Meeting Saved Chat

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19:02:40 From José De Sousa to Everyone:

19:13:01 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Hi Khalil! Please say Horizon!
19:13:51 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
my mom knit amigurumis =)
19:14:01 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
19:27:07 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
Tengo tres preguntas sobre la materia
19:37:09 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Khalil, consulta sobre el ejemplo que escribiste recién ¿En inglés el “and”
se usa con una coma? No es como el español que no usas coma con el “y”
19:45:10 From Camila Josefa to Everyone:
En toda enumeración se puede hacer?
19:53:47 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Necesito ayuda
19:53:49 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
Necesito ayuda
19:53:58 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
Necesito ayuda
19:54:03 From Mey to Everyone:
Necesito ayuda
19:54:03 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Necesito ayuda
19:54:03 From Alba to Everyone:
necesito ayuda
19:54:15 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
Yo necesito ayuda
19:54:16 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
19:54:16 From Mey to Everyone:
Pero llevaía to
19:56:14 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
19:56:19 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
19:56:52 From Stephanie to Everyone:
And I´m so sorry Khalil, this week I couldn´t answer the HW you send in
WhatsApp. Only the work in teachable.
19:56:59 From Stephanie to Everyone:
20:02:46 From Alba to Everyone:
I study English because I want learn
20:02:53 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
I'm studying english beacause I want to learn it
20:02:53 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn english
20:02:54 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I´m studying English, because I want to learn.
20:02:58 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn it
20:03:03 From Evelin to Everyone:
I m studying English because I want to learn
20:03:06 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
I am study because I want to learn English
20:03:08 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I´m studying english because I want to learn
20:03:13 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn
20:03:14 From Mey to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn
20:03:19 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn
20:03:23 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I´m studing because I want to learn.
20:03:28 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
20:03:29 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
I am studing english because I want learn
20:03:33 From Ignacio Gonzalez Zuñiga to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn
20:03:33 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I am studing english because I want to learm
20:03:39 From Viridiana Areli Alvarez Contreras to Everyone:
I'm studyng English, because i want to learn
20:03:49 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
I am studying English because I want to learn.
20:03:55 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
Reacted to "I'm studying english..." with 😯
20:04:04 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I am studing english because I want to learn
20:04:11 From Brian Valdés to Everyone:
I am studying English because i want to learn
20:04:12 From Morin to Everyone:
I'm studing english because I want to learn
20:04:20 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
Replying to "I am studing english..."

20:04:20 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I am studing english because I want learn
20:04:24 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
me falto el To
20:04:37 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
I am studying because I want to learn
20:04:50 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
Replying to "I am studing english..."

me falto el to
20:05:12 From Alba to Everyone:
Reacted to "I study English beca..." with 😓
20:07:33 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Estuve peliando con eso toda la semana crying se ve super raro
20:08:24 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
de los pronombres solo el I va siempre en mayuscula?
20:12:22 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:12:34 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
I am working extras hours beacuse I need to earn money
20:12:40 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I´m working extra hours beacuse I need to earn money
20:12:43 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I'm working extra hours because I need to earn money.
20:12:43 From Mey to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:12:45 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I´m working extra hours, because I need earn money.
20:12:50 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
I am working overtime because i need money
20:12:50 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money.
20:13:00 From Ignacio Gonzalez Zuñiga to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:13:12 From Evelin to Everyone:
I'm working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:13:13 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
I am working extra time because I need to earn money
20:13:15 From Viridiana Areli Alvarez Contreras to Everyone:
I'm working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:13:17 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need earn money
20:13:23 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I'm working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:13:23 From Alba to Everyone:
I am working extras hours because I need earn money
20:13:34 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I need working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:13:37 From Brian Valdés to Everyone:
I am working overtime because I need to earn money
20:13:40 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:13:56 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
Replying to "I am working extra h..."

otra vez se me fue el to

20:13:58 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:14:22 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money (tenia mal escrito
because y el adjetivo va en singular😅)
20:14:29 From Felipe Saavedra to Everyone:
I'm working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:14:31 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I am working extra hour, because I need earn money
20:14:51 From Morin to Everyone:
I'am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:14:51 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:14:58 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
I am working extra hours because I need to earn money
20:15:41 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
Me equivoqué
20:15:44 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I am
20:16:33 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I am working extra h..."

Se me paso el to
20:17:15 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
El problema no es traducir la frase es crearla jaja
20:19:34 From Stephanie to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student.
20:19:40 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
The goods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:19:43 From Mey to Everyone:
Gods are proud because you are a excellent student
20:19:49 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:19:53 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:19:54 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
the gods are proud because you are a excellent student
20:20:04 From Evelin to Everyone:
The Goods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:07 From Ignacio Gonzalez Zuñiga to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:11 From Brian Valdés to Everyone:
The Gods are proud, because you are an excellent student
20:20:11 From Alexandra to Everyone:
Gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:12 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:12 From Mey to Everyone:
Gods are proud because you are a excellent student
20:20:17 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:28 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
Gods are proud because you are an excelent student
20:20:30 From Olimpia to Everyone:
The goods are proud, because you are an excellent student.
20:20:48 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:50 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student.
20:20:51 From Viridiana Areli Alvarez Contreras to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:52 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:20:53 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
a mi Tambien se me fue una o
20:20:59 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:21:00 From Morin to Everyone:
The gods are proud, because you are an excellent student
20:21:19 From Alba to Everyone:
The goods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:21:21 From Felipe Saavedra to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:21:43 From Olimpia to Everyone:
Replying to "The goods are proud,..."

