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Renal Dysfunction and

H e a r t Fa i l u re w i t h
P re s e r v e d E j e c t i o n F r a c t i o n
Manjula G. Ananthram, MBBS*, Stephen S. Gottlieb, MD

 Renal dysfunction  Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction  Cardiorenal syndrome  CKD
 Renal impairment  HFpEF

 Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) constitute a
high-risk phenotype with high morbidity and mortality.
 A proinflammatory milieu, endothelial dysfunction, and systemic congestion are pathophysiological
drivers of cardiorenal dysfunction in HFpEF and CKD.
 There is a paucity of effective targeted therapies for HFpEF and CKD.

INTRODUCTION abnormalities owing to tubular disorder, structural

abnormalities detected by imaging, and history of
Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction kidney transplantation.6,7
(HFpEF) is a phenotypically heterogeneous syn- CKD prevalence is nearly 50% in acute and
drome,1,2 a constellation of symptoms of exercise chronic heart failure.8,9 Cardiovascular (CV)
intolerance, exertional dyspnea, volume overload, causes and heart failure are major causes of mor-
and renal dysfunction that are a consequence of tality in CKD.10–12 CKD, worsening renal function
abnormal cardiac structure and mechanics result- (WRF), and concomitant heart failure are associ-
ing in elevated filling pressures. HFpEF comprises ated with a poor prognosis, increased mortality,
about 50%3 of the cases of acute and chronic and worse outcomes.8,9,13–15 A multitude of fac-
heart failure. Multiple comorbidities predispose tors contributes to the coexistence of HFpEF in
to HFpEF, and renal dysfunction and HFpEF CKD. Shared comorbidities, factors impacting
frequently coexist.4,5 Chronic kidney disease macrovascular and microvascular circulation,
(CKD) is associated with a worse prognosis, contribute to the CKD-HFpEF milieu16 (Fig. 1).
increased mortality, and poor outcomes. Renal WRF is most commonly defined as an absolute in-
dysfunction is associated with increased risk of crease in creatinine by 0.3 mg/dL5 or a 25% reduc-
hospitalizations and increased death in HFpEF. tion in eGFR from admission to discharge.15 Renal
dysfunction is associated with increased risk of
hospitalizations and increased death in HFpEF.17
In a large meta-analysis of more than 1,076,104
patients, Damman and colleagues8 noted that
CKD is defined as reduced kidney function as evi- 32% of patients had CKD at baseline and was
denced by glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of less associated with an odds ratio (OR) of 2.34 for all-
than 60 mL/kg/1.73 m2 or markers of renal damage cause mortality.

of at least 3 months duration. Markers of kidney Both moderate and severe renal dysfunction were
damage include albuminuria, histologic abnormal- associated with reduced survival with a hazard ratio
ities, urinary sediment, electrolyte, or other [HR] of 1.59 for moderate CKD, 95% confidence

Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Cardiology, University of Maryland, 110 South Paca Street, 7th
Floor, Baltimore, MD 21201, USA
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address:

Heart Failure Clin 17 (2021) 357–367
1551-7136/21/Ó 2021 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
358 Ananthram & Gottlieb

Players in the Pathogenesis of HFpEF &

Renal Dysfunc on

Comorbidi es Vascular factors Renal Factors

• Diabetes • Arterial s ffness • RAAS

• Dyslipidemia • Coronary • Hypercalcemia and
• Hypertension microvascular hyperphosphatemia
• Sleep Apnea dysfunc on • FGF-23
• Obesity • Peripheral • Anemia
endothelial • Uremic toxins
dysfunc on
Fig. 1. Factors involved in the pathogenesis of coexistent HFpEF and renal dysfunction.

