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This is an abridged excerpt from AWWA Manual Manual of Water Supply Practices
companies. Similarly, Dr. D. Kandilakis
of Practice M3, Safety Management for Utilities, M3 stated that companies in OHSA’s Safety and
eighth edition (catalog No. 30003-8E). The Health Achievement Recognition Program,
book is available from the AWWA Store (www. Safety Management whose written safety and health policies for Utilities were reviewed over a 12-year period from

Eighth Edition 1999 to 2010, experienced an average 52%
he safety and health of employ- reduction in claims, an average claims cost
ees is a key concern in any decrease of 80%, and an average lost time
organization. The goal of send- per claim decrease of 87%.
ing everyone home safely at the
end of each shift should always be at the
Ideal crop marks Ideal crop marks REGULATORY REQUIREMENTS
forefront of any organization’s planning The US Occupational Safety and
efforts. Staff knowledge and management Health Act of 1970 did not grant OSHA
support alone have proved effective in authority over federal, local, or state
some small organizations but ineffective government-operated facilities. In devel-
in others. A formal Health, Safety, and oping its program to authorize states to
Environmental (HSE) program is a reli- enforce federal regulations, OSHA rec-
able and effective means of consistently ognized the need to encourage states
protecting workers from occupational to regulate state and local government
injuries and illnesses. Formal written pro- these hazards should be considered in workplaces. The process of attaining state
grams can address specific hazards and the development of any HSE program, authority involves submitting an accept-
prevention measures (e.g., fall preven- and some can be evaluated depending able state plan to OSHA, in which states
tion) and specific regulatory mandates on the type of system or its geographic are required by OSHA to enact legislation
that require a written program (e.g., haz- location. In addition to planning for the and regulations that are equivalent to fed-
ard communication, respiratory protec- hazards presented in Chapter 6, extreme eral rules and apply to the state and local
tion). Furthermore, there is widespread storm events should be considered in the government workplace.
agreement that written management development of an HSE program. More As a result, many states have their
systems improve organizational perfor- information on safety during emergen- own OSHA rules that apply to state and
mance, including performance in occupa- cies can be found in AWWA Manual of local government-operated water treat-
tional health and safety. Water Supply Practices M19, Emergency ment plants, in particular states with
This manual serves to establish the Planning for Water Utilities. OSHA plans approved by federal OSHA
key components that should be included Several recent studies show compa- (i.e., OSHA plan states). In addition, some
in a formal HSE program. Chapter 2 nies with strong written safety and health states have enacted equivalent rules that
describes job safety analysis as a means programs that include key elements rec- apply only to state and local government
to proactively examine and mitigate exist- ognized by safety and health professionals employees. The federal government’s
ing hazards on the worksite. Chapter 2 and governmental agencies alike experi- employees are covered under Section 19
also introduces the hierarchy of con- ence significant reductions in injury cases, of the OSH Act. This has been augmented
trols, a methodology used throughout the claims, rates, and costs. According to V.J. by Executive Order 12196, dated Feb. 26,
manual. A thorough HSE program will also Roberts, Occupational Safety and Health 1980, which requires agency heads to
outline the procedures necessary should Administration (OSHA) data show that furnish employees a workplace free from
an incident occur (Chapter 3 covers inci- the average Voluntary Protection Program recognized hazards that are causing or are
dent management). Recognizing that worksites have lost, restricted, and/or likely to cause death or serious physical
many hazards can be engineered out of a transferred case rates that are 52% below harm. As a result, federal- or state-equiv-
system, Chapter 4 addresses key aspects the average days away/restricted time aver- alent OSHA rules are applicable and
of prevention through design. A mean- age for the same industry. According to enforceable if the facility is a privately
ingful program should also be effectively a series of studies conducted in Canada operated plant, operated by the federal
communicated with contractors. on the effectiveness of Certificate of government, or in one of the state’s oper-
Chapter 5 describes contractor safety Recognition (COR) by Dr. C. McLeod and ating OSHA Plans. For utilities in states
management and some of the special the Institute for Work & Health, companies listed as non-OSHA, some governing
hazards that accompany the construc- that implemented elements of the COR body or legislation may be applicable,
tion phase. Last, Chapter 6 provides program have 12%–14% greater reductions but no OSHA-equivalent safety and health
an index of common hazards. Many of in lost-time injury rates than noncertified standards exist.

30 Opflow September 2022

2022 © American Water Works Association

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