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Definition Translation in language Example
B (Spanish)
 To them, acid
Rain that
rain and
contains large
urban smog
amounts of
are more
1. Acid rain Ploaie acidă lluvia ácida immediate
chemicals as a
and urgent
result of burning
concerns than
substances such
as coal and oil.
 This is a
Agriculture (= to the biology
farming) that of cocoa with
2. Agroforestry involves Agroforestería wider
growing and implications
caring for trees. for tropical
The science or
the activity of
following the
 The professor
principles of
ecology (= the
3. Agroecology study of how
Agroecologie Agroecología in the
different parts of
department of
the environment
relate to one
another) in
4. Acre-foot A quantity or Arbitraj Acre-pie  In economic
volume of water terms,
covering one arbitrage
acre to a depth opportunities
of one foot; are always
equal to 43,560 present in
cubic feet or precision
325,851 gallons. measurement;
it is only a
question of
their greater
or lesser
The result you  Prices have
get by adding risen by an
two or more average of
amounts four percent
5. Average together and Media Media over the past
dividing the year.
total by the
number of
The total  The impact of
demand for the reforms
goods and would be
services within Cerere Demanda lower
6. Aggregate demand
an economy. agregată agregada aggregate
demand and
The quality of  In practice
being self- Germany
sufficient; under Hitler
economic never
7. Autarky independence. Autarhie Autarquía achieved
autarky and
depended on
the import of
The difference  Protection of
between the the balance of
money that a payments was
8. Balance of country receives Balanță de Balanza de no longer
payments from exports plăți pagos acknowledged
and the money as the primary
that it spends on objective of
imports. policy.
 We are all
The inability to familiar with
pay debt due to the rate of
loss of income, bankruptcies
9. Bankruptcy increased Faliment Quiebra and closures
spending, or an of small
unforeseen businesses
financial crisis.. over the last
few years.
10. Barter To exchange Schimb Trueque  In other
goods for other words, unless
things rather we bartered
time for
content there
than for money.
would be no
A situation in  The opposite
which the price market
of a commodity condition to
(= a product, contango is
such as oil or a known as
metal, that is normal
traded in large backwardatio
quantities) is n.
11. Backwardation Înapoiere Retroceso
lower if the
buyer is to
receive the
commodity at a
future date than
it is if the buyer
receives it
The study of the  Behavioral
influence of economics
emotions, challenges the
opinions, etc. on view that
the decisions Economia economic
12. Behavioural Economía del
people and comportamen - decision-
economics comportamiento
organizations tală making is
make in driven
spending, exclusively by
saving, etc. selfish
A time when  With so many
there are more houses
goods for sale Piața available, it's
Mercado de
13. Buyer's market than there are cumpărătorulu a buyer's
people to buy i market.
them, so prices
are usually low.
14. Capital flight A situation in Scurgerile de Fuga de  Ultimately,
which large capital capitales the most
amounts of benefited
money are sent from capital
out of a country flight are
to be kept or multinational
invested in other banks.
countries, for
because of fears
about the
 In practice,
A group of
there are too
companies who Un cartel de
15. Cartel El cartel suppliers and
join together to companii
a cartel
control prices
cannot form
and limit
The degree to  Investor and
which people consumer
feel confident confidence
about how well have
16. Consumer the economy is Încrederea La confianza del continued to
confidence doing, which consumatorilor consumidor rise, adding
influences how impetus to the
much money country's
they are willing economic
to spend. recovery.
Economic  This reduction
conditions that of assets,
make financial particularly in
organizations the supply of
less willing to loans, can
17. Credit crunch Criză Crisis crediticia
lend money, cause a credit
often causing crunch.
An economic  This suggests
system in which that crony
family members capitalism
and friends of and inclusive
government Capitalism de capitalism
18. Crony capitalism officials and prieteni may have
business leaders (cumătrism) overlapping
are given unfair interests.
advantages in
the form of jobs,
loans, etc.