interval [CI] 1.49 to 1.69, P<.001, and HR of 2.17 for be used to tailor study design and targeted thera-
severe CKD, 95% CI 1.45 to 2.62, P<.001.8 Of the pies for HFpEF.
patients, 23% had WRF and was associated with
increased mortality risk with an OR of 1.81, 95% CI THE HEART’S EFFECT ON THE KIDNEY
1.55 to 2.12, P<.001. The investigators concluded
that CKD and WRF portend unfavorable prognosis The heart-kidney nexus in HFpEF is complex and
and are associated with heightened mortality. Pre- intriguing and not completely understood. Altered
dictors of WRF include baseline CKD, diuretic utili- hemodynamics is a pivotal pathophysiological
zation, presence of comorbidities, such as driver of renal dysfunction in heart failure. Conven-
diabetes and hypertension, and older age.8 It was tional thinking supported the concept of decreased
found that CKD was a better prognosticator in sub- cardiac output as the primary cause of decreased
jects with HFpEF compared with heart failure with renal perfusion in renal dysfunction. However, it is
reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF).8 now known that elevated central venous pressure
(CVP) and decreased renal perfusion are the most
important hemodynamic factors involved in the
CLINICAL FEATURES heart-kidney interplay.21–23 Elevated CVP is more
important than reduced cardiac output in this
Shah and colleagues1 used machine learning heart-kidney interplay, and the association between
techniques to discern categories of 397 HFpEF increased CVP and reduced GFR is more robust in
patients based on their clinical phenotypes (“phe- preserved cardiac output compared with reduced
nomapping”).1 They identified 3 phenogroups. cardiac output.5,24 Increased CVP results in
Phenogroup 1 consisted of younger subjects decreased renal blood flow and renal perfusion
with lower brain natriuretic peptide (BNP) values.1 pressure (Fig. 2). Decrease in renal perfusion pres-
Phenogroup 2 was composed of obese subjects sure triggers the renin-angiotensin aldosterone and
with higher prevalence of diabetes, sleep apnea, sympathetic (RAAS) nervous systems, resulting in
and the worst left ventricular (LV) relaxation.1,18 decreased GFR.5,21 As a consequence of increased
Phenogroup 3 comprised of patients that were CVP, renal venous pressure and renal interstitial
older, with CKD, evidence of electrical and RV pressure increase. When renal interstitial pressure
remodeling, RV dysfunction, abnormal ventricu- surpasses the intraluminal tubular pressure, tubular
loarterial coupling, highest BNP values and MAG- collapse occurs and passive filtration ceases
GIC(Meta-analysis Global Group in Chronic Heart because of a reduction in pressure gradient across
Failure)19 risk scores. These patients comprised the glomerulus in the Bowman capsule to inconse-
phenogroup 3 and had the highest risk of death quential levels.21,25 Elevated interstitial pressure en-
and hospitalization. among all three phenogroups1 genders tubular interstitial inflammation and
RV dysfunction and enhanced reactive pulmonary fibrosis.21,26
hypertension contribute to poor prognosis in this Systemic and intrarenal circulation is affected by
group.20 Information gleaned from this study can enhanced sympathetic activity.27 Heightened
Renal Dysfunction and Heart Failure 359

Heart Kidney Interaction

Elevated CVP, elevated intraabdominal pressure

Decreased renal perfusion pressure and GFR


An diure c hormone, Endothelin, Cytokines Deficiency in natriure c pep des

Na and H2O reten on

Cardiovascular Remodeling Renal Remodeling

Fig. 2. Proposed mechanism of renal dysfunction in HFpEF. SNS, sympathetic nervous system.

