velocity of a planet when it is nearest to star is 10 kms farthest velocity is 2.5knvhr, ratio of the farthest to nearest distance is 1:4. 1421. A crank pressure is maximum at % of the stroke 1422. Mechanical dimension is length, mass & time 1423. In Rockwell hardness machine in which scale maximum load can be applied A, B , C50 an 150 kg C scale 1424. What is Trepanning? Making large holes by removing metal along the circumference of a hollow cutting tool 1425, Which is important for drawing a gear a, base circle b. piteh circle c, all the above. 1426, Hardenability means Ease with which the material can be hardened 1427, Gear system in which axial thrust is absent, Herringbone 1428. In which casting complex shapes can be made? Investment Casting 1429. Inert gas is used in which types of welding TIG / MIG

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