19. Consumer price Measures Indicile Índice de precios  The
index (CPI) changes in the prețurilor de al consumo consumer
price level of consum price index
market basket of hit a six-
consumer goods month high in
and services October.
purchased by
A large  Another
company or interesting
group of example is
companies that transitive
20. Corporation Corporație Corporación
is controlled ownership and
together as a control of
single corporations.
A company that  The credit
collects bureau does a
financial credit check
information of each
about applicant and
consumers, for approves
example, their clients within
Oficina de
21. Credit bureau level of debt and Biroul de credit two weeks.
record, and sells
the information
to financial
who lend
 We can
overcoat these
mandrels with
To put polymer,
something vapor
valuable, deposited
22. Deposit Cauțiune Depósito
especially polyimide, or
money, in a sputtered
bank or safe. beryllium
wall thickness
23. Deadweight loss A loss that Pierderea Pérdida de peso  Production is
occurs when a capacității muerto also
government brute decreased,
raises taxes in further
order to get decreasing
more money, social welfare
but then loses by creating a
money as a deadweight
result. loss.
 We also take
into account
that firms
with lower
money, that is
debt and more
owed to Datorie/
24. Debt Deuda capital
someone else, or împrumut
the state of
will contribute
more to their
The action of  The rate of
making deflation of
something the balloon
smaller by depends on
removing the air the kind of
25. Deflation Deflație Deflación
from inside it; material from
the fact of which it is
becoming made.
smaller in this
 All growth
The process of Amortizare/ rates are in
26. Depreciation Depreciación
losing value. depreciere generational
covering 35
A strong, public  He gave a
criticism. ringing
27. Denunciation Denunț Denuncia
of fascism.
The action of  The
reducing the rate devaluation
at which money of the dollar
28. Devaluation (a) can be A devaloriza Devaluación had a strong
exchanged for effect on the
foreign money. financial
A situation in  In fact, the
which only two financial
companies world is
29. Duopoly control all the Duopol Duopolio tending
business in a towards a
particular euro/dollar
industry. duopoly.
30. Deficit spending A situation in Deficit bugetar Gasto  Growing
which a foreign debt
government's and deficit
spending is spending have
greater than the brought South
money it America's
receives in second-largest
taxes, etc. economy to a
Skill in starting  The scope for
new businesses, policy
especially when entrepreneurs
this involves hip is
31. Entrepreneurship seeing new Antreprenoriat considerably
opportunities. reduced due
to the absence
of vertical
Actions taken by  The UN
a country or announced
organization new
against the economic
economy of sanctions
32. Economic Sancțiuni Sanciones
another country, against
sanctions economice económicas
such as refusing countries
to trade with it, abusing
in order to force human rights.
it to obey a law
or a set of rules.
A way of  The real
measuring the effective
value of a exchange
country's rate is an
33. Effective currency in Cursul de Tipo de cambio indicator of a
exchange rate relation to the schimb efectiv efectivo country's
currency of competitivene
other countries ss.
that it trades
An organization,  Don't forget
especially a this is a
business, or a commercial
difficult and Întreprindere/ enterprise -
34. Enterprise Empresa
important plan, companie we're here to
especially one make money.
that will earn
35. Factory prices The prices Prețuri de Precios de  The prices
they have paid
has tended to
charged by
pull down the
producers to
fabrică fábrica average price
wholesalers and
received more
than any other
factory price.
The central
banking system
in the US that
consists of the  The Federal
Federal Reserve Reserve
Board, the System
twelve Federal Sistemul announced
36. Federal Reserve Sistema de la
Reserve Banks, Rezervelor that it would
System Reserva Federal
the Federal Federale close 18 of its
Open Market check-
Committee, and processing
other banks that centers.
belong to the US
central banking
A report
provided by a  According to
company for its its most
shareholders and recently
investors that published
shows details of financial
37. Financial Situația Estado
its financial statement, the
statement financiară financiero
situation, and organization
includes raised $8
documents such million in
as the profit and fiscal year
loss account and 2022.
balance sheet.