sympathetic system activity results in increased suggests that CKD may be associated with impair-
adrenergic tone with a resultant decrease in b-re- ment of autonomic function.31
ceptor density in the ventricular myocardium with
decoupling of the receptors from intracellular ENDOTHELIUM
signaling mechanisms.28 This decoupling is associ-
ated with altered baroreceptor reflexes, reduced The endothelium plays a crucial role in maintaining
heart rate variability, and susceptibility to arrhyth- CV homeostasis by modulating cardiac function,
mias.29 With progression of heart failure, arterial vascular tone, and permeability.32 Undamaged,
underfilling or systemic venous congestion triggers salubrious endothelium possesses vasoactive, he-
baroreceptors, leading to renal vasoconstriction mostatic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory prop-
and stimulation of renal sympathetic nerves with erties.5 Vascular tone is modulated by the
release of catecholamines and neurohormones. endothelium via the release of NO.5,33 Stimulation
Norepinephrine, arginine vasopressin, of NADPH oxidase-2 increases myocardial fibrosis
angiotensin-II, and endothelin result in efferent arte- via enhanced mesenchymal cell transition, dia-
rial vasoconstriction,30 which leads to increased stolic dysfunction, and inflammation in response
renal sodium absorption and sodium avidity and to angiotensin-II.34–36 Proinflammatory cytokines
fluid retention. In advanced CKD accumulation of incite endothelial production of reactive oxygen
uremic toxins, uremia-associated proinflammatory species and cause endothelial dysfunction and
cytokines and advanced glycation end products oxidative stress37; this leads to a decrease in NO
inhibit endothelial function and increase oxidative bioavailability and reduced cyclic GMP and pro-
stress. tein kinase G (PK-G) activity in cardiac myocytes.
PK-G is an inhibitor of cardiomyocyte hypertrophy.
CHRONOTROPIC INCOMPETENCE Reduced PK-G activity results in cardiac remod-
eling, impaired relaxation, and myocardial fibrosis.
One of the important contributors to exercise intol- The endothelium is involved in sodium handling
erance in HFpEF is chronotropic incompetence, and its transition from the endothelial cell into the
which was evaluated prospectively in an outpa- extracellular matrix.5 Elevated plasma sodium or
tient HFpEF cohort. Of the patients, 75% was aldosterone levels contribute to a decrease in
found to have chronotropic incompetence. endothelial pliability and promote stiffening and
Reduced GFR, elevated BNP, and increased pul- reduced NO availability, a breach in the endothelial
monary artery systolic pressure correlated with glycocalyx, and vascular endothelial dysfunc-
CI. Lower GFR was associated with lower heart tion,5,38 which leads to elevated resistance in the
rate recovery, worse chronotropic incompetence, microvascular circulation, altered permeability,
and reduced VO2max. Decreased heart rate reserve and extravascular fluid accumulation.5
360 Ananthram & Gottlieb

