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Learning Contract

Dr. Archanya Ratana-Ubol
Learning contract
• Self-direction refers to the capabilities
of people to direct their own lives
based on their understanding of
themselves, other, and the world, and
their skills in managing their own
learning, motivation, and behaviors.
Knowles, M. S.
Knowles, M. S. (1975). Self-Directed learning: A
guide for students and teachers. Chicago, IL:
Follett Publishing Company.
Learning contract is a short agreement in writing between a
learner and facilitator. It outlines what is expected to be
learned in a specific period and the method of assessing that
learning. Although it is a fairly formal, written agreement, it
need not be complex. It should outline:

What is a What a learner will learn?

contract? How the learning will be accomplished?

How the learning will be assessed?

Learning Contract

A form of individualized, active

learning, in which the student proposes
a course of study to satisfy an academic
requirement and a teacher checks and
approves the contract.

Learning Contract (cont.)

The student typically works

independently until assistance is
needed from the teacher, at which
point it is the responsibility of the
student to ask for help.
Learning Contract (cont.)

This form of instruction is becoming

more common in universities and in distance
learning. A second variety of learning contract
is sometimes undertaken with elementary or
secondary students in which the teacher takes
a more active role and the function of the
contract is to focus the student's attention on
specific skills or concepts to be learned.

Learning Contract (cont.)

A "contract" is a valuable tool that teachers can

use in negotiating terms with students and/or
parents which details the specific expectations
that the teacher, student, and sometimes, the
parent formally agree upon.

Learning Contract (cont.)

Learning contracts help the teacher and

student share the responsibility for achieving
desired outcomes. It also helps increase
accountability and provides feedback to the
student regarding progress toward meeting
the agreed upon goals.

Why learning contract?
• Through learning contracts, learners are
encouraged to take more responsibility for
their own learning. They are encouraged to
be involved in creating and implementing
this learning and to evaluate their own

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