The situation in  The Budget
which people shows the tax
pay a larger part burden
of their income increasing as
in tax, because a result of
the government fiscal drag.
does not Tracțiunea
38. Fiscal drag Arrastre fiscal
increase the fiscală
levels at which
people pay tax
at the same rate
as that at which
inflation is
39. Forecasting The job or Previziuni Previsión  This textbook,
activity of on
judging what is forecasting
likely to happen methods and
in the future, the practical
based on the issues related
information you to forecasting,
have now. is used in over
 You must
The amount a look at the
company has company's
40. Gearing borrowed Angrenaj Engranaje gearing level
compared to its and its ability
share capital. to service its
An increase in  The
the size or the government is
41. Growth importance of Creștere Crecimiento trying to limit
something. population
A system of  The gold
providing and standard
controlling the provided just
exchange of such an
money in a ideology,
country, in Aur Estándar supported by
42. Gold standard
which the value standart de oro a rhetoric of
of money morality and
(compared to rectitude.
foreign money)
is fixed against
that of gold.
 Lack of hard
Money that is
currency put
valuable and can
be exchanged
harvesters and
43. Hard currency easily because it Monedă forte Moneda fuerte
tractors from
comes from a
suppliers out
of reach.
44. Hedge A way of Acoperire Cobertura  She'd made
protecting, some overseas
controlling, or investments as
limiting a hedge
something. against rising
inflation in
this country.
Money that is  In reality, hot
moved, for money takes
example, from many
one bank or different
45. Hot money country to Bani fierbinți Dinero caliente forms of
another, to make investment.
a profit from
high interest or
exchange rates.
A condition  In the
where the price presence of
of everything in hyperinflatio
a national n, currency
46. Hyperinflation Hiperinflație Hiperinflación
economy goes substitution
out of control may have
and increases positive
very quickly. effects.
The situation  Hysteresis
where changes effects arising
in one part of from the
the economy recession
take time to include long-
47. Hysteresis Histerezis Histéresis
have an effect term
on other parts. unemploymen
t and drops in
The principle  Horizontal
that people with equity
a similar ability suggests it is
to pay taxes fair for people
Echitate Equidad
48. Horizontal equity should pay of equal
orizontală horizontal
similar amounts. ability to pay
the same
amount in
 They worked
toward quick
and uniform
The act of program
Punere în
49. Implementation starting to use a Aplicación implementati
plan or system. on and
50. Income effect The effect of Efectul Efecto de los  This explains
changes in venitului ingresos the negative
things such as income effect
prices, taxes,
and costs of
services on
A tax that you  The standard
have to pay on margin is to
your income, substitute
Impozit pe Impuesto sobre
51. Income tax usually higher moreleisure to
venit la renta
for people with evade the
larger incomes. labor income
tax via (5).
A system in  Indexation of
which the value pay rises to
of something productivity
52. Indexation changes in Indexare Indexación will give
relation to people an
another value or incentive to
fixed standard. work harder.
A company that  The
invests in investment
53. Investment shares, bonds, Fond de Fondo de fund has a
fund etc. for investiții inversión portfolio of
investors. shares worth
$180 million.
A general,  Unemployme
continuous nt, inflation
increase in and greater
prices. inequality are
54. Inflation Inflație Inflación often the
downside of a

 As part of her
The activity of job hunt, she
A căuta un loc Búsqueda de
55. Job hunting trying to find a attended a
de muncă empleo
job. networking
A business or  The website
business activity was a joint
that two or more Societate pe Empresa venture
56. Joint venture
people or acțiuni conjunta between him
companies work and his
on together. partner.
57. Junk bond A bond that has Obligațiuni de Bonos basura  Many utility
a high risk that it tip companies
will not be paid junk/nesigure have seen
back, but that their credit
may possibly rating
make a large downgraded
profit. to junk bond
economics is a
 Keynesian
economics is
theory of total
considered a
spending in the
58. Keynesian economy and its Economia Economía
theory that
economics effects on keynesiană keynesiana
focuses on
changes in the
economy over
and inflation.
the short run.
understanding of
a subject.