Cardiac as well as peripheral endothelial cell may be useful in management of renal dysfunction
dysfunction plays a role in the pathogenesis of in HFpeF by enhancing the understanding of path-
HFpEF.32,39 ophysiologic processes, identifying patients at risk
Akiyama and colleagues39 recruited 373 patients of developing HFpEF, cardiac remodeling,
with HFpEF and 173 with no HFpEF and assessed fibrosis, and predicting outcomes.
endothelial dysfunction by reactive hyperemia pe- In an inpatient cohort of HFpEF and Heart failure
ripheral artery tonometry (RHI). Participants with with mid-range ejection fraction (HFmrEF) patients
HFpEF had a lower GFR and higher BNP and high with blood urea nitrogen (BUN)/creatinine and N
sensitivity C-reactive protein at baseline. Peripheral terminal pro BNP (NT pro BNP) below the median
endothelial dysfunction as measured by RHI corre- admission values, renal impairment was not associ-
lated with future CV events.39 ated with increased mortality. In participants with
In a postmortem study with an antemortem diag- both elevated BUN/creatinine ratio and elevated
nosis of HFpEF, Mohammed and colleagues36 NT-proBNP, those with renal insufficiency had
studied the cardiac morphologic features of 124 reduced survival when compared with those without
patients and compared it with age-matched con- renal insufficiency.48 HFpEF patients with renal
trols. HFpEF patients had more hypertrophy, impairment with only one of the parameters, either
fibrosis, epicardial coronary artery disease, and BUN/creatinine ratio or NT-proBNP, elevated, had
coronary microvascular rarefaction, which is a a significantly higher mortality risk compared with
reduction in coronary microvascular density.40 patients without renal insufficiency.48
These findings probably play a role in diastolic Concomitant use of NT-proBNP values and BUN/
dysfunction and diminished functional cardiac creatinine ratio was shown to be useful in risk strat-
reserve commonly seen in HFpEF.40 Microvascular ifying HFpEF patients with renal impairment.48
endothelial inflammation possibly triggers micro- Albuminuria is a marker of endothelial dysfunction
vascular rarefaction and myocardial fibrosis.41,42 and is associated with unfavorable outcomes in
HFpEF. HFpeF patients with albuminuria may have
INFLAMMATION increased renin angiotensin aldosterone activity
when compared with those without albuminuria.49
Paulus and Tschöpe42 proposed a new paradigm In addition to the above, higher urinary albumin/
for HFpEF that shifts the focus from LV load to a creatinine ratio was associated with LV/RV remod-
cascade of events involving inflammation and eling and CKD and was associated with the com-
microvascular dysfunction leading to cardiac posite endpoint of CV hospitalization and death
remodeling. in a well-defined HFpEF cohort.50 Albuminuria in
CKD is a proinflammatory state.43,44 A systemic conjunction with eGFR was found to be useful in
proinflammatory state plays a crucial role in the risk stratification of patients with HFpEF.49
pathogenesis of HFpeF, and increased levels of in- Similarly, among HFpEF patients in the PARA-
flammatory markers have been demonstrated in MOUNT study, Gori and colleagues51 found that
several studies.45 Multiple inflammatory bio- 62% of the patients had at least 1 parameter of
markers, such as vascular cell adhesion molecule abnormal renal function. Renal dysfunction as
(VCAM), E-selectin, interleukin-6 (IL-6) and IL-8, assessed by either eGFR or albuminuria (urinary/
monocyte chemoattractant protein-1, pentraxin- albumin to creatinine ratio) was associated with
3, suppression of tumorigenicity 2 (ST2), and tu- cardiac remodeling.
mor necrosis factor (TNF)-areceptor 2, have Individuals with microalbuminuria were found to
been identified in HFpEF.5,46 In patients with be at increased risk for development of HFpEF in a
HFpEF, enhanced inflammation stimulates accrual large community-based cohort.2,52
of collagen. Migration of inflammatory cells from Urinary albumin excretion and cystatin C are risk
the endothelium to the myocardium incite cardiac factors for new-onset HFpEF.53 Cystatin C is unaf-
remodeling and diastolic dysfunction.46 fected by muscle mass, age, sex, and race and is a
The microvasculature of the kidneys and its abil- superior and earlier predictor of glomerular func-
ity to excrete sodium are affected by oxidative tion than creatinine.4,54
stress and systemic inflammation.20,47 Integrating a plasma multimarker strategy with
machine learning to augment risk profiling in
BIOMARKERS IN RENAL DYSFUNCTION AND HFpEF, Chirinos and colleagues55 showed that
HEART FAILURE WITH PRESERVED EJECTION the biomarkers of renal injury, cystatin C and
FRACTION NGAL, clustered with biomarkers of inflammation
and remodeling, bringing to light the role of renal
Concomitant HFpEF and CKD foster a deleterious dysfunction and systemic inflammation in HFpEF.
milieu and portend poor prognosis.33 Biomarkers A biomarker for liver fibrosis YLK-40/CHI3L1 was
Renal Dysfunction and Heart Failure 361

