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Mineralogy block

Main lesson

Day 11 and 12 (June 22 and 23)

For this topic, you have 2 days because it´s a lot of work.
1. First you are going to watch the video of earth layers in classroom
2. Then you are going to take out your main lesson and you are going to copy the pictures of my
3. When you finish copying you are going to take out 2 worksheets and you are going to solve them
(earth layers, and earth layers vocabulary) you have inside the folder. (you have the pictures in
this document so it’s easier for you to find them)
4. And last you are going to do a model of the earth layers; with materials you find in your house,
you must be creative. (Una maqueta de la tierra con sus capas, usen su creatividad y materiales
que tienen en casa. Hay una foto al final del documento para que puedan tener una idea)

Earth layers
2 worksheets (earth layers, and earth layers vocabulary) you have inside the folder. Take them out and
solve them.

model of the earth layers (la maqueta de las capas de la tierra)

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