Something that
shows what a
 Claims for
situation will be
like in the future
t insurance, a
rather than Indicatori Indicadores
59. Leading indicators leading
showing what it conducători adelantados
indicator for
is like now or
the economy,
has been like in
rose in July.
previous weeks,
months, etc.
 He controls a
Relating to a
vast business
business or part
Pierdere- Pérdida- empire, but
60. Loss-making of a business
marketing mercadeo many of his
that does not
firms are loss-
make a profit.
 All these
The action of
affected the
leading a group
61. Leadership Conducere Liderazgo leadership's
of people or an
attempts at
62. Labour economics The study of the Economia Economía  A central
relationship muncii laboral issue in
between the personnel
number of and labour 
employees economics is
needed and the the divergence
number between
available, and productivity
how this affects and wages.
rates of pay,
conditions, etc.
To get and keep  Your new
an advantage mortgage may
63. Lock-in such as a low Blocaj Enclavamiento have a long
price. lock-in
A person or  Housing
organization that associations
owns a building are the biggest
64. Landlord or an area of Propietario landlords in
land and is paid this area.
by other people
for the use of it.
A company  The advantage
where only of a limited
some of the Societate în partnership
65. Limited Sociedad
partners have comandită lies in various
partnership limitada
responsibility simplă tax breaks.
for its debts if it
To cause a  First,
business to relocated
close, so that its agents must
66. Liquidate assets can be Lichidare Liquidation be given
sold to pay its currency or
debts. liquidated
 Their research
The study of the
financial and
economic Macroecono-
67. Macroeconomics Macroeconomía on
systems of a mie
country or an
A situation in
which a market
 Market
does not operate
failure is
as it should, for
possible when
example where Fracaso del
68. Market failure Eșecul pieții monopoly
the supply of a mercado
product is not
of markets
related to the
level of demand
for it.
69. Market power The ability of a Puterea pieții Poder de  Banks can use
market power
company to
to dominate
control prices in
mercado narrow
a particular
A system of  Monetarism
controlling a was justified
country's not on the
economy by pragmatic but
70. Monetarism Monetarismul Monetarismo
limiting how on doctrinal
much money is grounds.
in use at a
particular time.
A situation in  In any case, a
which less monetary
money becomes deflation is a
available monstrous,
without a drop venomous
71. Monetary Neutralitate Deflación
in production, economic
deflation monetară monetaria
causing prices to beast.
fall, production
to slow down,
and people to
lose their jobs.
The rate of tax  The law
paid on the last would have
part of a lowered the
person's or Valoare Valor top marginal
72. Marginal rate
organization's marginală marginal rate on
income in a income earned
particular in the city.
An economic  The reality of
system in which the mixed
some industries economy
are controlled certainly
Economie Economía
73. Mixed economy privately and comes over
mixtă mixta
some by the strongly in
government. many of the
essays that
To produce  The number
goods in large of old German
numbers, cars still on
usually in a the road
74. Manufacture A produce ceva Fabricar
factory using attests to the
machines. excellence of
An amount of  Variables in
money paid for the nominal
something that price
75. Nominal price is very small or Preț nominal Precio nominal measurement
much less than are quality,
the usual quantities and
amount. distribution.
A situation in  On the other
which one hand, tropical
company is able regions had a
to supply the natural
whole market monopoly in
Monopol Monopolio
76. Natural monopoly for a product or the production
natural natural
service more of certain raw
cheaply than materials.
two or more
 As, for
The value of the
example, the
action that you
real wage rate
77. Opportunity do not choose, Cost de Coste de
rises the
cost when choosing oportunitate oportunidad
between two
cost of leisure
possible options.
To take more  I overdrew
money out of my account
your bank A depăși contul Retirada de by £20.
78. Overdraw
account than the în bancă fondos
The fact that  Ownership of
you own draught cattle
something. is an
79. Ownership Proprietate Propiedad important
indicator of
property size.