also found to be tightly clustered with the renal and heart catheterizations, an elevated CVP was asso-
inflammatory biomarkers, suggesting that the in- ciated with impairment of renal function and was
flammatory process extends beyond the cardiore- an independent predictor of all-cause mortality.24
nal realm. Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) 23 plays Elevated CVP is more important than reduced
a role in phosphate regulation, and FGF-23 levels cardiac output, and the association between
increase with declining renal function.56 FGF-23 increased CVP and reduced GFR was stronger in
is a strong predictor of incident heart failure and preserved cardiac output compared with reduced
poor outcomes.55,57 cardiac output.5,24
In the other direction, a robust association be- It is possible that RV dysfunction contributes to
tween FGF-23 and elevated risk of CV events renal dysfunction in HFpEF. A small retrospective
was demonstrated in a prospective cohort of analysis of hospitalized patients with HFpEF
3860 subjects with CKD stage 2 to 4. The associ- demonstrated that a decreased pulmonary artery
ation was more pronounced for congestive heart pulsatility index was associated with worsening
failure (CHF) than atherosclerotic events.58 eGFR, whereas an elevated right atrial pressure to
Renocardiovascular biomarkers, such as neutro- pulmonary capillary wedge pressure ratio predicted
phil gelatinase associated lipocalin NGAL, cystatin- worse eGFR, but was not statistically signficant.66
C, and kidney injury molecule-1 (KIM-1), are useful The importance of the RV has been demonstrated
in risk stratification in acute and chronic renal in the advanced heart failure and left ventricular
dysfunction.56 NGAL is a marker for acute tubular assist device population, and further work is
injury.59 In hospitalized patients with ADHF, pre- needed to determine whether RV dysfunction truly
dominantly HFrEF elevated NGAL on admission leads to renal dysfunction in HFpEF.
predicts ensuing worsening renal failure.60 Severity of tricuspid regurgitation was found to
In a retrospective analysis of the GISSI-HF pop- be independently associated with GFR reduction
ulation, patients with WRF were found to have in a study of 196 patients with moderate tricuspid
reduced baseline GFR and elevated levels of regurgitation and heart failure.67
NGAL, N-acetyl-beta-glucosamine, and KIM-1. When compared with HFrEF patients, HFpEF pa-
KIM-1 was found to be the strongest predictor of tients are susceptible to exaggerated blood pres-
WRF in this study.61 Investigations regarding these sure decrease and attenuated increase in stroke
renal biomarkers in the context of HFpEF are war- volume and cardiac output with vasodilator thera-
ranted to better understand the mechanism and pies.68 HFpEF patients are susceptible to venodila-
interaction of renal injury and HFpEF. tion and are preload dependent when compared
An association between ST2, diabetes mellitus, with HFrEF treated with vasodilators.68 Fixed stroke
renal dysfunction, systemic congestion, right ven- volume, drop in blood pressure in the setting of
tricular pressure overload, and dysfunction has lower filling pressures compounded by chrono-
been found. Elevated ST2 level may be a marker tropic incompetence may contribute to decreased
of the proinflammatory milieu engendered by the renal perfusion and renal dysfunction. The primary
comorbidities associated with HFpEF, including hemodynamic driver of renal dysfunction, however,
renal impairment, and may be of value in risk strat- is elevated CVP, which is a consequence of pulmo-
ification of HFpEF and renal dysfunction.62 nary hypertension and RV dysfunction.
Recent studies have revealed abnormal patterns
of microRNA in cardiac and renal fibrosis.63,64 RENAL PARAMETERS IN HEART FAILURE
There are preliminary data regarding microRNA WITH PRESERVED EJECTION FRACTION
detection to discern preclinical heart failure.65
Further studies are needed to evaluate microRNAs Renal function is generally estimated by GFR
as a biomarker in renal and myocardial fibrosis based on serum creatinine. Calculation of eGFR
especially in the context of HFpeF. using the Chronic Kidney Disease Epidemiology
The clinical application of biomarkers in the Collaboration equation rather than the Modifica-
management of renal dysfunction and HFpEF tion of Diet in Renal Disease equation results in
holds promise but is not well defined, and addi- increased estimates of renal impairment in heart
tional work is needed in this area. failure and provides a better stratification of mor-
tality risk. Renal dysfunction as measured by
HEMODYNAMIC FACTORS eGFR is a stronger predictor of all-cause mortality
in HFrEF than in HFpEF.69 Renal Doppler hemody-
One of the most important hemodynamic drivers namics may have incremental value in the assess-
of WRF is elevated CVP.22,23 ment of renal function.
In a retrospective chart review on 2557 patients Renal arterial resistance index (RI) is a Doppler
with a variety of CV disorders who underwent right index of renal blood flow that is reflective of
362 Ananthram & Gottlieb

