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New Business Generation Proposal

Prepared by Rohan Tailor, 24th January 2019

Strategic Tracking is a consultancy that works Matthew is looking to target large manufacturing Matthew is investigating partnering with an
with manufacturers, helping them identify and brands, specifically in food, drink, cosmetics, alternative professional telemarketing agency
stop illegal and unethical diversion of their electronics, medical and fashion. With the volume that is skilled in the prospecting phase of the
products. of shipments and value of items, these are primary new business process and can deliver the
sectors for product diversion to take place. quality and volume of opportunities required.
Their experience in technology, security and
analysis makes them uniquely qualified to meet Matthew currently has no proactive marketing in Officially ranked as the Number 1 B2B
the challenge of tackling product diversion which place but is keen to reach out to the market to offer Telemarketing Agency in the UK, and with
is an ever growing concern for product his services. extensive experience in supporting
manufacturers. businesses looking to boost their sales
MarketMakers will be required to target the relevant volumes, MarketMakers is the ideal partner
Strategic Tracking implement a 4 stage process
DMC and create awareness of the problem and the for Strategic Tracking.
to the service: Planning, Implementation,
solution that exists. The objective will be to
Monitoring and then Analysis. Subject to the
generate a no obligation free telephone consultation The following proposal details the initial
volume of shipments and the global spread, this
that Matthew will take forwards. campaign MarketMakers recommends and
can run over a 3 month period or much longer.
how, working closely with Matthew, we’ll set
James is confident enough to offer a guarantee If successful, Matthew will then provide a more about helping to drive Strategic Tracking's
that any issues the client is facing, will be detailed plan and if all goes well, lead into the business growth.
resolved. implementation phase of the process.

01 Strategic Tracking
Why we can help:
Relevant Market Experience

01 Strategic Tracking
Why we can help:
Quality Proposition
Most of our clients have tried and tested all different types of commercial telemarketing models over the years, but have worked with MarketMakers (and
in several cases, for many years) because they understand that our partnership is based on measurable ROI for their business. They also understand
the importance MarketMakers place on the retention of clients by delivering a first class quality service.
The 3 Q’s are the backbone standing behind our own service to ensure that we try and deliver ROI and retain clients are:


• Pre-Campaign Set Up - ensuring we • All our agents are put through the • All opportunities are independently validated
completely understand you, your business, MarketMakers Award Winning and ISM and checked against our clients criteria before
your service offering and your clients before any accredited ‘Business School’ covering the 5 being sent over for you to attend.
calls are made. key elements of business engagement and • All opportunities will be with a target prospect and
• Fully managed Campaign – ensuring maximum telemarketing. appropriate decision maker who has a genuine
quality and results through an experienced • All our agents are professional and incredibly interest in your service.
team who already understand your sector. passionate about what they achieve for our • With all opportunities made with your target
• Full visibility of activity via our MM Cloud, clients. prospects, there will be a full understanding of
listen to all calls made, give feedback, see all • Driven and incentivised based on client why you are meeting with them.
activity live on the calls made on your campaign. success and retention. • Written dialogue and copy of calls provided for all
• All populated data returned as yours at the end • 5 Consecutive years in the ‘Great Place to opportunities for absolute transparency.
of your campaign. Work’ awards. • Full feedback mechanism in place.

01 Strategic Tracking
Setting the benchmarks
What? Why?
• The overall objective of this first campaign is to create a • Establish benchmarks so that accurate and reliable
new business formula for Strategic Tracking that targets can be set for ongoing business
provides them with a sustainable route to market, that • Allow the telemarketers to provide feedback on the pitch
will generate new business profitably and used
• Confirm Cam's happiness with the quality of the
• This will give Strategic Tracking absolute control over opportunities generated
the new business generation process
• Establish the level of return on investment generated
• Matthew will then be able to increase and decrease the from set activity
flow of high quality new business opportunities as and
when required in order to achieve Strategic Tracking’s
business goals and objectives

02 Strategic Tracking
Campaign Approach


To be supplied by Plain Text Lead Generation 100 hours of dedicated Campaign to run across 1 dedicated Direct Marketing
MarketMakers Email Campaign in advance calling 12 weeks Manager
of and during the calling
Email Email 1 - 2 dedicated Telemarketers

02 Strategic Tracking
Campaign Approach
Copy brief taken by expert
copywriter at the pre-campaign
briefing session

Target database finalised and

imported ready for email and
telemarketing activity

A second email send takes place to re-

engage the data and generate more
positive responses to further aid the
dialing. Email copy written, and then
approved by Strategic Tracking.
Email launched to the data

Inbox is monitored in real time, with any

Detailed email reports of records that
responses passed straight on to the
opened, clicked and replied to the email
telemarketers for follow up.
shared with Strategic Tracking

Any responses qualified and booked as

opportunities. CRM prioritises
remaining data and identifies ‘hot

03 Strategic Tracking
Lead Generation Emails
prospects’ for immediate follow up
Strategic Tracking
Team Structure
Expert Team Structure