Tengo una pésima escritura jaja

20:21:50 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
Replying to "Gods are proud becau..."

20:21:50 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
The goods are proud, because you are a student excelent
20:22:29 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "The goods are proud,..."

También me sobro la o
20:22:32 From Catalina Sepulveda to Everyone:
The gods are proud because you are an excellent student
20:27:00 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Todas las frases que llevan presente continuo se acompañan con THE? Porque si
digo los perros están ladrando igual me refiero a unos perros en especifico
20:27:50 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Me quedo claro 😄
20:30:45 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I'm buying a six pack because it's cheap and I want to drink beer.
20:30:49 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because It is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:30:50 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because it is cheap and I want to drink bear
20:30:50 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack, because is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:06 From Evelin to Everyone:
I'm buying a six pack because it is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:23 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because it's cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:27 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I´m buying a six pack because it´s cheap and I want to beer
20:31:28 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because it´s cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:28 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
I am buying a six pack because it is cheap and I want to drink beeer
20:31:32 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
I am buying a six - pack because it’s cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:39 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I´m buying a six-pack because it´s cheap and I want to drink beer.
20:31:42 From Alba to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack beacuse it is cheap and I want drink beer
20:31:47 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because it is cheap and I want to drink beer.
20:31:51 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because it is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:51 From Viridiana Areli Alvarez Contreras to Everyone:
I'm buying a six-pack, because it's cheap and I want to drink a beer
20:31:55 From Brian Valdés to Everyone:
Im buying a six pack because its cheap and I want to drink beer
20:31:56 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
🤣😅es casi nunca tomo cerveza (beer) jajaja
20:31:57 From Morin to Everyone:
I'm buying a six pack because it's cheap and I want ti drink beer
20:32:08 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
Replying to "I am buying a six-pa..."

*it is cheap
20:32:08 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
I am buying a six pack because it's cheap and I want to drink beer.
20:32:13 From Ignacio Gonzalez Zuñiga to Everyone:
I am buying a six pack because it's cheap and I want to drink beer
20:32:16 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I want to drink beer
20:32:27 From Morin to Everyone:
20:32:31 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I am buying a six pack because it is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:33:15 From Felipe Saavedra to Everyone:
I'm buying a six pack because it is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:33:28 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I am buy a six-pac, because is cheap and I want to drink beer
20:33:51 From Mey to Everyone:
I am buying a six-pack because it´s cheap and I want to drink beer
20:33:53 From Catalina Sepulveda to Khalil Wilson(Direct Message):
I have to go, Khalil, excuse me
20:34:07 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Replying to "I am buy a six-pac, ..."

me falto el it
20:36:08 From Stephanie to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because thay want to go to England.
20:36:15 From Alexandra to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:36:18 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:36:19 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
Floki y Helga are buliding a ship because they want to travel to England
20:36:21 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:36:22 From Mey to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a ship because they want to travel to England
20:36:27 From Olimpia to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are build a boat, because they want to travel to England
20:36:41 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:36:44 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
Floki y Helga are building a boat because they want to travel England
20:36:46 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat, because they want to travel to England
20:36:48 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are build a boat because l they want to travel England
20:36:51 From Alba to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel a England.
20:36:51 From Evelin to Everyone:
Floki and helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:36:53 From Morin to Everyone:
Floky and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:36:55 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
Floki and Helga They are building a ship because they want to travel iEngland
20:36:56 From Brian Valdés to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to england
20:37:02 From Viridiana Areli Alvarez Contreras to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a ship because they want to travel to England
20:37:03 From Olimpia to Everyone:
Replying to "Floki and Helga are ..."

20:37:05 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
floki and helga
20:37:07 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:37:30 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:38:24 From Alba to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel a England.
me equivoque, corrijo ".. to travel to England"
20:38:24 From Felipe Saavedra to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England
20:38:35 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
Floki and Helga are building a boat, because they want travel travel to
20:39:53 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
Floki y Helga are building a boat because they want to travel to England.
20:44:49 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
Tengo duda en poner coma o no antes del because
20:47:28 From Eduardo Paniagua to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:29 From Stephanie to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords because they are old.
20:47:32 From Rhayza Rodriguez Sandoval to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:33 From Mey to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:40 From Hugo Siquiem to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:43 From Alexandra to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:48 From Alba to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:49 From Lourdes Mendez to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:47:51 From dayana.arriaga to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords because they are old.
20:47:52 From Viridiana Areli Alvarez Contreras to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords because they are old
20:47:53 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
I´m seeling my swords because they are old
20:47:54 From Evelin to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords because they are old
20:47:57 From Aram Gálvez to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords because they are old
20:47:58 From Brian Valdés to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:48:00 From Camila Cisternas to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:48:08 From José De Sousa to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old.
20:48:10 From Felipe Saavedra to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords beacouse they are old
20:48:10 From Olimpia to Everyone:
I´m selling my swords because they are old.
20:48:21 From Keila Sanchez to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old
20:48:25 From Morin to Everyone:
I'm selling my swords because they are old.
20:48:33 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
20:48:43 From marcela cabello to Everyone:
teclado horrible
20:48:49 From Kathy Guerrero to Everyone:
I am selling my swords because they are old.
20:49:11 From Pablo Galvis to Everyone:
I am selling my sword because they are old
20:53:05 From Mey to Everyone:

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