vascular and parenchymal abnormalities.70 A with impaired cardiac remodeling, worse cardiac
strong association has been shown between mechanics, and worse outcomes.77
elevated RI and HFpEF.71 Increased RI prognosti- Patel and colleagues33 evaluated echocardio-
cates unfavorable outcomes in HFpEF. Patients graphic and biomarker indices in the RELAX HFpEF
with HFpEF display changes in intrarenal vascular cohort based on the presence or absence of CKD.
hemodynamics, and the severity of these changes Echocardiographic parameter of lateral e0 velocity
correlates with poor outcomes.71 An RI greater was significantly decreased, and estimated filling
than 75 was associated with heart failure progres- pressures (E/e0 average) were elevated in the CKD
sion and unfavorable prognosis in patients with group. Lower eGFR was associated with elevated
both normal and impaired renal function. RI is an biomarkers (aldosterone, uric acid, NT-proBNP,
independent prognostic marker of HF progression, endothelin-1 and galectin-3, NT-procollagen III pep-
and its prognostic value is additive to that of GFR tide and C-terminal telopeptide of collagen type 1-
alone.70 In a small renal biopsy-based study, an CITP). Lower eGFR was associated with lower
association was demonstrated between RI >0.65 peak oxygen consumption, and lower hemoglobin
and severe interstitial fibrosis, arteriosclerosis, was found to be a significant mediator of the associ-
and deterioration in renal function.72 ation between low eGFR and peak VO2 levels.
Echo Doppler parameters of diastolic dysfunc-
tion correlated with RI in a small study of patients RENIN-ANGIOTENSIN-ALDOSTERONE
with hypertension without heart failure or renal SYSTEM INHIBITION AND RENAL FUNCTION
This indicates that cardiac and renal involvement EJECTION FRACTION
occur simultaneously in hypertensive patients.73
In conclusion, RI is an independent predictor of Studies of RAAS inhibition in HFpEF have not
outcomes in CHF and may be valuable in clinical shown mortality benefits.78–80 However, angio-
practice as a parameter of renal function and aid tensin converting enzyme inhibitor and angio-
in risk stratification. tensin receptor blockers have been shown to
decrease the risk of renal failure and CV events
in CKD.81 The desired approach to reduce protein-
CARDIAC MORPHOLOGY IN RENAL uria in CKD is RAAS inhibition. Although RAAS in-
DYSFUNCTION AND HEART FAILURE WITH hibition in HFrEF leads to chronic benefits in renal
PRESERVED EJECTION FRACTION function, the results in HFpEF are less clear.81,82 In
the Randomized Aldactone Evaluation Study, spi-
HFpEF, hypertensive heart disease, and left ventric- ronolactone improved survival even in those with
ular hypertrophy (LVH) are frequently seen in WRF.83 In The Treatment of Preserved Cardiac
conjunction with advanced kidney disease.74 The Function Heart Failure with an Aldosterone Antag-
degree of concentric LVH in chronic uremia is asso- onist Trial, there were more deterioration of renal
ciated with increased risk of heart failure and mor- function in the spironolactone arm; however, this
tality.75 Patients with concomitant CKD and did not portend a poorer prognosis.84
HFpEF are likely to have morphologic and echocar- Furthermore, in the Prospective Comparison of
diographic features reflective of advanced disease. ARNI with ARB Global Outcomes in HFpEF
A retrospective study found a significant differ- (PARAGON HF) study, a lower rate of reduction
ence between hospitalized HFpEF patients with in GFR was noted in the sacubitril-valsartan group
and without WRF in echocardiographic measures when compared with the valsartan group.85,86 The
of RV function as evidenced by a decrease in RV mechanisms and implications of this are not yet
fractional area change and adverse remodeling certain.
based on increased RV free wall thickness. How-
ever, there was no significant difference between SODIUM GLUCOSE COTRANSPORTER-2
RA RV size between the 2 groups.76 INHIBITORS
In a prospective analysis of HFpEF patients with
and without CKD, Unger and colleagues13 Sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT-2i)
assessed routine diastolic indices and novel echo- decrease oxidative stress,87,88 fibrosis, and intraglo-
cardiographic parameters, such as LA reservoir merular hypertension,89,90 have anti-inflammatory
strain, LV strain, and RV free wall strain. They properties,91,92 and attenuate sympathetic nervous
found that CKD is associated with a greater de- system activity with the potential to mitigate neuro-
gree of impaired diastolic dysfunction, impaired hormonal activity in cardiorenal interactions.93
systolic LV, and RV dysfunction when compared They have direct cardioprotective and renoprotec-
with those without CKD. CKD was associated tive effects.93–96
Renal Dysfunction and Heart Failure 363