80. Off-shore (of companies Conturi En el extranjero  A detective
and banks) bancare în enters the plot
based in a străinătate to tell them
different country that the male
with different conspirator
tax rules that had already
cost less money. transferred the
money to an
account and
one girl
Money that  The level of
people and outward
companies in a investment,
country invest in by value, is
81. Outward foreign Investiții Inversion en el given in
investment countries. externe exterior current prices
in the

 Exclusivity is
The official
limited to the
legal right to
20 years from
make or sell an
82. Patent Brevet Patente the date a
invention for a
application is
number of years.
 The BBC
news portal
predicted big
A statement
changes in the
about what you
Predicții/ US
83. Predictions think will Predicciones
previziuni presidency,
happen in the
which raised
from readers.
A unit of  That is up by
measure equal to one
one percent, Punct Punto percentage
84. Percentage point
used to refer to procentual porcentual point over the
changes in results of the
interest rates. previous year.
The value today  The value of a
of an amount of company's
money that you shares should
expect to receive equal the
in the future, discounted
85. Present value considering the Valor actual present value
fact that a future of its future
payment is profits.
worth less than
one received
86. Progressive tax A tax in which Impozit Impuesto  In a
the rate of tax is progresiv progresivo progressive
higher on larger tax system,
amounts of rich people
money. pay a higher
percentage of
their income
as taxes than
do poor
A tax in which  This state has
poor people pay one of the
a higher Impozit Impuesto most
87. Regressive tax
percentage of regresiv regresivo regressive tax
their income systems in the
than rich people. nation.
The minimum  The maximum
price that you price a
will sell a consumer is
product for or Prețul Precio willing to pay
88. Reservation price
the maximum rezervării de reserva for a unit of
price that you the good is the
will pay for reservation
something. price.
A period when  Like those
the economy of companies
a country is not most fearful
successful and of recession,
89. Recession (a) Recesiune Recesión
conditions for all of these
business are companies are
bad. on average
loss makers.
The amount of  The estimated
money it costs replacement
to replace cost is
Costul de Costo
90. Replacement cost something that $800,000.
înlocuire de reemplazo
is damaged, lost,
stolen, etc. with
something new.
91. Secondary market The trading of Piață Mercado  It will be
existing bonds, secundară secundario several years
shares, etc. before an
rather than new Italian
ones. municipal
bond market
has the
liquidity to
enable the
bonds to be
traded on a
A period when  It has become
there are fewer a seller's
goods for sale market, with
than people homes
Piața Mercado de
92. Seller's market want to buy, so moving more
vânzătorului vendedores
sellers can quickly and
charge higher for more
prices. money than a
year ago.
An economic  Everyone,
system which perhaps
combines a free excluding the
market (= Americans,
market based on follows some
supply and variant on the
demand) with social market.
93. Social market some Piață socială mercado social
control and
financial help
for people who
are ill,
A charge or list  However,
of charges either unlike
for services or technology
on goods improvements
94. Tariff Tarifar Tarifa
entering a , optimal
country tariffs will
Synonym. hurt the poor
If there is a  Our focus in
tendency to do this work was
something, it on the
starts to happen description,
95. Tendency more often or Tendință Tendencia etiology, and
starts to outcomes of
increase. these early
The number of Șomaj Desempleo  Their claim
96. Unemployment people who do that higher
not have a job levels of
that provides unemployme
money. nt help
extreme right
parties is valid
given their
The activity of  There are
lending links here
someone money with penances
with the for avarice or
Speculă cu
agreement that usury.
97. Usury bani/ dobândă Usura
they will pay
back a very
much larger
amount of
money later.
An mprovement  The printer's
or addition to added value
98. Value added something that Valor añadido makes it
makes it worth worth the
more. extra cost.
A cost that  One way to
changes reduce car
according to usage is to
99. Variable cost how much of a Costul variabil Coste variable increase the
product is being variable cost
produced or of using a car.
A large  Imported
container used chips are
for mixing or Taxa pe subject to a
100. Value-added Impuesto sobre
storing liquid valoare value-added
tax (VAT) el valor añadido
substances, adaugată tax of 17%.
especially in a

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