Data Direct Marketing Quality Learning &

Management Manager Assurance Development

Email Lead
Dedicated Telemarketers
Generation Team

Strategic Tracking
04 Team Structure
Step: 1

Briefing Session
What? Who? Why?
• Matthew will meet with his dedicated • Matthew and any other required • Allow for a ‘chemistry’ session
team 1 - 2 weeks prior to the go live Strategic Tracking between Strategic Tracking and
date representatives their dedicated team
• Together, a 3 – 4 hour briefing session • Telemarketers • Agree the campaign blueprints
will be completed and will focus on the
core elements of the campaign; ‘script’
• Direct Marketing Manager • Ensure all parties are clear on the
framework, data and how • Email Copywriter objectives for the campaign
MarketMakers & Strategic Tracking will • Provide a knowledge transfer
integrate together. from Strategic Tracking to the
• The session will be documented and
dedicated team in relation to the
detailed ‘Campaign Notes’ sent to
Matthew for approval along with the • Create the foundations for a long
data and email copy. and mutually beneficial

05 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Briefing Session
Step: 1

Briefing Session
Process Reporting Meeting Schedules
How the telemarketing activity will be
Method of reviews – conference calls /
delivered What type & level of management
information is needed/will be provided
How Strategic Tracking &
Frequency of review calls – daily /
MarketMakers will integrate together The frequency and by which medium it
weekly / monthly
will be delivered

Communication Lines Knowledge transfers

Briefing session / training on Strategic
Systems How does Matthew want us to report
Tracking and pitch development
to him?
How the transfer of data will take place
Are there any other members of the
between Strategic Tracking &
Strategic Tracking team that
MarketMakers will communicate with
How opportunity details will be transferred day-to-day?

05 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Briefing Session
Step: 2

The award winning MarketMakers
Business School will create the
foundation of a compelling pitch for
Strategic Tracking based on the
information gained at the Briefing
Calling will be conducted in an
unscripted manner, with each call
tailored to the requirements and
interests of each individual prospect.
MarketMakers will develop a ‘skeleton
script’ that the telemarketers can refer
back to in the early stages and this will
require Matthew’s approval and sign-
off before calling commences.

06 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign - Training
Step: 3

Test Calls
MarketMakers will practice the pitch and
complete live test calls with Matthew or
record internal test calls for him to review
prior to the campaign going live.
This includes objection handling to ensure
that the telemarketers are comfortable
with the pitch prior to calling.
This structure ensures a fluent and
professional representation of the
Strategic Tracking brand is achieved.

06 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign - Training
Target Research and Profiling –
Senior Decision Maker
MarketMakers use a combination of persona research and DISC profiling to understand the target decision maker and use this to
guide email messaging, Dialler allocation and proposition approach.


06 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Target Research and Profiling
Step: 4

Total Transparency



• Weekly calls to be held between • Operational reports Email

• Matthew to complete a short 5
• MarketMakers are keen to know • Strategic Tracking has access
Matthew, the Direct Marketing summarising the previous question survey to provide the outcome of each completed to all contact calls so can
Manager & telemarketers to week’s activity, campaign feedback to the Operations opportunity and ask that online request and listen to a selection
review opportunities generated performance and outcomes Manager on his perspective of feedback is provided for each of conversations that
and campaign progress • Sent on a weekly basis how things are progressing MarketMakers have had during
the campaign

07 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Reporting & Systems
Step: 4

Bespoke & Real-Time Reporting



• A unique set of reports • Access to live results and

containing specific management campaign statistics via the
information required by MMCloud
Strategic Tracking can be
created • Provides maximum
• Available via App or

07 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Reporting & Systems
07 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Reporting & Systems
07 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Reporting & Systems
07 Strategic Tracking
Your Campaign – Reporting & Systems
& Budget
Action w/c 4th Feb w/c 11th Feb w/c 18th Feb w/c 25th Feb

Terms signed

Agent selection

Briefing session


Systems setup
Final test phase
and sign off
Go live

08 Strategic Tracking
Strategic Tracking New Business Generation Campaign
Full pre-campaign briefing session All reporting
Management and training Digital call recording
Setup on Vortex CRM Complete quality assurance and opportunity feedback process
100 hours of telemarketing time Market intelligence and profiled market data
Pipeline and future key opportunity generation Business data file provided to Strategic Tracking
Full use of the MMCloud real-time reporting suite 1 email campaign (copywriting, initial broadcast, follow up, reporting)

Email & Data Investment £ 900.00

Telemarketing Investment £ 5,500.00

Total Investment £ 6,400.00

08 Strategic Tracking
Investment Breakdown
Rohan Tailor | New Client Director
07701 320 129 |
Our Values

Rohan Tailor | New Client Director

07701 320 129 |
Our Values

Rohan Tailor | New Client Director

07701 320 129 |

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