In 4 large-scale outcome trials of patients with RECONNECXT relate to identifying renal drivers
diabetes mellitus, SGLT-2i have shown significant for subgroups of HFpEF, to better discern the
reduction in composite of sustained worsening of pathophysiology of the renocardiac nexus, eval-
eGFR, end-stage renal disease, or mortality from uate therapeutic targets, and focus on clinical ap-
renal causes.97 They have robust benefits in reduc- plications. It is expected that results of this
tion of heart failure hospitalizations and progression interdisciplinary undertaking will deepen the un-
of renal disease regardless of history of heart fail- derstanding of mechanistic pathways in HFpEF
ure.98 A meta-analysis of the 3 large CV outcome and pave the way to development of personalized
trials revealed that patients with worse baseline diagnostics and therapeutics.103
renal function had greater reduction in heart failure
hospitalizations and a lesser effect on progression
of renal dysfunction.98 A decrease in heart failure
hospitalizations in patients with HFpEf and HFrEF SUMMARY
was observed in one of the trials.99 HFpEF and CKD constitute a high-risk phenotype
In HFrEF, SGLT-2i have been shown to decrease with considerable morbidity and mortality and
heart failure hospitalizations and mortality.97 Empa- poor outcomes.
gliflozin has a beneficial effect on cardiac myocyte Multiple proinflammatory comorbid conditions
endothelial cell and cardiac myocyte interaction influence the pathogenesis of HFpEF and CKD.
following exposure of cardiomyocyte to TNF-a via Renal dysfunction in HFpEF is a result of elevated
endothelial-derived NO.100 CVP secondary to systemic congestion, pulmo-
Considering the paradigm of inflammation, nary hypertension, and RV dysfunction. Renal
endothelial dysfunction, fibrosis, coronary micro- perfusion is compromised by vasodilatation,
vascular dysfunction, and sympathetic activation fixed stroke volume, and chronotropic incompe-
in HFpEF, and the aforementioned effects of tence. Decreased renal blood flow and reduced
SGLT-2i, this class of drugs seems promising in sodium excretion promote a proinflammatory
HFpEF management. state via uremic toxins and fibroblast growth fac-
There are ongoing trials to evaluate the impact tor, parathyroid hormone, vitamin D deficiency,
of SGLT-2 inhibitors in HFpEF. and erythropoietin. This proinflammatory milieu
Empagliflozin Outcome Trial in Patients With perpetuates the vicious cycle of cardiac and renal
Chronic Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection dysfunction in HFpEF.
Fraction (NCT03057951) is a large, double-blind, In contrast to HFrEF, there is a dearth of effective
placebo-controlled trial investigating empagliflozin targeted therapies for HFpEF. Tailoring study
in HFpEF patients with and without diabetes melli- design toward the different phenotypes and delving
tus. Half of the 5988 patients enrolled in this study into the pathophysiology and biology of these phe-
have baseline CKD.101 notypes may be useful in the development of effec-
Dapagliflozin Evaluation to Improve the Lives of tive phenotype-specific targeted pharmaceutical
Patients With Preserved Ejection Fraction Heart Fail- therapies for this heterogenous syndrome.
ure (NCT03619213) is an international double-blind
randomized placebo-controlled study to evaluate
the effect of dapagliflozin on reducing CV death or
worsening heart failure in patients with HFpEF.102 CLINICS CARE POINTS


Renal Connection to Microvascular Disease and
HFpEF, the next phase (RECONNECXT),103 is a  Coexistent renal dysfunction and heart fail-
multicenter consortium created to further ure with preserved ejection fraction present
research on knowledge gained from Renal a challenging situation.
Connection to Microvascular Disease and HFpEF  Alleviating symptoms revolves around man-
(RECONNECT)5 consortium. Outcomes of agement of volume status with diuretics and
RECONNECT highlight that CKD is a significant ultrafiltration and mitigating chronotropic
risk factor in the development, progression, and incompetence.
mortality in HFpEF and plays a pivotal role in the  Cautious use or avoidance of vasodilators pre-
pathogenesis of HFpEF via systemic inflamma- vents worsening renal function.
tion and coronary microvascular dysfunction.  Comorbid conditions that affect renal
RECONNECT identified potential targets for ther- dysfunction and HFpEF should be treated.
apy in HFpEF.103 The objectives of
364 Ananthram & Gottlieb

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S.S. Gottlieb reports consulting to Cytokinetics 2007;13(8):599–608.
and Eidos. 15. Rusinaru D, Buiciuc O, Houpe D, et al. Renal func-
tion and long-term survival after hospital discharge
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