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Benemérito Instituto Normal del Estado de Puebla

!Gral. Juan Crisóstomo Bonilla” Licenciatura en Enseñanza y

Aprendizaje en Telesecundaria
Inglés. Hacia Nuevas Perspectivas Globales
Mtra. Marlene Proskawer Espinosa
Docente en formación: Brenda Betsaida Hernández Alonso.

Private and public preschool education.

An unavoidable truth is that parents want their children to succeed, which includes giving

them the best education. However, as soon as children reach the age to start preschool, parents

have the responsibility to decide between sending them to a public or a private school and the

best option for them. To make a good decision, parents need to reflect on the advantages and

disadvantages of private and public schools.

Public preschool education has significant benefits for children and their parents. For

instance, public schools are free. That is, there is no cost to attend because schools are financed

by government resources, and children can apply for academic scholarships; therefore, parents

can collect some money. Another advantage is that public schools have an enormous diversity,

which stimulates interaction with different cultures and ethnicities. Also, children have the

chance to create social relationships. However, parents must consider the disadvantages of

studying in a public school. For example, public education is characterized by having larger class

sizes; therefore, students have a reduced time for individualized learning. The curriculum is less

flexible because the established academic programs, and the resources are inefficient.

On the other hand, private education offers individualized attention from teachers and

smaller class sizes. It also means that teachers and students can have a closer relationship and

they can profit from individualized learning. Parents can be influenced by the resources

provided; classrooms are well-equipped with good quality in their resources, and it also provides

a better infrastructure. Another advantage is academic opportunities, as there are extracurricular

activities, courses, and programs that will be a good opportunity for children. Despite all the

advantages, private schools are often quite expensive due to all the expenses for paying teachers.

In my opinion and experience, public schools are a good option for little children because

there is no cost to attend and parents can save, or even receive, some money, and children may

be exposed to a diversity of cultures and ethnicities. Public schools also have qualified teachers,

many programs, and a variety of activities for their academic progress. The decision of choosing

a public or private school depends on what the family considers as a good chance for the family

and their children.

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